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% Beamer Presentation

% LaTeX Template

% Version 1.0 (10/11/12)

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\mode<presentation> {

% The Beamer class comes with a number of default slide themes

% which change the colors and layouts of slides. Below this is a list

% of all the themes, uncomment each in turn to see what they look like.




























% As well as themes, the Beamer class has a number of color themes

% for any slide theme. Uncomment each of these in turn to see how it

% changes the colors of your current slide theme.















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%\setbeamertemplate{footline}[page number] % To replace the footer line in all slides with a simple
slide count uncomment this line

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of all slides uncomment this line

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OF SLEEP APNEA DISORDER}} % The short title appears at the bottom of every slide, the full title is
only on the title page

\author{\textbf{ANJALY K} \\ } % Your name

\institute[College of Engineering Cherthala] % Your institution as it will appear on the bottom of

every slide, may be shorthand to save space




\\ \textbf{Department of Electronics and communication Engineering \\} % Your institution for the
title page


%\textit{} % Your email address

\date{\today}% Date, can be changed to a custom date



\titlepage % Print the title page as the first slide



\frametitle{Overview} % Table of contents slide, comment this block out to remove it

\tableofcontents % Throughout your presentation, if you choose to use \section{} and \subsection{}
commands, these will automatically be printed on this slide as an overview of your presentation










%\item As a new communication paradigm, social media has promoted information dissemination in
social networks.

\item Sleep disorder may lead to physical, mental, social problems.

\item Sleeping disorder are sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome etc

\item Existing method is polysomnography


%\ \begin{center}

%\ \includegraphics[scale=.25]{figure_1_-_social_media.png}


%\ \end{center}

%\item Build a nanophotonic reservoir by exploiting and combining fast non linear light interactions
to manipulate light





\frametitle{POLYSOMNOGRAPHY [2]}



\item It takes the measurments


\item brain waves

\item skeltal muscle activity

\item blood oxygen level

\item heart rate

\item breathing rate

\item eye movement


%\item Build a nanophotonic reservoir by exploiting and combining fast non linear light interactions
to manipulate light




\frametitle{POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (Contd.)}


\item Avoid alcohol content and sedatives

\item The technician will place electrodes on


\item scalp

\item temples

\item chest

\item legs





\frametitle{POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (Contd.)}



\item Elastic belts-chest movements and breathing patterns

\item Clip on finger-blood oxygen level

\item Electrodes send data to a computer through wires

%\item Build a nanophotonic reservoir by exploiting and combining fast non linear light interactions
to manipulate light



\frametitle{POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (Contd.)}




\caption{Polysomnogram Test to Diagnose Sleep Apnea \cite{b}}



%\item Build a nanophotonic reservoir by exploiting and combining fast non linear light interactions
to manipulate light


\begin{frame}{Frame Title}

\frametitle{POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (Contd.)}

\item The result of polysomnography


\item Apnea episodes-breathing stops for 10 seconds or longer

\item Hyponea episodes - breathing is partially blocked for 10 seconds or longer



\begin{frame}{Frame Title}

\frametitle{POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (Contd.)}

\item AHI score lower than 5 is normal

\item AHI score of 5 to 15- mild sleep apnea

\item AHI score of 15 to 30- moderate sleep apnea

\item AHI score greater than 30- sever sleep apnea




\frametitle{POLYSOMNOGRAPHY (Contd.)}



\item Adjust signals for optimal recording

\item Sleep is recorded







\item More expensive

\item Skin irritation

\item Wired





\frametitle{PROPOSED METHOD}




\caption{Block diagram of praposed method \cite{a}}





\frametitle{PROPOSED METHOD}

\item SPO2 SENSOR \cite{c}


\item IC MAX30100 detect spo2 value

\item Consist of two LED


\item Red region

\item Infrared region


\item Reflected light to photodiode

\item Current - digital value




\frametitle{MAX30100 \cite {d}}


\item Pulse oximetry sensor

\item Operate from 1.8V and 3.3V

\item Wearable device

\item Fitness assitant devices

\item LED and photosensor are used




\frametitle{HEART RATE SENSOR \cite{e}}


\item It based on principle Photo plethysmography

\item HW01 is used to detect heart rate

\item It consist of LED and LDR






\item Smart band

\item Shows time, step, and heart rate

\item It vibrate heart reaches the designated threshold

\item It also detect sleep and antisleep mode






\item Blood pressure diagnoses by obtained spo2 and pulse value

\item it calculated with estimated spo2 and pulse rate




\frametitle{MICROCONTROLLER \cite{f}}


\item ATmega328P Arduino Uno is used \cite{g}

\item Programmed to display the obtained values







\item Less expensive

\item Less skin irritation

\item Wireless

\item painless







\item Sensor disconnection

\item Unattended portable monitoring is subject to data loss

\item No evaluation of quality of sleep







\item SPO2, heart rate and blood pressure measure by cuffless means

\item Overcomes complexities portable devices

\item The result is high compactness with polysomnography result









\bibitem{a}{Santhoshini Arulvallal, Snekhalatha.U and Rajalakshmi.T, {\textquotedblleft Design and

Development of Wearable Device

for Continuous Monitoring of Sleep APNEA

Disorder \textquotedblright} \textit { 2019 International Conference on Communication and Signal

Processing (ICCSP)}, April 4-6, 2019 .}
\bibitem{b}{Jean K. Matheson, Randip Singh, and Andreja Packard, {\textquotedblleft
Polysomnography and Sleep Disorders,\textquotedblright} The Clinical Neurophysiology Primer
Edited by: A. S. Blum and S. B. Rutkove © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ.}



\bibitem{e}{Kainat Zeba, Lakshmi S Patil, Sanjana R Gowda, Varsha R, Mrs. Shobha Chandra K,
{\textquotedblleft Real Time Heart Attack and Heart

Rate Monitoring Android Application,\textquotedblright}IJCSMC, Vol. 7, Issue. 4, April 2018, pg.115 –





\frametitle{REFERENCES (Contd.)}





\bibitem{g}{R.Hari Sudhan M, Ganesh Kumar A, Udhaya Prakash S, Anu Roopa Devi P, Sathiya,
{\textquotedblleft Arduino ATMEGA-328 Microcontroller, \textquotedblright} IJIREEICE, 2015.}

\bibitem{h}{Erna S. Arnardottir, Erla Bjornsdotti, Kristin A. Olafsdottir,

Bryndis Benediktsdottir and Thorarinn Gislason1, {\textquotedblleft Obstructive sleep apnoea in the
general population: highly prevalent but minimal symptoms, \textquotedblright}
erj.ersjournals,2015. }




\section*{THANK YOU}


\Huge{\centerline{THANK YOU....}}




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