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CASE 1 GREGORIO ORTEGA, TOMAS DEL CASTILLO, JR. AND e. (e) that the appointment of a receiver was unnecessary as
BENJAMIN BACORRO V. CA, SEC AND JOAQUIN MISA – Karla no sufficient proof had been shown to indicate that the
Gutierrez partnership assets were in any such danger of being lost,
removed or materially impaired.
DOCTRINE: A partnership that does not fix its term is a partnership at will. f. Petitioners filed Pet. For Review in the Supreme Court

Neither would the presence of a period for its specific duration or the ISSUE: 1. WON the partnership of Bito, Misa & Lozada (now Bito, Lozada,
statement of a particular purpose for its creation prevent the dissolution of Ortega & Castillo) is a partnership at will;
any partnership by an act or will of a partner. Upon its dissolution, the
partnership continues and its legal personality is retained until the complete 2. WON the withdrawal of Misa dissolved the partnership regardless of his
winding up of its business culminating in its termination. good or bad faith;


1. Ortega, then a senior partner in the law firm Bito, Misa, and Lozada 1. Yes. The partnership agreement of the firm provides that ”[t]he
withdrew in said firm. partnership shall continue so long as mutually satisfactory and upon the
2. He filed with SEC a petition for dissolution and liquidation of death or legal incapacity of one of the partners, shall be continued by the
partnership. surviving partners.”
3. SEC en banc ruled that withdrawal of Misa from the firm had
dissolved the partnership. Reason: since it is partnership at will, the 2. Yes. Any one of the partners may, at his sole pleasure, dictate a
law firm could be dissolved by any partner at anytime, such as by dissolution of the partnership at will (e.g. by way of withdrawal of a partner).
withdrawal therefrom, regardless of good faith or bad faith, since no He must, however, act in good faith, not that the attendance of bad faith
partner can be forced to continue in the partnership against his will. can prevent the dissolution of the partnership but that it can result in a
4. During the pendency of the case with the Court of Appeals, liability for damages
Attorney Jesus Bito and Attorney Mariano Lozada both died on,
respectively, 05 September 1991 and 21 December 1991.
5. The death of the two partners, as well as the admission of new CASE 2 - MARJORIE TOCAO AND WILLIAM BELO v CA AND NENITA
partners, in the law firm prompted Attorney Misa to renew his ANAY – Rob Estomo
application for receivership (in CA G.R. SP No. 24648).
6. He expressed concern over the need to preserve and care for the DOCTRINE: Any one of the partners may, at his sole pleasure, dictate a
partnership assets. The other partners opposed the prayer. dissolution of the partnership at will, though he must, however, act in good
7. The Court of Appeals, finding no reversible error on the part of faith.
respondent Commission, AFFIRMED in toto the SEC decision and
FACTS: Anay met Belo, then VP for operations of Ultra Clean Water
order appealed from.
8. CA reasoned that Purifier, through her former employer in Bangkok. Belo introduced Anay to
a. (a) that Atty. Misa's withdrawal from the partnership had Tocao, desired to enter into a joint venture with her for the imporatation and
changed the relation of the parties and inevitably caused distribution of kitchen cookwares. Belo volunteered to be finance the joint
the dissolution of the partnership; venture. Geminisse Enterprise was made and Belo acted as capitalist,
b. (b) that such withdrawal was not in bad faith; Tocao was the general manager and president, and Anay was then made
c. (c) that the liquidation should be to the extent of Attorney the manager of the marketing department and later, made vice-president.
Misa's interest or participation in the partnership which The parties however, did not reduce to writing their agreement regarding
could be computed and paid in the manner stipulated in the the percentage for which each of the partners are entitled. The same were
partnership agreement; made orally under the assurance of Belo that he was sincere and
d. (d) that the case should be remanded to the SEC Hearing dependable when it comes to financial commitments. The enterprise was
Officer for the corresponding determination of the value of very successful and West Bend Company invited Anay to attend a meeting
Attorney Misa's share in the partnership assets; and
for distributors in Wisconsin. Tocao, as general manager and president of DISPOSITIVE: Anay won. Case is remanded to the RTC to effect proper
Geminise even wrote a letter to support the visa application of Anay to be dissolution.
able to attend the meeting in Wisconsin. Upon returning from Wisconsin,
received an invoice from Belo, the latter explained that this was her share in *Tocao was a former ramp model.
the profits as well as her commission for the sales that she was able to
make. Anay later found out that Tocao sent a letter to the then manager of CASE 3 - ROJAS V MAGLANA – Rebecca Flores
the Cubao branch of Geminise that she (Anay) was not to be allowed to
enter the premises as her services are no longer needed. Feeling that she DOCTRINE: A withdrawing partner is liable for damages if the cause of
was illegally dismissed and booted out of the partnership, Anay wrote a withdrawal is not justified or no cause was given but in no case can he be
letter to both petitioners herein but the same were left unanswered. Un- compelled to be in the firm.
faltered, her lawyer then wrote another letter to the same parties pertaining
to the same matter, which again, was left unanswered. Anay instituted a PARTIES
complaint for collection of sum of money and for an accounting to 1. Maglana – general manager
determine her interest in the partnership (Geminese) in the RTC of Makati 2. Rojas – logging superinterndent
against petitioners herein. Belo defended himself by saying that he was 3. Pahamoting – industrial partner
merely a guarantor of the business established by Tocao and should not be FACTS
1. Maglana and Rojas executed their Articles of Co-Partnership called
held liable. Tocao on the one hand argued that she and Anay were not
Eastcoast Development Enterprises (EDE) with only the two of
partners and that the latter was merely an employee of the former. The
them as partners and having an indefinite term of existence.
RTC ruled in favour of Anay and the same decision was affirmed by the CA 2. The purpose of the partnership was to "apply or secure timber
with some modification in the award of damages. and/or minor forests products licenses and concessions over public
ISSUE: W/N a partnership exists between the parties, giving Anay the and/or private forest lands and to operate, develop and promote
such forests rights and concessions."
power to demand for an accounting, and ultimately dissolve the
3. Maglana shall manage the business affairs of the partnership whil
Rojas shall be the logging superintendent (logging operations)
HELD: Yes, there exists unaccounted and unremitted stocks of Geminese 4. It is also provided in the said articles of co-partnership that all
in the possession of the CA intended to offset the damages awarded to profits and losses of the partnership shall be divided share and
share alike between the partners.
Anay, which is the best evidence of the existence of a partnership.
5. Because of the difficulties encountered, Rojas and Maglana
RATIO: A partnership may be constituted in any form and a public decided to avail of the services of Pahamotang as industrial
document is only necessary where an immovable property is contributed in partner.
the said partnership. Since a contract of partnership is consensual, an oral 6. So Maglana, Rojas and Pahamotang executed their Articles of Co-
contract of partnership is as good as a written one. The Court has duly Partnership the same firm name – EDE
7. The only difference the purpose now included the renewal of timber
proven that Belo has a proprietary interest in the partnership, contrary to
licenes instead of just securing them AND the term was now fixed
what he is claiming. He was present in all the meetings. Further, the to 30 years.
contention of Tocao that she and Anay has an employer-employee 8. The new partnership operated and had profits of P643,633.07
relationship is untenable as Tocao has always regarded Anay to be her 9. But later on Pahomatong decided to withdraw as partner. He was
equal and that they receive equal shares in the profits of the business. It is paid in full of his share and participation in the partnership
difficult to believe that Tocao was the employer of Anay because they 10. After the withdrawal of Pahamotang, the partnership was continued
receive the same amount of income in the business. Tocao and Belo further by Maglana and Rojas without the benefit of any written agreement
underscores the fact that the CA did not return the @unaccounted and or reconstitution of their written Articles of Partnership
unremitted stocks of Geminesse Enterprises, obviously a ploy to offset the 11. PROBLEM: Rojas entered into a management contract with
damages awarded to Anay, that claim, more than anything else, proves the another logging enterprise, the CMS Estate, Inc. He left and
existence of a partnership. abandoned EDE partnership AND withdrew his equipment from the
partnership for use in CMS. This equipment was his contribution to Partnership were only amended, in the form of Supplementary
the first partnership which he transferred to CMS Articles of Co-Partnership (Exhibit "C") which was never registered
12. Maglana wrote Rojas reminding him of his obligation to contribute,
either in cash or in equipment, to the capital investments of the 2. YES. It was dissolved by common consent. But the dissolution did not
partnership as well as his obligation to perform his duties as logging affect the first partnership which continued to exist.
13. But Rojas told Maglana that he will not be able to comply with the Maglana and Rojas agreed to purchase the interest, share and participation
promised contributions and be will not work as logging in the second partnership of Pahamotang and they later on became the
superintendent. owners of equipment contributed by Pahamotang.
14. Maglana then told Rojas that Rojas’ share will just be 20% of the
net profits. When Maglana reminded Rojas of his obligation to contribute either in cash
15. Meanwhile, Rojas in bad faith took funds from the partnership more or in equipment, to the capital investment of the partnership as well as his
than his contribution obligation to perform his duties as logging superintendent is a strong
16. So Maglana notified Rojas by a letter that Maglana was dissolving indication that the first partnership was not dissolved, because such matters
the partnership refers to the provisions of the Articles of Co-Partnership of the first
17. ACTION: Rojas now filed an action against Maglana for the partnership.
recovery of properties, accounting, receivership and damages.
18. The lower court ruled that the partnership carried on by Rojas and 3. YES. Maglana can unilaterally dissolve the partnership. Since both of
Maglana after the dissolution of the second partnership was a de them are the only partners, it is in effect a withdrawal. With his withdrawal,
facto partnership and at will BECAUSE there was no term, express the number of members is decreased, hence, the dissolution.
or implied.
Under Article 1830, par. 2 of the Civil Code, even if there is a specified
ISSUES: (The true issue is: What is the nature of the partnership of term, one partner can cause its dissolution by expressly withdrawing even
Maglana and Rojas after the withdrawal of Pahomotang) but first determine: before the expiration of the period, with or without justifiable cause

1. Whether or not the first partnership was dissolved? NO Maglana was not in bad faith in dissolving the partnership because Rojas
2. Whether or not the second partnership was dissolved? YES was the one who abandoned the partnership and refused to give his
3. Whether ot not Maglana can unilaterally dissolve the partnership? YES contribution. It was the proper thing for Maglana to dissolve the partnership.
1. NO. The first partnership was not dissolved. EDE Partnership continued to exist UNTIL liquidated
1. It was not the intention of the partners to dissolve the first The sharing of the basis of the partners should be guided by the Articles.
partnership. The second partnership was mistakenly called
“Additional Agreement” CASE 4 - Petition for Authority to Continue Use of Firm Name "SYCIP,
2. The only change was: They took in one industrial partner; gave him
an equal share in the profits and fixed the term of the second DOCTRINE: Art. 1815. Every partnership shall operate under a firm name,
partnership to (30) years, everything else was the same. which may or may not include the name of one or more of the
partners.Those who, not being members of the partnership, include their
3. Same name, purposes and capital contributions were adopted. names in the firm name, shall be subject to the liability, of a partner.

4. MOST IMPORTANT: All subsequent renewals of Timber Licenses A saleable goodwill can exist only in a commercial partnership and cannot
were secured in favor of the First Partnership, the original licensee. arise in a professional partnership consisting of lawyers. 

5. To all intents and purposes therefore, the First Articles of FACTS:

Two separate Petitions were filed by the surviving partners of Atty. Tacit in the above provision that names in a firm name of a partnership
Alexander Sycip, who died on May 5, 1975, and by the surviving partners of must either be those of living partners and. in the case of non-partners,
Atty. Herminio Ozaeta, who died on February 14, 1976, praying that they be should be living persons who can be subjected to liability. In fact, Article
allowed to continue using, in the names of their firms, the names of 1825 of the Civil Code prohibits a third person from including his name in
partners who had passed away. Both Petitions were ordered consolidated. the firm name under pain of assuming the liability of a partner. The heirs of
a deceased partner in a law firm cannot be held liable as the old members
They base their petitions on: to the creditors of a firm particularly where they are non-lawyers. 

1. Article 1840: The use by the person or partnership Article 1840 treats more of a commercial partnership with a good will to
continuing the business of the partnership name, or the protect rather than of a professional partnership, with no saleable good will
name of a deceased partner as part thereof, shall not of but whose reputation depends on the personal qualifications of its individual
itself make the individual property of the deceased partner members. Thus, it has been held that a saleable goodwill can exist only in a
liable for any debts contracted by such person or commercial partnership and cannot arise in a professional partnership
partnership. consisting of lawyers. 
2. Other professions, such as accountancy and engineering,
authorized the adoption of firm names without any A partnership for the practice of law cannot be likened to partnerships
restriction as to the use, in such firm name, of the name of formed by other professionals or for business. A partnership for the practice
a deceased partner. of law is not a legal entity. It is a mere relationship or association for a
3. Canon 33 of the CPR: The continued use of the name of a particular purpose. It is not a partnership formed for the purpose of carrying
deceased or former partner when permissible by local on trade or business or of holding property. The right to practice law is not a
custom, is not unethical but care should be taken that no natural or constitutional right but is in the nature of a privilege or franchise
imposition or deception is practiced through this use. limited to persons of good moral character with special qualifications duly
4. There is no possibility of imposition or deception because ascertained and certified.
the deaths of their respective deceased partners were well-  
publicized. Canon 33 does not consider as unethical  the continued use of the name of
5. No local custom prohibits the continued use of a deceased a deceased or former partner in the firm name of a law partnership when
partner's name in a professional firm's name. such a practice is permissible by local custom but the Canon warns that
6. The continued use of a deceased partner's name in the care should be taken that no imposition or deception is practiced through
firm name of law partnerships has been consistently this use.
allowed by U.S. Courts and is an accepted practice in the
legal profession of most countries in the world.   It must be conceded that in the Philippines, no local custom permits or
allows the continued use of a deceased or former partner's name in the firm
ISSUE: WON continued use of a deceased partner's name in the firm name names of law partnerships. Firm names, under our custom, Identify the
of law partnerships is warranted. more active and/or more senior members or partners of the law firm. 
RULING: NO. Inasmuch as the two law firms are partnerships, the use in
The practice of law is intimately and peculiarly related to the administration
their partnership names of the names of deceased partners will run counter
of justice and should not be considered like an ordinary "money-making
to Article 1815 of the Civil Code.
Art. 1815. Every partnership shall operate under a firm name, which
may or may not include the name of one or more of the partners.
Those who, not being members of the partnership, include their
Art. 1840 of the Civil Code, which speaks of the use by the partnership of
names in the firm name, shall be subject to the liability, of a partner.
the name of a deceased partner as part of the partnership name, is cited to
justify the petitions. Also invoked is the canon that the continued use by a
law firm of the name of a deceased partner, "when permissible by local
custom, is not unethical" as long as "no imposition or deception is practised
through this use" (Canon 33 of the Canons of Legal Ethics). ISSUE: Whether or not there is a partnership between Fue Leung
and Leung Yiu?
The petition may be granted with the condition that it be indicated in the
If yes WON Leung Liu is entitled to profits?
letterheads of the two firms (as the case may be) that Alexander Sycip,
former Justice Ozaeta and Herminio Ozaeta are dead or the period when
they served as partners should be stated therein. RULING YES, there is partnership.
ART. 1767- two or more persons bind themselves to contribute to a
Obviously, the purpose of the two firms in continuing the use of the names common fund with the intention of dividing the profits among
of their deceased founders is to retain the clients who had customarily themselves.
sought the legal services of Attorneys Sycip and Ozaeta and to benefit from
the goodwill attached to the names of those respected and esteemed law The “financial assistance” of respondent to petitioner is in effect a
practitioners. That is a legitimate motivation. The retention of their names is simple loan, however it cannot be applied in this case. The giving of
not illegal per se.  4k by the respondent to the petitioner. That the complaint explicitly
stated that “as a return for such financial assistance plaintiff
CASE 5 - FUE LEUNG VS. IAC & LEUNG YIU – Metha Orolfo (respondent) would be entitled 22% of the annual profit derived from
the operation of panceteria”
The right to accounting exist as long as the partnership exsist. YES, he is entitled to liquidation and its profits.
ART. 1842- the right to an account of his interest shall accure to any
partner, or his legal representative as against the winding up
FACTS partners or surviving partners or the person or partnershop
1. Sun Wah Panceteria is a restaurant a single proprietorship continuing the business at the date of dissolution, in the absence or
named to Dan Fue Leung. any agreement to the contrary.
2. Respondent Leung Yiu showed evidence in trial that the
panceteria was actually a partnership and that he was one of the Petitioner: action is prescribed filing after the lapse of 22 years 9
partners that he contributed 4,000PHP months and 12 days (10 years lang daw dapat under art 1144).
3. Respondent’s evidence are his receipt of 4000 evidencing his SC: Arts 1806, 1807 and 1809 show that the right to demand an
money deposited in the bank of petitioner which was interpreted accounting exist as long as the partnership exist. Prescription begins
by Florence Yap (receipt was written in chinese character) to run only upon the dissolution of the partnership when the final
4. Witnesses that they received from the petitioner a similar receipt accounting is done.
as stated above.
5. That Respondent received from the petitioner 12,000PHP DISPOSITIVE: Leung Yiu WON. Petition of Fue Leung is dismissed.
(Equitable Banking Corp Check) as his profits for the year 1974.
Witnesses (employees) from bank testified.
6. PETITIONER: he denied having received 4000 and contested
the genuineness of the receipt. That it is a sole ownership and he
got his 2000PHP capital because he worked in Toho Restaurant
as waiter. He also denied giving 12000PHP check to respondent.
7. RTC: respondent won. Petitioner should pay 22% of annual net
profit and attys fees for 5k and cost of suit.
8. IAC: modified that decision and affirmed rtc’s decision.
CASE 6: MAGDUSA v. ALBARAN – Joshua Salteras RATIO: 1) The return of the shares of a partner is dependent on the
discharge of the creditors, whose claims enjoy preference over those of the
DOCTRINE: A partner’s share cannot be returned without first dissolving partners; and it is self-evident that all members of the partnership are
and liquidating the partnership, for the return is dependent on the discharge interested in his assets and business, and are entitled to be heard in the
of the creditors, whose claims enjoy preference over those of the partners. matter of the firm's liquidation and the distribution of its property. Unless a
proper accounting and liquidation of the partnership affairs is first had, the
FACTS: Magdusa (appellant) and Albaran (appellee), together with various
capital shares of the appellees, as retiring partners, cannot be repaid, for
other persons had verbally formed a partnership de facto, for the sale of
the firm's outside creditors have preference over the assets of the
general merchandise in Surigao, Surigao, to which appellant contributed
enterprise (Civ. Code, Art. 1839), and the firm's property cannot be
P2,000 as capital, and the others contributed their labor, under the
diminished to their prejudice. 
condition that out of the net profits of the business 25% would be added to
the original capital, and the remaining 75% would be divided among the 2) Magdusa cannot be held liable in his personal capacity for the payment
members in proportion to the length of service of each. Sometime in 1953 of partners' shares for he does not hold them except as manager of, or
and 1954, the appellees expressed their desire to withdraw from the trustee for, the partnership. It is the latter that must refund their shares to
partnership, and appellant thereupon made a computation to determine the the retiring partners. Since not all the members of the partnership have
value of the partners' shares to that date. The results of the computation been impleaded, no judgment for refund can be rendered, and the action
were embodied in the document Exhibit "C", drawn in the handwriting of should have been dismissed.
appellant. The appellees made demands upon appellant for payment, but
appellant having refused, they filed the initial complaint in IAC. Appellant DISPOSTIVE: Magdusa won.
defended by denying any partnership with appellees, whom he claimed to
be mere employees of his. The IAC dismissed the complaint on the ground CASE 7 - SISON V. HELEN MCQUAID – Karla Gutierrez
that other paties were indispensable parties but had not been impleaded.
DOCTRINE/S: Liquidation shall happen before a partner may claim his
The CA however reversed the ruling of the IAC. The CA stated that the share of profit from the partnership.
case at bar is not an action for a dissolution of a partnership and winding up
of its affairs or liquidation of its assets in which the interest of other partners  
who are not brought into the case may be affected. The action of the 1. Plaintiff brought an action in the CFI against defendant. Defendant
plaintiffs is one for the recovery of a sum of money with Gregorio Magdusa borrowed from him money (P 2,210) to enable her to pay her
as the principal defendant. The partnership, with Gregorio Magdusa as obligations and to add to her capital in her lumber business.
managing partner, was brought into the case as an alternative defendant 2. She could not pay so she proposed to take plaintiff as a partner in her
only. Therefore, he should be held solely liable. business, plaintiff to contribute the P 2,210 due him from defendant.
3. Plaintiff agreed to defendant's proposal and, as a result, there was
ISSUE/S: 1) WON the appellees can have their share/interest without first formed between them, under the provisions of the Civil Code, a
partnership in which they were to share alike in the income or profits of
dissolving or liquidating the partnership.
the business, each to get one-half thereof
2) WON Magdusa is held personally liable to the appellees. 4. Before the last World War, the partnership sold 230,000‐board ft. of
lumbe rto the US Army for P 13,800.00.
HELD: 1) NO. The appellees CANNOT have their share/interest without 5. Defendant refused to deliver ½ of it (P 6,900.00) to plaintiff despite his
repeated demands.
first dissolving or liquidating the partnership.
6. Plaintiff filed an action to compel defendant to pay him his half of the
profit from the partnership.
2) NO. Magdusa is NOT held personally liable to the appellees.
7. The case was dismissed upon the ground of prescription.
then filed a motion to dismiss, which was granted by the CFI. Hence, this
ISSUE: Whether or not plaintiff is entitled to the sum he claims before present appeal, Soncuya assigning 20 alleged errors.
liquidation of the partnership?
ISSUE: W/N Soncuya has a cause of action against de Luna?
HELD: NO. Order of dismissal was affirmed, but on the ground that the
complaint states no cause of action. HELD: No, the business has not yet been liquidated.

RATIO: In the amended complaint of Soncuya, it was prayed that de Luna

RATIO: (ON ISSUE OF NO CAUSE OF ACTION) It is not clear from the
was made to pay the sum pf P700,432 as a result of the administration,
complaint just when the cause of action accrued. Thus the dismissal of the
case is erroneous. said to be fraudulent, of the partnership, ‘Centro Escolar de Senoritas’, of
which Soncuya, de Luna, and Avelino are member of. For the purpose of
However order should be retained on the ground that the complaint has no adjudicating to the plaintiff damages which he alleges to have suffered as a
cause of action.  Plaintiff seeks to recover from defendant one-half of the partner by reason of the supposed fraudulent management of the
purchase price of lumber sold by the partnership to the United States Army. partnership referred to, it is first necessary that a liquidation of the business
But his complaint does not show why he should be entitled to the sum he thereof be made to the end that the profits and losses may be known and
claims. the causes of the latter and the responsibility of the defendant as well as
the damages which each partner may have suffered, may be determined. A
(ON THE ISSUE OF COLLECTION BEFORE LIQUIDATION) partner to be able to claim from another partner who manages the general
civil partnership, damages allegedly suffered by him by reason of the
It does not allege that there has been a liquidation of the partnership fraudulent administration of the latter, a previous liquidation of said
business and the said sum has been found to be due him as his share of partnership is necessary.
the profits.
DISPOSITIVE: de Luna won.
The proceeds from the sale of a certain amount of lumber cannot be
considered profits until costs and expenses have been deducted. Moreover, CASE 9 – MAXIMO GUIDOTE v ROMANA BORJA as administratrix of
the profits of the business cannot be determined by taking into account the the estate of Narciso Santos – Rebecca Flores
result of one particular transaction instead of all the transactions had.
Hence, the need for a general liquidation before a member of a partnership DOCTRINE: the death of one of the partners dissolves the partnership, but
may claim a specific sum as his share of the profits. the liquidation of its affairs is by law intrusted to the surviving partners or to
liquidators, NOT to the executors of the deceased partner.
CASE 8 - JOSUE SONCUYA v CARMEN DE LUNA – Rob Estomo When a partner dies, the surviving partners are considered trustees of the
representatives of the deceased partner in regard to his interest in the firm
DOCTRINE: For a partner to be able to claim from another partner who and are held to that strictness of accountability required of an incident to the
manages the general civil partnership, damages allegedly suffered by him position of one occupying a confidential relation.
by reason of the fraudulent administration of the latter, a previous
liquidation of said partnership is necessary. PARTIES:
1. Maximo Guidote – An industrial partner, filing the case to recover
FACTS: Soncuya, in her own name and as co-administratrix of the intestate
2. Romana Borja – administratix of the estate of Narciso
estate of Librada Avelino, filed a complaint in the CFI of Manila against 3. Narciso Santos – capitalist partner.
Carmen de Luna for a sum of money. De Luna then filed a demurer against
the complaint alleging that 1. The complaint does not contain facts sufficient FACTS
to constitute a cause of action and 2. That the complaint is ambiguous, 1. Maximo Guidote brought an action against Romana Borja
unintelligible and vague. The CFI found the complaint well founded and (administratix) to recover the sum of P9,534.14, part of the alleged
ordered Soncuya to amend his complaint, but the latter manifested that he net profits of the “Taller Sinukuan” partnership, in which Santos
would prefer not to amend his amended complaint. The attorney of de Luna (deceased) was a capitalist partner and Maximo, an industrial
partner. property, whether it consists of real or personal assets

2. Romana admitted the partnership and in a counterclaim orderd DISPOSITIVE: Borja won. Maximo, as surviving partner was ordered to
Maximo to render an accounting of the partnership and to pay to render an accounting.
the estate of the deceased P25,000 as net profits, credits, and
property pertaining to said deceased. CASE 10: PO YENG CHEO v LIM KA YAM – Carlo Guevara

3. In the trial court it was found that when Santos died, Maximo failed DOCTRINE: One partner, suing alone, cannot recover of the managing
to liquidate the affairs of the partnership and to render an account partner the value of such partner's individual interest; and a liquidation of
to the the administratix of Santos’ estate. So Maximo was ordered the business is an essential prerequisite.
to render a full and complete accounting.
The managing partner of a mercantile enterprise is not a debtor to the
4. Maximo rendered an accounting made by Tomas Alfonso but was shareholders for the capital embarked by them in the business; and he can
objected by Romana. So Romana presented an account and only be made liable for the capital when, upon liquidation of the business,
liquidation prepared by Lindaya and Santiago showing a balance of there are found to be assets in his hands applicable to capital account. 
29K and 26K respectively, in favor of the estate.
5. To contradict conclusions of Lindaya and Santiago, Maximo Plaintiff Po Yeng Cheo is the sole heir of one Po Gui Yao, deceased, and
presented the Alfonso(accountant) and Gaudier the bookkeeper. as such Po Yeng Cheo inherited the interest left by Po Gui Yao in a
But court ruled that the testimonies of Alfonso and Gaudier were business under the style of Kwong Cheong Tay. It is a mercantile
unreliable. partnership engaged in the import and export trade.

6. Court found that the conclusions reached by Lindaya and Santiago After the death of Po Gui Yao, seven other people including original
were just and correct. So Maximo was ordered to pay the estate defendant Lim Ka Yam were interested to become partners. They
26K contributed their respective shares and Lim Ka Yam became managing
partner. Some the properties of the said partnership consisted in shares
7. Thus, Maximo appealed. from Yut Siong Chyip Konski and Manila Electric Railroad and Light
Company, of Manila.
8. Maximo argued that since Santos(deceased) up to his death was
the one who generally took care of the payments and cllections of In 1910, Kwong Cheong Tay ceased to do business since the plaintiff
the partnership, his legal representatives were under the obligation ceased to transmit merchandise from Hong kong, where he then resided.
to render accounts of the opreations of the partnership. Lim Ka Yam appears at no time to have submitted to the partners any
formal liquidation of the business, though repeated demands to that effect
ISSUE: Whether or not the Romana Borja, the legal represenative of the have been made upon him by the plaintiff.
deceased has the obligation to render an accounting to Maximo, the
surviving partner? A complaint was filed by the plaintiff to recover from him its properties and
assets. The defendant having died during the pendency of the cause, his
RULING: NO because the death of one of the partners dissolves the administrator, one Lim Yock Tock, was required to appear and make
partnership, but the liquidation of its affairs is by law intrusted to the defense. The trial court ruled in favor of the plaintiff. From this judgment the
surviving partners or to liquidators, NOT to the executors of the deceased defendant appealed.
ISSUE: WON the manager/defendant Lim Ka Yam was liable for the said
It is the duty of surviving partners to render an account of the performance properties and assets.
of their trust to the personal representatives of the deceased partner, and to
pay over to them the share of such deceased member in the surplus of firm
RULING: NO. It was erroneous to give judgment in favor of the plaintiff for 3. Defendants admitted partnership and their operation is already
his aliquot part of the par value of said shares.  unproductive.
4. There are three intervenors in the filed action (Reyes, Ascuncion
One partner, suing alone, cannot recover of the managing partner the value and Zulueta)
of such partner's individual interest; and a liquidation of the business is an 5. They are saying that they have rights and interest in the said fish
essential prerequisite. In case at bar, the shares referred to (constituting the pond (recovering sum of money, assignee and ½ owners,
only assets of Kwong Cheong Tay) have not been converted into ready
money and doubtless still remain in the name of Kwong Cheong Tay as
owner. Under these circumstances it is impossible to sustain a judgment in 6. Lower court: improper venue.
favor of the plaintiff for his aliquot part of the par value of said shares, which 7. Hence, this petition.
would be equivalent to allowing one of several coowners to recover from
another, without process of division, a part of an undivided property.
ISSUE: Whether or not the action should be instituted in the CFI of
When a member of a mercantile partnership dies, the duty of liquidating its Bulacan (where it was filed) or in Marinduque (where the property is
affair devolves upon the surviving member, or members, of the firm, not situtated)?
upon the legal representative of the deceased partner. Upon the death of
Lim Ka Yam it therefore became the duty of his surviving associates to take RULING: It should be in BULACAN.
the proper steps to settle the affairs of the firm, and any claim against him,
or his estate, for a sum of money due to the partnership by reason of any
misappropriation of its funds by him, or for damages resulting from his The subject matter of this case is the possessor of the fish pond, the
wrongful acts as manager, should be prosecuted against his estate in plaintiff prays in the complaint that the assets of the partnership,
administration. including the said fishpond be sold, that the proceeds of the sale be
applied to the payment of the debts of partnership and that the
The property pertaining to Kwong Cheong Tay, like the shares in the Yut residue be distributed equally among the partners.
Siong Chyip Konski and the Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company,
are in the possession of the deceased partner, the proper step for the Therefore, the plaintiff’s complaint mere seeks for the liquidation of
surviving associates to take would be to make application to the court the partnership with the defendants (Fernandez and mercader).
having charge to the administration to require the administrator to surrender Which is obviously PERSONAL ACTION, which may be brought
such property.
from the place of residence of either plaintiff or defendants.
DISPOSITIVE: Defendant Lim Ka Yam Won
Since, plaintiff resides in bulacan and the defendants dis not object
CASE 11 CLARIDADES VS. MERCADER ET AL. – Metha Orolfo the venue in other words they have waived whatever rights they had.
A venue which was properly laid when the complaint was filed
DOCTRINE: A venue which was properly laid when the complaint cannot, subsequently, become improper in consequence of the
was filed cannot, subsequently, become improper in consequence of issues later raised by any of the intervenors.
the issues later raised by any of the intervenors.
DISPOSITIVE: CLARIDADES WON. Cost against the intervenors.
1. Petitioner Dr. Simeon S. Claridades brought this action for the
dissolution of partnership against Vicente Mercader and Perfecto
2. Their main asset is a fish pond in Marinduque.
CASE 12 - VILLAREAL v. RAMIREZ – Joshua Salteras
DOCTRINE: Since the capital was contributed to the partnership, not ot dissolution and liquidation of a partnership, thereby treating the capital
petitioners, it is the partnership that must refund the equity of the retiring contribution like a loan.
ISSUE/S: WON the respondents have the right to demand from petitioners
Before the partners can be paid their shares, the creditors of the the return of their equity share.
partnership must first be compensated.
HELD: NO. The respondents does NOT have the right to demand from
FACTS: On July 25, 1984, Luzviminda J. Villareal, Carmelito Jose and petitioners the return of their equity share.
Jesus Jose formed a partnership with a capital of P750,000 for the
operation of a restaurant and catering business under the name “Aquarius RATIO: Except as managers of the partnership, petitioners did not
Food House and Catering Services.” Villareal was appointed general personally hold its equity or assets.  “The partnership has a juridical
manager and Carmelito Jose, operations manager. After some time, personality separate and distinct from that of each of the partners.” Since
Respondent Donaldo Efren C. Ramirez joined as a partner in the business the capital was contributed to the partnership, not to petitioners, it is the
on September 5, 1984.  His capital contribution of P250,000 was paid by partnership that must refund the equity of the retiring partners.
his parents, Cesar and Carmelita Ramirez (respondent spouses).
Since it is the partnership, as a separate and distinct entity, that must
Jesus Jose then withdrew from the partnership and was able to refund his refund the shares of the partners, the amount to be refunded is necessarily
capital contribution (250K). In the same month of Jesus’ withdrawal, the limited to its total resources.  In other words, it can only pay out what it has
Villareal closed down the restaurant due to the fact that the rentals for the in its coffers, which consists of all its assets.  However, before the partners
said locations increased. The respondent spouses wrote Villareal that they can be paid their shares, the creditors of the partnership must first be
were no longer interested in continuing their partnership and that they are compensated. After all the creditors have been paid, whatever is left of the
asking for the return of their one-third share in the equity of the partnership. partnership assets becomes available for the payment of the partners’
Villareal, however, did not heed to the letters that were sent. The shares.
respondent spouses then filed a case in the RTC of Makati for the collection
of money from Villareal. Villareal contended that respondents had Evidently, in the present case, the exact amount of refund equivalent to
expressed a desire to withdraw from the partnership and had called for its respondents’ one-third share in the partnership cannot be determined until
dissolution under Articles 1830 and 1831 of the Civil Code; that all the partnership assets will have been liquidated -- in other words, sold
respondents had been paid, upon the turnover to them of furniture and and converted to cash -- and all partnership creditors, if any, paid.  The
equipment worth over P400,000; and that the latter had no right to demand CA’s computation of the amount to be refunded to respondents as their
a return of their equity because their share, together with the rest of the share was thus erroneous. 
capital of the partnership, had been spent as a result of irreversible
DISPOSITIVE: Villareal won.
business losses.

RTC ruled that there was a voluntary partnership between the parties and
that it could be dissolved at any time. Villareal clearly intended to dissolve
when they stopped the operation of the restaurant. The said court ordered
Villareal to to pay the respondent spouses 250K for damages.

The CA held that the respondents did not have any right to demand from CASE 13 - LAGUNA TRANSPORTATION CO., INC. VS SSS – Karla
the petitioners the return of their capital contribution. It also ordered the Gutierrez
distribution of the capital contribution, instead of the net capital after the
DOCTRINE: where a corporation was formed by, and consisted of under existing laws. Since it continued the same business like the
members of a partnership whose business and property was conveyed and unregistered partnership, there was only a change in form. Where a
transferred to the corporation for the purpose of continuing its business, in corporation was formed by, and consisted of members of a partnership
payment for which corporate capital stock was issued, such corporation is whose business and property was conveyed and transferred to the
presumed to have assumed partnership debts, and is prima facie liable corporation for the purpose of continuing its business, in payment for which
therefor (LIABILITY) corporate capital stock was issued, such corporation is presumed to have
The reason for the rule is that the members of the partnership may be said assumed partnership debts, and is prima facie liable therefor. The reason
to have simply put on a new coat, or taken on a corporate cloak, and the for the rule is that the members of the partnership may be said to have
corporation is a mere continuation of the partnership. simply put on a new coat, or taken on a corporate cloak, and the
FACTS: corporation is a mere continuation of the partnership. Hence, there was
1. Sometime in 1949 the Binan Transportation Co sold part of the lines really no need to exempt them for it has been operating already for more
and equipment it operates to Gonzalo Mercado, Artemio Mercado, than six years by continuing with the business of the partnership.
Florentino Mata and Dominador Vera Cruz. .
2. After this sale, the vendees formed an unregistered partnership under
the name of Laguna Transportation Company which continued to
CO. LTD. – Rob Estomo
operate the lines and equipment bought from Binan Transpo Company.
3. The original partners with an additional two members, organized a DOCTRINE: Under Art 1840 of the NCC, creditors of the old partnership
corporation known as the Laguna Transportation Company, Inc which continued by new partners, are also creditors of the latter’s partnership.
was registered with the SEC.
FACTS: Benjamin Yu was the Assistant General Manager of the marble
4. The petitioner corporation filed this case praying that an order be quarrying and export business operated by a registered partnership ‘Jade
issued by the court declaring that it is not bound to register as a Mountain Products Co. Ltd.’. The original partners, as general partners,
member of respondent SSS and that they are not obliged to pay the were Lea Bendal and Rhodora Bendal and three Chinese national were
latter the contributions required under the Social Security Act. limited partners of the said partnership. Yu supervised the operations of the
5. It is worthy to note that the corporation continued the same partnership in Bulacan where the quarrying site was located in the lot of the
transportation business of the unregistered partnership. Sps. Cruz, evidenced by a memorandum of agreement between the
6. The corporation was claiming exemption from coverage for it only partners and the spouses. The principal office of the partnership was in
started its business on June 20, 1956 but Nov. 11 1957 the SSS Makati. Yu was supposed to receive P4,000 for his services buut he alleges
notified it that it was within the coverage of the Social Security Act. that he was not able to receive the full amount and he was told that he will
be reimbursed when the partnership would be ablt to secure more funds
ISSUE: WON the plaintiff is within the coverage of the Social Security Act from abroad. After some time, the original partners as well as one of the
given that they were a partnership that converted into a corporation? limited partners sold their interest to Willy Co and Emmanuel Zapanta, the
HELD: YES. Section 9 of the Social Security Act, in part, provides: former being the partner with the most interest. The principal office of the
partnership was transferred to Mandaluyong, but no significant changes
SEC. 9 Compulsory Coverage. — Coverage in the System shall be were made to the operations of the partnership. Willy Co then assumed the
compulsory upon all employees between the ages of sixteen and sixty position of General Manager and Yu was not retained. Yu then filed a case
years, inclusive, if they have been for at least six months in the service of
for illegal dismissal with recover of back wages in the NLRC against private
an employer who is a member of the System. Provided, That the
respondent partnership and Willy Co, Emmanuel ZApante, and the former
Commission may not compel any employer to become a member of the
System unless he shall have been in operation for at least two years . . . . general partners as respondents. The Labor arbiter ruled in favour of Yu
ruling that he was illegally dismissed. Upon appeal, the NLRC reversed the
The partnership Laguna Transportation Company commenced its business decision of the Labor Arbiter, ruling that because the interests of the opld
as a common carrier in 1949. When it filed to be formed as a corporation, it partners has already been sold to Willy Co and Emmanuel Zapanta, a new
only added the word “Inc” to indicate that it was now duly incorporated partnership has been formed and the new partners had the right not to
retain Yu and to appoint a new general manager. The NLRC further ruled business
that the claim for unpaid wages should have been filed against the old
partners. 3. They agreed to divide the profits between themselves, which they
had been doing until Perpetua’s death.
ISSUE: W/N Benjamin Yu was entitled to his unpaid wages.
4. Perpetua left a will and appointed Domingo Bearneza (plaintiff) as
HELD: Yes, the creditors of the old partnership are creditors of the new her heir to succeed to all her rights and interests in the fish pond in
partnership as well. question.
RATIO: In the ordinary course of events, the legal personality of the
5. Domingo now made a demand on Balbino for the delivery of the
expiring partnership persists for the limited purpose of winding up and
part of the fish pond (called Alimango and Dalusan) belonging to
closing of the affairs of the partnership. In the case at bar, it is important to
the deceased (Perpetua) but Balbino refused.
underscore the fact that the business of the old partnership was simply 6. So Domingo brought this action to recover the said part of the fish
continued by the new partners, without the old partnership undergoing the pond and ½ of the profits of the partnership.
procedures related to dissolution and winding up of its business affairs. 7. Balbino now alleges that formation of the supposed partnership
Under the above described situation, not only the retiring partners but also between the him and Perpetua for the exploitation of the aforesaid
the new partnership itself which continued the business of the old fish pond was not carried into effect because Perpetua refused to
partnership are liable for the debts of the preceding partnership. Under Art defray the expenses of reconstruction and exploitation of the fish
1840 of the NCC, creditors of the old Jade Mountain are also creditors of pond. He also alleged that Domingo’s action was already barred by
the new Jade Mountain. Indeed, a creditor of the old Jade Mountain like Yu prescription.
in respect of his claim for unpaid wages, is entitled to priority vis-à-vis any 8. Lower court declared Perpetua as the owner of ½ of the fish pond
claim of any retired or previous partner insofar as such retired partner’s (Alimango and Dalusan)
interest in the dissolved partnership is concerned.
ISSUE: Whether or not Domingo is entitled to recover ½ of the fish pond?
DISPOSITIVE: Yu won. Court found that the new partnership shabbily
treated Yu in depriving him of his unpaid wages. The partnership was RULING: NO.The partnership formed between Perpetua and Balbino was
ordered to pay moral and exemplary damages and attorney’s fees. civil in nature. It was a particular partnership, its subject matter is the
exploitation of the fish pond.
*Total percentage held by Willy Co and Emmanuel Zapanta was 82% of the
partnership. The remaining 18% could not be traced but it was held by the The partnership was dissolved when Perpetua died. It wasn’t shown that
Court that 82% was sufficient to constitute a change in partnership. the partnership continued to exist after Perpetua’s death. Thus, its legal
status was that of a partnership in liquidation, and the only rights inherited
by Perpetua’s testamentary heir, Domingo, were those resulting from the
CASE 15 – DOMINGO BEARNEZA V BALBINO DEQUILLA – Rebecca said liquidation in favor of the Perpetua and nothing more.
DOCTRINE: After the dissolution of a partnership by the death of one of its But in order to determine the rights or interests of Perpetua, liquidation
members, its legal status is that of a partnership in liquidation, and the only must first take place.
rights and interests transmitted to the legal successor or successors of the
said deceased are those resulting in his favor from such liquidation. It wasn’t also shown that a community of property existed, thus it is not
known that whether Perpetua still had any interest in the partnership
FACTS property which could have been transmitted to Domingo.
1. Balbino Dequilla and Perpetua Bearneza formed a partnership for
the purpose of exploiting a fish pond Thus the court found that Domingo has not sufficiently shown his right of
2. Perpetua will contribute to the payment of the expenses of the
DISPOSITIVE: Balbino won. Domingo cannot get ½ of the fish pond unless Lower court ruled in favor of the defendant. The plaintiffs appealed.
liquidation takes place. The ruling of the lower court that Perpetua/Domingo  
is the owner of ½ of the fish pond is reversed. ISSUE: WON the plaintiffs have a right to the profits of the corporation.

CASE 16: BONNEVIE v HERNANDEZ – Carlo Guevara RULING: NO. No liquidation was called for because when plaintiffs
withdrew from the partnership the understanding was that after they had
DOCTRINE: When a partner retires from the firm, he is entitled to the been reimbursed their investment, they were no longer to have any further
payment of what may be due him after a liquidation. But certainly no interest in the partnership or its assets and liabilities.
liquidation is necessary where there is already a settlement or an
agreement as to what the retiring partner shall receive. Plaintiffs maintain that the defendant should be held liable for damages
caused to them, consisting of the loss of their share of the profits, due to
FACTS: defendant's failure properly to perform his duty as a liquidator of the
Plaintiffs Cristobal Bonnevie, et al. with other associates formed a secret dissolved partnership, this on the theory that as managing partner of the
partnership for the purpose of acquiring the plants, franchises and other partnership, it was defendant's duty to liquidate its affairs upon its
properties of the Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) in the provinces of dissolutions. But it does not appear that plaintiffs have ever asked for
Camarines Sur, Albay, and Sorsogon, with the idea of continuing that liquidation. Defendant was not the managing partner of the partnership.
company's business in that region. 
As a general rule, when a partner retires from the firm, he is entitled to the
No formal articles were drawn for it was the purpose of the members to payment of what may be due him after a liquidation. But certainly no
incorporate once the deal had been consummated. Defendant Jaime liquidation is necessary where there is already a settlement or an
Hernandez became a member of the partnership to pursue the deal. Using agreement as to what the retiring partner shall receive. In the case at bar, it
partnership funds, he was able to buy the Meralco properties for P122,000, appears that a settlement was agreed upon on the very day the partnership
paying P40,000 upon the signing of the deed of sale and agreeing to pay was dissolved. For when plaintiffs and Judge Jaime Reyes withdrew from
the balance in two equal installments with interest and a penalty clause that the partnership on that day they did so as agreed to by all the partners,
subject to the only condition that they were to be repaid their contributions
The members of the partnership proceeded with the formation of the or investments within three days from said date. And this condition was
proposed corporation. However, several partners, not satisfied with the way fulfilled when on the following day they were reimbursed the respective
matters were being run and fearful that the venture might prove a failure, amounts due them pursuant to the agreement.
expressed their desire to withdraw from the partnership and get back the
money they had invested therein. DISPOSTIVE: Defendant Jaime Hernandez Won.

A resolution was presented where the partners should be allowed to

withdraw and get back their contributions. It was granted and they withdrew
from the partnership and the partnership was then dissolved. In accordance
with the terms of the resolution, the withdrawing partners were reimbursed
their respective contributions to the partnership fund. The formation of the
corporation continued and it was named "Bicol Electric Company."

The Plaintiffs brought the present an action against Defendant Hernandez,

claiming a share in the profit the latter is supposed to have made from the
assignment of the Meralco properties to the corporation. Defendant's
answer denies that he has made any profit out of the assignment in
question and alleges that in any event plaintiffs, after their withdrawal from
the partnership, ceased to have any further interest in the subsequent
transactions of the remaining members.

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