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Respiratory System
Michael G. Jonz
Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Introduction such as food or other particulate matter, may obstruct

the ventilatory cycle. However, the pharyngeal (or gill)
This chapter describes the general appearance and arches form gill rakers. These are small paired structures
morphology of the respiratory structures in zebrafish that arise from the arches and are oriented toward the
and how they work together to form a functional buccal cavity, and help to filter out particles and prevent
system. The structure and function of the respiratory them from becoming lodged within the gills.
system in zebrafish is not particularly unique among
other cyprinid fishes. Therefore, where information
was not available in zebrafish, some of the information The Gills
contained within this chapter may be derived from
studies on other species. Morphology and Blood Flow
For further information relating to the physiology of
gas exchange and respiratory physiology, the reader is The gills are multifunctional organs that perform
referred to the reviews cited in this chapter. many roles, such as osmoregulation, acid-base regula-
tion, excretion of nitrogenous waste, and gas exchange
(Evans, Piermarini, & Choe, 2005). For an exceptional
The Mechanics of Respiration and unparalleled account of gill anatomy in fish, the
reader is referred to Hughes (1984). In teleost fish,
During ventilation, water first enters through the such as zebrafish, four gill arches are present on either
mouth and into the buccal cavity, and then moves to side of the animal and are oriented along the dorsoven-
the opercular chambers across the gills and out through tral axis. The gill arches are supportive structures and
an opening formed by each of the opercula (Fig. 10.1). are additionally important in respiration because they
The operculum is a thin, bony flap of tissue that covers deliver deoxygenated blood from the heart and ventral
and protects the entire gill complex on both sides. The aorta to the gill filaments via afferent branchial arteries;
movement of water through the buccal and opercular they carry oxygenated blood from the gill filaments to
cavities and across the gills during ventilation is orches- the dorsal aortae and systemic circulation via the
trated by a sequence of changes in volume and pressure efferent branchial arteries.
driven by a muscular pump (Moyes & Schulte, 2008). The gill arches give rise to two rows of numerous gill
The fish first creates a negative pressure within the filaments that run perpendicular to the orientation of the
buccal cavity, drawing water in through the mouth gill arches. Between each pair of filaments lies a small
and oral valve. With the opercula closed, the opercular interbranchial septum that extends from the gill arch
cavities then begin to expand while positive pressure and attaches near the base of each filament. The septum
is created in the buccal cavity by the closure of the oral is the site of attachment of the adductor muscles that join
valve and buccal contraction. These forces lead to move- with the gill filaments. Contraction of the adductor
ment of water in a caudal direction toward the gills. muscles draws together pairs of filaments and allows
Finally, the opening of the opercula and compression for the rhythmic movement of the filaments (Hughes,
of the opercular cavities project water through the gill 1984). The number and length of the gill filaments in
complex, and across the respiratory surface for gas all teleosts is variable and continues to increase with
exchange, and out to the external environment. Debris, age. In mature zebrafish, the length of a single filament

The Zebrafish in Biomedical Research 103 © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
104 10. Zebrafish Respiratory System

already been oxygenated, the pseudobranch is thus not

believed to be involved in respiration. Although specu-
lative, the pseudobranch may act as a gland, sense
hypoxia, supply O2 to the retina, or participate in the
regulation of blood pH (Bridges, Berenbrink, Müller, &
Waser, 1998; Kern, Bösch, Unterhuber, & Pelster, 2002;
Laurent & Dunel-Erb, 1984).

Gill Development
In developing zebrafish, the pharyngeal arches first
produce gill filament primordia at 3 days postfertiliza-
tion (dpf; Kimmel, Ballard, Kimmel, Ullmann, &
FIGURE 10.1 The mechanics of respiration in teleost fishes, Schilling, 1995; Jonz & Nurse, 2005). The filaments of
including zebrafish. Schema of the frontal section. Oral valves are
the gills in zebrafish develop primarily from the pharyn-
actually dorsal and ventral but are shown laterally for simplicity. Ar-
rows show the direction of water flow. Left: During inhalation, water geal ectoderm (Hogan et al., 2004), although some struc-
enters through the mouth and oral valve into the buccal cavity while tures internal to the gills may arise from the neural crest
the opercula are closed. Right: The oral valve closes, the buccal cavity (Mongera et al., 2013) and endoderm (Hockman et al.,
contracts, and water passes into the opercular chambers, where the 2017). At these early stages, the gills lack secondary
gills are located, and through the open opercula. The opercular
lamellae, and therefore, may not contribute significantly
chambers are located between the pharynx and opercula. After Wei-
chert, C. K. (1967). Elements of chordate anatomy. (3rd ed.). New York: to the gas exchange. The gills first become functional as a
McGraw-Hill with permission from McGraw-Hill Education. respiratory organ at approximately 14 dpf (Rombough,
2002), and around this time begin to take on an adult-
like morphology, including the addition of secondary
may typically measure 1e2 mm. The gill filaments may
lamellae (Shakarchi, Zachar, & Jonz, 2013). Before this
sustain injury or infection in fish in the wild or captivity,
time, zebrafish larvae rely primarily on cutaneous respi-
but recent evidence indicates that resected gill filaments
ration for gas exchange (see below).
in zebrafish regenerate during the course of days or
weeks (Jonz, Zachar, Da Fonte, & Mierzwa, 2015). Deox-
ygenated blood from the gill arches enters the afferent
Internal Morphology
filament arteries of each filament, and the efferent
filament arteries return oxygenated blood to the gill Gill filaments are supported by a cartilaginous rod in
arches (Olson, 2002). order to provide structure or stiffness. Within the
Each gill filament gives rise to numerous secondary lamellae lie the pillar cells, which extend lateral
lamellae, which generally project in a dorsoventral processes toward one another to create a vascular cavity
direction, perpendicular to the filaments. The lamellae for blood to flow (Wilson & Laurent, 2002). Pillar cells
are evenly spaced, flattened structures that form small may have a contractile function to control or redistribute
channels between them, thus allowing for the flow of lamellar blood flow during respiration (Laurent, 1984).
water across their surface. The lamellae are thin-walled The gill filaments and lamellae are covered by a thin
and highly vascularized and are the site for gas epithelium that lies atop a basal lamina and within which
exchange in all water-breathing fish, including zebra- reside numerous cell types that are critical for the func-
fish. Blood flow throughout the lamellae runs in the tionality of the gills (Laurent, 1984; Wilson & Laurent,
direction opposite to that of the flow of water over the 2002; Evans et al., 2005). The filament epithelium is non-
gills. This is called countercurrent flow, and efficiently respiratory and is covered predominantly by cuboidal
maximizes the exchange of O2 and CO2 across the and squamous pavement cells and mucous (goblet) cells.
lamellar surface (Moyes & Schulte, 2008). Neuroepithelial cells (NECs) of the gill filaments are O2
Many teleosts, including zebrafish, have a reduced chemoreceptors that detect changes in the environmental
gill-like structure, called the pseudobranch, located ante- or blood O2 and CO2/Hþ (Jonz, Fearon, & Nurse, 2004;
rior to the first gill arch and embedded within the oper- Qin, Lewis, & Perry, 2010), and thus lead to autonomic
cular tissue (Jonz & Nurse, 2006; Laurent & Dunel-Erb, responses, such as hyperventilation or changes in heart
1984). In zebrafish, the pseudobranch appears as a small rate, in order to maintain homeostasis.
gill with fused filaments and lamellar-like structures. It The lamellar epithelium is particularly specialized for
is only visible upon anterior dissection or removal of respiration and gas exchange. It overlays the arterioarte-
the operculum. Since it lacks access to the external envi- rial circulation (Olson, 2002), and is generally two to
ronment and receives blood from the gills that has 3 cell layers thick in most fish species (Wilson &

II. Biology
Indicators of Stress to the Respiratory System 105
Laurent, 2002). The cell types found in the lamellar anterior to the gill slit (the space between gill arches),
epithelium include the cuboidal and squamous pave- and a posttrematic ramus that lies posterior to the gill
ment cells, undifferentiated cells that contact the basal slit. Pretrematic rami carry the sensory (afferent) fibers,
lamina, and some mucous cells (Evans et al., 2005; while posttrematic rami carry the sensory and motor
Wilson & Laurent, 2002). Neuroepithelial cells have (efferent) fibers. Chemoreceptive NECs of the gill
also been found in the lamellae of zebrafish (Jonz & filaments receive sensory innervation via the cranial
Nurse, 2003), although a role in O2 sensing for these cells nerves IX and X and convey information, such as
has still not been established. low-O2 status (hypoxia) of the environment, to the
central nervous system (Jonz & Nurse, 2003).

The gill is a highly perfused organ and is a major site
Cutaneous Respiration
of circulatory and vasomotor control (Nilsson & Sundin,
In many anamniotic vertebrates, such as fish, the skin
1998). Such control is mediated by the nervous system
is an important site of gas exchange during early devel-
and is critically important in regulating respiratory func-
opmental stages (Rombough, 1988). In developing
tion. Innervation of the gills by the cranial and spinal
zebrafish, cutaneous respiration accounts for nearly all
nerves has been described in teleost fish, including
gas exchange and does not become limiting until
zebrafish (Nilsson, 1984; Sundin & Nilsson, 2002; Jonz
approximately 10 dpf (Rombough, 2007), when the gills
& Nurse, 2008; Jonz & Zaccone, 2009). As in other
are fully functional. Moreover, there is evidence that the
species, the gills are innervated by the nerve fibers of
pectoral fins in developing zebrafish contribute to respi-
the cranial nerves IX (the glossopharyngeal nerve) and
ration by actively moving O2-depleted water away from
X (the vagus nerve), and by fibers originating from the
the body surface and pulling in O2-rich water toward the
sympathetic chain and entering the cranial nerve trunk
body surface, thereby enhancing gas exchange (Hale,
via gray rami communicantes (Fig. 10.2). Each gill arch
2014). Cells with chemoreceptor activity have also
is innervated by two nerve rami through which all nerve
been described in the skin of zebrafish that detect
fibers are delivered: a pretrematic ramus that lies
changes in O2 and elicit hyperventilatory responses to
hypoxia (Coccimiglio & Jonz, 2012).

Indicators of Stress to the Respiratory System

All fish hyperventilate in response to reduced O2
availability (Perry, Jonz, & Gilmour, 2009). Hyperventi-
lation in fish is described as an increase in breathing fre-
quency, as can be visually observed by an increased rate
of movement of the mouth and opercula. Fish may also
produce a hyperventilatory response to high levels of
water CO2 or Hþ (Gilmour, 2001). In zebrafish, these re-
sponses have been shown to be mediated by O2-chemo-
receptive NECs of the gill filaments (Abdallah, Jonz, &
Perry, 2015a; Jonz et al., 2004; Porteus et al., 2014; Qin
et al., 2010). A typical resting ventilatory rate for adult
zebrafish is approximately 160 breaths min1; whereas
hypoxia (PO2 of 35e40 mmHg) may elevate ventilation
FIGURE 10.2 Simplified scheme of innervation to the gill region in
frequency to above 300 breaths min1 (Jonz & Nurse,
teleost fish. The gills are innervated by nerve fibers from the cranial 2005; Vulesevic, McNeill, & Perry, 2006). Adult zebrafish
nerves, and by fibers from the sympathetic chain that enter the cranial will begin to display an increase in ventilation frequency
nerve trunk via gray rami communicantes. Each gill arch is innervated under mild hypoxia at PO2 of approximately 110 mmHg
by a pretrematic ramus (anterior to the gill slit) and a posttrematic (Vulesevic et al., 2006), where normal PO2 would be
ramus (posterior to the gill slit) Pretrematic rami carry sensory fibers,
while posttrematic rami carry sensory and motor fibers. Reprinted from approximately 150 mmHg.
Jonz M. G., Zaccone, G. (2009). Nervous control of the gills. Acta Histo- In developing zebrafish, the hyperventilatory
chemica, 111 207e216 with permission from Elsevier. response to hypoxia is not mature but begins to appear

II. Biology
106 10. Zebrafish Respiratory System

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cally 50e100 breaths min1 in zebrafish larvae, with Bridges, C. R., Berenbrink, M., Müller, R., & Waser, W. (1998). Physi-
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a behavior in which the fish seeks well-oxygenated wa- Evans, D. H., Piermarini, P. M., & Choe, K. P. (2005). The multifunc-
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although a threshold PO2 of 30 mmHg was calculated Gilmour, K. M. (2001). The CO2/pH ventilatory drive in fish. Compar-
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survival (Abdallah, Thomas, & Jonz, 2015b). Decreasing Hale, M. E. (2014). Developmental change in the function of movement
PO2 results in an increased amount of time that zebrafish systems: Transition of the pectoral fins between respiratory and lo-
will spend performing ASR. Evidence also indicates that comotor roles in zebrafish. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 54,
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Hockman, D., Burns, A. J., Schlosser, G., Gates, K. P., Jevans, B.,
threshold will decrease, meaning that zebrafish accli- Mongera, A., et al. (2017). Evolution of the hypoxia-sensitive cells
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ASR until more severe levels of hypoxia. ASR is evident Hogan, B. M., Hunter, M. P., Oates, A. C., Crowhurst, M. O., Hall, N. E.,
in zebrafish as early as 5 dpf, and larvae display an ASR Heath, J. K., et al. (2004). Zebrafish gcm2 is required for gill filament
budding from pharyngeal ectoderm. Developmental Biology, 276,
threshold of 16 mmHg.
Hughes, G. M. (1984). General anatomy of the gills. In W. S. Hoar, &
D. J. Randall (Eds.), Fish physiology (Vol. XA, pp. 1e72). San Diego:
Conclusion Academic Press.
Jonz, M. G., Fearon, I. M., & Nurse, C. A. (2004). Neuroepithelial
oxygen chemoreceptors of the zebrafish gill. Journal of Physiology,
This chapter has outlined the important structures of 560, 737e752.
the respiratory system of zebrafish for the researcher or Jonz, M. G., & Nurse, C. A. (2003). Neuroepithelial cells and associated
student interested in using zebrafish as a model organ- innervation of the zebrafish gill: A confocal immunofluorescence
ism in biological or biomedical research. The mecha- study. The Journal of Comparative Neurology, 461, 1e17.
Jonz, M. G., & Nurse, C. A. (2005). Development of oxygen sensing in
nisms of the buccal and opercular cavities, together the gills of zebrafish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 208, 1537e1549.
with the structure of the gills, were described to provide Jonz, M. G., & Nurse, C. A. (2006). Epithelial mitochondria-rich cells
an anatomical overview of the important structures of and associated innervation in adult and developing zebrafish. The
the respiratory system. In zebrafish, in particular, infor- Journal of Comparative Neurology, 497, 817e832.
Jonz, M. G., & Nurse, C. A. (2008). New developments on gill innerva-
mation regarding the role of chemoreceptors and the
tion: Insights from a model vertebrate. Journal of Experimental
nervous system in mediating responses to hypoxia, Biology, 211, 2371e2378.
and identification of behavioral indicators of stress, Jonz, M. G., & Zaccone, G. (2009). Nervous control of the gills. Acta
were described in order to help researchers and animal Histochemica, 111, 207e216.
care personnel recognize when the zebrafish respiratory Jonz, M. G., Zachar, P. C., Da Fonte, D. F., & Mierzwa, A. S. (2015).
system is under stress. The zebrafish respiratory system Peripheral chemoreceptors in fish: A brief history and a look
ahead. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular
is very much like that of other related fish species, and so and Integrative Physiology, 186, 27e38.
the interested reader will have access to a vast literature Kern, G., Bösch, S. T., Unterhuber, E., & Pelster, B. (2002). Mechanisms
base for further reading. of acid secretion in pseudobranch cells of rainbow trout Oncorhyn-
chus mykiss. Journal of Experimental Biology, 205, 2943e2954.

II. Biology
References 107
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Schilling, T. F. (1995). Stages of embryonic development of the roepithelial cells are sensitive chemoreceptors for environmental
zebrafish. Developmental Dynamics, 203, 253e310. CO2. Journal of Physiology, 588, 861e872.
Laurent, P. (1984). Gill internal morphology. In W. S. Hoar, & Rahbar, S., Pan, W., & Jonz, M. G. (2016). Purinergic and cholinergic
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Konstantinidis, P., & Nüsslein-Volhard, C. (2013). Genetic lineage Rombough, P. J. (2002). Gills are needed for ionoregulation before they
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II. Biology

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