Ft. Seme 01 Feb 16

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Note:- This paper contains two parts - Part A & Part B
Attempt all the questions. All questions carry equal ",arks.
This paper carries negative marking, 25% marks will be deducted for-uch
wrong answer.
Total time: 3 hra
Total Marks: 200
English - Hindi Bilingual
PART - A (Theory) (Marks:150)
Choose the correct answer:

1 Marks :3 1 Marks :3
5S stands for .................... 5SctiT~t ..............
A Sort. Systemati~, Segregation, A Sort, Systematic. Segregation,
Stal')dardizatlon and Sustain Standardization and Sustain
B Sort. Set, Shine, Standardization. Sustain B Sort. Set. Shine, Standardization, Sustain
C Sort, Sequence, Segregation. C Sort. Sequence. Segregation.
Standardization, Sustain Standardization. Sustain
D Sort, Set. Systematic, Standardization. D Sort. Set, Systematic. Standardization.
Sustain Sustain
2 Marks :3 2 Marks :3
Benefits of the 5S systems are .......... 55 ~ ctiT t>n1{ t ..............
A increase the cleanliness A fCt'£U(i1 ~
B increase the productivity B 3fC4I~CifiC11
C increase the production rate C 3fC41~'" ~ ~
D maintain the production rate D 3rtl~'" ~ iIif1V ~
3 Marks :3 3 Marks :3
The first aid boxes should be properly ~ ~ WcRf # fl1fil(i ~ * fI~(i
equipped and kept in ............. tft;rr~~~~ ..............
A important places A 1R~('tI'i"'i ~ tR"
B machining area B m~m#
C easy access place C 3flfI1ift' *~ ~ #
D right position D fItr~#
Marks :3
Foam, w.ater and dry chemical are used in
which type of fire extinguishers?
~~ *
3Jk ~
Marks :3
31f1;;tltIlIRCifi# q;)Jr, cn&
c\;{tjCifi(>j~ tmt f
A Class B A Cft>Im"B
B ClassC B Cft>Im"C
C Class A C ~A
D Class 0 D Cft>Im"0

- Question Paper - Page1/10

5 Marks :3 5 . Marks:3
What will be the effect ohlectrlc shock when a~.~f.!rtm~tR~~m
the current is at very low level? $ciI~q; ~JIiti q;r C4fclCiCF41 "SmTCf t$Tr?
A Loose his balance and fall A ~ 3fqiff~~ am 3tk~
B Minor burns at the point of contact B~~tR~~ .
C loose his conscious C ~~Tmam . :
D Major burning of the skin D ~ tR ~ ;;n;r.t ~
6 Marks :3 6 Marks:3
Name the part marked 'X' in the figure. ftr;r II 'X' ~ qJt q;r ;:m:r ~

A Sallpein
B Eyehole
C Face
.' 1 ) .••••

D left soft
7 . Marks:3 7 "Marks :3
'.' > Na.,.,e.the type of the.chisel shown below. ;:ftt ~mr mr fit.mor ~ ~ if;T ifm

/4 $==E3t
Cross cut chisel
/1 j: 28+ k3t l
B Half round nose chisel
.C Flat chisel
D Diamond po,nt chisel
8 Marks:3
Chisel are used to cut metal in cold or hot
condition. Cutting point angle.of chisel is also
known as........... ',.
A rake angle
B clearance angle
C. wedge angle
D '81'19leof inclination
9.', Marks:3 9 Marks :3
.: .Spindle of the bench vI~ has which.type of trEr ~ ~ ~U5t't ll'1iB8,~ q;r
thread? -'-~.?
~5 talClI ~ • ,-"
t , I

C Square thread C fCf414'( Vs
D ,Knucklethread D ~b

- Question Paper - Page2l10


10 ' . Marks :3
Name the type of divider shown in figure.

.. i

A . Firm joint
B Spring joint
C Screwjoint

D Needle joint
11 Marks :3 11 Ma"'-'3
Hacksaw blade is made of .
~~t .
A high carbon steel
A high carbon steel
B medium carbon steel
B medium carbon steel
C low carbon steel .
C ~ ~rbon steel
D castiron
D castiron
12. .. Marks:3
12 .. Marks:3
~q:a(Oj .~ '3t.ir ;it 'X' ~·tIIt ifiT
Identify and name the part marked' 'X' in ;:rp:r ifffiTl"
universal surface gauge?

A Guldepin B ~f1!ti"1 iIG
B Clamping nut
C ~
C Snug
D Q\lIfeAZ!Sf
D Adjusbnentscnew
13 ",.Marks:3
13 Marks :3
How the. required cutting pressure is'
Qbtalned in a hacksaw cutting machine?
A IIT{~'
A Applying load
B $I$II~'" ~ *
B Hydraulically
C Pneumatically C &lilli'4l *
D Required length
D 3N1ito~*

• J • -Question Paper- Page3J10

14 Marks:3 14 Marks:3
Name the part of the jenny caliper indicated ftr;r #~ ~ cl; 'X' ~ trrt ~
by 'X' in the figure. it11l ercmr.


e i
A, Heel A tfu;r
B Point leg B ~ . WI"
C Jointleg C ~WI"
D Bendleg D ilrs~
15 Marks:3 15 . Marks:3
Which is NOT a cutting portion of a file? ~ # m~ q;r ~.3fr1T ~ t
A Heel ?
B Tang
B !7r
C Point
D Face C~
.D ~
16 Marks:3 16' 'Marks:3
Name the part of the file marked 'X' in the ftr;r .# ~ cl; 'X' 3ffit;n 3fr1T ~ it11l
figure. iI(=I1V

A Tang
B Ferrule
C Heel
D Filelength
17 Marks:3
In a marking media copper sulphate needs to
be handled carefully because .
A H will quickly dry
B it is poisonous
C H will quickly dilute
D H is highly concentrated

- Question Paper - Page4/ 10

18 Marks :3 18 Marks :3
Name the file which is used for sharpening ~~q;r0lTJf ~ ~ ¥~tif
teeth of wood working saws. ~ ~ ifi)'<t.;r m *. ~ t?
A Riffler file A ~~ ~
B Mill saw file B fi!«;r m ~
C Crossing file C ~~
D Barrette file D iIR?: ~
19 Marks :3 19 Marks :3
Which one of the following tool is used to ~ * ll' .~ A'lf ftctB fl!I;Q-~
align the holes to be riveted? ~~ifi)'~m*~t?
A Dolly tool A grcfr~
B Drift tool B
C Caulking tool C ~I~
D Fullering tool D ~~ ~
20 . Marks:3
How will you specify the folding machine?
3{JtI' ""~"I
cRat ?
~ q;)- ** faF.4~csc:;
Marks :3

A Maximum Jength and thickness of sheet

A ~~~~~ntrr~
B Maximum length of the machine
B ~fr;r ~ 3f~Cfi(1A ~
C Maximum thickness of the sheet C ~~~.~~
D Maximum width of the machine D ~ ~ 3f~Cfi(1A tIt$'~
21 Marks :3 21 Marks :3
What is the function of a soldering iron in the <8li"'Sff"l ~ 1t tt'co:sff"I ~ CR'
soldering process? m ifln' t?
A Melt the metal A ~ q;)- f'4a(ifI;j,
B Melt the solder B ~ ifi)'~a(Oj''''1
C Cool the solder C ~ifi)'m~
D Cool the metal D ~ifi)' em ~
22 Marks :3 22 Marks :3
The p!Jrpose of tempering a hardened steel ~ ~ ~ ~ ~#4ff", CR' ~lI'
component is for ....... ~t?
A Increasing its hardness A ~ CfiO)«(11 ~
B reducing its brittleness B ~~iI4IiU
c increasing its ductility C ~~iI4IiU
D increasing its toughness D ~~~
23 Marks :3 23 Marks :3
While normalizing. the component should be 'l4't'llAIr:4'ICfi'lUI ~lJJIlf, cii~ilre ifi)' em
cooled by •........ ~~~ ..............
A dipping in water A tfTift' 1t ~
B forced air B ticn~(1 Cf11j ll'
c quenching oil C ~ 3m:ftir ll'
D air room temperature D ~ l'A' c:/lqAlii q('

24 Marks :3 24 Marks~3
What is the cutting angle of general purpose 'AIAIr4 mll' 1Pr CR' ~ ~ ~
drill? ~t?
A 1100 A 110 0

B 1120 B 112 0

C 1160 C 1160
D 1180 D 1180

•.Question Paper - Page5l10

25 Marks:3 25 Marks:3
The bench vice is specified by . ilr'tr ~ fa~~6G • ~ ~ .
the width of the joint
the length of the spindle
A ~.~*
the length of fixed law
the mOving distance of movable law


26 Marks:3 26 Marks:3
Name the part marked·X" in figure. ~ # 'X' 3ffinc:r tilt CfiTiDlt ~

A Movable law
a Flxedjaw
C Spindle
D Hardjaw
27 Marks:3
Name the forging tool gi'(en jn figure.

A Swage
B Flattong
C Top puller
D Ratter
28 Marks:3 28 Marks:3
What will be the effect If drill point is not in ~fit;r~~#;:r~'m~
centre? CRrr mJCr ~?
A Oversized holes A 3t)aHtI$'" ~ iIilm
a Overheated drills a 3WcR ~ fit;r
C Rough holes C~~
D Broken drills .D .~fP'
29 Marks:3 29 Marks:3
Vemier bevel protractors is used to measure ~ ~ \C1tCfe'( CfiT~ .•...•....
an accuracy of . • ~ (t'if; mq;r # tm:rr ~
A 5' A 5'
a 5" 8 5"
C 5° C 5°
D ±O.S' D ±O.S'

- Question Paper- Page6/10

30 Merks :.3 30 Marks:3
A vernier dial caliper accuracy 0.05mm, ~~~cfir~O.05
beam scale reading 25mm and the reading fm:ft"., iftlr ~ ~ 25 M. ~
shown by the hand of the dial 24. calculate ~ cl; ~ ~ ~tij" i1f ~ 24
the reading. ~I ~ cfir1"J'O'JiUifit
A 25.9 A 25.9
B 26.0· B 26.0
C 26.1. , , C 26.1
D 26.2 . D 26.2
31 Marks :3
Bending allowance is proportional to the .
A width of the material
B length. of the material
C thickness of the material
D flatness of the material
32 Marks :3 32 Marks:3
Shears are used to cut . ~ q;r ~ ifiTc.t Jt ~ ~ .
very thinned sheet
thick sheet
B ~ ~\R:
C G.I wire C G.I crRR'
rubber sheets
Marks :3
~* Marks:3
The sutface plates are made of . mr~iJ;ft~t .
A good qu~lity cast iron A ~ ctal~t'I· cl;' crc:rar ~ ~
B mild steel B~~~
C medium carbon steel C ~ ifiIit;:r ~ ~
D soft Iron D 1(O11"1¥1~ ~
34 Marks :3 34 Marks:3
Name the part marked ")(" in figure. ftt;r Jt 'X' ~ 3tPt q;r iIT¥I' iICnV

A Spindle
B Anvil.
C Thimble
D Barrell sleeve
35 Marks :3
If '0' graduation of the thimble is above the
datum line. when the measuring faces are in
contact, the
error Is .
A zero
B positive
C positive and negative
D negative

, -Question Paper - Page7/10

~ ~~: 3
For general structural work which type of
rivet is used?
A .Counter sink head
B Snap head
C Aathead
D Pan head
37 Ma~s: 3
Identify the machine accessories shown in

B Socket
C Drift
D Pinion
38 Marks:3
38 Ma~s:3
The property of a metal by which it can be
< ~ <tiT ~ 1jOT ~ ~ lR i'rP{ iI(if \\
brought back to its original shape after the
~ ~ ~ CfTtRr 3lft ~ # ~
applied force is released is known as •...... ;;rr ~ t. ~ ~ t .
A tenacity A iillfllcuj<11
B malleability B 1I1E1idqt;4o:ft<ld
C elasticity C SI('<t IfiffiT
D plasticity D Ci'fijRCf1di
39 Ma~s:3
Solder is an alloy of.. .
A copper and tin
B lead and tin
C zinc and tin
D antimony and tin
40 Marks :3
Which of the following is a non-ferrous
cutting tool material?
A High carbon steel
B High speed steel
C Tool steel
D Carbide
41 Marks:3
'V' blocks are available in the grade of . 41 ·Marks:3
A A&B 'V' ~ 3qiil«i ~ ~ .
C 1,2 & 3
C 1,2&3
D 1 &2 D 1&2
42 Ma~s:3 42 Marks:3
Detennine the tap drill size for the given tap M16 X 1.5.~ ~ 'lW tq- ~ 1iW tq- ftt;r
M16 X 1.5. 3fICIiR' iI(fW
A 14.0 A 14.0
B 14.1 B 14.1
C 14.2 C 14.2
D 14.4 D 14.4

- Question Paper - . Page8l10

43 Marks:3 43 Marks:3
The pillar drilling machine is shown in Figure. ftR # fin« ~ ~fIiJ ~~ 31f ~,
Name the part marked ax'. 'X' ~ tnt ctiT ;;;r;r iICJIV

A Feed handle
B Drill chuck
C Worktable
Marks :3
What is the special feature of the radial
drilling machine?
A The spindle can be brought to any position
B Table can be moved and set at any position
C A variety of speeds are available
D It can be used for drilling with a H;S.S drill
45 Marks :3

Name the part marked "X" in the given figure. 45 Marks:3
fav iJQ' ~ # 'X' ~ 3WT q;r ;rm

A Fixedjaw
B Movable jaw
C Vemier slide
D Mainscale
46 Marks :3
Which one of the foilowing instruments 46 Marks:3
directly gives the actual dimension?
f.!rHr # It m lIT ~ qlfCtfaq; ~
A Inside caliper ~~~?
B Outside caliper A $"''A1$5 ~
C Vemiercaliper B 3t13G'AI$5 ~
D plug gauge C~~
D q;m~

- Question Paper - Page9/10 .

u ~~u ~~
Name the part marked .X" in figure. Rt;r it 'X' 3ffif;o tnt CfiTiIIJf iI'Crnt

~IC ===' - ' ""===" ::=:iIf:~ ~/C=' i .0==0 ~I~

A Frame
B Handle
C Adjustable blade holder
D Fixed blade holder
48 Marks :3 48 Marks:3
The pitch of the coarse teeth in hacksaw ~~it~~iffiifr~~

blade is
. *' .
A O.5mm
B O.8mm B O;8mm
C 1.8mm C 1.8mm
D 1.0mm D .1.0mm
49 Marks :3
Different shapes of files are used to file
different contol!rs. Name the file shown in
the figure.


A Half round file

A ~mo!'~
B Round file
B mvs~
C Knife edge file C ~v.;r~
D Triangular file
D ~141l'1,( ~
50 Marks :3
50 Marks :3
For filing soft materials like lead, tin, ~, fhr, Q<>if}jr.t<l~ ~ "ll'll<l~
aluminum, which file is used?
Bastard file
Double cut file A~~
C Single cut file B ~CR:~
D Rasp cut file C ~CR:~
D m:q- CR: ~

- Question Paper -
(For 2 Yr. Trades)

Choose the correct answer:

1 Marks: 2 1 Marks : 2
Which one Is NOT a vowel? f.r1:;r 11 "fl ~ ~ cITcJt;r "tiff I?
A a A a
B e B e
C f C f
o D
2 Marks: 2' 2 Marks: 2
Which one of thefollowing Is a good office f.r1:;r 11 "fl ~ 'fl CPlqrijijq 11 ~ \ifR ~

etiquette? ari& 1l11lC1'q1i(t?

A One should dress formally A~i'fl~~
B One shOuld not be p'~~ual to work B ifiJ1f Cl>T ~ -;uff ~ ~
C One should have fancy mobile ring tone C sthlljfcl qft ffq cR ~~ 6f;ft ~
D One should litter one's work place D ifiJ1f ~ lR ~ lfR ~ Cfi"(';ft ~

3 Marks: 2 3 . Marks: 2
Rise and fall of pitch' of voice is called.. .•• ' fIN ctr 3ITifI\iI em ~ a!lf -Qir;\ em 1QJ \iffi'IT t?
A vowel A~
B intonation B ll;:c);)tlot
C consonant C 3Tffl
D pronunciation - D \i"iiq1i(UI
4 Marks: 2 4 Marks : 2
Which one Is 8 cardinal number? f.r1:;r 11 "fl ~ cpli(~qijij ~ t?
A One A ~ (~)
B Fifth B 1fI'T.rcrr
C Eighth C 3TJOCIT
D Second 0 ~
5 Marks: 2 5 Marks: 2
Which one is a "Do's" of discussion
~ 1l "fl m lIT -q1Ii 3Ii8 ftlllCl'qI'l m iIiT ~ t?
A Looseyour temper Am"fl~~
B Listen to others B,~ em wr-n
C Talk about inelevant details C tqctft ~ Cfff"fT
D Use impoflle or rude language D ~/~ 11m <liTu~ ~I
Marks: 2 G Marks: 2
Choose the correct response for the given
~ ~ 1nif <liT 'flIft ~ ~
"How have you been"?
"3TJlJ ct'fl I"
A Very well, And you? A ~ 3IT8 m 3Tflf?
B Thank you. And you? B ~ 3'it'l' 3TJlf?
C Sametoyou C 1ft 'ffi6
D On vacation. And you? D lJcit lR 3'it'l' 3Tflf?
"" ,

- Question Paper- Page 114

7 Marks: 2 7 Marks: 2
Fill in the blank with comparative adjective.
lI'I'Cift ~ eM g;~ltit~~t1l1u~ ~ ~
"Your pencills than mine".
A sharp A ~
-B sharper B ~a\if
C blunt· C ~~
D thick D -,n-et
8 Marks: 2 8 Marks: 2
Choose suitable "whOword for the given
~ ~ ct ~ \iq~cm 'wh'~ eM ~
•....................... animal do you like?"
A Which A~
B Why Bctm
C Where Ccmn
D When D \iIir / CfiiI

9 Marks: 2 Marks:2
9 "flR..y lftwrr ~
A resume should be.•..............
A short and preci.se, . A ~31R~
B fancy andcolourful' B ~~3IR~
C having acronyms and abbreviation C ffidlCf)i(ul ~ mer ~
D having long and detailed information D ftru@ ~ ~ am ~ \JI1"1Cf)I~
10 Marks: 2 10 Marks: 2
Which one is a brain of computer? f.tHl ~ ~ Cf1~G« CfiT ~ft:c:l6Cfi m~
A Keyboard A' Keyboard
C Monitor C~
D Harddisk D ~~
11 Marks:2 11 Marks: 2
The expansion of RAM is , RAM CfiT ~ t .
A Read Access Memory A Read Access Memory
B Random Access Memory B Random Access Memory
C Random Addition Machine C Random Addition Machine
D Read Append Machine D Read Append Machine.
12 Marks: 2 12 Marks: 2
In which orientation. the text is printed ~ .m~Qo!'rrr # tcR=c ~ #~
length wise? ~~t?
A Landscape A ~osfCl:;q
B Margin B~
C Portrait
C ~
D Width D~
13 Marks,:2
13 Marks:2
Which device is used to connect telephone
line toa PC?
PC ~ ~~q;)ii1~. *' ~ crtrr ~
A Modem
A mbr
B Monitor
B Amk't
C Printer
C ~
D Harddisk
o ~~

- Question Paper - Page 2/4

14 Marks:2 14 Marks: 2
In Excel, the intersection of a row and .~ # U~ ~ q;r \lfch:Aait
column ·iscalled a . Cfitil>llCiIt .
A cell A~
B label B ~
C square C fCfijj <lI;co
D worksheet D mnc
15 Marks: 2 15 Marks: 2
Low level language is also called . t'It ~ 3lJ15IT q,t ~ 3ft ~ 3Tnr t
A source code •. , A ~cm-
B middle ware B~~
C machine language C ~fr.:r3lJ15IT
D assembly language D M'8k1 t4) :RAT
16 Marks :2· 16 Marks: 2
Which one is a ·cYbercrime? . f.n:;r # It m 1:cti ~ 3ftmu t?
A Sending email A email at;r;rr
B Online purchasing B Mlitiijl$it &flC;C;lfI ~
C Online gambling C 3i1G1(>jI$G1c\1.a~$1 ifir.tT
D Chatting with friend$ D ~lt~~
17 Marks: 2 17 Marks: 2
Which one is it search engine? f.n:;r # It m ri ~ t?
A Flickr A~
B Hotmail B~
C Facebook c~
D Google D ~
18 Marks:2 18 Marks: 2
An illegal activity committed on the intemet is ~tR~~~"
called . t);<lIiCfi(>j14CfitiiijiCii t .
A virus A~
B cyber crime B~~
C search engine C ri~
D social networking D ~n;r ikq~"1
19 Marks: 2 19 Marks: 2
What does 'ASAP' stand for, in SMS SMS ~ 3{T1IT # 'ASAP' q;r CflIT ri
language? ~.t?
A As Silent As Probable A As Silent As Probable
B As Soon As Probable B As Soon As Probable
C As Soon As Possible C As Soon As Possible
D As Simple As Possible D As Simple As Possible
20 Marks: 2 20 Marks:2
Intrinsic motivation is . $ft~Cfi ~ ~ t?
A short lived A 3i(i:qCfiI~Cfi
B long lasting B cft6CfiI~q;
C for money or reward C tr.J ~ ~ cl:; ftitq
D to gain social acceptance D 'A1111~Cfi f<fICfiI~(11 ~ ~ cl; ftitq

- Question Paper - Page 3/4

\'I~\"I ~-IIl.r-,..I-<./ Y JE.5

21 Marks: 2 21 Marks: 2
You withdraw Rs.500/- from an ATM. The 3JIq" ~ ATM "«
500/- ~ fi)CfiltllCt
ATM machine gives Out RS.5000/-. Which of
the following would be ethically correct?
~ *~iAfr.J 31J11cfit 5000/-
(~~Ol ~ ~
A Make a complaint
A ~iIit
B Take the money
B ~~<t
c Drop the money near ATM
C tr.r ATM ~ qRf ~ a-
D Give the money to the poor D tr.r ~ ~ """ a- !
22 Marks:2 22 Marks: 2
Which one is a good communication? fiI'Hf ~ "« m 3fmT ~ t?
A Message is clear and direct A ~r~~lftm~
B Message is ambiguous B ~r~~
C Sender attacks receiver C ~, SlItt1Cfi~ tR ~JitlllcH ~ ~
D Receiver doesn't listen to sender D SllcaCfi~J ~ <fit ifIn iftft lJi1'ffi ~
23 Marks: 2 23 Marks·: 2
Goals are categorized as ............... ~ """ ~ ~ "« ~ l\tr "« ~
A good and bad ~;;m:rr t?
B inner and outer
A ~ vcr.k
B ~vq~
c intrinsic and extrinsic
C $~~Cfi vcr QCR't~~Cfi
D short term and long term tnt~vcr~~
24 Marks: 2
24 Mal'ki: 2 ,
Dedication to a particular work is called ...... ~ m ~'tar ~ n:rv ~ CfitctlllCiI

A integrity t.................
A :a("'Q ~ IS(5j.
B confidence
B ~qm
C commitment
C Sllail\iiCiI
D intelligence D ~~Ji('(:11
25 Marks:2 25 Marks: 2
Which one is not an essential characteristic fip:;r ~ "«~, ~ :aQitllHi ~ m
to achieve success? q;r JnCA~ c;mur ~ t"?
A Integrity A :a("'Q mIS(5I
B Confidence B 3ffi=JI' ~qm
C Commitment C Sllail\iiC11
D Unethical work D ~m

- Question Paper - Page 4/4

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