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Fhanie Medina Martinez

English 102

Syllabus Work

Mandala Project

Word Count: 804

Every aspect of life can be represented by a symbol. Everywhere we go there are symbols

whether to represent a business, a type of food, or a type of situation. Each person has

something that has impacted their past, present, and future. These things can be symbolized with

a symbol. There are various things that impacted me throughout my life, however, there are three

things that impacted my past and present and will affect my future the most. I represented them

with three symbols, them being a heart, a notebook, and a stethoscope.

The first symbol I chose was a heart. I chose it to represent the love and support that my

parents have given me since I was born. I chose a heart because it is used to symbolize love

which is what I feel for my parents. I have always counted on them for everything since I have so

much because of them. I have endless amounts of trust in them because they always know the

right thing to say to whatever situation I am facing whether its good or bad. An example of the

things they have helped me with was when I wanted to go to this college summer program called

Barett summer scholars. They went to leave me all the way to Phoenix and I had to live without

them for two weeks. That was a hard lesson I had to learn because I had never spent so much

time without them by my side. Even though I called them all the time I still missed their

presence. Fortunately, they gave me advice on how college was going to be and that helped me
get through it. They have helped me learn so much throughout my life whether it was for my first

steps or how to find the area of a circle. My mom for the most has impacted my educational life

because she is a teacher. When I was in fifth grade she was my teacher and she is the one

responsible for my knowledge in various subjects such as math and science.

Moreover, for the present, I chose a yellow notebook. The color of the notebook is not

much of importance I just picked it because it is my favorite color. However, the notebook

represents all the hard work and effort I am putting to school. ​ ​I am currently taking two college

classes which are Math and English. My mom always told me that if there is something I can get

ahead with then I should do it. When my counselor talked about getting college classes while

being in high school I immediately said yes because I knew that my goal was to get done as

much as I can in order to waste less money when I get into college. On the other hand, high

school has been pretty hard aswell. I am currently taking AP French also and it has been quite

the challenge because it is a brand new language and becoming fluent in it in six months is not

easy. All this has taught me how to manage my time with all the work I’m dealing with. It has

also helped me gain more knowledge that I will need for my future.

Furthermore, for my last symbol, I chose a stethoscope. I chose this symbol because it

represents my future career path. Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to become a

doctor. There are many reasons why being a doctor will become a great passion of mine. I want

to pursue a career in medicine because I love helping others in need. If there is someone that

needs help I will do my best in order to ensure the well being of others. Another reason is that I

want to make my parents proud in seeing them achieve my goal. All they want for me is to be

successful and happy. Achieving this dream of mine will make me extremely proud of myself
because of some people that do not think I will be able to become a doctor. Proving that I can

become a successful doctor would be very pleasing.

In conclusion, symbols can represent many things in our lives such as the past, the

present, and the future. To represent these aspects of life I used a heart, a yellow notebook, and a

stethoscope. They each represent the difficulties I have learned to overcome. Symbols could

range anywhere from a simple sketch to a very detailed drawing. There could also be a symbol

that has different meanings to each person as an individual which is the amazing thing about

symbols because no matter what it is it could have a special meaning for everyone.

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