Notes-Ielts Essay

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Compared to the past, more younger adults take medications for degenerative diseases.

specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

As seen in today’s era, a lifestyle of the youth has been changed drastically, which has made them
independent; moreover, unhealthy food habits will lead the young generation towards the
degenerative disease.

Undoubtedly, every individual knew(know) the consequences of eating an unhealthy(repeated back

to back-junk food) diet. Teenagers especially females have to take precautions because of the
hormonal imbalance in the body which in turn can disturb the menstrual cycle. For illustration, if
the female individual having hormonal disturbance can lead her to type two diabetes, also known as
polycystic ovary syndrome, where her periods are delayed and have to take prescribed medicine.
The eating habits that has mould our convenience are high in fat and sugar which in turn weakens
the immune system; therefore, result in a problem such as acidity and obesity.

In addition, due to the desk job or the back office work employees are not intended for the outdoor
activities, results in a lack of exercise that can increase heart-related issues, blood pressure, and
depression. For instance, a male employee working as a desk job has no physical activities;
therefore, the immune system of the young employee will deteriorate and thus, he can be a patient
for degenerative disease. Furthermore, the responsibilities of the family and the peer pressure can
also lead an individual into the mental or emotional strain; therefore, rigidity or stubbornness in the
behaviour. In contrast, grey-haired people used to do all household chores as there were no servants,
which made them physically fit.

To sum up, a youth of the 21st century, are regular victims of mental tension, depression, and fear of
failure. It can be believed that to improve the adolescent public and physical health, various
facilities can be taken into consideration to the best of our ability and to help our community.

To recapitulate, because of sedentary lifestyle most of the juvenile have become careless about their
fitness and healthy appetite resulting in many problems such as depression, blood pressure and
many more. To overcome such diseases popping up in the body, it is advisable for fresh blood to
work on their health and fitness to strengthen up their immune system by indulging in many
physical health activities.

Note: you did not compare much about past times, just one sentence.

4.5/6 - Band
In your own opinion, what do you think are the factors that contribute to longevity? List some
examples and reasons to support your answer.

Irrefutably, every individual has strategies towards their lives as planning is a vital role in the
survival of the fittest. In the 21st century, lifespan is gradually increasing which can cause some
advantages and disadvantages to society.

Undoubtedly, a significant aspect indicates that life expectancy is based on lifestyle choices,
healthcare, hygiene, outdoor sports activities and many more. Physical and mental strength relates
to a healthy and wealthy lifestyle. For example, in Japan, a senior person who is perfectly fit by
maintaining his own health and hygiene by daily walk and yoga. He has the potential to keep him
sporty and occupied in the different curriculum; in addition, economic development and the
improvement in the environmental condition reduces the death ratio.

In contrast, some potential impacts are heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases that will
cause more illness worldwide. However, medical science has become so wide and successful has
played a vital and key role contributing for contribute to longevity. For instance, if a
person is suffering from a heart attack, then(than) after proper examination, by-pass surgery can be
performed, which in turn can increase his life expectancy of around five to ten years depending on
the food diet and healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, increasing to an ageing population will face many
changes as several elderly or paralysed people at home needs caretaker as a helping hand to do their
routine work.

To conclude, I believe that living longer can be beneficial only if we can help senior people to live a
peaceful and valuable life for the community.

Need better conclusion

Thus, to put in a nutshell, I personally believe that lifestyle choices and eating habits are the two
main factors contributing for longevity. It purely depends upon the environmental factors of a
particular country and their way of living a life and these increase in life is beneficial only when
people surrounded are helpful to one another.

Band -4/6
Many people believe that countries should produce food for the whole population and import as
little food as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Indisputably, food is the main source of energy for the survival of the fittest. Moreover, numerous
human being agrees that homeland should mass-produce an adequate amount of food for the entire
population and to some extent shall cut-down imported food.(You need to give your opinion here )

Firstly, the government should take responsibility for the growth of the population as well as for the
development of the production of eatables. In addition, finance is the utmost important factor for
importing food. For illustration, importing food from other countries is(are) usually expensive;
moreover, it can affect our health. Also, it takes a minimum of a week to reach the destination
where edibles can become awful depending on the weather conditions which result into health
issues and waste of money. As a result, the government needs to allocate plethora amount of money
to the hospitals.

Furthermore, by encouraging farmers, and by implementing irrigation and planting process, every
individual can have fresh and local produced food as it would ensure better quality as compared to
imported food. For example, India is rich in farming techniques, rich in wheat, rice and spice
production. At the same time, unemployment will decline; Moreover, by buying local products, the
country will grow economically and farmers will be well paid. Therefore, simply encouraging the
manufactures to produce variety of food, citizens can enjoy the food that made from their home
country and also pay less amount of money for the food.

In conclusion, mass production of all types of food is a great effort that the government can agree to
take advantage of to prevent imported food, ensure good food quality and reduce unemployment
issues. If a country becomes self-reliant in producing its food, they can implement it.

Overall good, but avoid repetitions

You did not include how far you agree or disagree with the given statement.
Band -4/6
The reason why people buy products is to fulfil their needs and because of the products’ quality.
Advertisements don’t increase products’ sales; they can only be considered a form of entertainment.
Do you agree or disagree?

Undoubtedly, every individual purchase goods so that they can satisfy the(their) requirements;
moreover, depending on the results and variety of the product. However, television commercials or
hoardings are a source of entertainment that does not hike merchandise trading.

Broadcasting or advertising is the source to communicate with the public worldwide; though, it is
influential for the teenagers and youth as they cannot control the urge of buying new and improved
items. For example, a young adult has a smart mobile which is in proper working condition;
although, he demands new gadget from his(their) parents. This is because of the influential media
sources where an individual wanted improvised and new features(featured) cell phone. Thus, the
strategy to promote the product is to rise the customer; furthermore, beneficial to the business as
virtue of the goods and the services.

On the other hand, salaried people have to work strictly on the monthly budget. The personal factors
that strongly result in different perception towards the certain goods in the services. For instance,
some people believe peanut oil is best and healthy for their family as they are habituated for using it
on a regular basis due to which any other oil attracting promotions would not convince them to buy
and hence, they will stick to the custom. In addition, the personal pattern will be developed by
family and society.

To conclude, I believe, that an individual get convinced easily for purchasing high-quality goods or
products which are unnecessary that suits his or her personality through influential promotional

3.5/6 -band

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