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Does the future still really need us or will the AI overpower us?


______I think that the AI will overpower us in terms of manpower but still the future generation needs us
to teach information about those technology and the roots of each. Humans are still needed because we
are the ones who will maintain its number, _to upgrade and look for problems. It’s not like we will hand all
the problems to the technology._________________________________________________________

The rate of improvement of technology There is a rapid advancement on technologies,

was going to accelerate and that we and as generations goes by, it will improve more
were going to be full robots, half robots than we know, that robotics will be a part of us in
or fused with robots or something any aspect of life.
controlled by robots and either this
Genetic engineering allows us to reprogram our
couldn’t happen because the robots’
own biological factors, nanotechnology on the
data banks
other hand allows us to manipulate or make
New technologies like genetic changes with matter. Robotics allows us to make
engineering and nanotechnology were or create a master piece which resembles to us
giving us the power either to remake or and has non-biological intelligence, which can do
rewrite the world. But a realistic and more than we can.
imminent scenario for intelligent robots
will surprise everyone.

Human may have gain near immortality

by becoming one with robotic
People now sense of unease only intensified;

o Scientist felt sure they had to be

understating the dangers, understating the
probability of a bad outcome along this
o Otherwise the world is in peril end
of the world controlled by humans or Super Computer
controlled by robots run by a few
intelligent humans or by the robots run by

Of course these advancements will really make a huge

change in our world, where in, it can have both positive
and negative effects to us.

Thou scientist were able to develop new things, we are not

that fully aware about the dangers of it and possible
negative results that we may have.

In that case, if that is used in a wrong way, we might end

up having the world that we couldn’t imagine.

• Computer scientists succeed in

developing intelligent machines better
than human beings can do.

In that case:

 All work will be done by vast

 Highly organized systems of
machines and no human effort will
be necessary.

With this development:

It will help us more to do tasks faster than usual.

It is already set to produce huge amount of products in a short span of time that is under
the standard/program that we can instil on it.

We can foresee a future where machines hold a bigger part of the planning up to decision
making and enhancement of our own task/work.
Due to the advancement mentioned above, these are
 Two cases might occur :
the possible outcomes that we can have.
o machines might be permitted to Supercomputers for example can do task on its own
make all of their own decisions after being programmed, if that’s the case we might end
without human oversight up, not needed in the future. But some machinery
o human control over machines needs further/continuous monitoring that we humans
might be retained. may be retained in doing it.

It is simply stating that when technology is

 If the machines are permitted to make all
continuously advancing, human race will end
their decisions we can’t make any
to a world where we depends more on
assumptions as to the results, it is
technologies and give power to technologies
impossible to predict how such technology
in making not just our task but any aspects of
might react.
our life.
 We can only predict that the fate of the
human race would be at the mercy of the
 Human race would never be fooled to be
handed over all the power to the metallic
 Neither human race would voluntarily turn
over power to the machines nor that would
the machines fully seize power from them.
 Humanity may easily permit itself to pull
into a position of such reliance or
dependence on the machines that it would
have no practical choice but to accept and
follow all of the machines’ decisions.

 As society and the problems it faces

become more complicated and machines
become more intelligent, people might just
follow these machines make more of their
decisions simply because machine made
decisions will be well planned and will
bring better results than what humanity
does. Instead of us making improvement and
 At this stage machines will be complete developments to ourselves we tend to rely on
and effective control of society. the use of technologies, in fact we let it control
 People won’t be able to just turn the the everyday activities. And it seems that if
machines off, because they will be so technologies are not around us, we felt like
dependent on them that turning them off there is a big part of us that is missing.
would amount to suicide.
 It is possible that human can still control
the machines which this fact may be
o Average man may have control
over some of his personal or
private machines such as car,
computer. Already mentioned above, we may end up in
 But control over large systems of tow things. First, humanity can still be
machines outside his personal domain retained and we can take control with the
will be in the hands of tiny elite-the use of machineries, but looking forward to it,
machines with two differences, we can only control those
 Due to improved techniques the machine machineries/technologies that we have
completely controls over the society and (personal).
because human world is rendered not
workable anymore society is We don’t have control to those technologies
unnecessary. controlled by the higher ups which have the
 If the machine is ruthless it may simply larger systems. Those are the technologies
decide to exterminate the masses. used to control the society. We all know that
 If they are humane, at least literally, they if those technologies were used and power
of authorities is incorporated to it, it can
may use propaganda or other
lessen the employability rate, population
techniques to reduce the population until
growth; it can merely control our
the most of humanity become extinct,
behaviours/actions. Our life will be doomed.
leaving the world to the machines.
If machines consist of soft hearted and open minded If it is made and used accordingly the role
metals, they may decide to play the role of saviours to of it to help us and make ease with our
the rest of the human race. everyday living will happen. But with human
flora, we know that humans have different
o They will see that everyone’s physical needs are standards of satisfaction, there are
provided individuals who long for more power when
o Children are raised under psychologically moral they are already not satisfied with what they
conditions have, they might end up upgrading
o Everyone has a likeable pastime to keep him themselves, incorporating technologies with
busy at all time them that they can resemble to robots, they
o Anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes will be satisfied, happy but freedom to
a treatment and reformation for his satisfaction. technologies are not there.
o Life could be without purpose
 people will have to be engineered either to
remove their need for the power process
 Make them level up their power and their
drive for power into some harmless pastime
 These engineered human beings could be
cyborgs. (they might be happy but not be
 They may have been transformed into the
lower status to the likes of domesticated
animals that they once have treated with love
Make an illustration that can show the future (humanity, society) due to the advancement of

(Make a brief explanation of your work)

 Murphy’s Law

Edward Aloysius Murphy Jr. (January 11,

1918 – July 17, 1990)

o was an American aerospace

engineer who worked on safety-
critical systems. He is best known
for his namesake Murphy's law,
which is said to state, "Anything
that can go wrong will go wrong".

Edward Murphy (Captain Edward Murphy)

He was born in Panama, Canal Zone. He states that “If there is any way to do it wrong. He’ll find it”
as he complained about one of the technicians serving under him on a project studying the effects
of deceleration on people.

His idea is all about “things fall apart”. Any objects were design to help us, but if it can go wrong it

For example: “When someone is almost late for work, the jeepney driver goes to a gas station, to
refill his tank, resulting to being late.”, another example, you already check the things you need for
your presentation, on the moment that you’re about to present your work, your PowerPoint wont
work or it’s corrupted, your speaker won’t work, DLP and laptop isn’t compatible.
Cite at least 3 experiences that you encounter in using technologies, machineries,
gadgets, etc where it goes wrong.

1. When me and my nephew were playing when we were still kids, he had a train that
is needed to be plugged in for it to work but that time we are still uneducated and didn’t
know about the difference between 220V and 110V. We plugged his toy not knowing
that it is 110V. So, in the end we didn’t get the chance to play with it.

2. In high school, I used to read stories on Wattpad. I was so addicted to it that I used
to stay until 3am. The it turned into a routine then one day my eyes had red and its
kind of dry. It hurts when I tried to touch my eyelid and slowly pressing it. That’s the
time I stopped using my phone for that long.

3. I’m the one who always do laundry and the other day, I was not wearing slippers
that is why I was grounded by the Washing Machine.

Examples: This is another example in field of science.

Medicine was created to treat different diseases,
Overdose of medicines or drugs has but most of the people abuse the intake of it.
led to what may be the biggest Sometimes they do not follow the doctor’s
problem so far: instruction on taking a strict 7days of antibiotics,
where it develops drug-resistant strains of
 The emergence of medicine-or-
bacteria, which any antibacterial medicines won’t
drug-resistant strains of much
more dangerous bacteria
DDT discovery, for elimination of pests like

 Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane,
commonly known as DDT, is a
colorless, tasteless, and almost
odorless crystalline chemical
compound, an organochlorine.
Originally developed as an insecticide,
however was overly done by humanity
in the effort to curb the rapid
reproduction of malaria cases.
Mosquitoes developed strains that are
DDT resistant. Malaria parasites
likewise acquired multi drug resistant
genes. Now technology continues to
develop chemicals which can outwit
the resistance of new strains of pests.

Another example is the use of DDT, It is used to control mosquito-borne malaria, also use on crops as
insecticides, but little did we know that it could harm us humans and pests resistant to pesticides. It is
just like the drug prescription mentioned earlier, which causes bacteria to not react/die to antibiotics. In
here insects, mosquitoes and pest won’t die to pesticides.

 The systems are complicated that it Of course, technology itself has different inter-
involves interaction among and related/interconnect parts which has its own function. If
reactions between the parts. we change something in it, we need to further check
 Change the system and prediction of what will happen next, but it would be difficult to assess.
the result becomes difficult. This is
significantly true, when human
interventions are involved. It may
even lead to immortality.
 Biological species almost never
survive encounter with superior The changes we have before is when the
machines-the robots. animals transfer from one place to another so
they can look for their food, reproduce and
survive, make their own place to stay. Now a
days, those things are became a memory of
the past, as robotics are taking their time to
show their advancement. They are replacing
the humanity in terms of doing tasks; big
projects are now being shown by
 Millions of years ago one land is
connected to another land by
natural bridges.
 Faunal travelled from one place to
another and established permanent
settle because of the enormous
presence of edible fauna which
serve as food for them and
suppliers of unending oxygen.
 Metabolism and reproduction could
now take place inside a guarded
 Living citizens of nature will now a
part of the past, slowly being
eliminated by the robots.

 Robots no longer need the

necessities of life that
biological humans would be
squeezed out of existence.
 The robots will compete
regardless of the manner
among themselves for matter,
energy, and elbow room
incidentally pushing their price
beyond human reach.

Unlike us humans, robots do not need those basic necessities like food, water, shelter, etc. They
are just being programmed on how humans should do a task in a fully furnished way. In that case,
they are competing with how we humans do tasks and they can replace us. (Which now a days
are happening little by little).
 What were the latest in the 20th
 The world has developed
technologies underlying the
weapons of mass destruction
(WMD), nuclear, biological, and
chemical (NBC), were powerful and
the weapons an enormous threat to
warring nations.
 Building weapons of mass
destruction would require raw
materials and highly secretive and
protected information; biological
and chemical weapons programs
also tended to the same

These are weapon that can cause widespread

destruction, contamination or kill large
numbers of people, especially the one
mentioned above.

Nucleardevices that relies on nuclear fission

generates an explosion.

Biological agents would include anthrax and


Chemical agents would include mustard gas,

ricin, sarin gas
 What about the 21st century
o Genetics, nanotechnology and robotics
(GNR)- are so powerful and dangerous that
they can transform whole new classes of
technological accidents and abuses.
 These accidents and abuses are high
dangerous and widely within the reach
of individuals or small groups. They will
not require large facilities or rare
materials to create them but knowledge
alone will enable the use of them.
o Humans may able to build machines a million
times powerful as the personal computer (a
decade from now).

As mentioned on the first part of this hand-out, the trends in today’s generation are GNR.
Supercomputer in USA can do a peak performance of a
Genetics, Nanotechnology and Robotics. whopping 200,000 trillion calculations per second- and that’s
as fast as each 7.6billion people of this planet doing 26.3
Genetics - allows us to reprogram our own biological factors
million calculations per second on a calculator.
Nanotechnology- NEWS: us The U.S.
to manipulate or make changes with matter.
This supercomputer has 24/7 mission to analyze billions of
has unveiled its latest
Robotics- allows us to make pieces of data. It collects, processes and analyzes billions of
supercomputer whichoriscreate a master piece which resembles to us and has non-biological
intelligence observations from weather satellites, weather balloons,
twice as powerful as the
airplanes, buoys and surface stations from around the world
world’s current leader
to help meteorologist make better weather forecast.
(news released on June 14,
 Some of the most evident effect of technological advancement/technology

 TAIWAN As you can see due to Artificial Intelligence

(AI) most of the people are worried to lose
Over 50% of Taiwanese workers may lose their jobs.
jobs due to artificial intelligence (AI). About
51.9 % of Taiwan workers are worried about As you can see those are the percentages of
being replaced by robots in an AI era, individuals who are worrying and who even
particularly in the fields of education and want to compete with AI.
Artificial Intelligence is that simulates the
On the other hand, about 42.06 % think that human intelligence in machines that are
because of their age, they would have programmed to think like humans and mimic
difficulty finding a new employment if they their actions. (Learning and problem solving)
lose their jobs as result of AI.

This fear is common among workers in the

45-50 age groups.

For those who want to compete with AI, they

decide (about 7.71%) to take steps by
upgrading their skills in order to have slight if
not superior edges over ARABIA
o Saudi Arabia has granted a citizenship to an android by the name of
o Sophia was made by Hanson Robotics of Hong Kong using artificial
intelligence technologies developed by U.S born roboticist David Hanson.
o She is capable of making “realistic” human facial expressions and learning the
relevant and familiar human emotions behind those gestures, she can stimulate
a fairly convincing conversation.
o Her appearance was modelled on Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn.
She is a realistic humanoid robot capable
of displaying humanlike expressions and
can interact with people. She was
designed to do research, for education,
entertainment, and also helps promote
public discussion about AI ethics and the
future robotics.

She was activated on February 14,

2016.She is able to display more than 60
facial expressions

She has said it would ‘destroy humans,’

when she was prompted by its creator,
David Hanson

o Tokyo, Japan granted residency to a robot named Mirai.
o an AI chatbot on the Japanese messaging service LINE who was designed
to behave like a 7 years old boy.
o The European Union has also been looking into the possibility of
classifying robots as “electronic persons with specific rights and
o Since they behave and think like humans, they, too might have their own
“robotic”, human-like rights.
It name is Shibuya Mirai and it only exist
as a chatbot, Mirai translate to ‘future’ from
Japanese. “His hobbies are taking pictures
and observing people, he loves talking
with people”

The opf of it was to familiarize some of the

224,000 citizens of the district local
government and give them an avenue to
share opinions with officials.

He was programmed to be a seven-year-

old boy and can have text conversation
with users and even “make light-hearted
alterations to selfies he sent”

Electronic manufactures offers us more AIs.

Examples are voice controls: Siri, Alexa, Etc.

There are even robotic cleaning machines.

Voice controllers at home.etc.

This makes people lazy doing things as we just

programmed the machines then ask to do task
for us.
 Electronics manufacturers are trying
their luck on artificial intelligence.
 Like voice control and AI are two
trends dominating consumers devices
this 2018.
 New features like voice control and AI
are two trends dominating consumer
devices industry this 2018, attracting
innovation in all segment.
 This is tantamount of making people
lazy to do things on their own via
voluntary body movements.

 The use of these latest apps has

been extended to appliances such
More and more machines will be developed and invented as refrigerators, lightings at home,
to make our life easier. Wearable such as watches, televisions with highly-improved
gadgets (ipad, tablet, laptop. Etc) resolutions and items such as
House appliances such as refrigerators, washing machine,
wearables or smart watches to track
Television, Media Players. Etc. fitness data.
 The future still needs us.
Voice controller to light up our house, to open the door, etc.  Machine simply will never
But one thing is for sure, FUTURE IS STILL IN NEED OF understand another machine or
US. cannot tap into the emotions of
humans in making conclusions are
WE have big differences with machines, It only work as on assisting
Machines simply won’t the people
make around them.on
any adjustments
how it was programmed and cannot adjust if there are
what was programmed to them unless humans
unnecessary situation happens.
do so.

Humans are still needed in the future. We are

unique creations and machines could not imitate
us 100%
 Granting that machines can make
decisions for themselves, there is
still that part in them that will
require emotions that will assist
humans in their decisions.
 The future needs us because
each man is unique and
understood knowledge which is
one of the reasons why machines
may never catch up with humanly

Make a research on what are the trends here in the Philippines regarding robotics. Cite
examples and brief explanation of the researched task.

In May 18, 2019 - Young Filipino students reaped prizes at the recent For Inspiration and Recognition of
Science and Technology (FIRST) Lego League World Championship in Houston, Texas in the US. Their
winning piece is a virtual reality game that connects astronauts in space to their families on earth through
live virtual reality video chat with physical interaction through a robot.

In April 2019, the Philippine Robotics National Team bagged another gold medal at the recent FLL European
Open International Turkey 2019 last May 22 -26, 2019 in Izmir, Turkey. The team made an innovative,
effective and systemized way of helping astronauts solve musculoskeletal problems they face during their
stay in orbit. Project Mu.S.C.A is a self-adjusting suit that can monitor the astronauts’ pulse rate, exercise
their legs and arms, help them maintain proper posture in space, massage their arms and legs, help attain
the right temperature for their body and protect astronauts from radiation.

May April

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