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An Integrated Architecture for Future Car Generations

P. Peti, R. Obermaisser F. Tagliabo, A. Marino, S. Cerchio

Vienna University of Technology Centro Ricerche Fiat
Austria Orbassano, Italy
{php,ro} {fulvio.tagliabo,reti1,stefano.cerchio}

Abstract optimal interplay of application subsystems, reliabil-

ity improvements with respect to wiring and connec-
Depending on the physical structuring of large distrib- tors, and overcome limitations for spare components
uted safety-critical real-time systems, one can distinguish and redundancy management. An ideal future system
federated and integrated system architectures. The DE- architecture would thus combine the complexity man-
COS architecture combines the complexity management agement advantages of the federated approach, but would
advantages of federated systems with the functional inte- also realize the functional integration and hardware ben-
gration and hardware benefits of an integrated approach. efits of an integrated system [7, p. 32]. The challenge
This paper investigates the benefits of the DECOS inte- is to devise an integrated architecture that provides a
grated system architecture as an electronic infrastructure framework with generic architectural services for inte-
for future car generations. The shift to an integrated ar- grating multiple application subsystems within a sin-
chitecture will result in quantifiable cost reductions in the gle, distributed computer system, while retaining the
areas of system hardware cost and system development. error containment and complexity management bene-
In the paper we present a current federated Fiat car fits of federated systems.
E/E architecture and discuss a possible mapping to an in- There is a steady increase in electronics in automo-
tegrated solution based on the DECOS architecture. The tive systems in order to meet the customer’s expecta-
proposed architecture provides a foundation for mixed- tion of a car’s functionality. Cars are no longer simple
criticality integration with both safety-critical and non means of transportation but rather need to convince
safety-critical subsystems. In particular, this architec- customers with respect to design, performance, driving
ture supports applications up to the highest criticality behavior, safety, infotainment, comfort, maintenance,
classes (10−9 failures per hour), thereby taking into ac- and cost. In particular during the last decade, elec-
count the emerging dependability requirements of by-wire tronic systems have resulted in tremendous improve-
functionality in the automotive industry. ments in passive and active safety, fuel efficiency, com-
fort, and on-board entertainment. In combination with
a “1 Function - 1 Electronic Control Unit (ECU)” de-
sign philosophy that is characteristic for federated ar-
1. Introduction chitectures, these new functionalities have led to elec-
tronic systems with large numbers of ECUs and a het-
One can distinguish two classes of systems for dis- erogeneity of communication networks.
tributed applications, namely federated and integrated
However, in order to satisfy the industrial demands
systems. In a federated system, each application sub-
on performance, dependability and cost with respect
system has its own dedicated computer system, while
to a large variety of different car platforms, the cur-
an integrated system is characterized by the integra-
rent state-of-the-art system development methodology
tion of multiple application subsystems within a single
is heavily imposed to be reviewed, because of
distributed computer system. Federated systems have
been preferred for ultra-dependable applications due • the strong competition among the carmakers;
to the natural separation of application subsystems,
• the requirement to continuously improve comfort
which facilitates fault-isolation and complexity man-
functionality with stringent time-to-market con-
Integrated systems, on the other hand, promise mas-
sive cost savings through the reduction of resource du- • the introduction of by-wire vehicle control and
plication. In addition, integrated systems permit an those functions introduced following normative

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
pressure (e.g., fuel consumptions); Subsystems (DASs) with different levels of criticality
• a demand of greater versatility of the vehicle, con- and different requirements concerning the underlying
ceived in a new view about modularity and stan- platform. Structuring rules guide the designer in the
dardization. decomposition of the overall system both at a func-
tional level and for the transformation to the physical
In particular, a low number of ECUs offers signif- level. In addition, the DECOS integrated architecture
icant benefits with respect to architecture complex- aims at offering to system designers generic architec-
ity, wiring, mounting, hardware cost and many others. tural services, which provide a validated stable base-
Thus, a reduction of the number of ECUs is of great in- line for the development of applications.
It is the objective of this paper to present the DE-
COS integrated architecture for dependable embedded 2.1. Functional System Structuring
control systems for future automotive systems. This in-
tegrated architecture is based on a time-triggered core Until now, the introduction of structure and hi-
architecture and a set of high-level services that sup- erarchical relationships represents the only promis-
port the execution of newly developed and legacy ap- ing approach for understanding complex systems with
plications across standardized technology-invariant in- large numbers of parts and interactions between these
terfaces. Rigorous encapsulation guarantees the inde- parts [26, chap. 8]. This insight applies to all techni-
pendent development, seamless integration, and oper- cal systems and in particular to the mastering of large,
ation without unintended mutual interference of the complex real-time computer systems. The complexity
different application subsystems. The integrated archi- of a large real-time computer system can only be man-
tecture offers an environment to combine both safety- aged, if the overall system can be decomposed into
critical and non safety-critical subsystems within a sin- nearly-independent subsystems with linking interfaces
gle distributed computer system. The architecture ex- that are precisely specified in the value and time do-
ploits the encapsulation services to guarantee that soft- main [14]. Near-independence is the ability of a sub-
ware faults cannot propagate from non safety-critical system to serve its purpose independently from the de-
subsystems into subsystems of higher criticality. tailed structure of other subsystems, i.e. only based on
In this paper, we map a present automotive in- the specification of the linking interfaces of the subsys-
frastructure onto the DECOS architecture and elab- tems.
orate on the respective benefits, such as independent For the provision of application services at the con-
development, the assignment of integration responsi- trolled object interface, the real-time computer system
bility, and an optimized use of resources through ar- is divided into a set of nearly-independent subsystems,
chitectural gateway services. In order to maximize the each providing a part of the computer system’s over-
economic impact, we propose a portable architecture all functionality. We denote such a subsystem as a Dis-
that can be deployed in all segments of the car manu- tributed Application Subsystem (DAS), since the imple-
facturer (segment from A to E and also for luxury cars). mentation of the corresponding functionality will most
Thereby a reduction of cost due to the increase in vol- likely involve multiple components that are intercon-
ume is expected. To achieve the required flexibility and nected by an underlying communication system. The
portability, the architecture is be based on general pur- implementation as a distributed system is a prerequi-
pose hardware and a modular software concept allow- site for establishing fault-tolerance by redundantly per-
ing to protect the intellectual property of vendors. forming computations at separate components that fail
This paper is structured as follows. Section 2 gives independently. Furthermore, a distributed solution be-
an overview of the DECOS integrated architecture, pre- comes a necessity, when the resource requirements of
senting the main underlying concepts. In Section 3, we the application providing the subsystem’s functional-
discuss the current state-of-the-art of automotive ar- ity exceed the available resources of a single compo-
chitectures. The mapping to an integrated solution is nent.
the focus of Section 4. The discussion presented in Sec- An example for a DAS in the automotive domain
tion 5 evaluates the integrated architecture based on is the steer-by-wire subsystem. With steer-by-wire [8]
prevalent E/E automotive trends. the transmission of the wheel rotation to a steering
movement of the front wheel is performed with the
2. The DECOS Integrated Architecture help of electronically controlled actuators at the front
axle. The main advantages in comparison with conven-
The DECOS architecture [13] offers a framework tional steering systems are improvements with respect
for the development of distributed embedded real-time to crashworthiness, weight, and interior design.
systems integrating multiple Distributed Application In analogy to the structuring of the overall system,

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
we further decompose each DAS into smaller units
called jobs. A job is the basic unit of work that em-
ploys the communication system for exchanging infor- Job Job Job Job Job Job Job
Job Job

mation with other jobs, thus working towards a col-

lective goal. The interface between a job and the com-
munication system is denoted as a port. Depending on Encapsulation, Virtual
the data direction, one can distinguish input ports and Networks, Diagnosis,...

output ports. A job employs input ports for exploit-

C1 Predictable Message
ing the services of other jobs, while output ports en- Transport
able a job to provide its own services. Every job has ac- C2 Fault-Tolerant
Clock Synchronization
cess to its relevant transducers, either directly via the C3 Strong Fault Isolation
C4 Consistent Diagnosis
controlled object interface or via a communication sys- of Failing Nodes
tem with known temporal properties.
2.2. Physical System Structuring Core Architecture
Hiding of implementation details from
the application, thereby extending the
During the development of an integrated system the range of implementation choices
functional elements must be mapped to the physical (e.g. TTP/C, Time-Triggered Ethernet)
building blocks of the platform. These building blocks
are clusters, physical networks, components and parti- Figure 1. The DECOS Integrated System Archi-
tions. A cluster is a distributed computer system that tecture
consists of a set of components interconnected by a
physical network. A component is a self-contained com-
putational element with its own hardware (processor, (dependability, timeliness) requirements in the design
memory, communication interface, and interface to the of a safety-critical real-time application. The architec-
controlled object) and software (application programs, tural services serve as a validated stable baseline that
operating system) [14], which interacts with its envi- reduces application development efforts and facilitates
ronment by exchanging messages across Linking In- reuse, because applications build on an architectural
terfaces (LIFs). The behavior of a component can be service interface that can be established on top of nu-
specified in the domains of value and time. Compo- merous platform technologies.
nents are the target of job allocation and provide en- In order to maximize the number of platforms and
capsulated execution environments denoted as parti- applications that can be covered, the DECOS archi-
tions for jobs. Each partition prevents temporal inter- tectural service interface distinguishes a minimal set of
ference (e.g., stealing processor time) and spatial in- core services and an open-ended number of high-level
terference [22] (e.g., overwriting data structures) be- services that build on top of the core services. The
tween jobs. In the DECOS architecture, a component core services include predictable time-triggered mes-
can host multiple partitions and host jobs that can be- sage transport, fault tolerant clock synchronization,
long to different DASs. strong fault isolation, and consistent diagnosis of failing
components through a membership service. The small
2.3. Architectural Services number of core services eases a thorough validation
(e.g., permitting a formal verification), which is crucial
Generic architectural services separate the applica- for preventing common mode failures as all high-level
tion functionality from the underlying platform tech- services and consequently all applications build on the
nology in order to facilitate reuse and reduce design core services. Any architecture that provides these core
complexity. This strategy corresponds to the concept services can be used as a core architecture [23] for the
of platform-based design [25], which proposes the in- DECOS integrated distributed architecture. An exam-
troduction of abstraction layers, which facilitate refine- ple of a suitable core architecture is the Time-Triggered
ments into subsequent abstraction layers in the design Architecture (TTA) [11].
flow. Based on the core services, the DECOS integrated
The DECOS architectural services depicted in Fig- architecture realizes high-level architectural services,
ure 1 are such an abstraction layer. The specification which are DAS-specific and constitute the interface for
of the architectural services hides the details of the un- the jobs to the underlying platform. Among the high-
derlying platform, while providing all information re- level services are virtual network services and encap-
quired for ensuring the functional and meta-functional sulation services. On top of the time-triggered physical

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
network, different kinds of virtual networks can be es- 3.1. System Integration
tablished and each type of virtual network can exhibit
multiple instantiations (see Figure 1). The encapsula- During system integration significant efforts are
tion services ensure spatial and temporal partitioning caused by unanticipated interactions between subsys-
for virtual networks in order to obtain error contain- tems provided by different vendors. The sharing of
ment and control the visibility of exchanged messages. communication resources in today’s cars across dif-
ferent subsystems (e.g., systems based on the CAN
protocol) makes it hard to fully test the functional-
ity of a subsystem in isolation as it will be integrated in
3. Today’s Automotive Architectures
the car. As a consequence, there is the need for a com-
prehensive integration test by the car manufacturer
To give an impression of the complexity and the to determine possible mutual interference of sub-
amount of electronics in today’s luxury cars take for systems. In contrast, a system architecture with
example the electronic infrastructure of a Fiat car de- rigorous operational interface specification [14] and er-
picted in Figure 2. The distributed ECUs of each fed- ror containment can avoid the introduction of mutual
erated cluster of the car are interconnected via interference during system integration. Such a tempo-
communication networks with different protocols rally composable architecture [12] exhibits the benefit
(e.g., Controller Area Network (CAN) [21], Local In- of dramatically decreasing integration costs, be-
terconnect Network (LIN) [17]), physical layers, cause the validity of test certificates from suppliers is
bandwidths (10 kbps–500 kbps), and dependability re- not invalidated during system integration.
The Body Control cluster as well as the Telematic
Info cluster, are typically implemented via a low speed 3.2. Complexity Control
CAN bus (125 kbps), while the Dynamic Vehicle Con-
trol cluster is implemented via a high speed CAN bus Each subsystem (e.g., engine control, brake assis-
(500 kbps). The Infotelematic system also uses a high tant) possesses a functional complexity that is inherent
speed CAN to exchange camera and video informa- to the application. The functional complexity of a sub-
tion. These multiple federated clusters are intercon- system when implemented on a target system is dra-
nected with a central gateway inside the Body Com- matically increased in case the architecture does not
puter, allowing controlled data exchange between the prevent unintended architecture-induced side effects at
Dynamic Vehicle Control cluster and the Body Control the communication system. Since federated systems
cluster, and access to the On-Board Diagnosis (OBD) employ a dedicated computer system for each subsys-
system of each ECU. For on-board diagnosis either a tem, the complexity of the system is lower compared to
dedicated serial line interconnects the ECUs or the di- the integrated systems approach. The absence of inter-
agnostic protocol is executed via the low speed CAN actions and dependencies between subsystems reduces
network. the cognitive complexity to a manageable level. In to-
Each of these clusters consists of nodes that are typ- day’s cars we do not find a totally federated architec-
ically dedicated to a single job. This is frequently re- ture nor an integrated one. In fact, the economic pres-
ferred to as “1 Function - 1 ECU” design strategy. sure in the automotive industry requires system design-
In combination with the need to adapt products to ers to utilize the available communication resources for
emerging trends and customer requests, manufactures more than one subsystem without protecting the re-
are forced to steadily increase the number of deployed sources from mutual interference. For a deeper under-
ECUs in order to improve the functionality of the car. standing consider an exemplary scenario with two sub-
For example, Fiat cars contain up to 40 ECUs. How- systems. If the two subsystems share a common CAN
ever, this trend of increasing the number of ECUs is bus [21], then both subsystems must be analyzed and
coming to its limits, because of complexity, wiring, understood in order to reason about the correct be-
space and weight restrictions. For example, electrical havior of any of the two subsystems. Since the mes-
connections are considered to be one of the most impor- sage transmissions of one subsystem can delay mes-
tant failure causes in automotive systems. Field data sage transmission of the other DAS, arguments con-
from automotive environments has shown that more cerning the correct temporal behavior must be based
than 30% of electrical failures are attributed to con- on an analysis of both subsystems. In a totally feder-
nector problems [28]. With an average cost of 30-50 ated system, on the other hand, unintended side effects
Euros per ECU this high number of ECUs bears sig- are ruled out, because the two subsystems are assigned
nificant potential for cost reduction. to separate computer system.

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
Body Computer
B - CAN Diagnosis
Access for
low speed CAN


Serial Line

Break Clima
Internal mirror Door Telematic CD
Engine and internal light driver Info Changer
Control side coltrol
Automatic passenger CAN for
Gear Pneumatic side control
Sensor Instrument
Adaptive cluster
Cruise Control

Passive Entry
Parking Brake Television
Rain sensor capture

External Driver seat


Vehicle stability Lock siren Passenger seat

sensor Camera TV

Angle steering Wiper


Drive Steering wheel

assistant sensor

Airbag Lock/Unlock
Steering wheel


Dynamic Vehicle Control Security, Sensoring Body Control Telematic Info

Figure 2. The Electronic Infrastructure of a Fiat Car

4. An Architecture for Future Car Gen- trends and the customer’s demand for new functional-
erations ity.
The DECOS architecture, by contrast, also supports
This section describes the proposed integrated ar- a top-down design approach. During the requirement
chitecture for future car generations. We start by dis- analysis the system integrator captures the require-
cussing a hybrid top-down/bottom-up design strategy, ments of the overall system (i.e. the car electronics)
improving the currently prevalent ECU-centric devel- and decomposes the system into nearly-independent
opment process. The decomposing during the process subsystems (i.e. DASs). The requirement analysis pro-
results in a set of DASs. Thereafter, we elaborate on vides the foundation for all later design stages. Here,
the DASs of a hypothetical future car and its consti- the overall functionality of the system is specified and
tuting gateways. Finally, we show the physical struc- subsystems are identified to enable an independent de-
ture of the integrated system. velopment of DASs. As depicted in Figure 3 the result
of this design phase is a set of DASs that comprise the
electronic infrastructure of the car.
4.1. Design Flow The structuring of the overall application function-
ality into DASs is guided by the following principles:
The design flow of automotive distributed systems 1. Functional Coherence. A DAS should provide a
can be decomposed into three phases, the requirement meaningful application service (e.g., brake-by-wire
analysis, the subsystem design, and the system inte- service of a car) to its users at the controlled ob-
gration phase [6] (see also Figure 3). As described ject interface. By associating with a DAS an appli-
in [20, 24] an ECU-centric design process prevails in the cation service that is relevant in the actual appli-
automotive industry. Such a bottom up process, how- cation context, the mental effort in understanding
ever, bears significant drawbacks such as resource du- the various application services is reduced. An ap-
plications, local instead of global quality-of-service op- plication service can be analyzed by solely consid-
timization, and exponential growth in terms of system ering the jobs of the DAS, the interactions to the
integration costs. Furthermore, the number of the de- controlled object and the gateways to other DASs
ployed ECUs steadily increases to satisfy recent market (inter-DAS interfaces). In particular, it is not nec-

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
plicit in order to avoid hidden interactions (e.g., via the
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION controlled object) that may prevent a seamless system
integration. These DASs are then assigned and inde-
pendently developed by different vendors. In general,
Inter-DAS Interface

Inter-DAS Interface
OF EACH DAS OF EACH DAS OF EACH DAS OF EACH DAS each vendor may also depend on subcontractors to de-
liver the subsystem.
In order to ensure correct system integration the
Design specification of inter-DAS relationships is of high im-
DAS portance. Inter-DAS interfaces as indicated in Figure 3
are used to specify common information within DASs
o Input vs. Output
o ET vs. TT
o Input vs. Output
o ET vs. TT
o Input vs. Output
o ET vs. TT
o Input vs. Output
o ET vs. TT
Detailed Design
(e.g., sensor information), possible interrelationships
via the controlled object, and meta-functional aspects.


This way, resources can be shared among DASs, thus





avoiding resource duplication by eliminating sensors or



using redundant sensory information to improve de-
The DAS design is typically performed by different
Figure 3. Design Flow vendors with expert knowledge in particular applica-
tion domains (e.g., infotainment, braking systems). In-
dependent development of a DAS allows to adopt the
essary to possess knowledge about the internal be- benefits of the federated systems design approach to
havior of DASs, other than the one providing the be incorporated into the integrated systems design ap-
application service that is of interest. proach.
2. Common Criticality. In general, the realization Finally, the system integrator needs to unify the
of safety-critical services is fundamentally differ- separately developed subsystems into the overall sys-
ent from the design of non safety-critical services. tem. System integration unites the separately devel-
While the first incorporate fault-tolerance func- oped subsystems into the overall system. An integrated
tionality and focus on maximum simplicity to fa- system approach must provide solutions that reduce
cilitate validation and certification, the latter are integration time and efforts (and consequently reduce
usually characterized by a larger amount of func- integration costs). Smooth system integration is only
tionality and the requirement of flexibility and re- possible, if the inter-DAS interfaces have been precisely
source efficiency. The integrated architecture takes specified and all vendors have performed implementa-
this difference into account by distinguishing be- tions adhering to these interface specifications. During
tween safety-critical and non safety-critical DASs system integrations three main tasks need to be per-
along with dedicated architectural services. formed by the system integrator: the physical alloca-
tion of the jobs (of all DASs) to partitions taking de-
3. Infrastructure Requirements. A DAS pos-
pendability and resource constraints into account, the
sesses common requirements for the underlying in-
configuration of the virtual communication networks,
frastructure. A single virtual network is employed
and the realization of the virtual and physical gate-
for exchanging message within the DAS. Conse-
ways in order to provide emerging services.
quently, common requirements (e.g., with respect
to dependability, bandwidth and latency re-
quirements, flexibility) are a prerequisite for
4.2. Integrated System Structure of Car
deciding on a particular virtual network pro-
tocol (e.g., time-triggered or event-triggered)
and a corresponding configuration (e.g., band- In this subsection, we map the introduced electronic
width). infrastructure of today’s cars onto the DECOS inte-
grated architecture. In addition, we replace state-of-the
Whenever significant differences in the above as- art powertrain domain functionality by by-wire sub-
pects are present, such as missing functional coherence systems to emphasize the suitability of the proposed
or differences with respect to the infrastructure require- DECOS architecture for mixed-criticality applications
ments, a DAS is split into smaller DASs for resolving (i.e. safety-critical and non safety-critical applications).
these mismatches. We split up the existing domains (e.g., powertrain,
This divide and conquer principle can only be re- body) into smaller DASs. Smaller DASs are a key ele-
alized if the dependencies between DASs are made ex- ment to achieve the DECOS goals with respect to com-

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
Braking DAS (by- Energy and
Steering DAS (by-wire) Vehicle Dynamics DAS Driver Control DAS
wire) Powermanagement DAS
FT Steering FT Steering Alternator Yawrate/ Yawrate/ Steering
Brake Parking Battery FT Pedal Instrument
Angle Sensor Actuator Voltage Lateral Acc. Lateral Acc. Wheel
Assistant Brake Management Sensor 1 Cluster
1 1 Regulation Sensor Sensor Buttons

FT Steering FT Steering Voltage

Virtual Event-Triggered Network
Brake Brake FT Pedal
Angle Sensor Actuator Conversion BAS Camera 1 Radar 1
Left Front Right Front Sensor 2 External Lighting
2 2 Management
FT Steering FT Steering Start and Light Light
Brake Brake FT Pedal
Angle Sensor Actuator Stop Camera 2 Radar 2 Positioning Positioning
Left Back Right Back Sensor 3
3 3 Function Left Right

Virtual Time-Triggered Network Virtual Time-Triggered Network Virtual Time-Triggered Network Virtual Time-triggered Network Virtual Time-Triggered Network

Powertrain DAS (by-wire) Interior DAS Passive Safety DAS Info DAS
Engine Automatic Passenger Airbag Airbag Telematic Hi-Fi
Mirror and Clima Driver Seat Lock Alarm CD Changer Camera
Control Gear Seat Driver Passenger Info Amplifier

Adaptive Adaptive Lock/Unlock

Driver Passenger Keyless Side Side
Cruise Cruise Trunk Steering Navigation TV DVD Radio
Door Door Entry Airbag Airbag
Controller 1 Controller 2 Wheel

Virtual Time-Triggered Network Virtual Event-Triggered Network Virtual Time-Triggered Network Virtual Event-Triggered Network

Figure 4. The Distributed Application Subsystems of the Integrated Automotive System

plexity management, independent development and er- day’s automotive architectures (see Figure 4):
ror containment.
As described in Section 2.1, a DAS represents a • Steering DAS. With steer-by-wire the transmis-
nearly-independent subsystem [26, chap. 8], because sion of the wheel rotation to a steering move-
it can be understood independently from the detailed ment of the front wheel is performed with the
structure of other DASs, i.e. only based on the specifi- help of electronically controlled actuators at the
cation of the jobs of the DAS and the gateways to other front axle. The main advantages in comparison
DASs. The controlled export of information through with conventional steering systems are improve-
gateways enables the designer to abstract from the jobs ments with respect to crashworthiness, weight, and
in other DASs, considering only the link specification interior design.
of the gateways [18]. • Powertrain DAS. The functionality of this DAS
The DECOS architecture encapsulates DASs both includes engine control, automatic gear control,
at the level of the communication activities (through and adaptive cruise control.
encapsulated virtual network services [19]) and at the
level of the computational activities (partitions in ap- • Braking DAS. The braking DAS comprises the
plication computers [13]). Therefore, a design fault in brake-by-wire functionality. Brake-by-wire sys-
a DAS (e.g., a job with a babbling idiot failure [10]) tems remedy deficiencies of conventional hy-
cannot affect the communication resources (e.g., band- draulic braking systems, such as aging of brak-
width, guarantee of latencies) and computational re- ing fluids, difficulties in routing of pipes, and
sources (e.g., CPU time) available to other DASs. Nat- the inconvenient feedback during ABS brak-
urally, the finer the subdivision into DASs, the more ef- ing. Brake-by-wire systems incorporate brake
fective the encapsulation through the architecture be- power assist, vehicle stability enhancement con-
comes. trol, parking brake control, and tunable pedal
In a federated architecture, which assigns each DAS feel.
to its own dedicated computer system, a strategy with
• Vehicle Dynamics DAS. In the vehicle dynam-
a large number of small DASs would not be feasi-
ics DAS all sensory information that is relevant
ble due to the cost resulting from increasing resource
for controlling the dynamics of the vehicle is cap-
duplication (via separate networks and ECUs). How-
tured. By exporting these real-time images to the
ever, in our proposed integrated architecture, the re-
other DASs of the system the problem of resource
sulting larger number of DASs does not induce a larger
duplication can be significantly reduced. In addi-
number of physical networks and ECUs. Each DAS is
tion, sensor-fusion algorithms [5] can combine the
provided as a virtual network on top of the physical
measurements of different sensors to obtain more
time-triggered network of the core architecture. Simi-
accurate real-time images.
larly, the virtual gateways (see Section 4.3) for coupling
DASs do not induce any additional ECUs and connec- • Energy DAS. The main purpose of this DAS is
tors. the optimization of the power distribution (elec-
Based on this line of reasoning, we introduce a finer trical energy and power management techniques)
granularity of DASs compared to the domains of to- for conserving the power available in the vehicle.

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
• Passive Safety DAS. The passive safety DAS in- of resources is more important than the determinism
tends to keep the passengers in the car and effec- provided by the time-triggered control paradigm. For
tively decelerates the occupants in order to mini- this reason, the jobs of the interior, power manage-
mize harm in case of a crash. ment, driver control, and infotainment DAS are in-
• Driver Control DAS. In every car the instru- terconnected by respective event-triggered virtual net-
ments inform the driver about the current status works [19] in the presented architecture.
of the car. It is the task of this DAS to update
the instruments according to the information pro- 4.3. Gateways
vided by the other DASs of the car. Furthermore,
the commands of the driver derived from the but- By splitting the overall functionality of the car into
tons on the steering wheel are processed and dis- multiple DASs the need for a coupling of individual
seminated to the respective DASs. DASs emerges. The presented architecture supports
• Interior DAS. This DAS comprises the body gateways as a generic architectural services for the in-
electronics of the passenger compartment and ac- terconnection of DASs. Gateways have significant ad-
cesses fieldbus network, such as those embedded vantages with respect to the elimination of resource
in the doors and seats of the car. The functional- duplication and the tactic coordination of application
ity of this DAS includes the control of the doors subsystems. In a large automotive system, different ap-
(e.g., mirrors, window lifters), the seats (e.g., seat plication subsystems typically depend on the same or
adjustment, the position memory), the climate similar sensory inputs and computations. Gateways al-
control, and the lighting of the passenger compart- low to exploit system-wide redundancy of sensor in-
ment. Furthermore, this DAS ensures that only au- formation in order to increase reliability or reduce re-
thorized persons have access to the car. source duplication. In addition, gateways permit the
coordination of DASs in order to improve quality of
• Info DAS. Car drivers are no longer satisfied with
cars being simple means of transportation. To-
day’s luxury cars include GPS navigation systems, In the DECOS integrated architecture, we sharply
DVD players and high-end audio systems. In addi- distinguish between architecture level and application
level. Based on this differentiation, we can identify two
tion, voice control and hands-free speaker phones
relieve the driver from concentrating on multime- choices for the construction of a gateway. A hidden
dia devices instead of traffic. gateway performs the interconnection of virtual net-
works at the architecture level. Generic architectural
• External Lighting DAS. The external lighting services – although parameterized by the application
DAS controls the rear lights of the car, as well as requirements – are transparent to the jobs at the ap-
the position of the adaptive forward lighting. plication level. A visible gateway, on the other hand,
The communication infrastructure provided to these performs the interconnection at the application level.
DASs depends on the respective criticality and regular- A virtual gateway [18] interconnects two virtual net-
ity of the communication activities. Time-triggered vir- works of two respective DASs by forwarding informa-
tual networks handle the communication exchanges of tion contained in the messages received at the input
all safety-critical and safety-relevant DASs. It has be- ports of one virtual network onto the output ports to-
come widely accepted that safety-critical automotive wards the other virtual network.
applications employ the time-triggered control para- In general, the semantic and operational properties
digm [23], because this control paradigm permits to of the input ports at one virtual network can be dif-
guarantee a deterministic behavior of all safety-related ferent to the semantic and operational properties of
message transmissions even at peak-load. In addition to the output ports at the other virtual network. The re-
hard real-time performance time-triggered control also sulting property mismatch [4] is resolved by the gate-
supports temporal composability and facilitates the re- way by performing transformations on the information
alization of fault-tolerance mechanisms. For this reason passing through the gateway. For syntactic transforma-
the communication infrastructure for the steer-by-wire, tions, the gateway requires a description of the syntac-
the brake-by-wire, the powertrain, the vehicle dynam- tic format (i.e. the data types) of the messages pass-
ics, the passive safety and the external lighting DAS ing through the gateway and rules for transforming the
are time-triggered virtual networks [19]. different syntactic transformations into each other. If
Event-triggered virtual networks, on the other hand, the DASs interconnected by the gateway exhibit dif-
are the communication infrastructure of choice for ferent operational specification styles [14], the gateway
those DASs having less stringent dependability re- requires additional buffering functionality for the ex-
quirements. Here, the flexibility and the efficient use change of information between virtual networks with

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
Passive Safety DAS Vehicle Dynamics DAS
Airbag Airbag Yawrate/ FT Pedal
Lateral Acc.
Driver Pass. Sensor Sensor 3
Virtual Virtual
Window Anti- Anti- Window
Mirror Gateway Gateway Mirror
Lifter Puddle Puddle Lifter
Module Module
Module Lighting Physical Lighting Module
Physical Virtual Event-Trigged
Door Gateway Network of the Interior DAS Gateway Door
Switch Switch
Lock Lock
Panel Virtual Panel
Module Module

Driver Engine Automatic

Clima Control
Door Gear

Interior DAS Powertrain DAS

Figure 5. Physical and Virtual Gateways of the Interior DAS

varying rigidity of temporal specifications. For exam- DAS constructs real-time images capturing the state of
ple, such a scenario occurs, if one DAS operates time- the passenger compartment of the vehicle (e.g., status
triggered and the second DAS operates event-triggered. of the doors, seats, lighting, climate control) that are
In addition, virtual gateways ensure encapsulation also important to other DASs. For example, the driver’s
by using a filtering specification in the value and tem- weight as measured at a seat is an important parame-
poral domain in order to restrict the redirection of mes- ter for the passive safety DAS in order adapt air bags to
sages through the gateway. In general, only a fraction different passengers (e.g., children). The current tem-
of the information exchanged at one virtual network perature inside and outside the car, which is captured
will be required by jobs connected to the virtual net- by the climate control subsystem, is another example
work at the other side of the gateway. By restricting for a real-time entity that is significant beyond the in-
the redirection through the gateway to the informa- terior DAS. Temperature measurements are an essen-
tion actually required by the jobs of the other DAS, the tial input for physical models of sensors in other DASs
gateway not only improves resource efficiency by sav- (e.g., powertrain DAS) and permit to improve the pre-
ing bandwidth of unnecessary messages, but also facil- cision and plausibility of sensory information.
itates complexity control. Adversely, other DASs need to be able to control
In addition to the interconnection of virtual net- body electronics in the interior DAS. In hazardous sit-
works, the presented integrated architecture offers ar- uations, e.g., after the detection of a potential crash as
chitectural gateway services for interacting with the en- indicated by yaw rate and lateral acceleration sensors
vironment via physical gateways. In general, the inter- (e.g., during skidding and emergency braking), the ve-
action of the computer system with the controlled ob- hicle dynamics DAS causes the tensioning of seat-belts,
ject and the human operator can occur either via a di- realigning of seats to a safer positions.
rect connection to sensors and actuators or via a field-
bus network. The latter approach simplifies the instal- 4.4. Physical System Structure
lation – both from a logical and a physical point of view
– at the expense of increased latency of sensory infor- The mapping from the functional to the physical sys-
mation and actuator control values. tem structure needs to assign jobs to ECUs and virtual
Since the prevalent low-cost fieldbus protocol in the networks to the time-triggered physical core network.
automotive domain is LIN [17], the proposed architec- As exemplified in Figure 6, each ECU can host mul-
ture supports physical LIN gateways, each acting as tiple jobs of different DASs. For instance consider the
a master for the slaves of the physical LIN bus. Fig- ECU located in the left front of the car. On this ECU
ure 5, which exemplifies the role of hidden gateways in one of the three jobs comprising the steering Triple
the functional structure of the future automotive archi- Modular Redundancy (TMR) system and the job pro-
tecture, depicts two of these LIN gateways for the inter- viding the braking service of the left front tire are lo-
connection of the interior DAS with the LIN fieldbusses cated. Furthermore, the job controlling adaptive for-
located at the front doors. The driver door job and pas- ward lighting and the camera system of the left side
senger door job exchange information with the actua- are scheduled on this component. In order to tolerate
tors and sensors in the doors in order to control door arbitrary single component failures it is mandatory to
locks, window lifters, mirrors, and anti-puddle light- devise a mapping of jobs to ECUs in a way, that re-
ing. dundant jobs are not hosted on the same ECU.
In addition, Figure 5 also contains virtual gateways Similarly, the physical core network is the basis for
for the interconnection of virtual networks. The interior multiple virtual networks. In order to achieve the de-

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
to functionality, dependability, and performance of the
Controller 1
FT Pedal
Sensor 2
FT Steering
Actuator 1
Left Front automotive DASs, such as the infotainment DAS, the
Positioning Camera 1
comfort DAS, or the powertrain DAS.

In contrast to these federated architectures, the inte-

Back Driver
grated architecture for future automotive systems pre-


ECU sented in this paper allows to share network and com-

Coupler ponent resources among different DASs in order to
evolve beyond a “1 Function – 1 ECU” strategy and
achieve a significant reduction in the overall number of
External Battery
ECUs. With an average cost of 40 Euro per ECU in to-
Rear A Star
day’s cars and 0.2 Euro per wire, the total hardware
Door cost of a federated automotive system with 40 ECUs
and 800 wires is about 1800 Euro. If we assume that the
Core Network Instrument
number of ECUs will be reduced to 30 nodes and the
LIN Fieldbus
Brake FT Pedal
FT Steering
number of wires to 500 in the integrated system, with
Actuator Radar 1
Assistant Sensor 1
an increased average cost per ECU of 50 Euro, then to-
tal hardware cost is reduced by 200 Euro per car.
Figure 6. Physical System Structure

5.2. Complexity
pendability requirements of safety-critical DASs, the
physical core network relies on two central guardians [2] A minimal complexity, i.e. a minimal mental effort
for achieving fault isolation even in case of arbitrary to analyze and understand a system, is one of the most
ECU failure modes. Fault injection experiments have important design drivers of the presented integrated ar-
shown that for ultra-dependable applications restric- chitecture. Today, the unmanaged complexity of sys-
tions concerning the failure modes of ECUs are unjus- tems is the major cause of design faults. Complex-
tified [1]. ity increases the likelihood of serious, yet latent, design
Another prerequisite for safety-critical applications flaws [9, p. 39]. In [16, p. 131] it is stated that complex-
is the accumulation and generation based on dual bat- ity of software and hardware causes a non linear increase
tery solutions. A redundant power supply scheme pro- in human-error induced design faults. High system com-
vides the foundation for fault-tolerant energy supply plexity also prolongs development, which is detrimen-
of safety-critical by-wire functionality also in case of a tal to a company’s economic success, because today’s
failure of one power supply network. business realities demand a short time-to-market. In
In addition, Figure 6 shows the role of gateways in addition, complexity complicates validation and certi-
the physical structure of a car. Physical LIN gateways fication as state-of-the-art formal verification tools are
connect physical LIN clusters to the integrated system, limited in the size of a design that they can handle.
e.g., the LIN fieldbus within the doors of the cars are In order to manage complexity, the presented in-
connected to the ECUs located in the center of the car. tegrated architecture enables designers to proceed in
such a way as if they were realizing DASs in a feder-
5. Discussion ated system. A DAS along with the corresponding com-
munication resources (virtual networks) and computa-
This section summarizes the main benefits of the in- tional resources (partitions in components) is encap-
troduced integrated automotive architecture and high- sulated and interactions between DASs are limited to
lights the major design decisions. We will show that the the exchange of messages via precisely specified hidden
proposed architecture is inline with prevalent architec- gateways. Similar to a federated architecture, the in-
tural trends, such as reuse of functionality across dif- tegrated architecture decouples each DAS from other
ferent car segments and introduction of safety-critical DASs. Each DAS possesses a dedicated encapsulated
applications. virtual network. A virtual network is private for a DAS,
i.e. other DASs cannot perceive or effect the exchanged
5.1. Economic Benefits messages other than those being explicitly exported via
a gateway. By exercising this strict control over the
Present day automotive systems follow a federated interactions between DASs, only the behavior of the
philosophy with different types of automotive net- DAS’s virtual network and the behavior of gateways is
works [15]. The multitude of communication protocols of relevance when reasoning about a DAS. The mes-
is a result of the different requirements with respect sage transmissions on other virtual networks can be

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
abstracted from. Similarly, each job executes in a cor- chitecture offers increased reliability by minimizing the
responding partition, which forms an encapsulated ex- number of connectors and wires. Field data has shown
ecution environment with guaranteed component and that a significant amount of electrical failures are at-
network resources. The activities of jobs executing on tributed to connector problems.
the same component cannot affect the component and
network resource that are available to other jobs in the 5.4. Flexibility
By not only supporting error containment between A newly developed E/E architectures is expected
DASs, but error containment between jobs within a to be deployable on different car segments and mod-
DAS, the integrated architecture exceeds the error con- els. Consequently, the reuse of applications in a modu-
tainment capabilities of most federated systems. Fur- lar way is of critical importance. This issue also has an
thermore, the integrated architecture offers generic ar- impact on “Tier 1 system suppliers” that need to adapt
chitectural services as a base line for application devel- their subsystem design according to this trend. The us-
opment, thus decreasing the functionality that must be age of validated and possibly certified application soft-
realized at the application level. Such a slimmer appli- ware in combination with standard physical ECUs on
cation is easier to comprehend and leaves less room for different models and segments of vehicles will lead to
software design faults. Only the interface between the advantages in terms of increased volume, multi-supplier
architecture and the application is visible to the appli- management, and multi-platform management. In ad-
cation developer, while the realization of the architec- dition, not only software modules but complete elec-
tural services remains hidden. tronic subsystems can be made available for different
vehicle platforms. This strategy also eases the design
5.3. Dependability choices for the interior of the car, due to the freedom of
decoupling application software from a particular phys-
Carmakers are on the verve of deploying by-wire ical node. The integrated automotive architecture pro-
technology to improve the functionality of the vehicle vides a high degree of freedom in the allocation of jobs
that goes beyond traditional hydraulic and mechanic to ECUs and supports the migration of jobs between
systems. This trend requires the deployed E/E archi- ECUs (constrained by dependability requirements).
tectures to meet the requirement for ultra-high depend-
ability [27] (a maximum failure rate of 10−9 critical fail- 6. Conclusion
ures per hour is demanded). Today’s technology does
not support the manufacturing of electronic devices Future car generations require computer architec-
with failure rates low enough to meet these reliabil- tures to accommodate the need for mixed criticality
ity requirements. Since ECU failure rates are in the or- applications, i.e. supporting applications with ultra-
der of 10−5 to 10−6 , ultra-dependable applications re- high dependability requirements as well as applications
quire the system as a whole to be more reliable than where flexibility and resource efficiency is of primary
any one of its ECUs. This can only be achieved by uti- concern (e.g., comfort electronics). The introduced DE-
lizing fault-tolerant strategies that enable the contin- COS architecture establishes such an infrastructure
ued operation of the system in the presence of ECU and also enables physical integration by combining
failures [3]. multiple DASs and virtual networks within a single dis-
For this reason, the integrated automotive architec- tributed real-time computer system. Thus, the archi-
ture is based on a time-triggered base architecture with tecture reduces the number of different networks and
a fault-tolerant and deterministic communication sys- protocols.
tem. The consistent distributed state with respect to The proposed integrated architecture exhibits flexi-
a global sparse time base is the basis for active redun- bility and supports reuse of application software across
dancy, such as TMR. Replicated star couplers use the different car segments. The key element for this flexibil-
a priori knowledge about the points in time of commu- ity, as well as for complexity management and the inde-
nication activities to contain timing message failures, pendent development of subsystems, are small DASs.
thus offering fault isolation even with arbitrary ECU Instead of the typical domain oriented system struc-
failure modes [1]. In addition, the proposed architec- ture, we show that we can subdivide the overall func-
ture offers redundancy of the power nets, supported by tionality of a car into smaller DASs, each equipped with
electrical energy management techniques for the gener- dedicated architectural services. By transforming a to-
ation, the distribution, and the accumulation of power. day’s automotive system onto the future E/E architec-
Furthermore, by decreasing the number of ECUs ture, we have demonstrated the feasibility of the inte-
and physical networks, the integrated automotive ar- grated architecture for a future automotive system.

Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE
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Proceedings of the Eighth IEEE International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC’05)
0-7695-2356-0/05 $ 20.00 IEEE

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