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A Research Presented to
The Faculty of the College of Engineering and Technology
University of Saint La Salle
Bacolod City

In Partial Fulfilment
Of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science Major in Chemical Engineering


February 1, 2019

Background of the Study

Energy is a core prerequisite for everyday life. Its application ranges from

cooking, food processes, transportation, and complex industrial and commercial

applications. The continuous need for energy has been an elusive quest for

many people living in urban developed cities. Biomass, principally firewood and

charcoal, serves as source and accounts for an estimated 93% of demand

(Gregory et al., 2013). The result of this is a gradual depletion of the total forest

cover owing to the fact that the deforestation rate is higher than the forestation

efforts in the country. One of the most challenging undertakings facing our

country today is finding a means of expanding its energy services especially to

the households and at the same time addressing the health and environmental

consequences of over dependence on firewood.

The process of making fuel briquettes from agricultural waste is not new.

Many institutions have experimented on different agricultural residues to find out

which raw materials are possible for charcoal making. The Nepal-based

Foundation for Sustainable Technologies is training people to make the

briquettes, thus enabling them to produce their own fuel. The Legacy Foundation

and its partners have tested the briquette making process in urban and rural

areas such as Malawi, Peru, Mali, Uganda, Haiti, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Nicaragua

and the United States. It is now being used in many places such as Europe,
Haiti, India and even in the Philippines (Foundation for Sustainable

Technologies, 2007).

Biomass briquettes are bio-fuel substitute to coal, lignite and firewood

mostly made of green waste and organic materials. Briquettes have high specific

density and bulk density compared to loose biomass. These can stand the ardors

of long distance transport and cost much less since storage requirement is

drastically reduced. Compared to firewood or loose biomass, briquettes give

much higher boiler efficiency because of low moisture and higher density

(Kantimaleka, 2009).

Gondwe (2009) argues that, environmentally, the use of biomass

briquettes produces much fewer greenhouse gases specifically 13.8% to 14.7%

CO2 and 11.1% to 38.5% SO2 emission is lesser when compared to coal. Even

when there is co-firing which means the use of briquettes together with coal,

emission of pollution is still lower. The overall bio-briquetting process from

production to end-use offers solution to the disposal of harmful waste, results in a

cheaper from of energy, and is very eco-friendly (Wilaipon, 2013).

Philippines is a tropical country known for its abundance with nutritious

and refreshing fruits that most Filipinos and even foreigners are fond of eating.

However, in the process of consuming these appetizing fruits, the peelings that

were acquired are either wasted or thrown away. A lot of attempts were made to

formulate a solution to recycle these organic wastes and make them into

something useful.
Mango is one of the most common fruits that could be found in some

Filipino desserts. The production of mango in the Philippines is about one million

metric tons a year making the country as the largest exporter of mangoes in Asia

(Couto et al., 2017). According to Larrauri (1996), by-products from mango

industrial processing represent between 35-60% of the fresh fruit weight. The by-

products are mainly peel, seed and pulp residues. A regular three-month

production season contributes over 7,500 ton of polluting by-products. The

residues represent a waste of nutrients and source of environmental


The idea that biodegradable wastes may actually be converted into useful

fuel briquettes aroused the interest of the researcher to produce an alternative

fuel for heating which is less expensive and environment-friendly. The high

demand of fuel consumption is a key concept to opt with the utilization of mango

peelings as biomass fuel briquettes.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to produce biomass fuel briquettes from mango peelings.

The following are the specific questions the study aims to answer:

1. What are the resulting combustion characteristic of fuel briquettes from

mango peelings in terms of:

a. ash content,

b. moisture content,

c. ignition time and burning rate, and

d. water boiling time?

2. Is there a significant difference in the combustion properties of mango

peeling fuel briquettes from the commercially available bio-fuel briquettes?


Below are the null hypotheses of the study:

1. There is no significant difference between the mango peeling fuel

briquettes from the commercially available bio-fuel briquettes in terms

of ash content.

2. There is no significant difference between the mango peeling fuel

briquettes from the commercially available bio-fuel briquettes in terms

of moisture content.

3. There is no significant difference between the mango peeling fuel

briquettes from the commercially available bio-fuel briquettes in terms

of ignition time and burning rate.

4. There is no significant difference between the mango peeling fuel

briquettes from the commercially available bio-fuel briquettes in terms

of water boiling time.

Scope and Limitation

This study will be focusing in the utilization of the peelings of mango

(Mangifera indica) as components of fuel briquettes. For the determination of the

physical characteristics of the briquettes, the study will be limited to the

determination of the ash content, moisture content and calorific value of the

briquettes using the methods stated in the methodology which will be conducted

in the Chemical Engineering Reserved Laboratory of University of Saint La Salle,

Bacolod City, Negros Occidental.

The variety and quality of the mango peelings will depend on the

availability of the waste mango peeling in the commercial market of Victorias

City, Negros Occidental where the raw material will be collected. Moreover, the

difference of using a specific variety of mango compared to other varieties is

beyond the scope of the study.

Significance of the Study

The study is significant to the following beneficiaries:

Agriculture. Mango is not considered as Philippines’ national fruit for

nothing. It has a significant contribution to the country’s export earnings. Mango

has an established international slot markets and ranks as the third most

important fruit crop of the country next to pineapple and banana, based on export

volume and value. The mango peelings will be an additional source of income to

the farmers by selling it separately with mango fruit. This study will not only

increase the value of mango peeling but will also increase the value of mango


Economy. Many companies use biomass briquettes since they found out

about its benefits and how it can lower their carbon footprint while being

affordable. These briquettes are cheaper than coal in the long run, and can be
used for a long time. Due to the abundance of mango peelings, it will generate

more bio-fuel source for industries and create more jobs and opportunities for the

society. Increase in income for a certain area will contribute more development in

the way of life of people.

Waste Management. Every year, Philippines generate a large amount of

mango peelings and these were employed as compost or put to waste that can

actually contribute to natural disasters if not properly disposed. Finding an

alternative way of utilizing mango peelings may help reduce the amount of waste

and benefit humanity in return.

Environment. With the advancement of technology, most of the recent

innovations require fuel for production which contributes to the alarming climate

change and global warming. The production of biomass fuel briquettes from

mango peelings can be a great substitute for coal since they are made of natural

materials and do not add to the pollution in the world.

Energy. The biomass materials are compressed into briquettes so that

they can be used by energy producing companies to replace charcoal. These

burn just like charcoal but they do not produce any harmful effects to the

environment. They can be used to boil water and power turbines to generate

electricity. Biomass also gets rid of the need to have fossil fuels exported and

imported around the world, since it can be made domestically from plants and

animal waste. By the production of mango peelings fuel briquettes, it will help

lower the price of electricity for many cities that do not have oil or coal reserves.

It will mean affordable and safe energy for everyone.

Future Researchers. This study will help future researchers discover

other plants that can be processed and made into bio-fuel briquettes. This study

may be used as a basis for other innovations in the use of mango peelings as

raw material. Future researchers may also use data gathered from this study for

the production of a certain material.

Definition of Terms

The terms related and significant in this study are defined as follows:

Ash Content – The grayish-white to black, soft solid residue of

combustion (The Groiler International Dictionary, 1988).

Burning Rate – This is the ratio of the briquettes volume over the time it

takes for the briquettes to completely burn.

Fuel Briquette – An organic block of a flammable material that is the

output of this study.

Ignition Time – The time it takes for the briquettes to begin burning.

Mango peeling – It is the peeling of the fruit belonging to the genus

Mangifera that is a main component n the production of the briquettes.

Moisture Content – The diffuse wetness that can be felt as condensed

liquid of the briquettes (The Groiler International Dictionary, 1988).

Review of Related Literature

The review includes the conceptual and research literature which are

related to the research problems. It discusses concepts, literature, and studies

necessary in making the biomass fuel briquettes from mango peeling. They are

presented using the thematic approach.

Characteristics and Utilization of Mango Plant

Mango (Mangifera indica) is an evergreen tree which belongs to the

Anacardiacaea family. It can reach 20 meters in height but usually grows only

half its size when cultivated outside its place of origin (Chia et al., 1988). It has a

deep taproot and profuse surface roots (Litz, 2009), a stout trunk that

approximately reaches 90 cm in diameter and an umbrella-shaped crown that

may reach 20-40 m high (Orwa et al., 2009). The fruit is a large fleshy drupe of

very variable size, shape, color and taste (Litz, 2009). The chemical composition

of mango pulp varies with the location of cultivation, variety, and stage of

maturity. There is an increase from 1 to 14% in the starch content during fruit

development, and towards the end of maturity, both reducing and non-reducing

sugars are found to be increasing. The fruit ripening process involves a series of

physiological, biochemical, and organoleptic changes that lead to the

development of a soft, edible, ripe fruit with desirable qualities (Tharanathan,


Mango is the national fruit of the Philippines and according to Crop Life

International (2016), it is grown by around two and a half million smallholder

farmers on over seven million mango trees. Compared to other crops grown in

the Philippines like rice, corn, coconut and sugarcane, mangoes are a high value

crop and provide a huge boost to the rural and national economy.

Characteristics of Mango Peelings

The use for mango peelings ranges from food applications to medical

purposes. Mango peelings can be consumed with proper preparations, though its

acidity maybe toxic for some people. Mango peelings are abundant in calcium,

vitamin B6 and antioxidants and are abundant source of fiber. It may also be

used in some dishes as a special ingredient to add fruity taste and acidity as it

cooks (Cicione, n.d.). Mango peel is the major by-product of mango processing,

and compromises 7-24% of the total mango weight (Matharu, 2017). Ordaz et al.

(2018) concluded in one of their researches that mango peels contain bound

phenolic compounds that, after their release, have permeability similar to pure

compounds and exert an important cellular antioxidant activity.

According to the researchers of the Central Food Technological Research

Institute (2012), mango peel provides high quality pectin which makes the skin of

the fruit and ideal thickening agent for making jams and jellies. The researchers

also concluded that mango peelings can also be used as a digestive aid for

treating gastritis. Green and ripe mango peel powders (MPP) were added to

normal rice flour (NRF) and glutinous rice flour (GRF) at three levels (400, 800

and 1200 ppm) and their effects on physicochemical properties and lipid

oxidation inhibition were investigated by Siriamornpun et al. (2016). Overall, MPP

increased the breakdown viscosity and reduced the final viscosity in rice flours

when compared to the control. Decreasing in retrogradation was observed in

both NRF and GRF with MPP added of all levels. MPP addition also significantly

inhibited the lipid oxidation of all flours during storage (30 days). Retrogradation

values were strongly negatively correlated with total phenolic and flavonoid
contents, but not with fiber content. The hydrogen bonds and hydrophilic

interactions between phenolic compounds with amylopectin molecule may be

involved the decrease of starch retrogradation, especially GRF.

Dependency on Firewood and Charcoal

Energy problems are never rare, ranging from persistent blackouts to low

power production whose lasting solution is yet to be traced (Gregory et al., 2013).

The Government of Malawi launched a programme called Promotion of

Alternative Energy Sources Programme (PAESP) with the aim to reduce the use

of firewood and charcoal. One of the fuels included in the programme is the

biomass briquette (Zana, 2010). Urban households depend on firewood (50%)

and charcoal (43%). Other important sources of energy in urban households are

paraffin, candles and electricity (0.7%, 0.1%, and 13.6%, respectively). LPG is

used by 1% of urban households and 4% use paraffin for cooking, half use

paraffin only occasionally. Similarly, LPG is used infrequently as a backup for

cooking and illumination. Firewood is used mainly for cooking (76%), water

heating (22%) and space heating (2%). Charcoal is used for cooking (48%),

ironing (24%), space heating (16%) and water heating (12%) (Baruah, 2013).

Seventy-nine percent of urban fuelwood users collect some wood themselves

which results in more lopped branches. Forty three percent buy some, and

twenty-four percent buy all of their fuelwood. While almost all fuelwood used by

rural households is collected free of charge, that used by urban households is

purchased. In 2011, the wood consumed by urban households was estimated at

1.241 million tonnes, of which 844,550 tons, 68% was in the form of charcoal
(Zeller, 2012). Because most urban dwellers live in the four major towns, 86% of

the wood was used in them. Most of it, approximately 85%, was purchased in

local markets, the other 15% was obtained free of charge from local sources

(Sengar, 2012).

Importance of Biomass Fuel Briquettes

Yearly, huge amounts of agricultural residues and forest waste are

produced but these are either wasted or burnt inefficiently in their loose form

causing air pollution. Faulty use of these biodegradable wastes may cause

certain pollution in the atmosphere. Fortunately these can be utilized in the

production of fuel briquettes (Akinbami, 2001).

Fuel briquettes could be used as an alternative energy source for household use.

These are made from combination of organic materials such as grass, leaves,

saw dust, rice husk, and any type of paper. These materials are then

compressed in a fuel briquette press. The fuel briquette produced is

environment-friendly since it utilized waste materials. In comparison with fossil

fuels, the briquettes are easier to produce because it is a renewable source of

energy (Shrestha, n.d.)

Wood has been an important source of fuel for mankind throughout the

ages. From the earliest times, mankind has added coal to his fuel resources, and

much later, gases manufactured from coal and mineral oils. The common fuels

differ much in the heat which they give out when burned. While many factors are

concerned in the value of a fuel, the chief one is its heat of combustion or

calorific value (McPherson, 1942). The ideal fuel should not be expensive and it
should kindle readily as it should have an enough amount of heat content (Dull,


Using crop residues as an energy source will reduce consumption of fossil

fuels, and in the process, reduces the emission of greenhouse gases to the

environment. Few people realize the degree to which energy systems affect the

environment, although, many are becoming aware of damage from specific

activities. Converting fossil and nuclear fuels into energy leads to air pollution,

water pollution, creation of solid wastes, land disruption, and aesthetic

degradation (The New Book of Popular Science, 1978). Biomass may be utilized

as energy carriers such as charcoal, oil or gas. Combustion is the most

developed and most frequently applied process used for solid biomass fuels

because of its low costs and high reliability (Gravalos, 2010).

Briquettes have various uses from household to industrial. With the

increasing prices of fuel, practical consumers are finding cheaper alternative

sources of heat that may be usable for cooking, heating water and production

processes, firing ceramics, fuel for gasifiers to generate electricity and for

powering boilers to generate steam. Briquettes are most commonly produced

using briquette presses, but when it is not available, briquettes may also be mold

by hand (Grover, 1996).

Related Studies on Briquettes

The fuel consumption efficiency, calorific values, boiling time, burning rate,

specific fuel consumption and ignition time of traditional fuel sources utilized in

Africa have been investigated. The approximate ash content of papaya peelings
plus sawdust is 10.14% and its approximate moisture content is 69%, whereas

the calorific value is 14,150 kJ/kg (Michelle et al., 2012). The fuel utilization

efficiency of the water hyacinth briquette is (28.17±0.88%), charcoal is (43.29 ±

0.19%), red mangrove wood is (23.55±0.56%) and firewood is (21.31±0.28%) in

Africa. The fuel utilization values differed significantly between the variables.

Furthermore, the fuel efficiency of charcoal is (43.29 ± 0.19%) was the highest,

followed closely by fuel briquette which is (28.17±0.88%). However, the produced

fuel briquettes complied with the standard regulations for the protection of the

environment, particularly in area of low emissions of harmful substances such as

SO2 and NO2 to the atmosphere. Produced briquettes were found to be safer

than charcoal due to emission of dangerous gases to the environment. The

results were compared to the commercial sawdust briquettes and to the minimum

requirements of DIN 51731 (Purohit et al., 2006). The calorific value of water

hyacinth briquette was found to be higher than calorific values of firewood and

mangrove but lower than charcoal. This is an indication that more heat during

combustion may be generated from briquette than firewood and mangrove but

lesser than that of charcoal (Kuti, 2007).

The burning rate values of the energy sources ranged between

0.97±0.01g/min (charcoal) and 2.49±0.01g/min (firewood). The variation of the

burning rate values of fuel types was significantly different. Charcoal recorded

the lowest burning rate than other energy sources. This observation could be due

adduced to porosity exhibited between inter and intra–particles which enable

easy infiltration of oxygen and out flow of combustion briquettes (Michelle et al,
2012). Onuegbu et al. (2011) reported factors that could be responsible for

burning rate of biomass (briquettes) such as chemical composition, volatile

matter content and geometry (bulk and packing orientation) of the biomass.

The specific fuel consumption of the four fuel sources were 217.00±0.58g

(briquette), 228.00±2.52g (charcoal), 264.00±2.08g (firewood) and 253.33±1.86g

(mangrove). The variation of the specific fuel consumption values of the studied

energy sources was significantly different. Hence, biomass of higher ash content

tends to consume more fuel for cooking than biomass of lower ash content.

According to Onuegbu et al. (2011), percentage ash content is one of the factors

that affect specific fuel consumption of fuel briquettes negatively. The percentage

ash content as reported is 18.23% for coal while the present result recorded ash

content ranged from 5.3 to 6.7% for mixture of water hyacinth with binder. The

ash content values for some agricultural wastes namely palm oil effluent

(10.97%), corn cob (4.85%), yam peels (4.56%), mango peels (4.33%), black

walnut hull (4.10%), cherry (3.80%), coconut shell (3.47%) and orange peels

(2.66%) (Jekayinfa, 2005).

The mean moisture contents of cassava and yam peels residues were

10.19% and 9.27% respectively, while those of relaxed briquettes were 8.76%

and 7.95% respectively. The initial, maximum and relaxed densities were 251.50

kg/m3, 741.13 kg/m3 and 386.4 kg/m3 respectively for briquettes produced from

cassava peel, while the corresponding values for briquettes produced from yam

peel were 283.40 kg/m3, 911.45 kg/m3 and 512.54 kg/m3 respectively. The

compaction ratio of 2.94 and 3.21 were obtained for briquettes produced from
cassava and yam peels respectively (Zhanbin, 2011). The higher heating value

of briquettes from cassava peel was found to be 12,765kJ/kg, while the

corresponding value for yam peel was 17,348kJ/kg. The results of this work

indicate that briquettes produced from the two biomass residues would make

good biomass fuels. However, findings show that yam peel briquette has more

positive attributes of biomass fuel than its cassava peel counterpart. It has a

moderate moisture content of 10.95 %, higher density of 911.45 kg/m3 and lower

relaxation ratio of 1.78. Other positive attributes of yam peel briquette over

cassava peel are long after glow time of 375 seconds and slow propagation rate

of 0.16 cm/s. It also has higher heating value of 17,348 kJ/kg and compressive

strength of 1.76 kN/m2 compared to cassava peel, which are 12,765 kJ/kg and

1.53 kN/m2 respectively (Purohit et al., 2006).

Production of Fuel Briquettes Method

A study on the feasibility of biomass fuel briquettes from banana plant

wastes examined the issues with making fuel briquettes from banana plant

waste. Several mixture or blend formulations were prepared which included

materials such as sawdust, paper pulp, leaves, banana fronds and plant bark,

peanut shells, composted hosts plants, and wood chips. Briquettes were made

using the micro compound lever press with mold diameter of three inches and a

center hole of one inch. Alternative briquettes were made using a caulking gun

press or hand-made ball briquettes. Some formulations were over dried at 300°F

for two hours and some five hours. Tests performed were moisture tests and

burn test (Hite & Smith, 2011).

Ash Content

The amount of inorganic material in biomass, either structural or

extractable, should be measured as part of the total composition. Structural ash

is inorganic material that is bound in the physical structure of the biomass, while

extractable ash is inorganic material that can be removed by washing or

extracting the material. Extractable ash can be the result of soil remaining in the

biomass (Hames et al., 2005).

Moisture Content

The moisture content which is also referred to as water content is an

indicator of the amount of water present in a certain substance. By definition,

moisture content is the ratio of the mass of water in a sample to the mass of

solids in the sample, expressed as a percentage (ASTM, 2001).

Calorific Value

Fuels are substances that can normally burn readily in air or oxygen to

produce large quantity of heat. Different types of fuels have different heats of

combustion. The calorific value or fuel value of a fuel is the amount of heat

energy given out when one gram of the fuel is completely burnt in excess of

oxygen. A fuel with a high calorific value releases a lot of heat per gram when it

burns (Veerendra, 2017). The amount of the calorific value will be of great factor

in quantifying the quality of a certain material. In most of the studies conducted

aiming to produce an alternative fuel, the calorific value hugely dictates the

success of the study (Aina et al., 2010).


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