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What are Health and Wellness?

If you do a simple Google search for the word health you will find that
it means the state of being free from illness or injury, or it can refer to
a person's mental or physical condition. Synonyms for health are
well-being, Fitness, good condition, good shape.

Taking it a little bit deeper the World Health Organization Defined

health in 1986 as a resource for everyday life but not the objective of
Also the World Health Organization identified Mental Health as a
state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own
abilities, it can cope with the normal stresses in life, can act
productively an fruitfully, and it's able to make a contribution to his or
her community".

What is interesting and very important in understanding Health and

Wellness is the fact that good health, does not mean without
illness. But more than being Healthy includes being well, which gives
us a sense of quality of life.

When we think of Wellness, we can see the different aspects of the

term: we can have physical wellness, which is the ability to achieve a
healthy lifestyle though exercise and activity,
we can have spiritual Wellness, which is the ability to seek meaning
and purpose in one's daily life,
there is also emotional Wellness which is the ability to express
emotions with comfort and in a healthy manner,
there is intellectual wellness which gives us the ability to learn and
use intellectual capabilities to make healthy decisions
and we can also talk about environmental Wellness which is the
ability to appreciate the external environment and improve it's

All the possible meanings of wellness are encompassed in the notion

of living a healthy lifestyle and focusing on this in a positive, relaxed
manner, will definitely bring us the comfort we are always seeking.

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