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Domain B Supporting Literature Review

William Mayoral

TED 690

National University

This paper is used to set forth my reasoning for choosing the artifacts to populate domain

B of my PDQP. This gives literary justification to each of my selected artifacts. This will also

include personal reflection of each of my selected artifacts.

Domain B focuses on assessing student learning. I knew that I wanted to be able to focus

on my student assessment from the area of formal and informal assessment. My first artifact is a
paper that I wrote on assessments and their application, the second is a standard breakdown and

my application of assessment strategy, and the third is a presentation for a literature review

exploring different means of assessment.

For my first artifact I chose a paper I wrote on informal and formal applications of

assessments in the classroom. This covered TPE 2 (CA 2013, pg.11). I wanted to be able to share

forms of assessment that I wanted to present in my classroom, and rationale as to why I selected

given assessments. This covers a wide variety of assessments that I generated so I felt as though

this was a great starting point for me to include these in my PDQP.

My second artifact was a breakdown of a selected English standard. From this breakdown

I also go through to apply an assessment idea for this given standard. My reasoning for choosing

this artifacts comes from our text’s section on evaluating your performance standards, “

Performance standards identify the knowledge, dispositions, and skills that a teacher should

know and be able to demonstrate. They provide conceptual framework for portfolio development

and documentation.” (Constantino 2009, pg. 42) When I look at this document I see conceptual

framework. This is a precursor to the planning of assessments and lessons. This shows my

foundation and reasoning for giving a selected assessment.

Finally I chose my presentation on assessment strategies. This was a book review for

another course I took here at National. This presentation was a way for me to show the different

assessments both formal and informal that I came up with throughout that course. I feel that it

gives a good example of different assessments that I have learned about and become familiar

with. This is almost as I would describe it, a look inside the tool box. With this artifact I want to

be able to show observers the range of assessments that I know, and my pedagogical reasoning

for applying them to a given lesson. This document also provides use of imagery and bullet
points to make it digestible to readers, and not just another full length paper to read. I am trying

to create a PDQP that has the versatility to operate with different forms of media.


California Teaching Performance Expectations. (2013, March). Retrieved April 20, 2020, from
Costantino, P. M., N., D. L., & Tirrell-Corbin, C. (2009). Chapter 4. In Developing a
professional teaching portfolio a guide for success. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Allyn &

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