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Definition- Enteritis is the inflammation of your small

intestine. In some cases, the inflammation can also
involve the stomach (gastritis) and large intestine
(colitis). There are various types of enteritis. The
most common are:
• viral or bacterial infection
• radiation induced
• medication induced
• alcohol or drug induced
• enteritis related to poor blood flow

Symptoms of enteritis can include

abdominal pain.
1. diarrhea
2. nausea and vomiting
3. loss of appetite
4. abdominal cramps and pain
5. pain, bleeding, or mucus-like discharge from the
6. fever
Types of enteritis
There are several different types of enteritis:

Infectious enteritis
The most common type of bacterial enteritis is
caused by food poisoning. You can get it after
ingesting food or water that is contaminated with
bacteria. The bacteria can enter the food supply in a
number of ways, including:
1. improper food handling
2. poor hygiene
3. during poultry and meat processing
The foods most often associated with food poisoning
1. raw poultry and meat
2. unpasteurized milk
3. fresh produc
Staphylococcus aureus (S

Radiation enteritis
This type of enteritis occurs after radiation therapy.
Radiation works by killing rapidly dividing cells. This
kills cancer cells, but also healthy cells. This
includes mouth, stomach, and bowel.
Enteritis can also be the result of:
1. some medications, including ibuprofen (Advil)
and naproxen (Aleve)
2. illegal drugs, such as cocaine

Complications of enteritis
If symptoms are severe or, in the case of radiation
enteritis, become chronic, you are at increased risk
of dehydration.
1. excessive thirst
2. weakness
3. fatigue
4. lethargy
5. poor urine output
6. dark urine

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