Biogas Measurement: Bachelor of Technology Computer Science and Engineering

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Submitted by

1. K. Beulah John (AP18110010605) 2. S.P. Ali Ahmed (AP18110010603)

3. Surya Teju (AP18110010601) 4. A. Revathi (AP18110010633)
5. T. Geethika (AP18110010635) 6. J. Pravallika (AP18110010663)
7. P. Praveen (AP18110010665)

Under the esteemed guidance of

Dr. Rajendran, K.


2019 – 2020

SL.N Contents Page

O Number
1 Introduction
2 Abstract
3 Methods and Materials
3.1 Large Syringe at Intervals
3.2 Liquid Displacement System
3.3 Volumetric and manometric gas measurement
3.4 Measuring Biogas composition with a compact micro
electro mechanical system based spectrometer.
3.5 Compact automated displacement gas metering system
for measurement of low gas rates from laboratory
3.6 Biogas analyzer based on open source hardware: Design
and prototype implementation
4 Idea
5 Procedure
6 Organizations working
7 Bibliography

There are several techniques for the measurement of laboratory scale biogas
production. This thesis describes the study and evolution of commonly used biogas
measurement techniques and analyzes the suitable method for the our working
model. Biogas production is seen as technology that can provide clean energy in
poor regions and reduce pollution caused by animal manure. Biogas can be used as
energy source and also for numerous purposes but any possible application requires
knowledge and information about composition and quantity of constituents in the
biogas can be produced during the based waste digestion plants
returning higher profit biogas purified and used in agricultural vehicles, as it is used
to generate heat and electricity.The production of biogas is done from startch-rich
and sugary material is determined using the simple digesters. A gas measurement
instrument of integrity is required which is capable of simultaneously measuring the
concentrations of carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and methane present to a high
degree to accuracy. The gas measurement technology is very much interlinked with
gas pressure. Development of negative pressure in the biogas could drag the
outside air into the anaerobic system which should not be allowed. The oxygen in the
air inhibits methanogen and results in a drop in the biogas production rate. Negative
pressure occurs when the pressure of the atmosphere is greater than the inside gas
pressure. Therefore, the process should not allow the atmospheric diffusion of the air
with the reactor.In this thesis we discussed some of the present well-known
organizations working on biogas plant, production and the measurement of biogas
.However many challenges still face the advance of this technology.

Biogas is the mixture of gases produced by the breakdown of organic matter in the
absence of oxygen (anaerobically), primarily consisting of methane and carbon
dioxide. Biogas can be produced from raw materials such as agricultural waste,
manure, municipal waste, plant material, sewage, green waste or food waste. Biogas
is a renewable energy source. In India, it is also known as "Gobar Gas".

Biogas is primarily methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) and may have small
amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) , moisture and siloxanes. The gases methane,
hydrogen, and carbon monoxide (CO) can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen.
This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel; it can be used for any
heating purpose, such as cooking. It can also be used in a gas engine to convert the
energy in the gas into electricity and heat.

Biogas can be compressed, the same way as natural gas is compressed to CNG,
and used to power motor vehicles. In the United Kingdom, for example, biogas is
estimated to have the potential to replace around 17% of vehicle fuel. It qualifies for
renewable energy subsidies in some parts of the world. Biogas can be cleaned and
upgraded to natural gas standards, when it becomes bio-methane. Biogas is
considered to be a renewable resource because its production-and-use cycle is
continuous, and it generates no net carbon dioxide. As the organic material grows, it
is converted and used. It then regrows in a continually repeating cycle. From a
carbon perspective, as much carbon dioxide is absorbed from the atmosphere in the
growth of the primary bio-resource as is released, when the material is ultimately
converted to energy.

 Like those of any pure gas, the characteristic properties of biogas are pressure and
 They are also affected by the moisture content. The factors of main interest are:
 change in volume as a function of temperature and pressure,

change in calorific value as a function of temperature, pressure and water-vapor

content, and change in water-vapor content as a function of temperature and
Biogas originates from bacteria in the process of bio-degradation of organic material
under anaerobic (without air) conditions. The natural generation of biogas is an
important part of the biogeochemical carbon cycle. Methanogens (methane
producing bacteria) are the last link in a chain of micro-organisms which degrade
organic material and return the decomposition products to the environment. In this
process biogas is generated, a source of renewable energy. The gases methane,
hydrogen and carbon monoxide can be combusted or oxidized with oxygen. Air
contains 21% oxygen. This energy release allows biogas to be used as a fuel.
Biogas can be used as a low-cost fuel in any country for any heating purpose, such
as cooking. It can also be utilized in modern waste management facilities where it
can be used to run any type of heat engine, to generate either mechanical or
electrical power. Biogas is a renewable fuel and electricity produced from it can be
used to attract renewable energy subsidies in some parts of the world.

• Biogas methane energy is green energy. This is a greenhouse gas and it is harmful
for the environment, but the true magic of the biogas comes when it is collected in
one place and the burning begins. And it has quite a lot of beneficial effects as well.
Here is what these encompass. First, naturlly biogas is just part of the carbon cycle
produced as a result of decaying organic matter. Bacteria, fungi, ruminants and even
us produce biogas as a result of our digestive processes. So naturally, biogas (or in
these terms, just gas) is a component of a larger cycle.But if you are asking about
every day human life and energy demands, biogas is a very very important
component of sustainable energy sources. Instead of wasting organic material in
landfills, it can be used to produce biogas which in turn is used to generate
electricity, heat, etc.

Benefits of biogas:
• It provides clean gaseous fuel for cooking and lighting.
• Chemical fertilizers can be done away with since the digested slurry obtained from
biogas plants can be used as enriched bio-manure.
• It is good for the climate and for sanitation problems since toilets can be linked
with biogas plants Landfills have their limited uses, and that’s not saying anything
about providing a place to dump waste in. In fact, their only true use comes,
ironically, from the same reason why they are bad for the environment. All the waste
that is dumped into landfills undergoes a certain decay process that is a result of a
lot of humidity and little sunlight. With this decay, nitrous oxide and methane rise
from the landfill. And in combination they form the biogas – one energy resource that
has no equal so far.

Eco-Friendly Use:
Most uses of gases usually lead to pollution and that is something that we strive to
steer away from. But that is not necessarily the case every time. The burning of the
greenhouse gases prevents them from going up into the atmosphere and adding to
the climate change. Burning them does not require any oxygen, so this is an eco-
friendly way to create something useful.

Renewable Energy Source:

Biogas is a renewable energy source. Landfills will keep generating methane, carbon
oxide, and
nitrous oxide, and as long as there is someone to capture the emissions and burn
them, biogas will
always be a relevant source of energy. And since landfills are not really going
anywhere anytime soon, you could consider biogas a pretty infinite energy source.

Fewer Greenhouse Effects:

The best thing about biogas is that it uses the landfill as a whole and takes away all
of the greenhouse effects it usually causes. It is an eco-friendly way to reduce
pollution by making use ofthe source and emissions of the pollutant.Biogas has its
many uses and it is a quite useful energy source with a lot of benefits. Sure, it has its
disadvantages too, but technology is being improved all the time and it will get better
and better with time. With the technological advancements biogas will be more
applicable and the only disadvantage will be the potential disappearance of the
landfill. And that we can all enjoy. While combustion of biogas, like natural gas,
produces carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), a greenhouse gas, the carbon in biogas comes
from plant matter that fixed this carbon from atmospheric CO2. Thus, biogas
production is carbon-neutral and does not add to greenhouse gas emissions.
Further, any consumption of fossil fuels replaced by biogas will lower CO2
emissions. Current prices for naturalgas are around $7 per 1000 cuft. Depending on
the particular application this is very similar to current estimates for the cost of
biogas production. Biogas is generated when bacteria degrade biological material in
the absence of oxygen, in a process known as anaerobic digestion. Since biogas is a
mixture of methane (also known as marsh gas or natural gas, CH4) and carbon
dioxide it is a renewable fuel produced from waste treatment .

Anaerobic digestion is basically a simple process carried out in a number of steps

that can use almost any organic material as a substrate - it occurs in digestive
systems, marshes, rubbish dumps, septic tanks and the Arctic Tundra. Humans tend
to make the process as complicated as possible by trying to improve on nature in
complex machines but a simple approach is still possible, as I hope you see in this
website. Conventional anaerobic digestion has been a " liquid" process,
where waste is mixed with water to facilitate digestion, but a "solid"
process is also possible, as occurs in landfil sites. As methane is very hard to
compress I see its best use as for stationary fuel, rather than mobile fuel. It takes a
lot of energy to compress the gas (this energy is usually just wasted), plus you have
the hazard of high pressure. A variable volume storage (flexible bag or floating drum
are the two main variants) is much easier and cheaper to arrange than high pressure
cylinders, regulators and compressors.I think biogas is best used directly for
cooking/heating, light or even absorption refrigeration rather than the complication
and energy waste of trying to make electricity from biogas. You can also run pumps
and equipment off a gas powered engine rather than using electricity.

Factors Affecting Gas Production

The potential gas volumes produced from bio resources depends on many factors,
some the factor are given below. a Temperature. Although there are no standard
rules but for optimum process stability, the temperature should be carefully regulated
within a narrow range of the operating temperature. With a mesophilic flora, digestion
proceeds best at 30 - 40o C; with thermophiles, the optimum range is 50 - 60o C.
The choice of temperature to be used is influenced by climatic considerations. In
warm climates digesters may be operated without added heat. As a safety measure,
it is common practice either to bury the digesters in the ground on account of the
advantageous insulating properties of the soil, or to use a greenhouse covering. In
cold climate where heating of digesting material is required, the costs can be
minimized through the use of natural materials such as leaves, sawdust, straw, etc.,
which are composted in batches in a separate compartment around the digester. For
ideal fermentation the temperature should be maintained above 30o C.

pH Low pH inhibits the growth of the methanogenic bacteria and gas generation and
is often the result of overloading. Efficient digestion occurs at a pH near neutrality,
within a range of 6.0 - 8.0. A slightly alkaline state is an indication that pH
fluctuations are not too drastic. Low pH may be relieved by dilution or by the addition
of lime

Nutrients The maintenance of optimum microbiological activity in the digester is

crucial to gas generation and consequently is related to nutrient availability. Two of
the most important nutrients are carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) and overall C/N ratio is
a critical factor for raw material choice. Domestic sewage and animal and poultry
wastes are examples of N-rich materials that provide nutrients for the growth and
multiplication of the anaerobic organisms. On the other hand, N-poor materials like
agriculture waste, green grass, etc., are rich in carbohydrate substances that are
essential for gas production. Excess of nitrogen leads to the formation of NH3, the
concentration of which inhibits further growth. Ammonia toxicity can be eased by
lower loading or dilution. In practice, it is important to maintain, by weight, a C/N ratio
close to 30:1 for achieving an optimum rate of digestion. The C/N ratio can carefully
be manipulated by combining materials low in carbon with those that are high in
nitrogen, and vice versa

Toxic Materials. Wastes and biodegradable residues are often accompanied by a

variety of pollutants that could inhibit anaerobic digestion. Potential toxicity due to
ammonia can be corrected by remedying the C/N ratio of manure through the
addition of shredded bagasse or straw, or by dilution. Common toxic substances are
the soluble salts of copper, zinc, nickel, mercury, and chromium. On the other hand,
salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium may be stimulatory or toxic in
action, both manifestations being associated with the cation rather than the anionic
portion of the salt. Pesticides and synthetic detergents may also be troublesome to
the process.

Biomass energy resources are mainly used through conventional technologies, by

rural community to meet their basic energy needs, cooking and heating. Meanwhile
biomass gasification (biogas) and bio-liquefaction (biodiesel and bioethanol)
technologies are gradually being developed. Among these biogas production
technology is simple to install and operate. The technology is cost effective and is
well taken around the world. Although almost all biodegradable materials can be
used for the production of biogas but there are four major sources of biomass worth
to be considered: agricultural and forestry residues, municipal solid waste including
kitchen waste, industrial waste, and specifically grown bioenergy crops

Agricultural and forest residues - Wood and woody debris left after logging,
agriculture waste, crop residues and energy crops, algal biomass, etc.

Community based waste - Municipal solid waste (MSW) much of which is

organic including cooked and uncooked kitchen, sewage sludge, grass clippings and
garden waste.

Industrial waste - Large quantity solid and processed liquors is generated by the
industries like breweries, sugar mills, distilleries, food-processing industries,
tanneries, paper and pulp industries, wood works and furniture.

Animal manure and Human Excreta - Animal dung and human excreta,
poultry waste.

Marine feedstock - Seaweeds, fish and shellfish

Materials and Methods :-
What is biogas measurement?

In laboratory scale experiments, the production of the biogas can be in small

amounts. Accurate measurement of produced gas volume is not an easy task.
Several devised systems are technically robust. The back pressure and the volume
for each count to be measured can be fixed simply by adjusting the sensor height.
The usage of acidified NACL solution can reduce the diffusion of CO2 and give more
accurate measurement of biogas.

Monitoring of biogas production is the common method used in the most of the
researches. the production of the biogas is from the slurry with the generation of
bubble. This biogas bubbles include C02 and CH4 which are the oxidized and
reduced state of organic carbon. Ignoring the trace gases, the molecular weight of
the biogas depends on the concentration of CO2 and CH4. Methane being the
lightest gas, when methane’s concentration increases, the gram molecular weight of
the gas decreases. [1]

The comparison of biodegradability data from scientific papers can be a difficult task.
this is not only due to the environmental protocols, but also because of the collection
of equipment used. The basic protocol for biogas measurement and protocol is
(ISO11734, 1995). However, many researchers are improving the methods usability
by developing automatically operated instruments according to the experimental
requirements. [2,3]

Gas chromatography (GC) is an optimal analytical instrument for the analysis of

components which are present in the gas.[4]
The principal factor affecting the accuracy of biogas volume measurement are
delusion due to varying temperatures, vapor content, solubility and pressure [5]. The
gas measurement technique and method can result in the reticence of anaerobic
digestion. The is due to the large amounts of C02 that is dissolved can have an
impact on the PH of the medium, and then accordingly can alter the microbial activity

With regard to the gas volume measurement methods, two liquid replacement tests
were done with the large syringe method. The accuracy of gas concentrations
determined by absorbing C02 in alkaline liquid was tested by comparing the results
obtained by GC; the gas-tightness of liquid replacement was tested using different
tubes; and the analytical precision in determination of dry matter (DM)and volatile
solids (VS) was tested.

Procedures and Procedures and methods


BMP procedures  German standard procedure

 Moller method
 Hansen method

Gasvolume  Liquid displacement system

measurement methods  Liquid replacement continuously
 Large syringe at intervals

CH4 concentration  Gas chromatography

 Absorption of C02 in alkaline liquid


For measuring the volume of biogas evolved during the production. Table [fig 1]
shows some the major methods used for the volumetric analysis of biogas.

Basic methods –

Basic Gas volume measuring referen

method Description ce
Biogas is measured using 1000-ml
Large syringe at intervals syringe by drawing the pressure in head
The volume of gas was measured based
Liquid Displacement system on the gas meter.

Volumetric and manometric Biogas measurement is done either

gas measurement manometrically by keeping the volume
constant and measuring the pressure
increase, or volumetrically by providing
constant pressure conditions allowing
measurement of the biogas volume


Gas syringes are a very convenient method of gas collection. The liberated gas in a
lab-scale reaction Is led to a syringe connected to the reaction vessel. Due to an
increase in pressure the gas begins to displace the plunger of the gas tight syringe.
On completion of the reaction the syringe barrel gets displaced to Its final position
and the volume of liberated gas can be noted. Correction is applied for temperature
and pressure which are conventionally reported under NTP (Normal temperature and
pressure conditions, i.e, 20 degrees centigrade and 1 atmosphere pressure). A gas
syringe can be used to measure gaseous products from a reaction. When using a
gas syringe to measure gases it is important to keep the syringe free from liquids.
As gases can dissolve in liquids, especially under any resulting pressure, this may
result in inaccurate measurements (Henry's law). Syringes may be used to deliver a
wide range of liquid volumes with a high degree of accuracy. They are especially
useful for measuring and delivering viscous liquids. The measurements made
with syringes are more accurate and precise than those made with graduated
cylinders. Biogas volume can be measured using a 1,000-ml syringe. The syringe
was connected to the reactors by injecting the needle through the butyl bung, then
drawing the plunger out until the pressure in the headspace dropped to ambient
pressure. The volume of gas in the syringe was taken as a measurement of the gas


Syringe method was used for the measurement of amount of methane and carbon
dioxide in biogas produced

A syringe fitted with flexible tube and dilute sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution was
used for

carbon dioxide percentage estimation, since NaOH absorbs CO2 but dose not
absorbs methane.


(1) Prepare 100 ml of dilute sodium hydroxide solution by dissolving granules of

NaOH in about 100 ml of water.

(2) Take 20-30 ml sample of biogas produced during experiment into the syringe
(initially fill syringe with H2O to reduce air contamination)

(3) put end of the tube into the NaOH solution, then push out excess gas to get a 10
ml gas sample.

(3) Now take approximately 20 ml of solution and keep the end of the tube
submerged in the NaOH solution while shaking syringe for 30 seconds.

(4) Point it downwards and push the excess liquid out, so that syringe plunger level
reaches 10

ml. Now read the volume of liquid, which should be 3-4 ml indicating about 30-40%
of gas absorbed so we can say the balance of 65-60% is methane.
(5) If the flame does not burn properly and you get over 50% methane (a reading of
less than 5ml of liquid) you must have nitrogen or some other gas present.



Liquid displacement meters can be constructed with simple materials like

glass/plastic jars or cylinders. The collection of the gas is usually done with the use
of vessels containing a suitable liquid which is displaced as the gas gets collected .
An airbag to collect the gas after the production.


The majority of laboratory volumetric gas meters are based on the liquid
displacement method. Liquid displacement meters are simple, economic and they
can work for a long period of time without maintenance. The preservation and
collection of gases is the most important operation for any liquid displacement
gasometer . Gasometers are the classical gas measuring unit which works with the
principle of gas storing and does not provide the flowrates directly.

Conversion procedures of biogas from Normal conditions to Standard conditions are

presented below. Fluctuation of room temperature and atmospheric pressure during
the measurement of gas can contribute errors in volume calculations. Therefore, to
apply corrections, the record of change of atmospheric pressure and temperature is
important. The gas pressure inside the tube collected over the liquid solution is the
sum of the biogas pressure and the vapor pressure. The pressure of biogas, (Pbio)
can be obtained by subtracting the vapor pressure of liquid (Pw) at the temperature
of measurement from the pressure of collected moist gas (P)

Pbio = P – Pw

If the gas is collected over liquid, static pressure acts due to the difference of level

Pbio = P – Pw – Plevel or Pbio = P – Pw + Plevel

The produced biogas volume in normal condition can be converted to STP using
Combine Gas law:

V0 = v * T0/T * Pbio/P0

Here, V is the measured gas volume, V₀ is the volume of gas in standard

temperature and pressure, P₀ is the standard pressure, T is gas temperature at the
time of measurement, and T₀ is the standard temperature. Modified Arden Buck
Equation (1996) can be suggested for the calculation of vapor pressure

Pw = 6.1121 exp ((18.678 – Tc / 234.5) * TC /257.14 + Tc)

Tc is the temperature of gas in degrees Celsius. Pw is pressure in hP (1 hP = 0.1


Gasometers are usually height or weight types. In the height gasometer, biogas can
be introduced into the liquid column directly from the digester or by emptying a gas
bag as shown in Figures. Gas volume is calculated from the measurement of change
in barrier solution height.

Fig 1a Fig 1b

Figure 1a shows weight type meter in which the gas directly from digester displaces
the barrier liquid from a sealed flask into a second open container, and the gas
volume is determined by weighting the displaced solution. Figure 1b shows the
weighting method of gas volume measurement by gas bag emptying

FIG 1 : Measurement of gas a) direct from a reactor using cylinder meter b)

indirectly by collecting in a gas bag using height meter, modified from

Equation for gas volume calculation by height measurement using height meter :

V0 = T0/ TP0 [((P- Pw – p.g.b1)A.a1) – ((P – Pw – p.g.b2)A.ha2)]

Equation for gas volume calculation by weighting displaced solution in bottle meter:

V0 = T0(Mb – Ma)/TP0p [ P – Pw + p.g ( a1 + a2 + Va / A)]

Equation for gas measurement by weighting displaced solution in column meter :

V0 = T0(Mb – Ma)/TP0p{[P – Pw + p.g.(b1 – m/p.A).a.(a1 + m/p.A)] – [(P-Pw +


Here, a and b represent heights of gas and liquid. m represents mass of liquid
measured. Subscripts 1, 2 represent condition before measurement and after
measurement. ρ is the density of liquid. A is cross sectional area. g is acceleration
due to gravity.

The major drawback of the liquid displacement gas collecting and measuring system
is inaccuracy due to biogas solubility/diffusion through the barrier solution. Liquids
such as simple tap water, oil, acidified water and carbonated water are widely used
as barrier solutions. The solubility and diffusion varies with type of liquid,
atmospheric pressure, temperature, density of liquid, gas composition. Therefore,
the same correction factor cannot be applied for every time of gas measurement. A
study reported that underestimations of CO₂ in the biogas could be as high as 30%
with the use of Warburg liquid displacement gas measurement system . The
evaporation of barrier solutions after a long period of time can also result in
inaccuracies. Gas solubility errors can be eliminated by collecting gas in gas bags
and measuring the gas volume with liquid column meters

CO₂ is a sensitive parameter and its analysis is important for the monitoring of the
anaerobic digestion process. The increase and subsequent stabilization of CO₂
content represents the progress of the process during the start-up. The CO₂
measurement during the routine operation is also important as it suggests the
specific digester’s operational background value

Simple basic solutions can be used for determining the CO₂ and CH₄ concentration
without chromatography analysis. This is done by allowing a known volume of biogas
in contact with a saturated solution of potassium hydroxide or sodium hydroxide. The
CO₂ will get dissolved rapidly in the solution and the remaining gas can be assumed
to be methane

CO2 + 2OH^- ---> CO3^2- + H2O  

Most scientific publications and standards suggest the use of either a highly acidic,
saline or acidified saline solution to avoid the diffusion of CO2 in the liquid
displacement measuring gasometers

The accuracy of automatically operated displacement instruments also depends on

the nature of the sealing liquid.

Volumetric and manometric measurement

Biogas measurement is done in either manometric way by keeping the volume

constant and measuring the pressure increase, or volumetrically by providing
constant pressure conditions allowing measurement of the biogas volume. The rate
and volume of biogas produced from anaerobic biodegradability assays include
different techniques such as lubricated syringes, volume displacement devices,
pressure manometers or transducers, manometer assisted syringes, or low pressure
switch meters. Measurement of gas at low headspace pressure is an important
requirement to all manometric or volumetric determinations of anaerobic

Different researchers have developed different types of displacement gas

measurement devices depending upon the research requirements. The general
working principle of these automatic displacement gas meters is the difference of
pressure between the inlet and outlet of the meter which causes the periodic filling
and emptying a defined volume of gas in the measurement chamber.

The sensor operates the closing and opening of a two way or three-way solenoid
valve in order to release the collected gas and resets the whole system. The total
volume of gas is the product of the number of fillings or clearing (recorded by a
counter system) times the defined volume of the chamber.

The measurement of gas is independent of the flow profile. Manometric transducers

with various configurations are also widely used for the determination of produced
gas volume. When the gradual increase of headspace gas pressure reaches a set
value, a solenoid valve gets activated upon receiving the electric signal. Gas is
allowed to be released for a few seconds of a set time period. This same process is
repeated and continuous recording is done. They have a limited range of accuracy
and the variation of inorganic carbon and liquid pH can inhibit the anaerobic process.

The use of the pressure transducer technique for the determination of gas production
has been described in most of the standards. ISO 11734 recommends taking regular
intermediate pressure readings while using pressure transducers.

In this regard, Tagliapietra et al. has compared the effects of headspace pressure
on the kinetics of gas production in batch anaerobic system with automated a batch
system equipped with an gas sensors and with venting valves. Theodorou et al.
reported that high headspace pressure can result in increased CO2 solubility and
can significantly disturb the microbial activity.


1.Measuring Biogas Composition with a Compact Micro electromechanical System-
Based Spectrometer.
2.Compact automated displacement gas metering system for measurement of low gas
rates from laboratory fermenters
3. Biogas Analyzer Based on Open Source Hardware: Design and Prototype

Measuring Biogas Composition with a Compact Micro

electromechanical System-Based Spectrometer

To operate a demand-driven anaerobic digester, improvements to monitoring of

process parameters are necessary. Therefore, a mid-infrared spectroscopic gas
sensor utilizing a microelectromechanical system-based Fabry - Pérot interferometer
was tested for its suitability to measure the biogas concentration online. The spectral
data is analyzed using principle component regression to make predictions of
methane and carbon dioxide. Testing was performed in a laboratory, at a 1000-L
pilot-scale digester, and at a 1.2-MW landfill site. Scans took under eight minutes
during testing and it is expected that this can be reduced further to give a shorter
delay from the online measurements.

Micro electro mechanical system infrared sensor for use in the measurement of the
biogas. The performance of the sensor was tested for the measurement of methane
and carbon dioxide. Currently, the commercially available possibilities for measuring
the composition of biogas in an industrial environment are either using a catalytic
sensors have a drawback that high concentrations of hydrogen sulphide can damage
the sensor using either one or two wavelengths. Catalytic sensors have a drawback
that high concentrations of hydrogen sulphide can damage the sensor. When
compared to a conventional IR sensor, there is also a benefit as the MEMS sensor
records a spectrum at multiple wavelengths, allow a profile to be recorded, this
profile is used for calculation of methane concentrations, and provide an improved
robustness to the problem of cross sensitivity when compared to one or two
measurement points.

The sensor was provided from spectral engines and measures mid infrared light from
3000nm – 3700nm using a MEME tuneable Fabry-Perot interferometer. This
interferometer functions as a tuneable optical filler, and is combined with a wideband
light source and wideband sensor which allows the system to function as a compact
spectrometer. A gas measurement cell with a 10cm path length was used to hold the
gas that was being measured. The spectrometer was connected to Raspberry Pi,
both of which were fitted into a pelican case.

The system was installed in a pilot scale biogas digester measuring the produced
biogas. The pilot scale plant has primary digester volume of 1000L and is operated
as part of the metabolon research project. The pilot scale digester is also fitted with
an AwiFlexCool+ gas analysis unit, which measures Methane, Carbon dioxide,
Hydrogen Sulphide, and Hydrogen concentrations each hour. These measurement
values were used to train and test machine learning algorithms. The algorithms were
used to train and test machine learning algorithms. The algorithms are then used to
calculate gas concentrations from the measured spectra. The system ran for 109
day, with the data from the first 76 das used for training, and the remaining for 33
days for system.

For the data from the pilot scale reactor, methane prediction is performed with an
RMSEP(Root mean square error of prediction) of 0.95% and carbon dioxide
prediction with RMSEP of 3.4%. These fast transients were also well tracked by the
sensor. The optimum machine learning technique for predicting methane
concentration was PCR, and for predicting carbon dioxide was Random Forest.

FIG – 3

The Discussion has good accuracy and can accurately estimate the methane
concentration over a wide range of values, including responding to rapid transients.
The capabilities of the sensor combined with a Raspberry Pi has enabled a powerful
system to be built which is compact and portable whilst offering prediction for
multiple gases.

In the biogas application, the system can perform online measurement of both
carbon dioxide and methane simultaneously, allowing to fulfil the role of two different
sensors with good performance. MEMWS based sensors offers a new technology for
monitoring of biogas composition which can be used for maintaining stable plant




An automated metering system was developed for measuring biogas production

from laboratory scale biogas digestors. The gas metering system is based on the
principle of liquid displacement with a 100-mL reversible cycle and registration. The
gas meter is made entirely of plastic and rubber materials resistant to the corrosive
components of biogas (e.g., H2S) and requires a 12 to 15 VDC power supply. Key
words: gas metering - biogas production.

Anaerobic fermentation experiments often require the measurement of produced

biogas. In laboratory scale experiments, the biogas production is usually low, often
below 5 mL/min, and commercially available flow meters are usually too large to be
applied and are sensitive to the humidity and corrosive components of the biogas.
Normal practice is, therefore, to arrange a rather simple liquid displacement system
or a bag collection system. These methods do, however, require manual refilling,
etc., and periodical supervision which is time consuming if many fermenters are
operated. Only a few gas meters that satisfy the needs of measuring low-flow wet
gases However, the previously described gas meters are rather complicated, space
consuming, or not entirely resistant to corrosive components. Here we present a new
compact gas metering system which is easy to operate, relatively cheap (approx.
100 US$ in materials), can be produced/assembled in most laboratories, and can
operate for long periods automatically

When 100 mL of gas has been collected, the liquid level in the air compartment
reaches a maximum, where the liquid level sensor (B) activates a regeneration cycle
controlled by the electronic circuit (E). The pinch valve is activated for a period of
approximately 15 s, allowing the gas to be discharged, and the liquid column to be
equalized while the gas supply is closed. At the same time, the counter (D) is
activated to register the cycle and the system returns to normal, ready to receive
more gas. During a cycle, the amount of gas collected (0 to 100 mL) can be read on
a scale on the air compartment. The gas meter can be reset by initiating a
regenerative cycle by pushing the reset button (F) connected to the electronic control
circuit and resetting the counter.

FIG – 4 [Schematic description of the gas


The accuracy of the flow meter depends on the care executed during calibration.
Through many tests, repeatability of approximately +1 mL (i.e., +1%) was noted. As
the liquid in the flow meter will gradually evaporate, the accuracy during prolonged
operation depends on periodical checking and refilling of the liquid content if
necessary. This is most easily done in connection with reading and resetting of the
gas meter, where the equalized liquid level can be checked against the zero mark of
the scale. The rate of evaporation can be minimized by using a salt solution as liquid .

The flow meter described is well suited for application in laboratory scale
experiments involving anaerobic fermentation. The flow meter is especially suitable
in experiments where the operation is otherwise automated and normal gas
collection systems would be the only system to require regular attention.
It would be relatively easy to modify the electronic control circuit to supply an
external signal for a computer registration of 100-mL gas batches if required. Twelve
gas meters as described have now been operated for about a year in an experiment
involving the operation of 12 fully automated, 5-L fermentors in our laboratory without
major problems, and have greatly reduced the need for time and attention.

Biogas Analyzer Based on Open Source Hardware: Design

and Prototype Implementation

Continuous gas analyzers are equipment that analyzes the composition of gases
continuously. That is, as the gas is flowing through the analyzer, the reading of the
gas composition can be instantly obtained. As aforementioned, the idea is to develop
a system to measure and analyze the composition of gases continuously, in this
case biogas, by a low cost and open source hardware acquisition system, as
Arduino. This system will include a data reading system based on a LCD display and
the possibility of sharing information with other devices using the well known Modbus
industrial protocol. Focusing on combustible gases, these are used for the
production of thermal energy from a combustion process. Some gases of this type
are natural hydrocarbons and those manufactured solely for use as fuel. Among all
possible cases, it has been decided to develop a prototype to determine the
composition of biogas. Biogas can be generated in natural media or in a sealed,
oxygen-free tank called anaerobic digester, from the reactions of biodegradation that
are produced of the organic matter, by the action of microorganisms in the absence
of oxygen . In this sense, one of the great advantages of biogas is that this fuel is
generated by the disposal of waste. The composition of this combustible gas varies
according to the origin of the same. This combustible gas consists of a mixture
composed of 50-70 % of methane (CH4) and 30-50 % of carbon dioxide (CO2). It
also contains minimal amounts of other gases, such as nitrogen (N2), hydrogen
sulfide (H2S), and some traces of water vapor. The calorific value of the biogas will
vary its value depending on the proportion of methane in the mixture
Fig 5

The measurement system designed in this work is based on four sensors that have
been chosen according to the requirements of the company that collaborates with
the university to develop this prototype. However, it can be extrapolated to any other
type of gas simply modifying the set of selected sensors

Regarding the monitoring of combustible gases, sensors are required that can detect
high concentrations of gases, compared to those required for toxic gases that must
be more sensitive to lower levels of concentrations. For both cases, can be
considered five types of sensors, each based on a different foundation for the
detection of different gases, namely electrolytic sensors, catalytic sensors, solid state
sensors, infrared sensors and photoionization detectors. Among all types of gas
sensors, semiconductor type sensors have been chosen. These sensors have a thin
film of metal oxide, on which a piece of silicone is deposited. The absorption of gas
at the surface with this oxide results in a change in the electrical

resistance, which is related to the measured gas concentration of the sample. In the
presence of gas, the metal oxide causes the gas to dissociate into charged ions or
complexes which results in the transfer of electrons. This kind of sensors have a built
in heater, which heats the metal oxide material to an operational temperature range
that is optimal for the gas to be detected. This heater is regulated and controlled by a
specific circuit. For the implementation of the biogas measurement prototype, the
gases whose concentration is sensed are: ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen
and methane. The selected sensors to carry out this analyzer have been bought to
the same manufacturer
the design and development of a cost effective continuous gas analyzer has been
reported. Each of the four sensors chosen for the detection of the biogas
composition has been studied and analyzed. Besides, all the circuits necessary for
this purpose have being realized. All the circuits that compose the system of
measurement and analysis of biogas have been simulated with the software Multisim
14.0, obtaining at all times the corresponding values exposed in the sheets of
characteristics of each of

them. All the printed circuit boards of the circuits necessary for this project have
been implemented with the software Ultiboard 12.0. Currently, the developed meter
is in the test phase in order to validate the proposed system. The built prototype
proves that a system for biogas sensing is feasible using an open source hardware
platform like Arduino. By simply modifying the set of sensors, the presented system
can be applied to any other type of gas. Future guidelines include long-term
operation assessment and data storage in the form of databases .

Gas measurement with syringes
The volume of gas produced during a chemical reaction can be measured by
collecting the gas in an inverted container filled with water. The gas forces water out
of the container, and the volume of liquid displaced is a measure of
the volume of gas.

Gas syringes, though slightly expensive, are leak-proof and (if frictionless) will not
pressurize the gases and thus will generate a much more accurate reading.
A syringe is a pump consisting of a sliding plunger that fits tightly in a tube. The
plunger can be pulled and pushed inside the precise cylindrical tube, or barrel, letting
the syringe draw in or expel a liquid or gas through an orifice at the open end of the

Gas syringes come in various sizes from 500 ml to 0.25 ml and tend to be accurate

to between 0.01 and 1 ml, depending on the size of the syringe

The gas syringe is connected by a tube to the flask that is giving off the gas as
shown in the picture below.

The gas syringe has marks along its length that allow the volume of collected gas to
be measured. As the volume of collected increases the plunger moves further out of
the syringe
The volume of collected gas can be measured in time.

Biogas Plant with Cow Dung
Cow dung gas is 55-65% methane, 30-35% carbon dioxide, with some hydrogen,
nitrogen and other traces. Its heating value is around 600 B.T.U. per cubic foot.
Cow dung slurry is composed of 1.8-2.4% nitrogen (N2), 1.0-1.2% phosphorus
(P2O5), 0.6-0.8% potassium (K2O) and 50-75% organic humus.
About one cubic foot of gas may be generated from one pound of cow manure at
around 28°C. This is enough gas to cook a day’s meals for 4-6 people in India.
About 1.7 cubic metres of biogas equals one litre of gasoline. The manure produced
by one cow in one year can be converted to methane, which is the equivalent of over
200 litres of gasoline.
Gas engines require about 0.5 m3 of methane per horsepower per hour. Some care
must be taken with the lubrication of engines using solely biogas due to the “dry”
nature of the fuel and some residual hydrogen sulphide, otherwise these are a
simple conversion of a gasoline engine.

Compressed Bio Gas helps in reducing Carbon Emissions

CO emissions by 90-97% & CO2 emission by 25%
NOX emissions by 35 – 60%
Hydrocarbon emissions by 50 -75%
Emits little or no particulate matter

Method to construct laboratory biogas plant

Step 1: Choose the Correct Container

You will have to choose a correct size container which will act as a digester tank.

Step 2: Make Holes

Make holes in the tank for Inlet and outlet. For this I took a old iron rod and heated it
to make holes. CAUTION: rod is really very hot .
Step 3: Fix the Inlet and Outlet Pipes
Glue the Inlet pipe and the Outlet pipe with any water proof adhesive. 
Step 4: Making the Gas Holder Tanka paint bucket of 20 lts for making a gas holder
tank. this tank holds the gas produced. The tank is overturned and fixed with a valve
used for plumbing purposes.

Step 5: Time to Mix the Cow Dung !

mix the cow dung (5kg for 50 liters) and add water to  make a fine slurry. Now put
the slurry in the digester tank.

Step 6: Almost Finished!

Put the gas holder tank overturned in the digester tank after adding the slurry .
REMEMBER: open the valve while putting the gas holder tank. the mini plant takes
10-15 days for the first time to get output. For the first time, the gas in the tank wont
burn as it contains Carbon Dioxide gas, if fortunately it burns then good or wait for
the second time. You can detect how much gas is there in this system, the gas
holder tank will rises up as the gas is produced.  

Step 7: Working 

 the heat is so much that it melts a thin sheet of tin in just 2 mins.

Gas measurement with syringes

Step 1 : Prepare 100 ml of dilute sodium hydroxide solution by dissolving granules

of NaOH in about 100 ml of water.

Step 2 : Take 20-30 ml sample of biogas produced during experiment into the
syringe (initially fill syringe with H2O to reduce air contamination)

Step 3 : put end of the tube into the NaOH solution, then push out excess gas to
get a 10 ml gas sample.
Step 4 : Now take approximately 20 ml of solution and keep the end of the tube
submerged in the NaOH solution while shaking syringe for 30 seconds.

Step 5 : Point it downwards and push the excess liquid out, so that syringe plunger
level reaches 10ml.

Step 6 : Now read the volume of liquid, which should be 3-4 ml indicating about 30-
40% of gas absorbed so we can say the balance of 65-60% is methane.

Step 7 : If the flame does not burn properly and you get over 50% methane (a
reading of less than 5ml of liquid) you must have nitrogen or some other gas present.

The “Indian Biogas Association” (IBA) is the first nationwide and professional biogas
association for operators, manufacturers and planners of biogas plants, and
representatives from public policy, science and research in India. IBA is a one point
access to all biogas related information. IBA provide training services through its
different channels to provided skilled manpower to the industry. It has 2267
enthusiasts ,1067 biogas training participants and 200 happy IBA members.

[2] SISTEMA.BIO is a prefabricated modular biodigester package that includes a full suite
of biogas appliances and connections. Easy to install and use, our patented high
efficiency biodigesters receive organic waste and transform into renewable biogas
and a powerful organic fertilizer


AAT handles over 150 different substrates. 130 large-scale facilities in 30 countries
worldwide proves that. Documented 98% availability makes a clear statement. About
1,000 clients use AAT components and profit from our quarter of a century Know-
how. The highlight of AAT technology is the unique digester without agitator, which
mixes the substrate optimally and works without any energy consumption and

[4] Shandong Mingshuo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Shandong Mingshuo New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Specializes in biogas project.
The company is the production base of medium and large biogas equipments in
China, the member of China Biogas Association, the member of China Association
of Rural Energy Industry. The company is the recommended member of CCTV
Website Enterprise Channel and China Import and Export Commodity Website, the
most complete and excellent biogas equipment manufacturers in china.The company
has strict management and reliable technology. The existing staff are all from
chemical industry with rich experience. They can offer design consulting about
biogas and some other technology service

[5] National Project on Biogas Development (NPBD)

NPBD provides for different types of financial incentives including central subsidy to
users, turn key job fee to entrepreneurs, service charges to State Nodal
Departments / Agencies and support for training and publicity. Caters to family type
biogas plants. · Started in 1981-82 with the following objectives : (i) To provide fuel
for cooking purposes and organic manure to rural households through biogas plants;
(ii) To mitigate drudgery of rural women, reduce pressure on forest and accentuate
social benefits; (iii) To improve sanitation in villages by linking toilets with biogas

[6] Government of India Ministry of New and

Renewable Energy

MNRE shall provide approval /recognition for such Biogas model / design/systems
for considering in the, Central Sector, National Biogas Scheme. Based on the
detailed data and proposals submitted, MNRE shall analyze, evaluate and validate
the proposals and based on the laboratory/ field evaluation, the promising
technology/ biogas plant designs may be released in the list of approved models of
Biogas Plants along with all details. Only Such approved models of Biogas Plants
shall be considered for eligible for the benefits under the National Biogas Scheme of
this Ministry.

[7] Biogas Tonder

the largest biogas plant in the Nordics. Each plant has the capacity to receive
930,000 tonnes of biomass annually. The biogas plant in Tonder will treat liquid
manure and energy crops from 120 farmers and in the future also organic household
waste. The plant produces biogas which is a renewable fuel that can be used in a
number of ways.

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