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[*Field: STKI PartNo]

Use : Master Name Field

Storage : PartNo
Width : @@MediumWidth
Style : if $$Line = 1 then "Large Bold" else
Delete : Validate
Sub Form: ItemPic:$$IsFileExists:$$LocaleString:($
$CompanyNumber:Company:##SVCurrentCompany+"\Itempic\"+$partno+".jpg") AND (NOT $
Horizontal Align:Center
Vertical Align:Center
bottom parts:ItemPic1
Lines : ItemPic
Graph Type : $$LocaleString:$$SysInfo:CurrentPath+"\"+$
[*Line: ItemPic]
Field : ItemPic
[*Field: ItemPic]
Use:narration field
Set as : ""
Horizontal Alignment:Right
Lines : ItemPic1
[*Line: ItemPic1]
Field : ItemPic1
[*Field: ItemPic1]
Set as : ""
Horizontal Align:Center
Vertical Align:Center
bottom parts:ItemPic12
Horizontal Align:Center
Lines : ItemPic2
Graph Type : $$LocaleString:$$SysInfo:CurrentPath+"\"+$
[*Line: ItemPic2]
Field : ItemPic2
[*Field: ItemPic2]
Use:narration field
Set as : ""
Horizontal Alignment:Right
Lines : ItemPic12
[*Line: ItemPic12]
Field : ItemPic12
[*Field: ItemPic12]
Set as : ""
[*Field: VCH StockItem]
Use : Item Name Field
CollVal : If $
$IsSysNameEqual:NotApplicable:$CurBomName Then $$Value Else ##lvCompValues[$
MfgrCollVal : If $PrevBOMName != $CurBOMName Then
##lvByCoValues[$$Line].vStockItemName +
Else If $
$IsSysNameEqual:NotApplicable:$CurBomName Then "" Else $$Value
Sub Form:itempic2:$$IsFileExists:$$LocaleString:($

Sub Form : EI DescExplosion : ##ICFGAddlDesc

AND NOT $$IsSysName:$$Value AND NOT $$IsExploded:EIDescExplosion AND
@@IsInvoice ;;AND NOT @@IsCreditNote AND NOT @@IsDebitNote
Sub Form : GRN Indent : ($$IsIndentOn)
AND (($$IsPurchase:##SVVoucherType) AND (NOT $$IsMultiGodownOn AND NOT $
$IsTrackingOn AND NOT $$IsPurcOrdersOn) AND (NOT $$IsEndofList:#VCHStockItem) AND
(NOT @@HasBatchWise))

Sub Form : Trader SalesDtls :

@@IsExciseDealerOn AND $IsInvoice AND @@IsSales AND @@TraderItemTariff AND NOT $
$IsSysNameEqual:Manufacturer:$ExciseRegistrationType:Godown:#EIExciseMfgrUnit AND
Sub Form : Trader CreditNoteDtls :
@@IsExciseDealerOn AND $IsInvoice AND @@IsCreditNote AND @@TraderItemTariff AND NOT
Sub Form : Trader DebitNoteDtls :
@@IsExciseDealerOn AND $IsInvoice AND @@IsDebitNote AND @@IsTraderInvoice AND
@@TraderItemTariff AND @TraderBillsSrc
Sub Form : Trader ExciseJrnlDtls :
@@IsExciseDealerOn AND @@IsJournal AND @@IsTraderShortageClassJrnl AND
@@TraderItemTariff AND $$IsSysNameEqual:Dealer:
$ExciseRegistrationType:Godown:#EIExciseMfgrUnit AND $$IsLedofGrp:$LedgerName:$
$GroupPurchase AND NOT $IsDeemedPositive AND @TraderJrnlBillsSrc

;;For Servicen Tax - With Inventory option is Yes

Sub Form : STX VchTaxObject AllocIE : $
$IsEndofList:#VCHStockItem AND $$Owner:$$IsSTXVchTaxObjectAllocSubForm
Sub Form : STX JV TaxObject AllocIE : $
$IsEndofList:#VCHStockItem AND $$Owner:$$IsSTXJVTaxObjectAllocSubForm

Option : VCHACC StockItem : @@IsAccVch OR

Switch : VCHStockItemType :
VCHPHYSStockItem : $$IsPhysStock:##SVVoucherType
Switch : VCHStockItemType :
VCHJRNLStockItem : $$IsStockJrnl:##SVVoucherType
Switch : VCHStockItemType :
VCHINV StockItem : @@IsInvVch AND NOT $$IsPhysStock:##SVVoucherType AND NOT $
$IsStockJrnl:##SVVoucherType AND NOT @@IsInvoice AND NOT @@IsJobMaterialVchs
Switch : VCHStockItemType : VCH
JobWork StockItem : @@IsJobMaterialVchs

Switch : VCHStockItemType : VCH

DNCENVATAvailing StockItem : @@IsDebitNote AND @@IsCENVATAvailing
;; Notify : MsgVATRate : @@IsIndianVAT
AND ##VCFGVATRateMismatch AND ##ICFGCommonLED AND NOT $$IsSysName:$$Value AND
$RateofVAT:TaxClassification:#VCHVATClass > 0 AND
$RateofVAT:TaxClassification:#VCHVATClass != $ItemVATRate AND $ItemVATRate > 0
Modifies : SV Stock Item

Fetch Object : StockItem : $$Value : Name,

PrevNarration, RateofMRP, IsMRPInclofTax, BaseUnits, AdditionalUnits,
BasicTariffType, +

IsBatchWiseOn, ClosingBalance, ClosingAsondate, BasicQty, BasicRateOfExcise, +

StandardCost, StandardPrice, Description, HasMfgDate, IsPerishableOn, +

ItemSDClass, PurchaseList.*, SalesList.*, Componentlist.*, +

MultiComponentList.*, MultiComponentList.MultiComponentItemList.*, +

ExciseItemGodown.NumItemsOfExciseDuties, ExciseItemGodown.*,
ExciseItemGodown.ExciseMRPRates.*, +

ExciseMethodOfCalc,ExciseAltRepUnits, ExciseRepUnits, ExciseAbatementPercentage,

ExciseItemMRP, ExciseRepDenominator, +

ExciseTypeofDutiesForTaxObj, ExciseMfgrRateofDuty, ExciseFGStockItemType,

MRPBasedItemValue, IsAdditionalTax, IsCessExempted, +

AltTaxObjExciseMethodOfCalc, ExciseItemValoremAmt, ExciseItemValoremAmt,

ExciseCNItemValoremAmt, AltTaxObjExciseItemMRPAmt,+

AltTaxObjExciseItemMRPValue, AltTaxObjInvExciseItemMRP,
AltTaxObjExciseAbatementPercentage, IsSpecialAEDOfCVDExistsInStkItem, +

CurrentStdPriceMethod, CurrentStdCostMethod, TaxClassificationName, Previous Sales,

Previous Purchase, IsCostTrackingOn

TraderBillsSrc : $
$NumItems:TraderListOfPurcSrcGenerate => 0
TraderJrnlBillsSrc : $
$NumItems:TraderJrnlListOfPurcSrcGenerate => 0

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