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English I

Title of the paper

Prepositions at in on

Author’s name (with ID)

Hector Fabio Martinez

Teacher’s name
Solangellie Arango Nieto

Colombia, September 21 - 2019

ACTIVITY Elige la preposición más adecuada entre IN, AT y ON y rellena los espacios.

1. Don’t worry, I’ll pick you up AT the airport.

2. I lived IN Paris for a year after I finished school.

3. Lucy is studying AT the university.

4. I live ON 12 Alcester Road.

5. James met us ON the door.

6. I was stuck ON that traffic jam, sorry.

7. Let’s take the tube ON Oxford Street.

8. Mirror, mirror ON the wall…

9. There is always something going AT Trafalgar Square

10.The Manager’s office is IN the third floor.

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