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1. Choose the Intro to Soils tab.

Research the information to answer the following

questions in your notebook.

● What is soil?

● soil is a “naturally occurring mixture of mineral and organic ingredients with a

definite form, structure, and composition.”

● What are the four classifications of mineral particles in soil?

● partially weathered rock

● ash from volcanoes

● sediments moved and deposited by wind/water

● ground-up rock deposited by glaciers

● What other types of matter can be included in soil?

● unconsolidated organic material is included in soil

● How is soil formed? on your site by their classification code. Within your design
team, assign each of the soil types to a team member for research.

2. Choose the Soil Data Explorer tab, then choose the Soils Properties and
Qualities tab. Search the data and record the following information for your soil in your
notebook. Do not change the default values in the navigation bar, but be sure to include
information for All Layers (at the bottom of Advanced Options).
Liquid Limit
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 33.8

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 33.8

Organic Matter
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 0.55

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 0.55

Percent Clay
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 26.3

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 26.3

Percent Sand
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 47.0

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 47.0

Percent Silt
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 26.6

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 26.6

Plasticity Index
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes 12.2

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to 25 percent slopes 12.2

3. Fill in the following table to display each soil property for each soil. You will have to
calculate the Plastic Limit. Use the USCS Soil Classification Chart and Plasticity Graph,
to classify each soil using the USCS classification.

Soil Liquid Organic Percent Percent Percent Plasticity Plastic USCS

Classification Limit Matter Clay Sand Silt Index Limit Classification

(percent) (percent)

9 33.8 0.55 26.3 47.0 26.6 12.2

21.6 CL

WkE 33.8 0.55 26.3 47.0 26.6 12.2

21.6 CL

4. Choose the Suitabilities and Limitations for Use tab.

o Research the limitations for sanitary facilities on the property. Specifically, research the
limitations (if any) for installation of septic tank absorption fields. Record your findings in your
Map unit Map unit name Rating Component name Rating reasons (numeric
symbol (percent) values)
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 Very limited Wilkes (85%) Depth to bedrock (1.00)
percent slopes

Slope (0.63)

Wilkes (75%) Depth to bedrock (1.00)

Slope (1.00)

Winnsboro (10%) Slow water movement (1.00)

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to Very limited

Slope (1.00)
25 percent slopes

Depth to bedrock (0.85)

Wynott (8%) Slow water movement (1.00)

Slope (1.00)

Depth to bedrock (1.00)

o Research the limitation for small commercial buildings. Record your findings in your

Map unit Map unit name Rating Component name Rating reasons (numeric
symbol (percent) values)
WkD Wilkes loam, 8 to 15 Very limited Wilkes (85%) Slope (1.00)
percent slopes

Depth to soft bedrock (1.00)

WkE Wilkes loam, 15 to 25 Very limited Wilkes (75%) Slope (1.00)

percent slopes

Depth to soft bedrock (1.00)

Winnsboro (10%) Slope (1.00)

Shrink-swell (1.00)

Wynott (8%) Slope (1.00)

Shrink-swell (0.66)

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