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Blue Eyes

An studio in the Lower East MARCIE : She was at the party?

Side, NYC
JULES : Yes. Just dropped-in,
-oOo- Large windows. really. She was going out.

Outside, a hurricane. MARCIE : Going out where?

MARCIE stands beside the JULES : Work.

windows. Looks out.
MARCIE : Damn. You know
JULES wipes some dishes. Puts she's a single mom?
them in the cupboard.
JULES : Yeah. She dropped-in to
A brief tableau. leave her little – what's his
JULES : Are we turning in?
MARCIE : Nelson.
MARCIE : I guess so. In a while.
JULES : Yeah, Nelson. He seems
JULES : I still have reception. to be looking forward to
spending the evening
MARCIE : Me too.
with Phil and Justine. He seems
JULES : Maybe you can call her to like it there.
again. What's her name again?
MARCIE : That was a nice party.
MARCIE : Joel?
JULES : I guess as nice as it
JULES : Yes. Joel. Is he the could be.
MARCIE : The caterer was so
MARCIE : Sort of. nice.
JULES : He's on top of things, JULES : And they're from way
right? up in Yorkville. Chances are,
they're spending the
MARCIE : I guess so. Can't
really know, right? night in the lobby.
JULES : Yeah. MARCIE : I'm sure Phil and
Justine will let them stay with
MARCIE : Do you think they're them.
going to cut the power?
JULES : Do you want to have a
JULES : Lydia said they might. drink?
MARCIE : Sure. Are you having MARCIE : I called Expedia
one? earlier. They said the best way
would be to get a flight two
JULES : Sure.
days from now maybe in
Jules pops two glasses. Amsterdam. Something flies
out to Manila
Fills them with wine.
everyday from there. KLM.
Marcie sits. Jules looks out. They never cancel. That's her
MARCIE : Did you tell Phil and
Justine about Liza? anyway. She said it would be
very difficult to get direct
JULES : Not really. transfer tickets in
MARCIE : They were extra nice the usual connections since it's
to me. going to be so backed-up.
JULES : Somebody probably JULES : You think they'll be
did. flying out tomorrow night?
MARCIE : I guess it was Jeff. Jeff MARCIE : News said so.
heard me earlier.
JULES : We're out first thing
JULES : Did you tell Jeff? tomorrow night.
MARCIE : Not really. But he MARCIE : I don't really see why
gave me some napkins. From we ought to rush.
Quizno’s. That really
JULES : I don't see why staying
made me laugh a bit. I was for a while would be any good,
going to cry, but I just laughed too.
a little and said
MARCIE : She wrote in her will
thank you. He told me it was she wanted to be cremated.
ok. I said I just needed a Right away.
JULES : Are they doing it?
JULES : Got with him in the
elevator earlier. Asked me how MARCIE : Joel wants to. But he's
we were going to get talking to a lawyer first. They're
not exactly married.
home. I said, you know, I didn't
know if I could come. JULES : You're the only next of
kin, right?
MARCIE : You should come. If
you want to. MARCIE : Sort of.
JULES : You know I want to. JULES : You alright with it?
MARCIE : That's what she principal and tell. Then he
wants. stopped following us. Her,
really. But I guess
JULES : You told him?
me too since we were always
MARCIE : He didn't really ask. together. A week after, we
were running
JULES : Let's call him.
home because it was going to
MARCIE : It's alright. Knowing rain soon, and from out of
her, she wouldn't really care as nowhere the dog
came out. I stopped. Dumb in
JULES : You guys were the my tracks. I remembered
closest. someone telling
MARCIE : She does what she me to sit down when you
wants. encounter an angry dog. I sort
of did. But doing
JULES : Like you.
that didn't make it go away.
MARCIE : Not really. Instead it attacked me. I
screamed like hell.
JULES : No. Like you.
But Liza was no longer there. I
MARCIE : We're sisters, but
guess she didn't know I wasn't
that's just about it. I love her,
she loves me. But that was
her anymore.
pretty much it. Liza's very,
independent, I guess. It's just A beat.
how she is. Was.
Jules looks out the window.
Well, was. You know, when we
were younger, there was this JULES : We're really having it
guy that this time.
really wanted to meet her. We MARCIE : I guess we are.
were in high school, then. The
guy was a JULES : Remember our old
apartment in Clinton?
little bit nuts. He followed her
everywhere. Him and his dog. MARCIE : This would have been
He had a terrifying.

dog. Thin, ugly mongrel. One JULES : I hated that basement.

time I told him not to follow her
anymore. MARCIE : Me too.

Liza heard it. Says it' ok. But I JULES : Liza loved it there.
still insisted. I told the guy I will
go to our
MARCIE : She liked the people. MARCIE : Earlier, I realize, this
She loved them. appears a little strange. It
JULES : Those wannabe artists?
JULES : Why?
MARCIE : She wouldn't think
about them that way. MARCIE : I can't hear anything.
It's probably howling like hell
JULES : Well, yeah. I take it out there. But you
don't hear it. The sound it
MARCIE : That's her crowd. makes. It's actually relaxing. If
the power
JULES : Sure was.
doesn't go, I would call it –
MARCIE : Ethnic music, actually call it – relaxing. It's
Whatever-American crowd. So deceiving that
JULES : You sound like it's more
a joke to you that it is to me. JULES : You don't like it?

MARCIE : Looking back, it does MARCIE : You don't like or not

seem that way. like what I just said. I think.

JULES : It wasn't. JULES : I would say, that's why

the mortgage's that high.
MARCIE : I don't know.
MARCIE : It's not that high.
JULES : Really?
JULES : Isn't it?
MARCIE : Honestly, I don't.
MARCIE : What else are we
JULES : Well, she was just there going to spend for?
on vacation.
JULES : Maybe you'll change
A beat. your mind someday and want
to have kids.
Marcie joins Jules, looks out the
window. MARCIE : I already have you.
You're enough. My kid quota's
MARCIE : Where were we the done.
last time?
Jules laughs a bit.
JULES : It was pouring like this?
Florida. Marcie goes to the kitchen to
get another drink.
She finishes a glass in one
JULES : Why? gulp.

Fills her glass again.

The power goes. JULES : Don't say that.

An emergency light comes on - MARCIE : I'm just kidding.

While earlier the apartment JULES : You really wanted a

looks chic and comfortable, in longer party?
this light, the mood seems to
change MARCIE : That part, I wasn't
to that of a cave.
JULES : Jeff didn't think you
A brief tableau. were supposed to be there.

MARCIE : Phil and Justine owe MARCIE : I heard. Screw him.

us another party.
JULES : I don't like that guy.
JULES : You really wish it turned
out to be a real one, don't you? MARCIE : Me too. Seems to
think too much for other
MARCIE : Party or not, what I people. Like he expected me to
wished was to go home a little
bit drunk. teleport. Maybe he did.
Wouldn't be surprised if he
JULES : You're not a little bit believed in
drunk now?
teleportation. Actually, you
MARCIE : Too little. Not even a know, something else that I
little bit. I want a bigger bit. wish I did earlier.

JULES : Drunk like dancing Corner Jeff. I wish I ahd told

drunk? him about Liza's plan. Liza's
cremation plan.
MARCIE : Somewhat.
To be one with the earth.
JULES : You need to be? Consumed by fire. Return to
ashes. That would
MARCIE : Not necessarily.
make it rather ironic because
JULES : You're strange. we're here, in a city soaking
wet, unable to get
MARCIE : You sometimes say
that. I don't know why. drunk.
JULES : But I get you. JULES : Why would it be ironic?
MARCIE : Maybe you don't. MARCIE : I don't know. She's
the artist. The idea just...
JULES : I get you. resonates.
MARCIE : Do you think I'm a A beat.
bad sister?
JULES : I feel old when MARCIE : Yes.
someone dies.
JULES : It's not.
MARCIE : Tell me about it.
MARCIE : Yes. Yes. Funny I ever
JULES : You did. Ten years ago. recalled.

MARCIE : How old was Liza? A beat.

JULES : Now? MARCIE : I just wish Joel's not

going to organize one of those
MARCIE : Then. services when we come.

JULES : In her thirties. I'm quite certain that he will.

But still hoping. Best wishes. I
MARCIE : Like me. wouldn't
JULES : Yes. You're only a year know what to say. There must
older, right? still be some old friends. I
mean, old friends
MARCIE : Well, yes.
that we had. We're not really at
JULES : So she was in her that age where everyone's
thirties. dead. I would
MARCIE : Right. know what to say to them.
They've known her so well. I
JULES : Marcie -
guess so
MARCIE : Do you know you're
differently. What would I say?
the first and only American that
she slept with? Cross- country JULES : You can choose not to
from California to Texas to New talk.
Jersey to here, and you're the
only MARCIE : There's something I
remember. We were in college.
one. That time she told me, she I was a year ahead.
said she couldn't forget your
blue eyes. She was, if I remember it right,
only a sophomore. So I guess I
Rather hilarious, remembering was just a
it now.
junior. We pretty much went
Silence. with the same crowd. We all
lived in a house.
JULES : May I just say that I was
intentionally keeping quiet. We shared a room. It was
almost the end of the term
MARCIE : I know.
then. I think. A few
JULES : That's not something
you want to talk about. I think.
weeks before the summer She recalled that story only
break. She woke up from a once. We were on a cab on our
dream. She said she way to the

doesn't remember most of it, airport. I was leaving for grad

but she said I died somewhere school. I didn't exactly know
in it. And our why she was

parents too. We were younger. rambling on about it. I was too

We were kids. There was busy checking and rechecking
something. Not if I had

an accident. But something. everything. But she talked

And we had all died. Her too. about it. That was the last
She died too. time.

But she could see everything. A long silence.

Like she didn't die.
JULES : I'm sorry I'm here.
I asked her if that frightened
her. It took her a while to talk. MARCIE : Why wouldn't you be?
We were
JULES : I know you wanted to
sitting there. One afternoon – go to a party because I'm
yes, it was in the afternoon – probably the last person
sweltering hot
you'd like to be with.
day, we were sweating, in
probably our underwear, and I MARCIE : No.
was waiting for
JULES : It's something that I
her. She said she didn't want understand.
anyone to die, but it felt ok for
her to die. It MARCIE : No.

felt perfectly normal. The rest JULES : You haven't even cried
of her dream felt that way. She yet. Please find the chance.
said it was
MARCIE : No. She's no longer
perfectly normal. She went and here. You are.
finished all her classes. She
JULES : I know.
went home.
MARCIE : And you're not going
There was no one there, but it
didn't feel different. She was
sad that
JULES : I know.
everyone else was dead, but
MARCIE : I appreciate that.
insisted it was normal that she
is. A beat.
JULES : I'm turning in.

Marcie smiles.

Jules takes the glasses, puts The apartment – now looking at

them in the sink. the cave – begins to fade into
Loosens his tie. Walks towards
the room. We see the storm from outside
the window.
MARCIE : Play something on
your phone. And the lights completely fade
out for the end of the play.
JULES : What do you mean?
MARCIE : Music.

JULES : Not exactly the time to

play music, baby. We might
need the phone.

MARCIE : Dance with me.

JULES : Why?

MARCIE : We didn't get the

chance to get drunk and dance
in the party.


Awkwardly, Jules goes to


He takes her hand.

She hugs him. Tight.

They begin to sway.

MARCIE : Come home with me

if you want.

JULES : I'll let you be.

MARCIE : Thanks.

They go on dancing.

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