Pentadic Criticism Handout

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Pentadic Criticism

“Scene, Act and the Tragic Frame” by: Anna Kimberly Turnage
Thesis: Using Kenneth Burke’s pentad, I will argue that the rhetoric emanating from the
prosecution and Durham residents was dominated by a scene-act ratio. Pg. 142
Sub-points: 1) Those who criticized the duke Lacrosse players-- referred to here as the
“prosecution” --scapegoated them as representatives of a Duke student body that had repeatedly
disrespected the citizens of Durham. 2) In turn, those individuals who defended the players--
referred in this paper as “the defense”--also focused on scene and act by scapegoating the local
community and the district attorny for the embarassment the case eventually caused the city and
the university as a whole, and for ruining the lives of the three men charged with rape. Pg. 142

*Important to note: Turnage approaches the Duke Rape Case from the court of public opinion*

Burke’s Pentad
Scene: 610 Buchanan Boulevard, Durham,
North Carolina
SCE Tensions between the Durham community
and the university (metaphysically)
NE Agent: Three Duke lacrosse players, alleged
rape victim and Durham District Defense
ACT AGE Act: Making the Durham community the
scapegoat / creating a scapegoat for the
NT Durham community
Agency: Emphasizing the impact of classism
against the players vs. emphasizing the racism
and disrespect that the players displayed
toward the victim
Purpose: Justice! #dadaLawandOrdersound
Tragic vs. Comic Frames
NCY POS Tragic Frame: “Requires a sacrificial
scapegoat who suffers, dies or is banished by
E society in a symbolic attempt to ride itself of
chaos, disease and impurity.” pg. 149
How does this apply to the Duke Rape Case?

Comic Frame: “The blame is not placed on one party. Instead of scapegoating, mortification--
purging guilt through self-blame--occurs among the parties involved.”
How does Burke’s Pentad apply to tragic frames and comic frames? What ratio is
emphasized in each?

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