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Fantasy Critter Role Playing Game

Core Rule Book

Written and Illustrated by Stephen Wood

Ages 12 and up
Wild Lands
created by Stephen Wood
owned by
Stephen Wood Games

© 2019 Stephen Wood Games. All rights reserved. “Wild Lands” and all characters, names, places, and text
herein are copyrighted by Stephen Wood Games. All mechanics are declared Product Identity, unless covered
by a different license. All setting material, art, and trade dress are also declared Product Identity, including
the name “Wild Lands,” world concepts, background, fiction, characters and location names, associated
images, and the like.

This PDF can be printed and or copied for personal, not for profit, use.

Table of Contents
Character Creation Pg. 7
Playable Critters Pg.10
Stats Pg.22
Skills Pg.24
Equipment Pg.25
Weapons Pg. 26
Arcane Pg. 27
Bludgeon Pg. 31
Edge Pg. 32
Polearms Pg. 34
Ranged Pg.36
Armor Pg.39
Accessories Pg.40
Items Pg.41
Players Guide Pg.43
Roles/Rules Pg. 44
Exploration Pg. 46
Combat Pg. 47
Campaign Setting Pg. 50
Cosmology Pg. 51
Pantheon Pg. 53
History Pg. 55
Locations Pg. 55
Orginizations Pg. 59
Daily Life Pg. 65
Bestiary Pg. 70
Aquatic Pg. 71
Bad Critters Pg. 76
Dire Beasts Pg. 77
Demons Pg. 84
Drakes Pg. 87
Elementals Pg. 90
Fey Pg. 94
Goblins Pg. 96
Bugs Pg. 99
Slimes Pg. 104
Strange Pg. 106
Underlings Pg. 108
Undead Pg. 112
Treasure Pg. 115
Treasure Pg. 116
Food Pg. 117
Artifacts Pg. 117
Mana Stones Pg. 120
Treasure Chart (requires d100) Pg.124

The Great Isle
Wild Lands
by Stephen Wood Games

This book contains all the rules needed to play

Wild Lands, a roleplaying and cooporative
story telling game. It also includes information
on items, monsters, treasures, and the
campaign setting of The Great Isle. Game
masters are encouraged to use this information
as a jumping off point to build adventures and
quests for the players.

What you need to play:

A set of D6
dice block of 12-36 dice (12-16mm)
recommended but not needed

Additional items:
Paper (plain or
2-5 friends

2d10, 1d100, or
random number
generator 1-100
for the random loot
charts in chaper 6

Character Creation

Character Creation
Players select their critter, roll their stats,
purchase equipment, and they are then ready
for adventure! Each choice comes with its own
unique advantages and allows characters to
excel at certain aspects of gameplay. Players
are encouraged to try as many different
combinations as possible!

No matter what the player’s artistic ability,

it is highly recommended that they doodle a
portrait of their character before playing if able.




D: Weapon H: Mount/Pet
Character Sheet This box is used to record all This section is used to record
of the character’s equipped any information about the
A: Critter weapon stats and attacks. Any character’s mount or pet.
Use this box to record the additional weapons or attacks,
character’s name, what kind of such as those granted from I: Notes
critter they are, and their level. mana stones, can be recorded Use this section to record any
Also, use this box to doodle a in the notes section (I). additional notes.
portrait of your character.
E: Armor J: Misc/Doodles
B: Stats This section is for recording a Use this section to have fun
All of the stats can be recorded character’s equipped armor, doodling things, making
in this box. Use the bonus seal to armor stats, and details. notes, or sketching.
record any temporary bonuses.
F: Accessories Character Sheet can be found
C: Skills This section is for recording on page 128-129
Record all of the character’s a character’s equipped
skills here, any additional skills accessories and their effects
can be recorded in the notes
section ( I). G: Inventory
This section is used to record
all of the character’s items,
money, and unequipped gear.

Playable Critters
Size Stalks Tall The base unit of measurement in Wild
Lands is a Stalk. A stalk is the average
Tiny < 1 height of grass. Stalks can be broken
Small down into half stalks, or quarter
Medium 2.6-3.5
Large 4-5
Giant 6-10
Huge 11-20
Titanic > 30


Mice are the most common critter on the Great Isle and can be found in almost
every city. Though mice hold many positions of power in various cities, there
are no mouse cities or kingdoms. Mice are found in practically all professions,
including crafters, academics, laborers, politicians, traders, and adventurers.
Mice fur comes in grey, black, tan, brown, white, or a mix. Some Mice will use
magic to augment their fur color to something fantastical like teal and pink.
One of the smaller critters on the Great Isle mice only grow to be 1.7 - 2.5 stalks

Bonus: +1 Int
Quick: A mouse can use its entire turn to
sprint 2x its movement.


Phooka, also known as bandit mice or pom mice, are not mice but instead
fey critters from the elemental plane. They came to the natural world to
escape the chaotic wars of the elemental plane. Phooka coats resemble the
colors of flowers from deep purples to bright yellows. Phooka have two
small pearlescent horns on the top of their head. A Phooka’s tail pom is
a point of pride, and many phooka spend hours grooming them. Phooka
grow to 1.5- 2 stalks tall.

Bonus: +10 Mp

Fey Float: Due to their Fey ancestry Phooka have

the ability to float up to 10 feet per round


Pech, also known as sand or stone moles, are tiny distant cousins to the moles
of the underways. Pechs can be found in the mountains where they use their
geomancy to build and defend their villages. Pech coats are the colors of stone
and sand with males developing dark armor plating while females have pale
gold or white armor plating. Pech can cast stone armor at will. Pechs grow to
only stand .75-1.25 stalks tall.

Bonus: +12 Hp

Stone Armor: Mp: 5 Range: 3

Glowing stones surround the caster or a
selected target. Stone Armor grants an
additional 10 Ap for 5 rounds.


Moles are a critter from deep underground in the Underways where they
spend their lives farming mushrooms and worms or digging more tunnels
to expand their territory. The most significant known mole Kingdom is
the Great Cavern Keep located deep under the Dew Drop Mountains.
Even though the majority of moles live in the Underways they are not
that uncommon on the surface. Moles find their niche in jobs that must
be performed in the dark or at night, where their keen senses can shine.
Moles fur is often grey, brown, black, and on occasion blue, blue moles are
called fairy touched. Moles are also on the smaller side growing to be 2-
2.5 stalks tall.

Bonus: +1 Phy

Dark Sight: Mole senses are attuned to darkness

allowing them to “see” up to 30 bales as if fully


Voles are the second most common critter found on the Great Isle and one of
the smallest. This makes them perfect for work that requires minute attention
to detail. Voles can be found in most cities and work in the trade guilds from
carpentry to assassins. Roc Roost is a Vole city and the headquarters to most
of the Great Isle guilds. Voles fur ranges from a deep brown to a golden yellow.
Voles only grow to 1.25-1.5 stalks tall.

Bonus: +1 Soc

Silent Step: Voles gain +1 to any stealth



Squirrels are less common in the Great Isle and reside primarily in forests.
Squirrels rarely ever venture outside their borders, preferring the treetops
to prairies or mountains. The two great squirrel cities are Great Oak, home
to the red and gold squirrels, and Silverthorn, Home to the black, white, and
grey squirrels. Squirrels are known to be great warriors, wizards, scholars,
farmers, and merchants. Despite their reluctance to leave the safety of their
woods, squirrels are reliable allies and will come to the aid of any neighboring
city. Squirrel fur comes in a variety of colors from black, white, brown, grey,
golden, and red. Squirrels can grow to 2.5-3.5 stalks tall.

Bonus: +1 Agi

Tree Climber: Squirrels gain +2 to any

climbing checks.


Rabbits are guardians of the meadows where their capital city, The Warrens, is
located. Rabbits are brought up to believe service and justice are the noblest
pursuits. This leads many rabbits to become paladins or clerics of various
orders in The Warrens. Each order sends a score of their members to the West
Gate to serve each year. It is here that the rabbits defend the meadows from the
monsters of Dire Skull. Rabbit fur is most commonly brown and white but also
comes in a variety of colors such as black, tan, white, or a mix. Rabbits grow to
be 3-3.5 stalks tall.

Bonus: +1 Int, +1 Soc

Leap: Rabbits can jump 3x their height


After the first calamity Hobgoblins, or Hobs, were the only of the goblin kind
to turn away from Rasselbok and work to fight back against the corruption
that Rasselbok had caused. Hobs were once like rabbits before Rasselbok
corrupted them, magically combining them with void bats. Because of this,
Hobs are naturally resistant to void or dark damage. Hob coats come in white,
grey, black, or brown and their eyes have a yellow or red hue, a telltale sign
of their void ancestry. Hobs are medium size critters growing to be 3-4 stalks
Natural Resistance: Hobs are resistant to
dark/void damage

Shadow Bat: 10mp, Self, Duration 10min

The Hob is engulfed in shadow and emerges as
a shadow bat. In this form a Hob can move 4
times their normal movement.

Celestials came to the aid of the critters to fight back Rasselbock’s dragonic
forces during the first calamity. After the war, many celestials returned to
the heavens while others chose to stay and help the critters rebuild. Their
descendants are known as the Ichneumon. The fur of the Ichneumon is almost
always gold or silver and has a slight preternatural glow to it, even in darkness.
Ichneumon are said to be able to sense evil and heal small wounds, Ichneumon
are large critters almost coming shoulder to shoulder with badgers at 4-4.5
stalks tall.

Sense Evil: Ichneumon can reach out with their

senses to detect evil in a 60 stalk radius.

Healing Paws: 5mp, Range Touch

As an action the critter lays their paw over a small
wound healing the target for 3d6 hp


Otters are found in the Marshlands where small fishing villages dot the
landscape or in Water Town, a large floating city located in the middle of
Otter Lake. Otter traders are known to travel along river routes to sell their
wares. Otter adventurers are unique in that they can fight monsters deep
underwater where other critters cannot go without magic. Otter fur comes in
shades of brown or chestnut to a golden brown. Otters are one of the largest
critters growing to be 4-4.5 stalks tall.

Bonus: +1 Agi, +1 Phy

Deep Breath: Otters can hold their breath

for 10 minutes


Badgers are the tallest known critter on the Great Isle. Badgers reside primarily
in their dens located in the Black Hallows to the west or in the Ember Keep off
the east coast of the isle. Outside of these two cities badgers often make their
homes in the wildlands, preferring solitary life over that of the large cities. Due
to their size, badgers make excellent warriors. Badger fur is most commonly
black with silver and white; however, some badgers are born with golden yellow
fur. Badgers grow between 4-4.5 stalks tall.

Bonus: +2 Phy

Rage: In the heat of battle a badger can rage

granting them +2 to all attack rolls for all melee
attacks until the end of the battle. A badger must
rest for 12 hours before they can rage again.

Stats Physicality 2 | Agility 4 | Intellect 6 | Social 5
After a player selects a critter, they will roll
its base stats: Physicality (Phy), Agility (Agi), Stats are the base rolls when attempting an
Intellect (Int), Social (Soc). Each of these stats action. Jimmy will always get to roll at least 5
represents an aspect of a character. dice when attempting any action requiring Int
(i.e., casting a complex spell).
Physicality: character’s physical ability. The
more physicality a character has, the more
beefy and muscular a character will be allowing
the character to excel in feats of strength. This
stat is the favored stat for combat-oriented

Agility: This stat represents a character’s speed

and acrobatic ability. The more agile a character
is, the faster and more graceful a character
will move, giving them the advantage of speed.
Agility can also determine a character’s chances
at sleight of hand or the ability to perform a
dance. This is favored by characters who want to
be stealthy, graceful, or fast.

Intellect: This stat represents a character’s

ability to solve puzzles and acquire information.
The more intellect a character has, the
quicker they will learn new things or process
information. This stat is favored by characters Secondary Stats
who use brains over bronze or use magic. After the base stats are selected and placed,
the player will calculate all of their secondary
Social: This stat represents a character’s stats.
sociability. The more social a character is, the
easier it is for him or her to talk their way out of Hit Points (HP):
trouble or inspire their companions. This stat HP represents how much damage a character
is favored by characters who are quick-witted, can take before succumbing to their wounds.
smooth talkers, motivational, emotionally Players can increase their chance of survival
intelligent, or charming. by purchasing armor or shields. HP resets to
full after staying in an inn.
Rolling Stats
Players roll 5d6 discarding the lowest roll. HP = Phy x 6 (plus any additional bonuses)
Players then apply one roll to each stat.
Injured: If a character falls below 50% of their
Example: health, they become injured and suffer -1 dice
Jimmy Rolls 5d6 and gets 2 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 6 to all rolls until their wound is treated or their
hp is above 50%.
Jimmy now has to decide which roll should go
with which stat. He knows he is going to want Wounded: If a character falls below 25% of
to play some kind of Mage so Intelligence is the their health, they become wounded and suffer
stat that will help him the most. With that in -2 dice to all rolls until their wound is treated
mind Jimmy places his stats in this order: or their hp is above 25%.

If a character’s hp falls to 0, the character dies. Agility Evasion
A character can be revived by a healer within 6
hours of their death so long as their corpse is 1 0
intact and no vitals are destroyed. 2 1
Magic Points (MP): 3 2
Many items have abilities that require the use of
Magic Points. Each character has a set amount 4 3
of MP they can use daily, once their pool of MP 5 3
has been exhausted, they must rest at least 6
hours to regain their MP. If a character attempts 6 4
to use an ability that requires MP, but they have
none they can instead sacrifice their HP. Some 7 4
items can restore a character’s MP. MP resets to 8 5
full after staying in an inn.
9 5

MP= Int x 5 (plus any additional bonuses)
10 6
How far a character can move in stalks
per round.
Jimmy’s critter is attacked by a monster.
Movement = Agility x 9 Jimmy’s character has 3 evasion dice, he
decides to use 2 of them to try an avoid the
Evasion: monsters attacks.
This stat represents a character’s ability
to avoid, dodge, parry, and evade attacks. Jimmy’s Evasion Dice
The higher a character’s evasion, the more
opportunities they will have to avoid taking
3 5
Evasion Dice:
These are the dice that are used to evade attacks.
If a character is attacked, a player can attempt
to evade those attacks by using an evasion

1 5 6
dice. A roll of 5 or 6 on an evasion roll negates
1 successful attack from the enemy (AKA the
character evaded the attack). A player can use
any number of evasion dice up to the max they
are allowed per round. The number of evasion Enemy Attack Dice
dice that can be used per round is determined
by agility and any additional bonuses from Jimmy’s character successfully evaded
equipment or spells. Evasion dice reset at the one of the monsters attacks and still has 1
beginning of the next round. evasion dice he can use this round.

“Stop dancing around so I can smash you!”

-Frustrated Bugbear

Professional Skills:
At creation, characters are granted 2 skill points. This same principle can be applied to magical
Each point put into a skill gives the character an abilities such as spells. Players should also think
additional +1 dice when attempting to perform about noncombat skills such as charm, baking,
any action related to that specific skill. Players or disable traps. The GM has the right to deny a
are encouraged to invent their own skills and player the professional skill if he or she does not
place them under an appropriate ability. feel it fits within the spirit of the game. Below is
a chart of example skills you can use as a starting
For instance, Sarah wants her critter to be a point.
great swords-mouse, so she decides to write in
“swords” in the Physical and place 1 skill point Rule Variant: If all players agree a skill is
in that skill. This grants her a +1 dice to all rolls acceptable, they can overrule the GM’s decision
involving swords including attacks. and allow the skill.

Physical Agility Intellect Social

Lifting Tumbling History Charm
Climbing Leaping Identification Haggle
Grappling Juggling Repairs Act
Hammers Balancing Area of Study Intimidate
Unarmed Combat Daggers Decipher Inspire
Kicking in Doors Card Tricks Ice Spells Lie
Digging Sleight of Hand Riddles Gather Info


each success (5-6) the weapon deals its damage unless ev
modify the number of attack dice available.

Currency Damage Types:

Each weapon has a damage type listed below.
The enemy takes the weapon’s damage for each successfu
Nut: (n) Some creatures, items, and spells are weak or
Base unit of currency in Wild Lands. resistant to specific damage types.
Jimmy’s vole attacks the slime with his dagg
Berry: (bry) Bludgeoning (blg)4d6, the results
Jimmy rolls are 4,
Piercing 3, 5, 5. The vole
Berries are equal to 10 nuts and the second daggers damage is 6, so Jimmy’s vole deals 12 dam
Slashing (sla) Healing (hel)*
most common currency.
Damage Types:
Poison (psn) Acid (acd)
Grain: (g) Each weapon has a damage type listed below. Some creat
Grains are the highest unit of currency in Wild Light (lit)
resistant Dark (drk)
to specific damage types
Lands equal to 100 berries or 1000 nuts. Arcane (arc) Electric (elc)
Bludgeoning Piercing Slashing Acid
Starting Currency: 100 berries Fire (fir) Ice (ice)
|b| |p| |s| |acd|
Wind (wnd) Earth (ert)
Weapons Electric Healing* Dark Light
Weapons are the primary offensive option in Void (vod)
|elc| |hel| |drk|
Life (lif)* |lit|
combat. Many weapons have unique abilities, *restores HP and AP instead of dealing damage
spells, or augmentations that can be utilized
by the player to create a unique combat style. Weakness(Type):
Many abilities can only be unlocked at specific Takes double
Take double damage
damage from
from thethe
typetype listed.
levels indicated by required LvL letting the
weapons grow stronger as the player progresses Resistance (type):
Resistance (type):
through the game. Characters can only equip Takes half damage from the type listed .
Takes half damage from the type listed
one weapon at a time.
Area of Effect
Range Area of Effect or AOE is the area affected by an
Range or rng is the distance an attack can reach Items ability.
in bales a range of 1 = 1 bale.
AOE All Adjacent AOE Line 3
This roll is made when attempting an attack.
Each weapon has a set number of attack dice.
For each successful attack roll ( a roll of 5-6)
the weapon deals its damage unless evaded.
Spells and equipment can modify the number
of attack dice available.

AOE Diameter 3 AOE Cone 3
The enemy takes the weapon’s damage for each
successful attack roll unless evaded.

Jimmy’s vole attacks the slime with his

dagger. The dagger has an attack of 4 so
Jimmy rolls 4d6, the results are 4, 3, 5, 5. The
vole successfully attacked 2 times, the daggers
damage is 4, so Jimmy’s vole deals 8 damage
to the slime.

Arcane Weapons
Arcane weapons are weapons that tap into Spells
critter’s mana to activate magical abilities. Star Barrage (Arc)
These weapons are often wielded by magic Mp: 2 Rng:20 Attack: 4 Damage: 4
users such as mages, healers, and priests.
Some Arcane equipment will require a base Small lights fly from the caster’s fingertips and
intellect score to use its abilities. slam into their target.

Moon Light (Hel)

Tomes: Mp: 5 Rng 15 AOE: 2 diameter Attack: 4
Tomes are some of the most common arcane Damage: 6
weapons. Books contain many more spells and
abilities than other arcane equipment, but the A pillar of light appears in the casters chosen
spells are often weaker than items dedicated areas, the light heals any creature it comes in
to a single spell or magical ability. Characters contact with.
wielding a tome can use the spells and abilities
as many times as they like until their mana is Shooting Star (Arc)
depleted. (Req lvl 2)
Mp: 5 Rng:30 Attack: 6 Damage: 6

Tome of Moon and Stars The caster hurls a ball of arcane energy that
60bry, 2paw, resembles a star. The ball of light violently
explodes on impact, any creature hit by the
Description: light also suffer blindness for 3 rounds.
A blue and red book bound in leather leaf with
a silver moon and star on its cover.

Moon Mist(Hel) NaturesWraith (Arc)
(Req lvl 2) (Req lvl 2)
Mp: 15 Rng 10 AOE: 3 diameter Attack: 6 Mp: 15 Rng 50 AOE: 2 diameter
Damage: 6
The caster chooses one of the following damage
A refreshing mist fills the designated area, any types Elc Ice Fir Arc. Characters within the area
creatures caught in this mist are rejuvenated. of the spell gain a weapon enchantment +3
(damage type) for 3 rounds.
Meteor Shower (Arc)
(Req lvl 3) Great Oak’s Blessing (Arc)
Mp: 20 Rng 40 AOE: 4 diameter Attack: 8 (Req lvl 3)
Damage: 8 Mp: 20 Rng 40 AOE: 4 diameter

The caster summons a meteor shower down on Characters within the area of the spell gain
their chosen target, the arcane rocks exploding the following for 1d6+2 rounds: + 10 Ap,
on impact. Any creature hit by a meteor takes 3 Resistance to (Drk)(Psn) and (Arc) damage, +2
additional arcane damage for 3 turns. lit damage to all attacks.

Tome of Oak Tome of the Golden Jay

60bry, 2paw 60bry, 2paw,

Description: Description:
A red and green tome etched with oak leaves A tome covered in gold leaf with an ivory
and decorated with a silver acorn at its center. feather at its center.

Spells: Spells:
Bludgeoning Roots (Blg) Healing Winds (Hel)
Mp: 3 Rng:10 Attack: 3 Damage: 8 Mp: 4 Rng: 5 AOE : 4 line Attack: 3
Damage: 10
The caster summons up roots from the ground
that hammer at the enemy. The caster summons a gust of wind, all allies
who fall within the wind’s path are healed.
Oaken Missile (Arc)
Mp: 5 Rng 30 AOE: 2 diameter Attack: 4 Swiftness
Damage: 8 Mp: 6 Rng 20

Four magical acorns materialize and fly at the The caster chooses an ally within range, that
enemy exploding into arcane energy on impact. ally gains the following for 3 rounds: The
character magically becomes faster allowing
Lightning strike (Elc) them to move 2x their move speed per round.
(Req lvl 2)
Mp: 15 Rng: 20 Attack: 4 Damage: 10 Air blade (Air)
(Req lvl 2)
The caster summons a bolt of lightning down Mp: 8 Attack: 6 Damage: 4
on their enemy. Any enemy that is hit by this
attack suffers paralysis for 2 rounds. The caster summons blades made of air that
slash at nearby enemies.

Fog Arcane companion
(Req lvl 2) (Req lvl 2)
Mp: 15 AOE: 30 diameter Mp: 15

Thick fog fills the area for 1d6 rounds providing The caster can summon a companion created
½ cover for all characters within the fog. Allies from arcane forces that lasts for 3 hours. The
who start their turn in the fog are healed for 10. companion can take one of the following forms:
an ant, a bee, a moth, a small spider, a small
Whirlwind Armor Bird, a small tortoise or turtle. The companion
(Req lvl 3) can’t attack or cast spells but can perform small
Mp: 20 Rng 30 tasks, carry objects, or be ridden by the caster
as a mount.
The caster chooses an ally within range who
is then surrounded in a protective whirlwind, Arcane Nova (Arc)
that ally gains the following for 2 rounds: The (Req lvl 3)
character gains +4 evasion dice when evading Mp: 20 AOE adjacent Attack: 3 Damage: 12
ranged attacks.
The caster releases an explosion of arcane
energy that damages any surrounding enemies.
Tome of Arcana Enemies hurt by this attack are dazed and
60bry, 2paw, suffer -1 attack for 1 round.

A tome bound in drake skin and embedded Rods:
with arcane crystals to help channel the caster’s Rods are a common arcane weapon used for
mana. their offensive capabilities. The rod is usually
the first line of offense for most magic users.
Spells: Rods only have a few spells or abilities, but
Arcane Fire (Arc) those spells and abilities are often potent.
Mp: 4 Rng: 5 AOE : 3 line Attack: 3 Damage: 6

The caster summons a line of arcane fire that Pearl Rod

scorches enemies 50bry, 1paw, (Ice)

Arcane Shield Description:

Mp: 8 A rod crafted from coral and pearl and is cool
to the touch.
The caster creates an arcane shield that floats
nearby for 4 rounds and grants the following Spells:
abilities: Character gets +1 evasion when Freezing blast
evading melee attacks. Mp: 5 Rng:1 AOE:4 Line Attack: 3 Damage: 8

Arcane Volley (Arc) A freezing blast of air shoots forward blasting

(Req lvl 2) any creature with bone-chilling frost .
Mp: 10 Rng 30 AOE: 3 diameter Attack: 6
Damage: 8

The caster summons a volley of arcane missiles

at their enemy.

Ice Missle
(Req lvl 2) Oak Rod
Mp: 10 Rng: 30 Attack: 4 Damage: 10 50bry, 1paw, (Lit)

Icicles rain from the sky and skewer the enemy Description:
chosen by the caster. A rod crafted from a branch of an ancient oak.

Star Rod Thorned vine
50bry, 1paw, (Arc) Mp: 3 AOE:3 Line Attack: 3 Damage: 15

Description: The caster summons a magical thorned vine

A metal rod topped with a copper star and at its that lashes out at the enemy.
center a moon stone.
Oaken Armor
Spells: (Req lvl 2)
Arcane Bolt Mp: 10 Rng: 30
Mp: 2 Rng:30 AOE:3 Line Attack: 2 Damage: 4
A golden light surrounds the caster or a
Arcan energy shoots toward the enemy and selected ally, that character gains the following:
explodes on impact. Oaken Armor grants an additional 20 Ap for 5

Enhanced Arcane Bolt

(Req lvl 2) Bludgeon Weapons
Bludgeon Weapons are for those who prefer
For each 2 additional mana used when casting hammering, bashing, breaking, and crushing.
Arcane Bolt gain +2 attack. These weapons are often wielded by devotees of
a divine beast and can be found in most cities.

Crystal Rod
50bry, 1paw, (Drk) Flail
15bry, 1paw, (Blg)
A rod crafted from stone and crystal often used Description:
by magic users in the underways. This flail is crafted from a hardwood handle
and an iron weight attached by a flexible cord.
Shadow Darts Attacks:
Mp: 3 Rng:30 Attack: 4 Damage: 12 Swing
Attack: 3 Damage: 8
Small darts made of dark energy zip towards
the enemy causing dark damage on impact. Feint
(Req lvl 2)
Shadow Portal Once per turn if an enemy evades one of your
(Req lvl 2) attack rolls you may reroll and attempt to
Mp: 10 attack again.

The caster of this spell can travel between

shadows instantly up to their movement.

Spiked Mace Smash
15bry, 1paw, (Blg) Attack: 3 Damage: 8
Description: The wielder smashes the mace against the
This flail is crafted from a hardwood handle a enemy.
steel ball reinforced with steel spikes.
Follow up
Attacks: (Req lvl 2)
Attack: 3 Damage: 10 If a character rolls three successes when
attacking with Smash they can roll an
The wielder smashes the mace against the additional two attacks that deal 10 damage.

Follow up Hammer
(Req lvl 2) 10bry, 1paw, (Blg)
If a character rolls three successes when
attacking with Smash they can roll an Description:
additional two attacks that deal 15 damage. A hammer crafter from hardened steel.

Studded Mace Hammer
10bry, 1paw, (Blg) Attack: 4 Damage: 8
Description: The wielder hammers against the enemy.
This flail is crafted from a hardwood handle a
steel ball reinforced with steel spikes.

Shield Breaker Attacks:
(Req lvl 2) Sunder
When attacking an armored enemy deal +5 AP Attack: 1 AOE: 5 Line Damage: 20
damage for each successful attack.
The wielder swings their maul in a deadly arc
Hammer, Throwing that damages all enemies up to 15 stalks.
15bry, 1paw, (Blg)
Spiked Club
Description: 25bry, 2paw, Phy requirement 4 (Blg)
This small hammer is designed for throwing at
the enemy. Description:
A large club crafted of wood and stone most
Attacks: often used by large critters such as Badgers.
Hammer Throw
Range: Str Attack: 1 Damage: 20
The wielder throws the hammer at the enemy Deadly Blow
dealing damage on impact. Attack: 2 Damage: 10

Hammer, War The wielder swings their club impaling

monsters on its deadly spikes. If the enemy has
30bry, 2paw, (Blg)
no AP then deal +4 Hp damage.
A hammer crafted from hardened steel, the Edged Weapons
head is often made from metal or bone. Edged weapons are for adventures that want
to slice, dice, slash, and split their enemies in
Attacks: two. The blades or heads of these weapons are
Mighty Swing crafted from metals, the better the metal, the
Attack: 2 Damage: 18 sharper and stronger the edge.

The wielder swings their hammer in rapid

succession devastating the enemy. Axe, Hand
10bry, 1paw, (Sla)
Rhythmic Strike
(Req lvl 2) Description:
Once per turn, If a character rolls all successes A common axe that can be wielded in one
and are not evaded when attacking with the hand.
mighty swing can repeat Mighty Swing.
Maul Rng:1 Attack: 6 Damage: 4
30bry, 2paw, Phy requirement 5 (Blg)
A series of quick axe swings.
A large Hammer crafted of wood and stone Chop
most often used by large critters such as (Req lvl 2)
Badgers. Rng:1 Attack: 2 Damage: 15

Two great swings of the axe.

Axe, Battle Stab
30bry, 2paw, (Sla) Attack: 4 Damage: 4

Description: stab stab stab.

A double bladed axe used for battle.
Attacks: (Req lvl 2)
Swing Rng: Agi Attack: 1 Damage: 20
Rng:1 Attack: 3 Damage: 8
Launch a dagger at the enemy.
The wielder swings 3 times with the mighty
axe. Sword, Long
15bry, 1 or 2paw, (Sla)
(Req lvl 2) Description:
Rng:1 Attack: 1 Damage: 25 A common sword that can be wielded with 1
or 2 paws. Wielding this weapon with 2 paws
A mighty attack meant to split the foe in two. grants the wielder +2 damage to attacks.

Dagger Attacks:
5bry, 1paw, (Prc) Slash
Attack: 3 Damage: 8
A common dagger that doubles as a tool when A back and forth slashing attack.
in the wilds.
Whirl and monsters for its devastating attack and
(Req lvl 2) intimidating presence.
AOE: diameter 3 Attack: 4 Damage: 5
Spin in a defensive circle dealing damage to all Great Swing
surrounding foes. Attack: 2 Damage: 15

Sword, Scimitar A great swing of the sword that also deals

15bry, 1paw, (Sla) damage to any enemies on the right or left of
to the target.
A curved blade prized for its cutting ability.
Polearm Weapons
Attacks: Polearms are for defensive combat, allowing
Slash a critter to keep and attack their enemies at
Attack: 3 Damage: 8 a distance. Crafted from a wooden shaft and
some kind of metal blade or prong at its tip.
A back and forth slashing attack Some of these weapons are ideal for mounted
Sword Dance
(Req lvl 2) Bardiche
Attack: 4 Damage: 10 25bry, 2paw, (Sla)

The wielder attacks in a well practiced routine. Description:

A common polearm used by guards and foot
Sword, Short
10bry, 1paw, (Sla) Attacks:
Description: Range: 2 Attack: 3 Damage: 8
A common sword that can be held with one
paw. 3 thrusts strike out at the enemy.
Attacks: Slash
Thrust (Req lvl 2)
Attack: 3 Damage: 8 Attack: 4 Damage: 10
3 sword thrusts strike out at the enemy. Slash at the enemy.
Counter Thrust
(Req lvl 2) Pole Axe
25bry, 2paw, (Sla)
Once per round when you succesfully evade an
attack you may counter with a slash attack. Description:
It is like a battle axe, but on a pole!
Sword, Great Attacks:
30bry, 2paw, Phy requirement of 5 (Sla) Swing
Rng:2 Attack: 4 Damage: 5
A giant sword often used by larger critters The wielder swings 4 times with the axe.

Cleave Spear
(Req lvl 2) 25bry, 1paw, (Prc)
Rng:2 Attack: 1 Damage: 30
A mighty attack meant to split the foe in two. A common spear used by hunters and guards-
critters alike.
Spade, War Attacks:
25bry, 2paw, (Sla)
Rng:2 Attack: 3 Damage: 8
A modified shuvel used by critters in the
4 spear thrusts strike out at the enemy.
underways, it doubles as both an axe and a
Counter Thrust
(Req lvl 2)
Once per round when you succesfully evade an
Rng:2 Attack: 3 Damage: 6
attack you may counter with a thrust attack.
The wielder swings 3 times with the war spade.
Staff, Battle
Counter Thrust 15bry, 2paw, (Blg)
(Req lvl 2)
Once per round when you succesfully evade an A modified staff with metal caps to help inflict
attack you may counter with a swing attack. damage.

Trident Throw
Attacks: (Req lvl 2)
Rng:2 Attack: 3 Damage: 7 Rng:Phy Attack: 1 Damage: 30

The wielder swings at the enemy 3 times in Launch the trident at you enemy, the trident
rapid succession. travels through water as if air.

(Req lvl 2) Ranged
AOE: All Adjacent Attack: 4 Damage: 8 Bows are the most common and effective
ranged weapons and are found throughout
Spin in a defensive circle dealing damage to all Wildlands. A bows damage can be modified by
surrounding foes. the type of missile the wielder uses.

Lance Arrows
30bry, 1paw, Phy requirment 5 (Prc)
Common: 3 for 5n or quiver of 60 for 10 bry
A modified staff with metal caps to help inflict Steel Tip:
more damage. 3 for 25n or quiver of 60 for 25 bry, +1 damage

Attacks: Silver:
Thrust 1 for 5bry, +3 damage
Rng:2 Attack: 1 Damage: 25
A lance thrust strikes out at the enemy. 1 for 50bry +4 (Arc) damage

Lance Strike
(Req lvl 2)
Bow, Short
10bry, 2paw, (Prc)
AOE: 4 Line Attack: 1 Damage: 25
A mighty attack that sends a piercing pressure
A simple bow made from yew.
past the attack damaging enemies behind the
Trident Rng:15 Attack: 3 Damage: 6
30bry, 1paw, Phy requirment 5 (Prc)
Description: (Req lvl 2)
A polearm used for aquatic creatures. Rng:15 Attack: 1 Damage: 20

Bow, long
30bry, 2paw, Phy requirment 4 (Prc)
Rng:2 Attack: 3 Damage: 7
3 trident thrusts strike out at the enemy.
A simple bow made from yew crafted with a
longer bow to increase range.

Attacks: Bow, War
Volly 50 bry, 2paw, Phy requirment 4 (Prc)
Rng:60 Attack: 3 Damage: 4
Snipe A complex bow crafted of compound parts to
(Req lvl 2) increase its pull strength and accuracy.
Rng:30 Attack: 1 Damage: 30
Bow, Battle Strike
30bry, 2paw, Phy requirment 4 (Prc) Rng:30 Attack: 2 Damage: 20

Description: Marked Target

A bow crafted of compound parts to increase its (Req lvl 2)
pull strength.
The wielder can take a turn to mark a target,
Attacks: The wielder gains +4 damages against the
Strike marked target.
Rng:20 Attack: 2 Damage: 10
Marked Target 20bry, 2paw, (Prc)
(Req lvl 2)
The wielder can take a turn to mark a target, A simple crossbow that can be loaded with
The wielder gains +2 attacks against the ease.
marked target.

Attacks: make an additional shot attack.
Rng:15 Attack: 1 Damage: 15
Crossbow, Hand
Rapid Reload 25bry, 1paw, (Prc)
(Req lvl 2)
If you make a succesful shot attack you can A small cross bow that can be held in one paw.
make an additional shot attack.
Crossbow, War Rng:10 Attack: 2 Damage: 8
30bry, 2paw, (Prc)
Rapid Reload
Description: (Req lvl 2)
A large crossbow built for piercing armor.
Once per turn If you make a succesful shot
Attacks: attack you can make two additional shot
Shot attacks.
Rng:30 Attack: 1 Damage: 30

Rapid Reload
(Req lvl 2)

Once per turn If you make a

succesful shot attack you can

Armor These magical shields must be destroyed
Armor Points (AP): Armor is your first line of
before the armor begins to take damage
defense when in a dangerous situation. Armor
again. Some armor requires a certain Phy to
can absorb a set amount of damage specific
be worn. Armor is cumbersome and limits
to that armor. This amount is represented by
the characters evasion, this is known as max
the Armor Points or AP. Once the armor’s AP
evasion. An armor’s max evasion is the total
reaches 0, the armor becomes useless, and
number of evasion dice a player can roll per
the character will begin to lose HP. Armor
round, despite the characters actual evasion.
can be repaired, restoring its AP, for half the
Characters can only equip one armor at a
armor’s cost. Some items and spells can create
magical armor that can also absorb damage.

Armor Armor Points Max Evade Phy Req Resistance/Special Cost

Padded Tunic 12 10 5 bry
Quilted Robes 16 10 10 bry
Leather Leaf Vest 22 10 20 bry
Studded Coat 27 8 2 30 bry
Chain Mail 34 5 2 30 bry
Scale Mail 40 4 3 45 bry
Breast Plate 50 3 3 50 bry
Half Plate 60 1 4 Slashing 75 bry
Full Plate 70 1 6 Slashing, Piercing 1.5 g
Enchanted Armor Armor Points Max Evade Phy Req Resistance/Special Cost

White Oak Tunic 20 10 Piercing 1.2 g

Red Top Robes 20 5 Fire 1.2 g
Shadow Coat 23 10 +1 to hide checks 1.5 g
Yellow Leaf Cape 28 8 2 Lightning 1.5 g
Thieves Hood 16 10 +1 Evasion 1.1 g
Dark Crecent Jerkin 27 7 1 Darkness 1.5 g
Lily Watch Uniform 60 4 3 1.2 g
Beetle Plate 80 5 5 Piercing 1.8 g
Mole Steel Chain 42 3 4 Slashing, Piercing 2 g
Mole Steel Scale 50 3 4 Slashing, Piercing 2.5 g
Mole Steel Plate 130 2 6 Slashing, Piercing 3.5 g

Accessories and Items
Accessories can augment your character or provide a specific ability. Players cannot equip the
same accessory twice. Characters can equip up to two accessories at a time.

Items can help your character during their adventures. Potions and food can be used to heal
or grant a boon for a short period of time while other items, such as ropes or lanterns, can be
utilized in many situations. Some items such as potions can only be used a specific number of
times, after which they no longer have any effect.

Accessory Effect
Silver Earring Grants +5 MP 45 bry
Power Bangle Grants +1 Phy 50 bry
Pearl Pendant Grants +1 Int 50 bry
Red Silk Scarf +1 damage to all attacks that deal fire damage 25 bry

Lily Pendant Character can breath under water for 15 minutes per day 40 bry
Oak Ring Grants +1 Soc 50 bry
Ash Ring Grants +1 Agi 50 bry
Silver circlet Spend 10mp to add +2 arcane damage to attacks for 1 turn 75 bry
Blue Silk Gloves Spend 10mp to add +2 ice damage to attacks for 1 turn 75 bry
Buckler +1 Evasion, requires 1 paw to wield 25 bry

Round Shield +2 Evasion, requires 1 paw to wield 40bry

Kite Shield +1 Evasion, +10 AP, requires 1 paw to wield 50 bry

Mage Shield Spend 10 mp to gain +15 Ap 1.3 g

Item Effect Cost

Healing Potion 2 use, restores +20 hp 15 bry
Mending Potion 2 use, restores +15 ap 15 bry
Arcane Potion 2 use, restores +10 mp 15 bry
Antidote removes poison and venom effects 10 bry

Berry Jam 4 uses, restores +6 mp 20 bry

Strawberry Jam 4 uses, restores +12 hp 15 bry
Apple butter 4 uses, restores 5 hp and 3 mp 10 bry
Candied Nut 1 use, restores 20 hp and 10 mp 25 bry
Tea 1 use, character is revitilized as if resting for 8 hours 5 bry
Herbs 3 uses, cures the effects of a poison 10 bry

Rope 30 stalks long, -1 to difficulty when requiring a rope for a task. 10 bry
Grappling Hook +1 to climb checks when used in tandum with a rope 5 bry

Pack Stores 1 weapon, 1 armor, 2 accessories, 4 items, 5 bry

Tent 10 uses, Prevents overnight encounters 2g
Bedroll +10 hp after resting for 6 hours 10 bry

Item Effect Cost
Lantern Illuminate an area with a radius of 9 when combined with oil 5 bry
Oil 3 uses, add 5 hours of oil to a lantern 10 n

Candle Illuminate an area with a radius of 6 20 n

Blessed Candle Wards an area with a diameter of 30 from undead 15 bry
Sacred Oil Wards an area with a diameter of 30 from demons 30 bry
Cedar Incense Wards an area with a diameter of 30 from bugs 5 bry
Net Trapped creatures must make AC (Phy) 4 to break free 80 n
Water Leaf Stores 3 days of water 30 n

Horn When blown at the start of combat allies gain +1 dmg for 1 round 30 bry
Iron Fur Potion +30 AP for 10 rounds 60 bry

True Sight Potion See and identify things for what they truely are, lasts 5 minutes 1g
Inner Fire Potion +1 to all fire damage for 5 rounds 40bry
Inner Spark Potion +1 to all lightning damage for 5 rounds 40 bry

Scroll of Identify Identify an item and all its abilities and properties 1g

Scroll of Recall Teleport to the last Inn you visited 1g

Salt 3 uses 20n
Acorn Lantern Illuminate an area with a radius of 15 when combined with oil 7 bry

Caltrops AOE: 3 Line, any creature that passes through caltrops takes 5 1 bry
damage and can only move half their move distance for 2 rounds
Exploding Vial AOE: 3 Diameter, any creature caught in the explosion takes 10 25 bry
damage and lose their hearing for rounds.
Fishing Gear +2 to one roll when attempting to fish 5 bry
Shovel +2 to one roll when attempting to dig 5 bry

Thief’s Kit +2 to one roll when attempting to pick locks 10 bry

Tool Kit +2 to one roll when attempting to disable devices and traps 10 bry

Bug Saddle +1 dice when attempting to ride a bug 20 bry

Bird Saddle +1 dice when attempting to ride a bird 40 bry
Healer’s Kit Heals 5 HP for every hour of use 25 bry

Repair Kit Repairs 10 AP for every hour of use 25 bry

Spy Glass User can see up to 2 fields away 1g

Players Guide

Wildlands is a role-playing and cooperative Level Experience
storytelling game with each player controlling
a critter and the Game Master (GM) describing 0 0
the environments, challenges, outcomes, as
1 75
well as playing as the villains and nonplayer
characters. 2 150

Players 3 300
As a Player, your job is to control the character 4 600
you have created. You control everything the
character does and says. When it is your turn 5 1200
to act describe to the GM in as much detail as
6 2400
needed to explain what you would like your
character to do. The GM will then define the 7 4800
steps or challenges you will need to achieve to
successfully execute those tasks. Once those
steps are attempted the GM will judge the Leveling
attempt and then describe the outcome to the When a character reaches enough experience
players. to level up the player can choose one of the
following options:
Game Master
As the GM, you act as the narrator of the game, A) Gain 1 skill point that can be used to learn a
describing what the player characters can new skill
see, hear, feel, smell, and sense. You also play
any role that is not controlled by the players B) Increase Health by 6
(NPC), and you are encouraged to do voices
and act to help bring flavor to the experience. C) Increase Mana by 5
The GM is also responsible for deciding the
difficulties of the challenges the players face and
describing the outcomes of those actions. The Character Actions
more descriptive and excited you are about the When players want their character to attempt an
results, whether good or bad for the player, the action, they must describe their action to the GM.
more fun the game will be for the group. After hearing the description the GM may decide
the player needs to make an Ability Check (AC).
*note: Never play a character for the player, always let the The player will roll their ability dice comparing
player describe their intended actions and then let them their number of successes to the Difficulty
react to the outcome you describe. Rating. The Difficulty Rating of the action, see
chart, specifies how many successes are needed
Quests to perform an action.
As adventurers, characters progress by going
on quests, seeking glory, honor, reward, and A simple action may require 1 or 2 successes
loot. By completing quests, characters gain while a more complicated action may require 3
experience allowing them to master new skills. or 4. If the GM determines an action’s Difficulty
Rating exceeds the number of Ability Dice a
Quest Completion character can roll, then the character is incapable
At the end of the quest experience points will be of overcoming the challenge. If the number of
transferred to the players. It is important to note successes exceeds the difficulty rating by 1 or
that players receive experience whether they more this is considered a flawless success.
succeed or fail. However, failure may result in
the characters losing out on other opportunities

Charmaine’s second accessory allows them to add
Difficulty Ability Check Perfect +1 to a roll
Simple 1 2 1|5|6|2|4|5
Average 2 3 With 3 successes Charmaine’s character can kick
Amateur 3 4 in the locked door

Hard 4 5 Failure
Expert 5 6 If a character fails to meet the number of success
rolls needed to complete their action, the GM
Legendary 6 7 will make any necessary rolls and then describe
the consequences of the failure. Players are then
Improbable 7 8
allowed to react.
Reality Bending 8 9
Int AC(2) = Intellect Ability Check with a Standard
difficulty rating of 2 which requires 2 successes The first kind of travel Outside of combat is
rolls to achieve. standard travel. Characters can freely explore the
world by merely describing to the GM where they
Ability Dice would like to travel, how fast they would like to go,
The number of ability dice a player can use is and finally, what are they doing during the travel.
equal to the stat being challenged + any bonus Once given this information, the GM will describe
dice from abilities, skills, magic, or other what happens between point A and point B and
bonuses. decide if the players run into any kind of encounter.
Switch to combat rules if an encounter takes place.
Optional rule:
Lend your strength once per day a player can lend Distances
their power to any other player attempting an action,
granting 1 additional ability dice.
Unit of measurement equal to 3 stalks represented
by one square or hex.
Success roll
A success is any roll of 5 or 6. The more difficult Fields:
the challenge, the more successes are needed to World units are measured in fields, a square or
overcome it. hexagon is equal to one field. A field is equal to
300 bales, or 900 stalks.
Charmaine wants her character to kick in a
locked door. Average distance players can travel per day on paw
The Gm decides it will be a Phy AC(3) Terrain Half Pace Full Pace*
Charmaine’s character’s Phy is 5 so she can
Easy 9F 18F
roll 5d6. Charmaine gets 1 additional dice
from their first accessory allowing them to roll Difficult 6F 12F
Dangerous 3F 6F
Charmaine’s rolls
* Characters can only travel at Full pace for 3 days before
1| 5 | 6 | 2 | 4 | 4 requiring rest, if they do not rest they will suffer -1 to their
Phy stat for every additional day of travel until resting. If the
Characters Phy stat reaches 0 that character immediately
falls unconscious and must rest 12 hours before reviving

Cities time to complete. The GM should use their best
Each city has a unique history and population. judgment in how long these simple actions should
Some cities are built around magical cites while take to complete.
others are built for defense and war. Each city is
described in the campaign section of this book.

When players are exploring, a dangerous or Start of Combat
dungeon-like area have them use the Player The element of surprise determines which group
Phase of the combat rules. Repeat until the gets the first action. If the players get the drop
players run into some kind of encounter or the on their enemies, they will make the first combat
danger is resolved and they can move freely. actions. However, if the enemy gets the drop
on the players, then the enemies make the first
Random Encounters combat action.
Each location will have a random encounter
chart for the GM to utilize when their players are If there is no element of surprise simply flip a
traveling located in the campaign setting of this coin to determine first combat action or the GM
book, page 69. can use their best judgment.
Search, Spot, and Listening Combat phases
When players are exploring and would like to Once combat has been initiated, each side will
perform a search, spot, or listen action, they take turns making movements and actions as
simply need to declare that action. Players a group in two phases, a Player Phase, and an
need to explicitly state what they are searching, Enemy Phase. The key to winning any combat
looking, or listening for. The GM then describes encounter is teamwork. Players are encouraged to
to the players what they find, see, or hear, if devise interesting strategies and combinations.
anything. There is no need to roll for these
actions; however, these actions may require

Player Phase Combat Actions
All the players decide where they would like
to move their characters, what actions they Standard Action:
would like to take. After declaring their Once per round a character
actions, players then make any attack can attempt a standard
rolls or ability checks. Players action. Actions, like
are encouraged to describe attacking an enemy,
their actions in detail to attempting a spell, or
help make the action healing an ally, are
taking place more considered standard
dynamic. Players can actions.
also combine their
actions to perform Quick Action:
combinations. Once per round a character
Players can take can perform a quick action.
turns in whatever Quick actions are any action that
order works for the takes little to no effort to achieve,
group, but going in a such as shouting a command, drawing a
clockwise rotation around weapon, tossing an item, or hitting a switch.
the table is traditional.
Movement Characters can move up to the total of their
movement per round.
Standard Action
Attack/ability check roll Triggered Action:
Enemy evasion If a player or GM chooses, they can withhold their
Movement actions and instead create a triggered action that
Quick action* can be activated by a specific condition. (GM’s
and players must write that action down. If the
Enemy Phase action is triggered the GM or player can then
The GM decides where they would like to reveal the slip of paper and make any necessary
move the enemies, what actions they would rolls.)
like to take, and then make any attack rolls or
ability checks for declared actions. GM’s are
encouraged to describe their actions in detail
to help make the action taking place more
dynamic. GM’s can also combine their actions
to perform combos.

Standard Action Players can combine their actions to create a
Attack/ability check roll series of events that, if successfully performed,
Player evasion can have devastating effects on their opponents.
Movement It is up to the GM to decide what additional
Quick action* effects may happen from these combos, but GM’s
should reward creative gameplay with impressive
*these actions can be taken at any time during the turn and detailed descriptions of the effects.

Sarah: My character will throw her alchemy stone golem, and the shrapnel hits {rolls} an
belt at the giant stone golem additional 3 guards as they shriek. The stone
golem crackles as its core release a burst of
Jimmy: When she does that my character will energy before shutting down. The room is now
shoot the belt with my fire arrow in mid-air filled with smoke and debris putting everyone
in an attempt to ignite the belt near the stone in ½ cover. Anyone with ears in 100 stalks of
golems core. the blast have tinnitus for the next {rolls} 3
rounds and are considered deaf.
Gm: Sarah make a Phy check (for every success
you throw it 3 bales), Jimmy make an attack Evasion:
roll against the flying alchemy belt (jimmy For every successful roll (5-6), the character
only needs to make 1 successful roll to hit a negates one enemy attack (See page 23). Some
grenade but the possibility he may miss all of abilities can be activated with a successful
them still exists) evasion roll.

Sarah: {rolls} 1, 5, 5, 3, 4, 6,
Cover Additional Evasion Dice
Jimmy: {rolls} 1, 2, 4, 5 3/4 3

Gm: Sarah, your character can throw the belt 1/2 2

3 bales in front of you as Jimmy’s character
1/4 1
waits for the peak of the arch to begin firing.
His first 3 shots miss but just as the belt passes
in front of the stone golem’s core Jimmy Cover:
connects. His fire arrow ignites one bottle, Cover can give you additional evasion dice so
and in turn, igniting the other 3 to devastating use your surroundings when facing an opponent
effect. It deals massive damage (300) to the with ranged weapons.

Escape: If the object is light the action is an Agi AC
Don’t be a fool, if the enemies are and for each success, the object is thrown 4
overpowering the characters, then they bales.
should run to fight another day. Characters
can’t collect the rewards if they’re dead. If the object is heavy, the action is a Phy AC,
Once all parties on the escaping side have and for each success, the object is thrown 3
moved outside the vision of their pursuers, bales.
they are considered disengaged and can take
actions outside of combat rounds. Players If the object is of a medium weight, the player
should keep moving, or they may find their can choose either Phy or Agi.
characters back in the middle of the fight.

Campaign Setting

Cosmology The Void is a plane of darkness and desolation,
There are five known planes of existence, each an infinite stretch of a barren rocky landscape
with its own rules and denizens. The Great that twists and turns into a dizzying maze of
Isle and all the other wildlands exist in the despair. Denizens of the Void include demons,
natural world. The natural world touches the dark beasts, corrupted, and the fallen Divine
boundaries of all the other known planes, the Beasts. These creatures spend their lives
Heavens, Void, Elemental, and the Strange. hunting, fighting, killing, and eating one
When creatures from the other planes come to another. Through power and fear demons and
the natural world, nature forces them to take the fallen divine can amass armies and secure
physical form. This form usually maintains territories in the voids inky blackness. It is here
some magical aspect of the creatures they gather energy to influence and
true nature such as a mane of corrupt the natural world. When
Fire these great evils find their
fire or glowing with arcane Heavens
energies. way to the natural world,
they destroy and pollute
Heavens the land causing great
The heavens are devastation. It is for
home to the many this reason that
divine beasts that The Strange the scholars mark
watch over the these periods as
natural world, calamities.
Air Earth
subtly influencing
it with their Elemental
magical powers. The Elemental
The heavens are Plane is a chaotic
also home to lesser realm where the
divine creatures elemental powers
known as celestials. of the natural world
Natural World
Celestials spend their collide and combine
days in the forests and Water in violent storms and
fields of the heavens serving earthquakes, volcanic
Current Cosmological Model eruptions, and great floods.
a divine beast of their choice.
The Heavens are an infinite plane of The fey and elementals call this
sky motes that float in a sea of clouds and stars. realm home, though some fey, seeking a more
Each Skymote will have some physical features peaceful existence, found refuge in the natural
that relate to the divine beast that claims it as world. The borders with the elemental plane
their territory. For instance, a sky mote covered weaken during specific periods of the year,
in snow and frozen lakes would be under the which can lead to catastrophic natural disasters
domain of Gharns. While a sky mote that looks in the natural world.
and feels like the middle of summer would be
under Astria’s control. There are countless Strange
divine beasts and celestials in the Heavens. The Strange is a realm of many mysteries. It
Only a few make their presence known in the is said to be a land of impossible shapes and
natural world, and even fewer lay claim to the sounds that warp the minds of any who try
Great Isle. to bring logic to bear. It is theorized to be
the oldest of all known planes, a place before
“If I had dem powers I’d be livin in de sky nature. The creatures that spawn from the
too, up dere with all dose pretty stars.” Strange are incompatible with the natural
-A Thoughtful Mole




Orsa Terra



world. Nature forces beings to take physical Tal’ila Harbinger of Justice
form when they cross into the natural world. Good
The end result is a waking nightmare that can Domain: Justice, Law, Truth
shake even the bravest critter to their core. Tal’ila the Just is the divine beast of justice
Some stories say the Octopi and Squids where and is represented as a silvery unicorn with
once creatures from the Strange. a pearlescent mane and horn. The disciples
of Talila show their devotion by enforcing
agreements, contracts, and upholding the laws
Pantheon of the land. The followers of Tal’ila use their
skills to make sure justice is served, and many
There are great powers beyond the realms of take up positions as city guards, judges, and
nature known as the Divine or Divine Beasts. detectives. Clerics of Tal’ila use magics to divine
These powers are said to reside in the heavens the truth while Tal’ila paladins seek to capture
where they watch of the Great Isle influencing those evading justice.
events in their followers favor for both good
and evil. Most critters believe in the divine but Honorable Taur
rarely worship outside of visiting temples to Domain: Honor, Nobility, Wisdom
curry favor or participate in holiday traditions. Good
The critters that do follow a divine beast are Taur is the divine beast of honor, nobility, and
referred to as priests and knights. Some temples wisdom. The followers of Taur seek honor above
may train certain priests to use magic powers all else. Devotees gain honor by performing
that are granted to them by the divine. These good acts and resisting any action that would
wizard priests are known as clerics. Knights be seen as evil or unjust. To lose honor would
may be called to follow the way of an order to mean to lose status with Taur and rank within
slay monsters and uphold the laws. These holy an order. Clerics of Taur are often warrior
knights are known as paladins. Clerics and monks who defend against evil while paladins
paladins that support one of the evil divine of Taur are Knights who strike out at evil. The
beasts are known as the corrupted and dark largest temple of Taur can be found at the West
beasts. Gate.

Oro the Golden Orsa the Mystical

Good Domain:, Arcana, Knowledge, Air, Intrigue
Domain: Healing, Life, Light, Lightning Neutral
Oro the Golden is the divine beast of life and Orsa is the divine beast of arcana, knowledge,
is represented by a golden stag with a golden and intrigue. She is represented by a crystal
corona resting above its antlers. The followers bear. The followers of Orsa see the world of
of Oro pay tribute by traveling the Great Isle magic as her great puzzle, and as her followers,
healing the sick and comforting the wounded. they must solve that puzzle. They do this by
They use their skills in healing, combined with discovering new spells, brewing new potions,
magics to cure wounds that would typically and crafting new magic items. Orsa has no
maim or even cause death. The paladins of Oro temples, clerics, or paladins. Instead, her
hunt and destroy demons and are always on the followers create libraries, colleges, and towers
lookout for cultists or the other creations and of magic.
followers of Rasselbok.
Gharns Lord of Winter
Domain: Death, Water, Ice, Winter
“May the light of Oro protect you.” Neutral
-Bunny Priest of the Divine Light Gharns is said to be the divine beast of death,
water, and ice and is represented by a ghostly

moose. Followers of Gharn do not fear death from smithies to the pyromancers of Ember
and, instead, accept it as part of a great Keep. Other followers are those who seek glory
cycle. Clerics of Gharns tend to the dead, the in war, conquering lands, and the heat of battle.
bereaved. They watch over the tombs and Many mercenaries, soldiers, and even healers
graves of the departed so that their remains will follow Astria to find glory in war. It is said
rest in peace. Paladins of Gharns are known as that the summer fires are Astria coming to the
Death Knights. Death Knights are dedicated to natural word to spark conflict.
the destruction of the undead and those who
would summon them. Faithful followers of Rasselbok the Twisted
Gharns believe death should be permanent, and Evil
if they are resurrected, they will be banished Domain: Corruption, cruelty, poison
from any order of Gharns. It is said Gharns Rasselbok is the divine beast of corruption and
visits the natural world in the winter. During is represented by an amalgamation of various
this time he gathers up the lost souls in his great animals, most commonly a rabbit with horns
antlers and brings them to the land of the dead and wings. Rasselbok is believed to be the cause
where they can seek the realm of a divine beast. for the corruption of the goblins and underlings
who are its most fervent worshipers. The
Terra Lady of Stone corrupted and dark beasts devote themselves
Domain: Earth, Stone, Gems, Battle to spreading Rasselbok’s corruption. If a critter
Neutral follows Rasselbok will eventually become
Terra is the divine beast of earth, stone, and deformed and mutated due to the use of the evil
battle and represented as an obsidian wolverine. magic Rasselbok was banished to the void by
Terra is most revered among the moles and Oro after the first calamity.
badgers who make their homes deep in the
ground and rock. Followers of Terra are closely Trak’uul the Undying
linked with the earth and are known for their Evil
ability to dig and shape stone. Others show their Domain: Undead, hatred, Darkness
devotion to Terra through battle, digging deep Trak’uul is the divine beast of the undead,
into the underways to root out evils hiding in hatred, and darkness. He is represented by a
Terra’s domain. The bigger and more dangerous skeletal or rotting dragon. Followers of Trakuul
the fight, the more glory they feel they bring to seek to corrupt the natural order of death by
Terra. Clerics of Terra are artisans who spend raising the undead, inflaming hatreds, and
their days creating beautiful objects from the spread darkness in their wake. The corrupted
elements of the earth like gems, stones, and and dark beasts of Trak’uul are necromancers,
metals. A few warrior cleric sects do exist wicked priests, and undying. After death, many
among the badgers and moles. These warrior of Trak’uuls followers will turn into undead.
clerics seek to strengthen their bodies and wills Trak’uul was once a great dragon who lived on
to become like stone. Paladins of Terra, such the Great Isle before the time of the critters.
as the mole Spade Knights of the Great Cavern, However when age caught up to him and
devote their lives to destroying any threat that Gharns came to claim him Trak’uul refused and
would defile to the underways. fled to the void where Gharns could not follow.
It was here he stayed, undying, using his power
Astria Lady of Summer to find a way to overcome Gharns and return to
Neutral the natural world to live for all eternity.
Domain: Fire, Summer, War, Baking
Astria is the divine beast of Fire and War and XyXrl
represented by a lion wreathed in a mane of fire. Assumed Evil
Critters who love fire or use fire in their work Domain: ???
may follow Astria. These followers can range Very little is known about XyXrl. XyXrl is

represented as a one-eyed Kraken or squid. Notable critters
Black Skull the Bone Breaker
Black Skull is the current leader of Black
Hollows and has been for the past decade.
History He is a giant badger standing nearly 6 stalks
tall. His body is covered in many scars from
The Great Isle has a long and colorful history his many battles with giant monsters of the
most of which has been lost to time with the Barrens. Unlike most badgers who have striped
ruins of many kingdoms, fortresses, and dark heads, Black Skull’s head is completely covered
dens dotting the countryside from before the in black fur. He wears the skull of a drake as a
first and second calamity. In the present day, helmet and wields a massive greatsword, its hilt
it has been 128 years since the felling of the and handle crafted from dragon bones.
divine oak in Silverthorn. Life is peaceful, with
only a few scuffles between guilds or cities, most
of whom are attempting to gain territory and
Dead Lands
The Dead Lands are a cursed area where a once-
power. At the beginning of the new age, the orcs
thriving city stood before the first calamity.
and dire beasts were driven back to Dire Skull,
Today all that is left are ruins and bones. Many
and any remaining warbands were scattered
adventurers travel here to discover magic
and fled deep into the woods and mountains.
items and riches, but few critters return and
Only one horde has risen to challenge the west
those that do never speak of it. The followers
gate since the calamity. A horde lead by a great
of Gharns are known to make pilgrimages to
dire beast, Alka Sparkfang, a giant thunder
the Dead Lands in an attempt to put to rest the
lynx. Her Horde broke through the west gate,
cursed spirits that wander the bones.
but they were defeated in the plains east of
the Warrens. Despite this relative peace, there
Notable Critters
has been an increase in goblin and underling
Tati the Dread Lord
sightings along with fears of a long-prophesied
Tati was once a white mage mouse who
return of Rasselbok.
betrayed her order when she began to use
forbidden void magics. After she was discovered
Locations she fled to the dead lands where she began to
perform necromancy rituals to raise an army
Black Hollows of undead monsters. It is said she resides in a
Black Hollows is a badger city In the northwest floating black tower that travels the deadlands
corner of the Great Isle. These badgers live in a raising the dead to serve her.
warrior society most of whom carve out a living
in the frozen tundra known as the barrens.
Black Hollow badgers spend most of their
Dire Skull
Dire Skull is located west of the Giants Staircase
life hunting the giant monsters that roam in
between Kalku’s chimneys and the Dark Rift.
the barrens such as drakes, dragons, and dire
Dire Skull is home to many of the evil creatures
beasts. Balck Hollows badgers respect strength
of the Great Isle. Underlings, goblins, dire
above all else. They expect their leader to be
beasts and other monsters call this desolate
the strongest among them. The Black Hollow
land their home. These evil creatures are in
leader is chosen in a trial by combat, where the
constant war with each other, and any one
last remaining badger is made ruler. Any badger
band is swiftly attacked by another at the first
can challenge the current leader in battle at any
sign of weakness. The last known leader of Dire
time. Black Hollow is not part of the Treaty of
Skull was Alka Sparkfang, a thunder lynx who
Silver Oak and stay mostly to themselves, only
wielded a wicked whip of lightning and dark
ever lending aid when the threat spills over into
magical powers. It was her cruelty and strength
their territories.
that allowed her to gain dominion of the broken
goblin and underling bans and push past West stalks tall and wears a dark robe and hood to
Gate. hide his frailness. Rot Tusk is physically weak
but wields excellent magical powers.
Notable critters
Arkel Sparkfang Death Fangs
A young thunder lynx who has risen to control A black dragon who lives deep in the rifts near
of Dire Skull and has a force of 10 fire giants and Dire Skull. Little is known about Death Fangs
200 goblins under his control. He lost his eye in because, as her name implies, almost nothing
his first encounter with the forces of West Gate survives an encounter with her. It is said that
to a young rabbit who had leaped high enough Death Fangs has an army of underlings that
to strike him in the face. The wound is covered worship her as a divine beast.
mostly by Arkel’s eye patch, an enchanted item
that allows him to see magical energies. Arkel
stands around 9 stalks high and wields a long
Ember Keep
Ember Keep is a badger stronghold built into
curved sword that ignites into flames when
the side of a volcano in the middle of an island
drawn from its sheath.
off the eastern banks of the Great Isle. Ember
Keep is known for their high-quality arms and
Rot Tusk the Twisted
armor forged in the heart of the mountain and
An old Gnoll spell caster who has risen to
enchanted by great badger clerics of Terra. As
become Arkel’s advisor. Rot Tusk is emaciated
part of an agreement after the second calamity,
and mangy, its bare skin stretched like leather
the Ember Keep sends a half a score of badgers
over its bones. He stands at three and a half

to Westgate who serve for 3 years. The biggest to reaffirm alliances and treaties between the
threats to the Ember Keep are pirates who cities. Great Oak is run by a council of branches.
attack their shipping routes, creatures who live Each major branch of the divine tree is home
in the Great Ocean, and underlings who find to a specific house of squirrels of which there
their way from deep in the underways. Ember are 16. A noble of each house is selected to
Keep is ruled over by the Ember King, a badger represent the branch at the council. Critters
of great honor selected by the ember council. who live at the base of the divine tree are also
The ember council is a randomly selected represented by 3 elected council members.
group of citizens who selects a new Ember
King after the previous Ember King Notable critters
passes or abdicates. The Ember King Honey, House of Gold Blossom
can be any gender. A squirrel spellcaster from the great
oak that was one of the major heroes
Notable critters who stopped the salamander armies
Tela the Gold from rising from the underways.
The Ember King, Tela is a sizeable She now sits on the council as a
golden badger who was elected senior member as representative
Ember King after the last king of the House of Gold Blossom.
sacrificed himself in battle with Honey wears the golden Robes of
a great demon. Tela stands at her house and wields a staff she
5.7 stalks tall and wears a large discovered deep in the underways.
leather leaf apron trimmed with Honey is considered to be one of
gold and the crest of Ember the most powerful spell casters on
Keep at its center. She wields a the Great Isle.
large Mole Steel hammer that
she uses to craft weapons as a
blacksmith and in battle. The
Red Top Tower
This Tower stands in the southeast
hammer was enchanted to never
corner of the Great Isle. Red Top
tarnish, chip, or scratch. Tela is
tower is the college of the red mages
seen as a fair ruler and has done
and home to the Great Isle’s largest
well by the Ember Keeps Citizens.
repository of books, scrolls, and
historical texts. Critters from all over
Great Oak the Great Isle travel to Red Top to have
Great Oak is a city built in the treetops magical items identified, enchanted,
and at the roots of a titanic oak tree disenchanted, or reverse engineered to
known as a divine tree. There were two discover their secrets. Red Top is home
sacred trees gifted to the squirrels after the to more than just mages and scholars. Many
first calamity by Oro, one to the black and critters live around the great colleges walls
white squirrels of the west and one to the red where they run inns and markets for the many
and gold squirrels of the east. Great Oak is travelers. Red Top Tower is overseen by the Red
predominantly populated by the red and gold Council, a group of the 12 most powerful mages
squirrels of Oak Wood. Great Oak is a sacred known as the Magus.
place for squirrels and now that it is home to
the only divine oak left in nature. It has become Notable critters
a place of pilgrimage for many critters on the Archer the Wise
Great Isle. Once a year the city of Great Oak Head Council and Archmagus of Red Top Tower
holds a festival to celebrate the banishment Archer is a pudgy mouse who spends most
of the void beast and the remembrance of the of his time researching how to use magic to
Silverthorn Oak. Many notable critters attend

enhance food. Short for a mouse many mistake Silverthorn
him to be a vole or even a mole due to his girth. Silverthorn was once built in the branches of
He wears fine red robes and dons a red hat the Silver Oak, a divine tree. However, at the
that marks his status as a magus. Despite his end of the second calamity, a great void demon
carefree food-loving demeanor Archer is older attacked the city, destroying the great tree
than most mages and has expertise in a vast before a company of heroes were able to seal
amount of subjects. the monster away. All that stands of the once
great tree is a large stump and roots. Around
Roc Roost this Silverthorn was rebuilt and after many
Roc Roost is the city of guilds built on the decades new hope rose in the city when the
edge of a cliff in the southeast of the Great priests discovered two new branches sprouting
Isle. Founded initially by voles after all of the from the trunk. Silverthorn is also home to the
trade routes of the past were destroyed or White College of mages located in the cities
overrun by monsters. Today the city stands college district. The city is run by the Steward of
as the headquarters for many, if not all, of Silver, a critter elected by the wards to oversee
the active guilds on the isle. The city is full of the city for 6 years. The steward has a council of
intrigue as wealthy guilds perform dubious citizens, 1 from each ward, who help him care
political maneuvers combined with cloak for the city.
and dagger conspiracies to gain power in the
city of nobles. Every agreement made in Roc Notable critters
Roost is considered a contract and contracts Silvertail Steward of Silver
are law in Roc Roost. If a dispute breaks out Silvertail is a grey squirrel who was elected
openly between guilds, they will be brought as Steward of Silver a decade and a half ago,
to the Grand Judge, an impartial overseer, dedicating himself to the restoration of the
and enforcer of contracts. The decisions of divine tree. Silvertail is unremarkable for a
the Grand Judge are harsh and final, so many squirrel, and without his stoles of honor, he
disputes between guilds are settled in the would appear to be any priest of the sacred
shadows and agreements are worded with tree. The wards of Silverthorn believe him to be
loopholes, doublespeak, codes, and fine print. just, and his organization of the Lily Guard has
Roc Roost is the largest city on the Great Isle as dramatically reduced encounters with goblins
many of the refugees from the second calamity and feral ants. This has led to his reelection as
were encouraged to come to the city to help steward 2 times. Silvertail is one of the most
rebuild and forge a new home. notable healers in all of the isle, spending most
of his power in attempts to quicken the growth
Notable critters of the divine tree.
The Grand Judge
A critter of indeterminate nature sits as the Warrens
highest judge in all of Roc Roost. The Grand The Warrens is a rabbit stronghold located
Judges identity is kept a secret to ensure their in the middle of the prairie lands far from
impartiality. The Grand Judge always has an the shelter of the trees and mountains. The
apprentice who is also unknown. When the city itself is a collection of tunnels that lead
Grand Judge retires or dies, their apprentice to various residential and military chambers
seamlessly transitions into the position. Rumor underground. The Warren is not connected to
has it that the Grand Judge is, in fact, a divine the underways but keeps a vigilant eye on its
beast who hides its identity from the Great Isle. tunnels, just in case. The Warrens are home
to many paladin and clerical orders and is run
by their leaders, the council of rules. Every
year each order sends a troop of their paladins

and clerics to serve at the west gate to protect Wild Lands
against the monsters of Dire Skull. Though the All of the territories outside the protection
population of The Warrens is predominantly of a city, keep, or fortress are known as
rabbits, many other critters travel to the city to wildlands. The wildlands are untamed areas
join an order or receive training from the many full of creatures and monsters who would love
military experts who live in the city. nothing more than to devour a wandering
critter. However, where there is danger, there
Water Town is profit to be made. Many of the ancient ruins
Located west of the White Top Mountains and are still unexplored, and artifacts can be traded
past the Otter Wood sits Water Town. Water for coins, meals, or fame. The dangers of the
Town is a floating city built by the otters to wildlands can also offer work to traveling
keep them safe from the goblins that infested adventurers. A town may need a monster slain
Otter Wood after the second calamity. Unless to save their livestock or some a component
accustomed to swimming great distances, any may need to be found and brought back from
goblin or evil creature will have to travel by boat the wildlands. Small villages and towns are
or fly to reach the city. Either of which can be dotted throughout the wildlands and offer
easily spotted by the towns watch. Water Town relative safety, shelter, and trade to traveling
has no official governing body and instead is merchants, companies, and adventurers.
made up of volunteers who unofficially oversee Adventurers should always be wary when
the needs and defense of the city. crossing the wildlands, danger is always nearby,
even near the warmth of a roaring fireplace.
Notable critters
Olaf Drake Slayer Different environments present different
The head of the volunteer defense force. Olaf challenges to traveling critters. Use the
is a giant otter with sleek black fur and several encounter charts as guides, for encounters in
scars. He is famed for slaying a monstrous river specific settings. Random encounter charts are
drake who had been hunting otter pups near the only for deciding if there is an encounter and
outskirts of the floating village. The bones of the with what kind of creature. The GM should
drake are displayed in the center of town as a decide how many creatures and how the battle
tribute to Olaf’s victory. Olaf wears sleek scale should take place.
mail and wields a great harpoon.
West Gate When a player’s character gains enough
West Gate is a massive fortress built at the foot experience to turn level 3 they can, instead of
of the Great Staircase. It is here that paladins, the standard leveling system, choose to join
clerics, mages, priests, and average critters an organization. Character paths are optional
stand guard against the threats of Dire Skull. story choices that a player can choose for their
Goblin hordes and evil armies must first break character at specific points in the game. These
through the west gate before they can enter the choices will give your character boons, which
prairie lands, a tall order for even the strongest may help in particular situations. If a player
of Dire Beasts. West Gate has no ruling body does not wish to choose a character path, they
and instead is ruled by the treaty of Silver Oak, simply level as they usually would.
a document which dictates the laws and chain
command. If there is a dispute, it is brought to Orders:
the Grand Judge in Roc Roost. Amendments Joining an order gives a character a unique
can be made to the treaty as long as all the ability and access to all of the order’s resources.
leaders agree.

Characters who join a college gain a magical
ability and get access to the college’s texts and The Frost
facilities Order of the Frost follow Gharns and believe
it is their job to comfort the dying on their
Guild Member journey to the other side, destroy the undead
Guilds give characters access to information, and dispatch the monsters and followers of
political power, or even the means to an end. Trak’uul. Members of the Frost often cloth
Every guild has a guild house located in Roc themselves in black and greys with snow and ice
Roost. motifs are sewn into the material. Others simply
wear a pendant in the shape of a
snowflake. All the snowflake
Orders pendants are unique to
Across the Great Isle, there are many
the wearer.
orders of priests, knights, clerics,
and paladins. These critters do
Passive ability
their best to enact the will of
Sense the Undead: the
the divine beasts they follow
critter feels uneasy
or to hold true to an ideal
when any creature of
or principle. By becoming
the undead, such as
a member of an order, a
skeletons, are within
character can gain access
20 bales.
to special abilities and a
unique accessory.
Gharns’ Frost
Accessory: MP 5 range:
The Divine Light
self (as a quick action
The Order of the Divine
summon up the ice aura of
Light are followers of
Gharns, your melee attacks
Oro. They believe they
deal +2 ice damage, +5 ice
must bring light to the
damage to undead).
world, heal the sick, and
root out darkness before it
The Crimson String
can take hold. Members of
Mouse Paladin Order of the Crimson String serves no one
this order often wear the star
of the divine beast and instead simply aim to
of Oro, white or golden dress, Divine Light do good. They believe evil should be slain
and wield a blade. The Ivory College
before it has a chance to do harm, so many
in Silverthorn is a sister organization to
of this order wield ranged weapons. They get
the Order of the Divine Light.
their name from the crimson bowstring their
followers use. The Crimson String are known to
Passive ability
be excellent marksmen, a single member being
Sense the void: the critter feels uneasy when
worth a score of archers.
any creature of the void, such as demons, are
within 50 bales.
Passive Ability:
Eagle Eye: You have improved accuracy
Oro’s Star
granting you +2 to 1 ranged attack roll per
Accessory: MP 15 range: self (summon up the
light of Oro to illuminate a 10 diameter area,
void creatures within this area suffer -1 to all
attack rolls for 3 rounds).

Crimson Bow String: Dragons Fang
Accessory: All bow and crossbow ranged Accessory: MP 5 (as a quick action you summon
attacks have an additional +10 to their range. the strength of a dragon granting your melee
attacks +2 damage, +5 to any creature of large
The Golden Flame or greater size).
The Order of the Golden Flame are followers
of Astria, the Lady of Summer, and believe it
is their duty to wage an eternal war against Colleges
the evil creatures of the Great Isle. Because There are many schools of magic, and each
of their pro-war stance, many other orders school has its own ideas about how magic
are wary of the Golden Flame. However, should be used. The most notable are the
they understand the Golden Flame are a White Tower in Silverthorne, Red Top Tower
vital asset to Westgate and will be needed if in the southeast and Citadel Bluewing in the
another evil rises. Members of the Golden northwest. Not all spell casters are mages, and
Flame wear red and can be identified by a many prefer the freedom to use magic as they
pin in the shape of a golden flame they use to wish without the rules of the colleges.
secure their cloaks or capes. Members also
prefer the use of melee weapons enchanted White Tower
with fire. The scholars and mages of white tower believe
that magic should be used to do kind acts and
Passive ability defend the innocent from evil deeds. Mages of
Astria’s blessing: Astia’s blessing is a magical the white tower wear white, yellow, and golden
aura that grants +10 Ap. garb adorned with the symbol of Oro. White
mages are quick to help in times of trouble, war,
Pendant of Flame and to beat back the darkness. The white tower
Accessory: MP5 ( as a quick action you has two tenets. The first is members cannot
summon a flame around your melee weapon use magic to kill critters. The second, members
granting you +2 fire damage to all attacks
until the end of the round, +4 if you are
outnumbered by 2 or more).

The Dragon’s Claw

The order of the Dragon’s Claw, otherwise
known as dragoons, are an order of highly
skilled warriors. Dragoons can follow any
good or neutral divine beast; however, their
calling is to seek out and destroy major
threats to the Great Isle. The Order of the
Dragon Claw dress in clothes and armor
designed with dragon motifs to reflect their
dedication and strength. Dragon Claw
members prefer the use of large weapons
such as polearms and greatswords.
Not all of the mage towers and colleges
Passive ability are accounted for. Many mages hide
Draconic speed: your training has granted their towers away behind magic portals
you improved agility granting you +1 evasion where they can study Orsa’s secrets in
(ignores armor max evasion). peace. Other towers stand empty, long
abandoned or home to new monstrous
cannot use any item that uses dark or void Choose one of the following.
magic. If a character is caught using dark or
void magics, they will be stripped of their rank Arcane Identification: 5mp (after casting this
and marked for execution. spell on a magic item the mage will know that
items history and abilities).
As a mage of the white tower characters are
granted a room within the tower, access to the Arcane Location: 5mp (after casting this spell
tower’s records, and can seek advice from the the mage can sense magical energies within 50
Archmages of the White Tower. Characters may bales and their location with an accuracy of 5
also choose one of the white tower’s spells to bales).
gain permanently.
Counterspell: 10mp Range 50 (when an enemy
Choose one of the following. attempts to cast a spell you weave a counterspell
that nullifies the enemies spell. This spell can
Healing Wave: 10mp Range 5 Aoe diameter 4 only be cast as a triggered action).
(send out a healing wave that restores 20hp to
all allies in the area).
Citadel Bluewing
Armor of Light: 10mp Range 5 (choose a target Those who study in the halls of Citadel
within range, that target is surrounded by light Bluewing will find themselves amid powerful
and granted +20 AP, resistance against void or battle mages who dedicate themselves to
dark magic). offensive magic. Unlike other scholars and
mages who prefer to bury their whiskers in
Ray of Light: 5mp Range 5 Aoe line 4 attack 4 books an scrolls, those of citadel blue wing seek
dmg 5 lightning (send a ray of crackling energy out combat. These mages wield magical melee
through your enemies). weapons which they use to dispatch monsters.
Citadel Bluewing believes that cowardice in the
Red Top Tower face of danger is a mortal sin. Any battle mage
The college of Red Top is a group of mages that who acts cowardly will be stripped of their rank
believe that the pursuit of knowledge comes and marked as a traitor. (Fleeing from almost
before all else. Mages of Red Top Tower wear certain death is not considered cowardly, fleeing
red or orange garb adorned with a symbol of from a fight to leave your comrades behind to
Orsa. Red mages are known to devise grand face harm or death, however, is cowardly).
magical experiments that have led to disaster in
the past. Red Top Tower has very few rules for As a mage of the Citadel Bluewing characters
how magic is used. They see Orsa’s puzzles in are granted a training room within the tower,
all forms of magic, even void magic, and intend access to the tower’s records, and can seek
to solve them all. However, they do have a rule advice from the knight mages of Citadel Blue
against any summoning magic, though if you Wing. Characters may also choose one of
really needed the answer and the outcome was Citadel Bluewing’s spells to gain permanently.
for the greater good, they just might look the
other way. Choose one of the following.

As a mage of the Red Top Tower characters are Arcane Strike: 5mp (as a quick action you
granted a laboratory within the tower, access to summon arcane energy around your melee
the tower’s records, and can seek advice from weapon granting you +2 arcane damage to all
the magus of the Red Top Tower. Characters attacks until the end of the round).
may also choose one of Red TopTower’s spells
to gain permanently. Arcane Strength: MP 5 range: self (as a quick
action you summon the strength of the arcane

granting your melee attacks +1 damage, +5 to
espionage capabilities as actors tend to make
any creature of large size or greater size.
excellent spies and double agents. Members
of the Crimson Rose carry an embroidered
Arcane Pounce: MP5 (you pull in the power of
handkerchief or scarf marked with a red rose.
Orsa and launch yourself at the enemy up to
Guild members must try to perform at three
a range of 15 in a mighty leap. Upon landing
festivals a year or be removed from the guild.
Orsa’s power explodes causing 10 damage AOE:
all adjacent).
Members are granted access to guild houses
across the Great Isle, access to most if not
Guilds all theatres and festivals, gain +1 dice when
There are many guilds across the Great Isle attempting a sociability ability check regarding
from artisans to assassins each with a hierarchy, performance or acting, and receive 100 berries
laws, and enemies. Membership in a guild gives a month from a patron.
characters access to that guilds political and
financial resources along with all the The Deft Paw
knowledge of their secrets. The guild of thieves, robbers, tomb
explorers, and procurers of rare
The Golden Quill objects is known as the Deft
Mostly made up of artists this Hand. If you need something
guild helps support those who stolen, found, retrieved, or
do creative works. Joining this procured by means that
guild gives the members access may or may not be legal,
to other creative members, then you want a member
venues for shows, and of the Deft Paw. Members
opportunities to make money of this guild gain access to
from their creative endeavors. the guild’s protection and
Many nobles are honorary resources. Members of the
members and donate their deft paw mark themselves
coin to helping the artists with a small silver pin that
of the guild. Members wear resembles a paw print.
a golden quill pin to mark
their membership in the guild. Members are granted
Members of this guild must access to safe houses across
produce 1 creative work per Otter Bard the Great Isle, learn thief’s
year. Failure to do so will result in of the cant (a language only known
removal from the guild. Crimson Rose
to members), gain +1 dice when
attempting an agility ability check
Members are granted access to guild houses relating to sleight of hand or escape arts,
across the wildlands, access to most if not all and +1 dice when trying to disarm traps.
art venues, gain +1 dice when attempting an
intellectual ability check regarding the arts, and
receive 100 berries a month from a patron.

The Crimson Rose “Let’s just say I “found” it.”

The Crimson Rose is a guild made up, -Deft Paw Vole
primarily, of performers and playwrights.
Members of this guild gain access to playhouses
and nobles willing to pay to produce and run
plays. This guild house is also known for its

The Silent Blade building techniques passed down through the
A guild that operates in secrecy to dispatch ages and ensures all payments are made in
the targets it is hired to kill is known as the full to the builder. This guild seems harmless
Silent Blade. Members of the Silent Blade gain until one realizes that they are aware of every
access to the guilds vast network of safe houses, weak point in every structure the guild has ever
clients, and monetary resources. However, the built. Any secret passages you discover must be
Silent Blade does not offer protection, and if a recorded and sent to the guild.
member is caught or captured, they may be the
next target of an assassin. Once a member, a Members are granted access to all of the
critter cannot leave and to do so is to be marked Builders Guild’s blueprints, +1 dice to all
for death. Members of this guild do not readily intellectual ability checks when attempting to
identify themselves with clothes or tokens. find secret doors and passages, +1 dice to all
intellectual ability checks when trying to discern
Members are granted access to safe houses in a buildings weak points.
the major cities of the Great Isle, gain +1 dice
when attempting an agility ability check relating The Crystal Vial
to climbing or stealth, assassins strike, and earn The Crystal Vial is a chaotic and unruly guild
+25% money when completing bounties. composed mostly of alchemists, potion brewers,
apocatheries, and explosives experts. This guild
is sought out critters seeking a cure strange
Assassins strike: If you make an attack against illnesses or those who need rare ingredients
an enemy who is utterly unaware of your for a recipe. Members gain access to unique
presence you can spend 7MP to bypass rolling components and laboratories to perform their
attack dice and instead deal the maximum experiments. You must submit any new recipes
damage, this attack cannot be evaded. to the guild for review.

The Golden Coin Members are granted +1 dice to all intellectual

The guild of merchants and wealthy ability checks when attempting to brew a
entrepreneurs is known as the Golden Coin. potion, +1 dice to all intellectual ability checks
This guild is responsible for the safety of trade when trying to identify a potion. +1 dice to all
routes and the pricing of goods. Members gain intellectual ability checks when attempting to
access to the guilds trade routes and can even forage for herbs and spices.
get a better deal when negotiating the price
of anything sold by other members. Members The Silver Hook
of this guild often carry a unique gold coin to The Silver Hook is a guild of sea and water
display their membership. fairing critters. These critters are known to
control the water trade routes, the ships, and
Members are granted access to merchant some say they maintain a relationship with the
caravans free of charge, Gain +1 dice to all octopi and pirates. Members of this guild gain
intellectual ability checks when attempting access to sea charts, free or cheap passage on
to appraise the value of an item, +1 dice to all ships. Any newly discovered waterways or ocean
sociability ability checks regarding negotiation, charts must be submitted to the guild.
and %10 off all purchases made in a shop.

Iron Gate “Aye, I shook paws with an Octopi

Critters who oversee the construction of cities, feller once. It was... unpleasant”
walls, fortresses and the like are more likely -Silver Hook Captain
than not to be a member of the Iron Gate. This
builders guild gives builders access to secret

Members are granted access to all of the Silver
Hook’s ocean charts and maps, free passage on creatures, such as Rollies, are farmed for
any Silver Hook vessel, learn sailor’s cant (code meat, their carapaces are harvested and made
language is only known to members) +1 dice to into tools, building material, armor, and even
all intellectual ability checks when attempting roofing. Easily the most common domestic
to predict the weather, and the ability to bug is the domestic ant. Ants make great
navigate via the stars and estimate your current companions and are social bugs that are eager
location within 1 field. to work and please their owners. Even with
their small size, a team of ants can easily haul
a large wagon. Builders will utilize a group of
The Iron Cutlass ants to help carry large stones or other heavy
If one needs to hire some muscle, bodyguards,
materials to a site. There are smaller domestic
or even an army, they can turn to the Iron
ants, such as the violet ant, that are kept as pets
Cutlass. A guild made up of mercenaries who
by more wealthy critters.
work for the highest bidder. Members gain
access to higher rates for their services, medical
Players and GMs should decide early on if the
care for their injuries, and access to arms and
GM or the player will choose the actions of the
armor. You must send 5% of your earnings to
creature. When traveling with a mount, players
the guild each month.
should use the movement of the creature.
Members are granted access to all of the Iron
Cutlass’ barracks across the Great Isle, +1 dice
to all intellectual ability checks when looking
for a weakness in the enemy defense, +1 dice to
all intellectual ability checks when attempting
to devise a defense, and +1 dice to all sociability
checks when attempting to command or
rally allies.

Daily Life

Domestic Creatures
Over generations of hard,
patient, work a few critters
were able to domesticate
some of the creatures native
to the Great Isle. These
creatures are in many
aspects of daily life and are
used for transportation,
food, sentries, and even
companionship. The three
most common domesticated
animals are the giant beetle,
riding birds, and the domestic
ant. More massive creatures
are often beasts of burden used
in farming, travel, shipping,
and hauling. Their strength, and
some bird and bug’s ability to fly,
Riding Chicken
make them ideal for traveling. Other
Riding Beetle Pet Ant

Creature Type Rider Size AP/HP Mov Pace: Half/Full Cost

Ant, Pet Companion N/A 15/5 18 10F/20F 50bry
(Bite: Attack 2 | Damage 3) (Sting: Attack 1 | Damage 4) 10 bry
Ant, Riding Mount (T)-(S) 15/10 30 15F/30F 2g
(Bite: Attack 2 | Damage 5) (Kick: Attack 2 | Damage 4)
Bee, Bumble Companion N/A 15/15 45 15F/30F 1g
(Sting: Attack 3 | Damage 3) (Scout: detect enemies within 1F)
Beetle, Riding Mount (T)-(M) 35/18 30(50fly) 16F/32F 5g
(Charge: Attack 1 | Damage 10 | AOE 5 Line)

Chicken, Riding Mount (T)-(M) 5/15 45 18F/36F 8g

(Peck: Attack 3 | Damage 6) (Kick: Attack 2 | Damage 5)

Goose, War Mount (T)-(L) 40/20 45(80fly) 20F/40F 25g

(Bite: Rng 2 |Attack 2 | Damage 7) (Slam: 1.2 g
Fire Attack 1 | Damage 15)
Heron, War Mount (T)-(L) 60/25 45(80fly) 20F/40F 40g
(Spear Beak: Rng 3 | Attack23 | Damage 8)
Lightning 1.5 g
Sparrow Mount (T)-(M) 60/25 45(60fly) 15F/30F 15g
(Peck: Attack 3 | Damage 2) (Rake: Attack 1 | Damage 4)

Leather Leaf Clothes Leather Leaf Leather Plant

Dress Food
The styles, colors, and utility of clothing vary Critters of the Great Isle enjoy many types
from city to city. However, most of the clothes of food, and each city has its own specialties,
on the Great Isle are made from the same but all share many of the same ingredients.
materials. Most commonly, leather leaf, a large, Berries, nuts, and grains are the most common
broad-leafed plant that can be found growing ingredients found on the isle, along with greens
wild in the prairie lands. It is cultivated for its and root vegetables. Many critters also enjoy the
leaves and for the fluffy fibrous material that meat of bugs, crustaceans, fish, and birds. When
comes from its seeds. The leaves can be cured it comes to sweets critters, harvest the honey of
and made into protective clothing, straps, and bees, saps, and nectar from flowers which they
other materials that need to be more robust use to create candied fruits, candied nuts, cakes,
than cloth. Depending on the curing method and pastries. It is an accepted fact that delicious
and time of year, leatherleaf can come in a foods have healing and magical powers. When
variety of colors such as green, red, yellow, consumed these food grant bonuses or healing.
and dark or light brown. Some leather leaf is This makes some foods valuable to adventurers
bleached in the sun with a particular solution so such as candied nuts, jams, and potions.
the material can be dyed. After curing the leaves
resemble leather hide. The fiber from the seeds Calendar
is spun into a yarn or thread that is then used The current year is C2,128. C2 representing
to make textiles. If the flowers are harvested ‘after the second calamity’ and 128 the number
before they change into seed pods, they can be of years since that time. Years are broken down
used to create yellow dyes. Armors are often into four time frames: Spring lasting 60 days,
a combination of materials with parts made Time of Astria lasting 90 days, Harvest lasting
from padded fabrics, forged from metal, or the 60 days, and the Time of Gharns lasting 75 days
carapaces of bugs and crustaceans.
making a year 285 days long. A Calendar date It is a tradition that all families burn at least
would be written as follows: 15 Astria C2, 128 one sweet bun in a fire, sacrificing it to Astria.
and read as Day 15 in the Time of Astria 128 Priests say she enjoys delicious pastries above
years after the second calamity. Historians are all other mortal foods.
unaware of how the calendar was before the
first calamity. Harvest
On the last day of autumn, many critters
Festivals prepare a large feast to celebrate the completed
There are many small festivals, fairs, and preparation for the Time of Gharns. It is said by
celebrations that happen each and every day many priests that during this night the Heralds
somewhere on the Great Isle. The largest of of Gharns, ghostly apparitions and monsters,
these are celebrated in almost all the cities of visit the natural world. It is a tradition for
the Great Isle occur only a few times per year. young critters to leave out sweets to appease
these spirits in return for good fortune (often
Gharns’ Festival gifts from their family). Adult critters enjoy
This holiday takes place during the middle of dressing up as spirits or using magic to fool
the Time of Gharns. Critters honor the souls children during the nights leading up to the
to be gathered by Gharns’ and taken to the Harvest meal.
heavens while celebrating the living with great
feasts around roaring fires to keep Gharns’ cold
at bay.

Height of Astria
On the longest day during the Time of Astria,
a great baking competition is held at the
Ember Keep drawing hundreds
of competitors and thousands
of spectators. But during this
time across the Great Isle, many
cooking and baking competitions
take place to celebrate the Height of

Delicious Foods are highly celebrated

among critters. Baking and cooking
competitions draw large crowds during
festivals and celebrations. The largest baking
competition on the Great Isle takes place at
the Ember Keep during the summer solstice.
Hundreds of critters travel to the keep to
compete for the title of The Grand Baker.
The Ember King, along with the past winners
judge the competition. The best bakers are
celebrities among common and noble critters
alike with their fans often flying colors and
banners of their favorite baker.

Random Encounters

Mountains 11 Goblin 8-10 Goblin

(3d6) 12 Darkling 11 Orc
3-6 --- 13-14 Black Slime 12 Darkling
7-9 Green Slime 15 Ghoul 13-14 Skeleton
10-11 Spider 16 Wraith 15 Fire Ant
12 Goblin 17 Spider 16 Lowland Drake
13 Orc 18 Frost Worg 17 Thunder Lynx
14 Kobold 18 Mountain Drake
15 Bug Bear Underways
16 Blue Slime (3d6)
17 Frost Worg 3-8 --
18 Mountain Drake 9-11 Green Slime
12 Kobold
Plains/Hills 13 Spider
(3d6) 14 Bug Bear
3-6 --- 15 Troll
7-8 Black Ant 16 Yellow Salamander
9-11 Goblin 17 Fungi Folk
12-13 Orc 18 Blue Salamander
14 Gnoll
15 Centipede Oceans/Coast
16 Wasp (3d6)
17 Lowland Drake 3-9 --
18 Fungi Folk 10-12 Pirate*
13 Worg Fin
Forests 14 Thunder Beetle
(4d6) 15 Goblin
4-9 -- 16 Aquatic Horror
10-11 Ant, Black 17 Ocean Drake
12 Ant, Giant 18 Octopi
12-14 Goblin
15 Orc River/Lake/wetlands
16 Wasp (3d6)
17 Kobold 3-7 --
18 Bug Bear 8 Fey Garr
19 Skeleton 9-11 Green Slime
20 Centipede 12-13 Worg Fin
21 Spider 14 Lune Eater
22 Green Slime 15 River Drake
23 Fungi Folk 16 Trolls
24 Troll 17 Octopi
18 Snapping maw
(3d6) Dry Lands/ Desert
3-5 -- (3d6)
6-7 Skeleton 3-5 --
8-10 Cultist 6-7 Orange Slime *Use Bandit template


Aquatic Lune Eater
Large | Neutral | Fish | Mov 120st
Aquatic creatures spend all, if not most, of their
lives underwater in ponds, rivers, and oceans.
Aquatic creatures range from common fish to
exotic creatures rarely seen by surface critters. 60 0
Critters should be careful when near any body HP AP
of water, aquatic creatures rarely pass up the
opportunity to snatch up an unsuspecting
10 4
L une Eaters are long serpent-like fish
that reside in large rivers and lakes on the
Great Isle. These fish are ambush predators,

lying in wait under cover or behind structures 6 7 2 1

before launching themselves at their victims. As PHY AGI INT SOC
their name implies, the lune eater is well known
for hunting aquatic birds, most commonly the Attacks
Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Prc)
Range: 1

Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Prc)
Range: 1

F ey Gar are small

predatory fish that launch
themselves out of the water to
catch little birds, insects, and
critters. These fish are known
to school and can become
dangerous if their numbers grow
too high.

W orgfin are medium-

sized fish that live in
brackish and freshwaters. They are
known to try and attack small boats or
swim in shallow waters to catch land
creatures in the surf.

Fey Gar
Tiny| Neutral | Fish | Mov 30st

15 0

15 4

2 7 3 1

Attack: 4
Range: 1
Damage: 4 (Prc)
Small | Neutral | Fish | Mov 60st
Attack: 8
Range: 1
Damage: 2 (Prc)
20 0
The fish swims quickly around the
target attack in a frenzy of bites. This

5 2
deals half damage to all adjacent


3 3 1 4

Attack: 1 Damage: 10 (Prc)
Range: 1

Razor Fin
Attack: 4 Damage: 4 (Prc)
Range: all adjacent enemies

A quatic horrors are a type of
shellfish that live in coastal waters. These
Aquatic Horror
creatures bury themselves in the sand during Large | Neutral | Shellfish | Mov 60st
low tide and wait for creatures to pass overhead
before attacking, catching their prey by
surprise. Despite their name, the aquatic horror
is considered a delicacy and often hunted for its
45 120
meat. The chitin plates of an aquatic horror can HP AP
be crafted into armor and weapons by coastal

Grapple: If an aquatic horror successfully 45 2

makes a tentacle attack, it can attempt to MP EVA
grapple its victim. The victim must make a Phy
AC 4 to break away from the aquatic horror’s 8 3 8 1
grasp. If the creature fails to do so, then that
creature is unable to act. The creature can make PHY AGI INT SOC
an attempt to break free on its next turn.
Aquatic Horror Plate Armor: 1.5 g, 90 AP,
Max Evasion 3, Phy requirement 3, Resistant to Claw
(Sla) and (Prc) damage. Attack: 4 Damage: 8 (Sla)
Range: 1

Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Blg)
Range: 2

Water Boil (must be under Water)

Mp: 4
Attack: 3 Damage: 12 (Fir)
Range: 3

Mp: 4

The Aquatic Horror summons a cloud

of sticky ink that fills the area rendering
all creatures in the cloud blind and
provides 3/4 cover.

S napping Maws are giant turtles
that live in large bodies of freshwater on
Snapping Maw
the Great Isle. It is said that these giants share Giant | Evil | Turtle| Mov 60st
a lineage with drakes or even dire beasts.
Snapping maws lay on the bottom of lakes
and rivers waiting for small watercraft to pass
overhead. It then performs its namesake and 75 150
snaps out at the craft in an attempt to sink it, HP AP
eating any critter or creature that falls into the

Devour: If a snapping maw successfully makes 20 2

a bite attack, it can attempt to devour the MP EVA
creature. The creature must make an AGI AC
4 to avoid being swallowed. Creatures that are
swallowed suffer 10 damage per round until 15 3 4 2

Attack: 1 Damage: 40 (Sla)
Range: 3

Attack: 2 Damage: 15 (Sla)
Range: 2

Water Shell
Mp: 10

The giant turtle summons a hardened

shell of water that grants +50 ap for 5

Red Octopi R ed Octopi are strange creatures
that live deep in the waters of the
Medium | Evil | Octopi | Mov 20st wildlands and, because of this, are encountered
rarely by surface critters. There are many
different kinds of Octopi, but the most

18 60 commonly encountered octopi on the coasts

of the isle are the Red Octopi. These creatures
HP AP hunt in the shallows and tide pools for easy prey
and are known to eat critters, dragging them
into the waters to drown before being eaten.

40 4 Very little is known about octopi culture, but

it is known that they have culture, language,
and some even speculate there may be octopi
kingdoms deep in the oceans.

3 5 4 4

Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Sla)
Range: 2

Attack: 2 Damage: 15 (Sla)
Range: 2

Wield Weapon
Octopi can wield up to 3 weapons at one
time making them fierce opponents.

Small-Large | Evil | Critter | Mov 30st

15 15

20 5

3 4 4 5

Attack: 2 Damage: 4 (Prc)
Range: 1

Blade Twist
2 MP

If the Bandit makes a succesful Dagger

attack they can spend 2 mana to deal
and additional +2 damage

Bad Critters
Not all critters are good critters, some turn to Stealth: Bandits gain +1 dice to all ability checks
evil deeds or pursue wealth and power above that involve stealth.
the wellbeing of their fellow critters. These
critters are often found outside of cities in areas
beyond the reach of paladins and guards where M ercenaries are not all evil critters
but are found fighting for the highest
bidder, which more often then not is a power-
they plot their evil deeds in secret.
hungry fiend. These critters only kill for coin. If
a campaign becomes unprofitable, mercenaries

B andits are critters that steal, rob, are likely to abandon the fight or switch sides if
and grift other critters for valuables such the pay is right.
as money, artifacts, treasure, or art. Bandits
often work alone or in small packs of 3 or 4, but Buy out: If players can pay mercenaries, they
due to their selfish and untrusting nature, these may be able to avoid an encounter.
packs don’t last long.

Mercenaries Cultist
Small-Large | Neutral | Critter | Mov 30st Small-Large | Evil | Critter | Mov 30st

30 25 10 15

15 2 30 2

6 3 3 3 2 3 6 4

Attacks Attacks
Dual Sword Dagger
Attack: 6 Damage: 4 (Sla) Attack: 4 Damage: 4 (Prc)
Range: 1 Range: 1

Relentless onslaught Dark Missile

Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Prc) Mp: 5
Range: 1 Attack: 4 Damage: 3
Rng:30 AOE:3 Line
For each successful attack the
mercenary pushes their target back 5st Dark energy shoots toward the
enemy and explodes on impact.

C ultists are critters that have devoted

themselves to a dark or void beast. This
devotion pushes the cultist to perform evil always affiliated with an element such as earth,
acts that will strengthen their master. These water, fire, etc. It is said that this elemental
acts can range from disrupting the daily life of affiliation is due to their ancestry, which leads
good critters, burning crops, poisoning water, back to the great titans that formed the world
or performing evil magic to kill or curse their in its beginnings. Most dire beasts are solitary,
victims. seeing other dire beasts as competition.
However, if a dire beast becomes strong enough,
Dark Devotion: Once per day a cultist can they may command an army which includes
summon a darkling to fight by their side. lesser monsters, goblins, and underlings.

Dire Beasts F rost worgs are dire beasts that

make their home in the mountains and
high forests of the Great Isle. Frost Worgs can
Dire beasts are massive beasts that roam the stand anywhere from 10-15 stalks tall. These
wilds in the hopes of finding some critters to dire beasts are affiliated with water, ice, and
plunder, kill, and eat. Dire beasts are almost cold. Their ancestry causes their coat to appear

Frost Worg a soft blue that lightens with age as it becomes
encased in frost and ice. The frost worg’s blade
is made from enchanted steel that steals the
Giant | Evil | Dire Beast| Mov 60st
warmth from anything it touches.

60 50 Tactics
Frost worgs attack trade caravans or grain
stores looking for treasure, food, or drink. If
attacking alone, they will blindside their targets
using their strength to overturn wagons or

40 1
disable any escape before attacking smaller
critters. Frost worgs prefer to take any smaller
critters alive, throwing them in sacks or cages,
MP EVA to be eaten at a later date. A frost worg with
followers or a small army will travel the
12 3 8 4 wilds raiding villages.

Frost Blade
Attack: 3 Damage: 12 (Ice/Sla)
Range: 1

Frost Bite
Mp 2

After making a succesful attack with

Frost Blade the caster can spend
2 mana to deal an additional 4 Ice

Icy Breath
Mp 4
Attack: 3 Damage: 8 (Ice)
Range: 2 AOE: 4 Line

The worg bellows an icy mist at its

enemies. Any creature hit by this attack
suffer -2 evasion for one round.

Mp 10
Attack: 4 Damage: 12 (Ice)
Range: 15 AOE: 4 diameter

Summons a downfall of icy sleet,

terrain underneath the sleet becomes Weak against (Fir) damage
difficult terrain Resistance to (Ice) damage

Thunder Lynx
Giant | Evil | Dire Beast| Mov 72st

48 50

30 2

8 8 6 4
Lightning Whip
Attack: 3 Damage: 8 (Elc)
Range: 2

Weak against (Ert) damage Mp 2
Resistance to (Elc) damage
After making a succesful attack with
an electrical whip the caster can spend
3 mana to deal an additional 4 electric
T hunder Lynx are feline dire
beasts that have powers of lightning and
electricity and make their homes in the west

near dire Skull and the Windy Plains. These Crackling Armor
Dire Beasts stand roughly 12 stalks tall and are Mp 5
much faster than other dire beasts of similar Self
height. They use this speed and their electrical
prowess to overtake and paralyze their enemies The thunder lynx summons their
with great bursts of lightning. It is said that inner power and wreath their armor in
a critter gets a split second warning that a magical energy that deals 2d6 electric
thunder lynx is about to pounce. The critter’s damage to any creature that strikes it
fur will stand on end as the lynx gathers its and lasts 3 rounds.
electrical energies, but by the time a critter
notices it is already too late. Thunder lynx are Shocking Field
solitary only joining other lynx for conquest. Mp 10
Female thunder lynx raise their young for Range: 20
several years before leaving them to carve out
their own territories. The thunder lynx are the Summon a wall of electrical energy
first recorded lynx to form a clan and at one (Line 8) that deals 12 damage to any
point lead a horde in the battle against West creature that tries to cross it or starts
Gate. their turn in the field. Lasts 5 rounds.

Weak against (Ert) (Ice) damage
Resistance to (Fir) damage

Yellow Salamander Green Salamander
Medium | Evil | Dire Beast| Mov 30st Large | Evil | Dire Beast| Mov 60st

20 15 30 30

10 2 15 4

4 3 2 1 6 5 3 2

Attacks Attacks
Bite Bite
Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Fir/sla) Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Fir/sla)
Range: 1 Range: 1

Short Sword Dagger

Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Fir/sla) Attack: 4 Damage: 6 (Fir/Prc)
Range: 1 Range: 1

Flaming spit Jet of Flame

Attack: 2 Damage: 12 (Fir) Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Fire)
Range: 5 Range: 1 AOE: 4 Line

F ire Salamanders are fiery dire

beasts from deep beneath the earth. They
resemble giant lizards wreathed in flames.
another transformation. This time turning into
a blue salamander and growing to 10-15 stalks
tall. The final stage of life for a salamander is
Unlike the overland dire beasts, salamanders
that of the rare red salamander. Scholars do
exist in a hierarchical society where the smaller
not know what triggers this transformation;
and younger salamanders follow the commands
however, there is only ever one red salamander
of older, more powerful salamanders. A
at a time.
salamander’s life cycle consists of 4 stages. In
their first stage, they are 3-5 stalks tall, yellow
Yellow salamanders are the youngest and
in color, and produce a yellow flame. After 15
weakest of their species. Yellow salamanders
years the salamander will reach its second stage
make their presence in the underways known by
of life and turns into a green salamander. Green
lighting the deep caverns and tunnels with their
salamanders stand 6-9 stalks tall, have a green
yellow flames. Yellow salamanders can number
slimy hide, and produce an eerie green flame.
in dozens if encountered in the underways.
After 30 years, the salamander will undergo

Blue Salamander Exploding corpse: The corpse of a fallen yellow
Giant | Evil | Dire Beast| Mov 60st salamander will explode after 3 rounds causing
15 fire damage to any creature in an AOE: 5
Diameter of the body.

35 60
HP AP Tactics:
Yellow salamanders attack in the scores trying
to overrun their enemy with numbers. Any

40 2 yellow salamanders that die will aid the fight by

exploding so the deeper they can penetrate the
enemy line the more effective they will become.

7 4 8 4 Green Salamanders are the second stage

PHY AGI INT SOC of life for the dire beast. Green salamanders
stand taller than their yellow siblings and rely
Attacks on stealth instead of numbers to dispatch the
enemy. The green flame of the salamander is the
same color of the glowing stones and glowing
Blue Flame Mace
flora of the underways allowing them to blend
Attack: 3 Damage: 12 (Fir/
in and stalk their victims.
Range: 1

Jet of Flame
Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Fir)
Range: 1 AOE: 4 Line

Magma Missile
MP: 4
Attack: 3 Damage: 5 (Fir)
Range: 30

The caster summons three missiles

of molten rock that streak towards
the enemy.

Flame Wall
MP: 10
Range: 10 AOE: 5 Line

The caster summons a wall of blue

flame. Any creature that starts its
turn in the flame suffers 20 fire

Exploding corpse: The corpse of a fallen
green salamander will explode after 1 hour
Red Salamander
causing 15 fire damage it any creature Titanic | Evil | Dire Beast| Mov 60st
in an AOE: 10 diameter of the corpse.
However, unlike the yellow salamander,
the green flames stick to everything they
touch dealing an additional 10 damage per 75 120
turn until the fires can be extinguished. HP AP
Left untouched a green flame can burn for
several hours.

60 0
Green salamanders usually work in packs of
3, slowly surrounding the enemy until the
timing is right for a quick victory. 15 3 12 4
Blue salamanders are the third stage of
life. Blue salamanders are much larger than Attacks
their younger siblings and possess more
mana to cast spells. These salamander act Flaming Giant Sword
as the commanders, generals, and captains Attack: 4 Damage: 8 (Fir/Sla)
of the other salamander and only answer to Range: 1
the queen or king red.
Flaming strike
Red salamanders are the final stage of Mp 2
the salamander’s life. Red salamanders
are known as kings or queens, and an After making a succesful attack with
army only ever has 1 red at a time. Red Flamin Strike the caster can spend
salamanders are gigantic, and if engaged 2 mana to deal an additional 4 fire
in battle can devastate entire armies. The damage.
last known red salamander was defeated
over 100 years ago in the Great Cavern by Inferno
the great mole king who summoned a giant MP: 10
stone titan to battle the dire beast. Attack: 6 Damage: 20 (Fir)
Range: 30 AOE: 10 Diameter

Salamander weapons are made of a The caster summons a spinning

magical flame which, upon the death of the column of fire that incenerates
salamander, will disintegrate into dust. If everything in its wake.
another salamander picks up that weapon,
it will roar back to life with a new flame. Dragon’s Fire
MP: 15
Attack: 10 Damage: 10 (Fir)
Range: 5 AOE: 10 line

The caster breathes a jet of violet fire

at their enemy. Any creature hit by the
flame takes an additional 2 AP damage
to their armor.
Demons Darkling
Tiny | Evil | Demon | Mov 15st
Creatures that come from the void or who are
corrupted by the void are known as demons.

15 15
Demons have no redeeming qualities and
instead are driven by an all-consuming hunger
to kill and cause harm to the natural world.
These shadow creatures find their way into
reality by being summoned by evil critters and

30 4
monsters or by finding naturally occurring
portals, thin barriers, and openings between the
void and the natural world. In their own realm,
demons are amorphous shadows, but when they MP EVA
cross over to the natural world, nature forces
them to take on a physical form. 3 6 5 4
When a demon dies their corpse bubbles and
steams into nothingness as they are returned Attacks
to the void. A demon can only face a true death
when they are killed in the void. Fork
Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Drk)
Range: 1

D arklings are the weakest of the

demons. These tiny demons resemble
a mix of various critters and are covered in
Shadow Darts
Mp: 4
purplish-black scales. When they move a trail Attack: 3 Damage: 8 (Drk)

Small darts made of dark energy

zip towards the enemy causing dark
damage on impact .

Weak against (Lit) damage

Resistance to (Drk) damage

of purplish shadow can be seen trailing behind
their motions, an artifact of the void. Leaper
Medium | Evil | Demon | Mov 60st

L eapers are demons from the shadowy

forests of the void where they hunt and
eat lesser demons. If a leaper finds its way to
reality, the leaper takes on the appearance of
a long-limbed, green-scaled monster. They get
30 25
their name from the vast distances the creature
can leap and pounce. Leapers are considered

20 5
a blight to the forest and once discovered are
quickly hunted and dispatched by critters.

6 10 4 2
Weak against (Lit) damage
Resistance to (Drk) damage Attacks
Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Sla)
Range: 1

Attack: 1 Damage: 20 (Prc)
Range: 30

The leapr pounces at its victim

dealing damage and closing any

S hadow birds are demons
that roam the void, often working as
Shadow Bird
messengers and scouts for stronger demons. Small | Evil | Demon | Mov 60st
When summoned to the natural world they
take on the form of a small shadowy raptor
with black tendrils of dark smoke that trails
behind its every movement. Fulfilling the same 10 0
role they serve in the void shadow birds are HP AP
most commonly used by cultists, warlocks, and
monsters as scouts and messengers. Shadow
birds rely on their magic when faced with
danger. 20 2
Weak against (Lit) damage
Resistance to (Drk) damage
2 4 4 2

Attack: 3 Damage: 4 (Prc)
Range: 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Prc)
Range: 2

Shadow Portal
Mp: 10

The caster of this spell can travel

between shadows instantly up to
their movement.

Mountain Drake Drakes
Giant | Evil | Drake | Mov 90st Drakes are draconic predators that reside
in most environments. Drakes can resemble
serpents, dragons, or other lizards. They are
60 30 magical in nature and can naturally cast magic.
Inexperienced adventurers are cautioned to
HP AP avoid any encounter with a drake as they can
make quick work of any naïve company. These
creatures are considered evil and care little for

30 1 the lives of their food.

M ountain drakes live in the
highest peaks of the towering mountain
ranges of the Great Isle. They resemble great
12 6 6 2
serpents, their colorations allowing them to
PHY AGI INT SOC blend in with their surroundings. These ambush
predators lay in wait
Attacks for possible prey.
When a large
Bite bird, critter,
Attack: 2 Damage: 25 (Prc)
Range: 1

Tail Strike
Attack: 3 Damage: 10 (Prc)
Range: 4

Fire Breath
Attack: 3 Danage: 15 (Fire)
Range: 4 AOE: 5 line

River Drake or monster crosses its path, the mountain
drake will strike and coil around its prey before
devouring it. Mountain drakes are known to
Medium | Evil | Drake | Mov 60st
venture into forests or the lowlands if they are
unable to find prey in the mountains

35 20 R iver drakes reside near the rivers

and streams of the Great Isle. Their long
bodies and modified wings are ideally suited for
moving quickly through the water where they

15 4
hunt for large fish and critters. River drakes
are solitary creatures, jealously defending their
stretch of river from other drakes and monsters.

7 7 3 2

Attack: 3 Damage: 15 (Prc)
Range: 1

Tail Strike
Attack: 2 Damage: 10 (Blg)
Range: 2

Electric Shock
Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Elc)
Range: 4 AOE: 3 line

L owland drakes live in the plains
and lowlands of the Great Isle. They are
Lowland Drake
toad-like in appearance, allowing them to hop Small | Evil | Drake | Mov 50st
great distances, their small wings enabling them
to glide back to the ground. These drakes feed
on giant insects and little birds. The lowland
drake has two glands that allow it to belch balls 30 20
of flaming gas. HP AP

10 2

6 6 2 2

Attack: 2 Danage: 15 (Prc)
Range: 1

Fire Belch
Attack: 2 Danage: 15 (Fir)
Range: 5 AOE: 3 Diameter

Elementals Wind Elemental
Large | neutral | Elemental | Mov 80st
At certain times of the year, most commonly in
spring and autumn, the borders between the
elemental plane and the natural world grow
thin. This can allow for denizens of both planes
30 0
to travel back and forth with relative ease. HP AP
Sometimes this is done with a purpose, such as
the fey creatures who perform rituals and spells
to cross between planes, or by accident, which is
often the case with elementals who wind up in the 16 6
natural world. Elementals are the manifestations MP EVA
of pure ideas from the elemental plane. When
those manifestations come to the natural world,
2 8 2 2
nature forces them to take form, but since they
have no form, they are instead forced to inhabit PHY AGI INT SOC
whatever is closest to their elemental affiliation.
So a water elemental that appears in the natural Attacks
world will occupy the nearest water source. Fire,
Attack: 3 Damage: 3 (Blg)
Range: 1 AOE: 3 Cone

Any creature hit by this attack is

pushed back 6 bales

Lighning Strike
Attack: 1 Damage: 20 (Elc)
Range: 5

Creatures hit by this attack must make

a Phy AC(3) or are unable to act on
their next turn.

wind, stone, and

water elementals
are the most common
found on the Isle. Other
elementals are known
to exist such as bread, dust,
arcane, and even flower elementals have
been recorded. Elementals are generally
harmless and either lay dormant or
wander the wildlands to find a way home.
Resistant to (Elc)
Elementals can become corrupted if they
Immune to (Wnd)
come in contact with dark magic or are
controlled by those with evil intent.

Water Elemental
Large | Neutral | Elemental | Mov 40st
Weak against (Ice)
Resistant to (Fir)

45 00

20 2

8 4 2 2

Attack: 2 Damage: 4 (Blg)
Range: 1

Ice Ball
Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Ice)
Range: 5 AOE: 3 Diameter

Attack: 1 Damage: 10 (Ice)
Range: 1 AOE: 5 Cone

Fire Elemental
Small | Neutral | Elemental | Mov 60st

Consume: Fire elementals can take a turn to

10 00 consume, or burn, flammable material to grow
stronger. For each round they do this they gain
HP AP +10Hp and +1 damage dice.

10 2

1 4 2 2

Attack: 1 Damage: 4 (Fir)
Range: 1

Fire Belch
Attack: 1 Damage: 5 (Fir)
Range: 5 AOE: 3 Diameter

Weak against (Ice) damage

Immune to (Fir)

Earth Elemental
Large | Neutral | Elemental | Mov 15st

30 20

10 2
Resistant against (Fir)
6 6 2 2 Resistant against (Elc)

Magical rituals have been known to summon
Smash elementals to the natural world for a short time.
Attack: 1 Damage: 20 (Blg) The last known case of this was when the Mole
Range: 1 King summoned elementals to fight against the
salamanders in 72 Astria C1, 1136.
Rock Throw
Attack: 1 Damage: 15 (Blg)
Range: 10 AOE: 3 Diameter

Fungi Folk Fey
Tiny | Neutral | Fey | Mov 10st
Fey are spirits of nature that often take on the
form of small bipedal mushrooms, flowers,

5 3
and aquatic plants. Fey are good or neutral and
rarely bother themselves with the worlds of the
critters. Instead, they are happy to tend to their
ponds, forests, and villages in peace.

30 2 F ungi folk are a peaceful race of fey

that live in the underways and deep in the
forests of the Great Isle where they tend to their
MP EVA mushroom groves and worm farms. They don’t
pose any particular threat to critters and are
1 3 6 2 often thought of a sign of prosperity. However,
PHY AGI INT SOC if the fungi folk are cornered or threatened, they
will protect themselves and their tiny villages.
Attacks Monsters such as goblins and underlings are
known to raid fungi folk villages eating any of
Pummel the small fey they can capture.
Attack: 4 Damage: 1 (Blg)
Range: 1 There are three types of fungi folk day, night,
and wood fungi folk. Each fungus has an ability
Shocking Spore specific to its kind, but are otherwise the same.
Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Elc)
Range: 2 AOE: 3 Diameter
Day Fungi are white or yellow and can be
found in fields and lowlands where they farm
their land for earthworms and small crops of

Light Spore: A fungus can spend

2 mana when using the Shocking
Spore attack to gain the following:
+2 light damage for each successful
attack roll.

Night Fungi are purple and black

and are found in the underways
where they care for the vast
mushroom forests that are found
in large caverns. Night fungi also
farm glowing silkworms and
are known to trade the silk to
moles and other critters in the

Shadow Spore: A fungus can spend 2 mana isps are air fey that resemble puffy
when using the Shocking Spore attack to seeds that float through fields and
gain the following: +2 dark damage for each forests on the air currents feasting on flying
successful attack roll. insects they come across. At night wisps emit a
soft glow that attracts moths and other insects
Wood Fungi are green and olive mushroom they can eat. These wisps have been known to
fey that live deep in the forests of the Great confuse critters using the stars to navigate.
Isle. Here they find fallen timbers to build their
villages, eating the wood, and farming mosses Wisps are not considered harmful, but if they
and lichen. This lasts until the wood has been feel threatened or encounter a predator, they
consumed where they will then migrate to a new will band together to create a swarm. The power
home on another fallen timber. of the swarm depends on the number of wisps
that make it up but on average a swarm of wisps
Sap Spore: A fungus can spend 2 mana when contains 10-15 wisps.
using the Shocking Spore attack to gain the
following: any creature hit by this attack suffers Mega swarms are made up of 30+ wisps, and
a -2 evasion a -1 to all attacks for 3 rounds. despite a single wisps gentle nature, a mega
swarm can bring harm to any creature in the

Wisp Swarm surrounding area. Once per day a Mega Swarm

can cast Thunderstorm, a spell that summons
a massive thunderstorm that covers the region
Tiny | Neutral | Fey | Mov 20st
(diameter 100) and lasts for 30 minutes. Once
per turn a creature caught under the storm can
be hit by lightning (attack 1) and if hit takes 30
10 0 electric damage.


30 4

2 7 2 1

Air Whip
Attack: 4 Damage: 3 (Blg)
Range: 3

Attack: 3 Damage: 0 (Elc)
Range: 2 AOE: 3 Diameter

Creatures hit by this attack must make

an Int AC 3 or suffer -1 attacks the next

Goblins leader that can organize a horde which can lay
siege to cities and kingdoms. Unlike underlings,
goblins are not affected by sunlight.
Goblins were once critters who were corrupted

by a great evil in an age long forgotten and oblins can refer to a great number
are now filled with greed, hunger for flesh, of creatures, but most often it refers to
and a lust for power. Goblins live in roaming the smallest of the goblins, scholars call them
packs on almost every corner of the Great Isle Goblin Goblins. Like many of the smaller
where they eke out a life as bandits, pirates, or creatures that reside on the Great Isle what
marauders. Trade caravans hire adventurers goblins lack in size they make up for in numbers
to protect their goods when traveling from city and the sheer viciousness of their nature.
to city as they are often the target of goblin Goblins often roam in disorganized packs of
attacks. On occasion, goblins are henchmen 4-12. But much like their kobold cousins goblins
to more powerful critters or monsters. In will flee a fight to save their own tails if it is clear
these situations, they are usually hired muscle they cannot overpower their victims. Goblins
or fodder for the front lines. Goblins are not are usually commanded by a larger creature or
considered very intelligent, but once in a monster that can use the threat of violence to
generation, a goblin is an excellent tactician and control the unruly things.

Pack Attack: Goblins who raid in packs 6 or greater

gain +1 damage.

Cowardice: Goblins will attempt to flee any

encounter where they are outnumbered.

Goblin Orc
Small | Evil | Goblin | Mov 15st Large | Evil | Goblin | Mov 30st

12 10 35 50

5 4 10 1

2 6 1 2 7 3 2 3

Attacks Attacks
Dagger Orc Blade
Attack: 4 Damage: 4 (Prc) Attack: 3 Damage: 8 (Sla)
Range: 1 Range: 2

Cross Bow Club

Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Prc) Attack: 2 Danage: 10 (blg)
Range: 30 Range: 1

Goblin Bomb Common Orc

5mp Greater Goblin Bomb
Attack: 1 Damage: 10 (Fire) 5mp
Range: 20 AOE: 3 Diameter Attack: 2 Damage: 15 (Fir)
Range: 20 AOE: 4 Diameter

Alternative Warlock Orc build

O rcs resemble their ancient boar
ancestors who were twisted by the
great evil. Orcs are brutal warriors and prize
Skull Scepter
Attack: 3 Damage: 4 (Arc)
strength above all else. Orcs travel in warbands
Range: 10
consisting mostly of goblins, orcs, and gnolls
led by the strongest among them. This leader
Lesser Shadow Dart
must fend off challengers to maintain control of
Mp: 2
a warband. If an orc can gain control of several
Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Drk)
warbands, they can form a horde.
Blood Lust: Orcs gain +1 damage after each
Small darts made of dark energy
round they make a successful attack up to +3. If
zip towards the enemy causing dark
they fail to land an attack, this resets to 0.
damage on impact

Gnoll G nolls are tall slinky creatures with a
coat of oil-slicked fur. They resemble their
ancient rat ancestors before turning evil. These
Medium | Evil | Goblin | Mov 30st
goblins are known for their stealth abilities
and serve as thieves, assassins, scouts, and

25 40 poachers. Similar to the small goblins, packs of

gnolls can number anywhere from 8-12. Gnolls
HP AP can be found in Orc warbands. Some gnolls
can grow quite large and have been known to
challenge warband leaders to take their place.

25 6

5 10 5 4

Attack: 3 Damage: 8 (Prc)
Range: 1

2 MP

If the Gnoll makes a succesful Dagger

attack they can spend 2 mana to deal
and additional +1 (Psn) damage

Back Stab
5 MP

If the Gnoll is able to attack from

behind and makes a succesful Dagger
attack they can spend 5 mana to deal
and additional +3 (Prc) damage.

Life Drain
10 MP

If the Gnoll is able to make a succesful

Dagger attack they can spend 10 mana
to deal an additional +3 hp damage
healing themselves for the same

Bugs Spider
Medium | Neutral | Bug | Mov 30st
The most common creatures any critter will
encounter are bugs. There are many kinds of
bugs from spiders to wasps, and they come in
all shapes and sizes. Most critters are familiar 18 0
with the farmed and hunted insects such as HP AP
beetles, hoppers, and worms that they enjoy on
their dinner tables. However, wild bugs can be
hazardous, and critters can find themselves on
the dinner plate. 5 3
S piders are common monstrous bugs
critters can come across, both on the
surface lands and underways of the Great Isle. 4 4 1 1
Spiders build large sticky webs they use to PHY AGI INT SOC
capture their prey. Once a creature has become
immobilized by the sticky threads the spider Attacks
can feast on the victim at its convenience. Most
spiders are solitary, but some are known to Bite
combine their webs to increase the amount and Attack: 3 Damage: 4 (Prc)
size of prey they can capture. Range: 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 0
Range: 4

Any creature hit by web must make

an Phy AC 4 to break free or become
immobilized for 1 round.

Wasp Centipede
Medium | Neutral | Bug | Mov 90st Large | Neutral | Bug | Mov 60st

16 10 40 30

5 4 10 2

3 6 1 1 8 6 2 1

Attacks Attacks
Bite Bite
Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Prc) Attack: 2 Damage: 20 (Prc)
Range: 1 Range: 1

Sting Paralyzing Venom

Attack: 2 Damage: 12 (Prc) Attack: 2 Damage: 0
Range: 1 Range: 4

Any creature hit by the sting attack Any creature hit by the Paralyzing
must make a Phy AC 2 or become Venom must make a Phy AC 4 or
paralized for 1d6 rounds. Creatures become paralized for 2d6 rounds.
take 10 hp damage for each round they Creatures take 10 hp damage for each
are paralyzed. round they are paralyzed.

W asps are another typical bug that can have a ferocious bite that can paralyze their
pose a danger to traveling critters. These prey that is then eaten alive, unable to move or
bugs are found in the forests, coastal, and low scream. It is for this reason that a centipede’s
lands of the Great Isle. Wasps spend a majority bite is considered worse than death. Only the
of their time hunting prey. Once they locate a bravest companies will take on a centipede.
meal, they will immobilize it with venom and
either carry off their meal to be consumed in
their nests or are fed to their young. Wasp hives A nts are one of the most numerous and
varied bugs in the wilds. Ants live in large
colonies that fiercely protect their territories
can number in the 100s and pose a significant
threat to small villages and cities. from intruders. There are domestic ants that
were tamed many hundreds of years ago. These

C entipedes are found in the forests ants have had the dangerous aspects of their
and underways of the Great Isle on a nature bred out of them, unlike their wild
constant hunt for their next meal. Centipedes cousins who are naturally armed and armored.

Black Ant Black Ants are common in the fields, hills,
and lowlands of the Great Isle living in colonies
consisting of 300-1500 ants. Black ants are
Small | Neutral | Bug | Mov 15st
the closest relative to the domestic ant and
therefore the least dangerous of the wild ants.

10 5
As long as black ants are respected and never
antagonized, they will leave traveling critters
alone. However, if food is scarce black ants are
HP AP known to attack critters to steal their food or
capture smaller critters and animals. Black ants
are armed with powerful jaws and a stinger.
5 1 Fire Ants are less common and usually reside
MP EVA in the mountains or underway tunnels near the
surface. The fire ant is small compared to other
2 3 1 1 ants and is brightly colored. These ants have
a special gland that allows them to produce
a flame hot enough to melt stone.
Attacks They use this flame to carve
out their colonies from the
Bite stone of the mountains. Fire
Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Prc) ants are more aggressive
Range: 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 12 (Prc)
Range: 1

Tar Spit
Mp 5
Attack: 3 Damage: 20 (Fir)
Range: 5

Fire Ant Giant Ant
Small | Neutral | Bug | Mov 15st Large | Neutral | Bug | Mov 30st

10 10 40 20

10 3 5 2

2 4 2 1 8 3 1 1

Attacks Attacks
Bite Bite
Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Prc) Attack: 2 Damage: 10 (Prc)
Range: 1 Range: 2

Sting Crush
Attack: 2 Damage: 12 (Prc) Attack: 2 Damage: 15 (Blg)
Range: 1 Range: 2

Spit Fire Barbed Spike

Mp 2 Attack: 1 Damage: 20 (Prc)
Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Fir) Range: 5
Range: 2

than other species and will attack any creature the colony. If they kill a creature, the giant ant
unprovoked. An unchecked fire ant colony can will use its corpse to grow mushrooms for the
grow into the thousands. colony to eat. Critters that live near giant ant
colonies are known to carry fungi with them. If
Giant Ants are large green ants that are found they encounter a giant ant, they will throw the
in the forests of the Great Isle. Unlike smaller mushrooms to distract the giant, who would
ants, giant ant colonies only number in the much rather eat then engage, while the critter
tens growing on average to 20-30 ants. The makes a quick escape.
colonies of the giant ants can be located in large
trees where they tunnel into the wood of the
tree. Giant ants are herbivores, preferring to T hunder beetles are a rare bug
known to live on the coastal shores of the
Great Isle. Most often found among the tidal
eat the leaves of trees and ferns, but will attack
any creature that poses a threat to them or pools where they use their innate electrical

ability to stun trapped fish before eating them.
Each time they use this ability, they create a
loud thunderous sound, which is how they
Thunder Beetle
got their name. Many coastal critters have Medium | Neutral | Bug | Mov 30st
been fooled into thinking there was a great
thunderstorm on the horizon when, in fact, a
huddle of thunder beetles were just out of sight.
Thunder beetles are considered harmless if kept
22 40
at a distance but can become aggressive during HP AP
the spring months or in times of famine.

28 2

3 3 2 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 10 (Sla)
Range: 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Elc)
Range: 2

Electric Shock
4 Mp
Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Elc)
Range: 1 AOE: 2 line

Slime Slimes
Small | neutral | Slime | Mov 10st
Slimes are the most common monster critters
encounter and are found almost everywhere
in the wilds. These mindless monsters are
attracted to the vibrations of moving creatures,
slowly moving towards their origin until they
25 0
can capture and envelope their victims. If the
victim cannot escape the slime, then they are

5 0
digested alive. Slimes are easily influenced by
the elements that surround them and therefore
come in many different shapes and sizes, each
with a unique magical ability. MP EVA

G reen slimes are what most would

call regular slimes. These slimes are found
almost everywhere and can even become a
1 3
2 2

problem infesting basements and attics. Once Attacks

a slime has been thoroughly cut up, it must
be covered with salt or the pieces will come Pummel
together or even worse grow new slimes. Attack: 3 Damage: 2 (Blg)
Range: 1
Replicate: If a green slime receives (Sla) damage
it will split in two halving its hp and now counts Orange Slime Variant
as two slimes. If the slimes are reduced to 1 hp, Fire crack
they can be salted and destroyed. If they remain Mp: 1
unsalted, each slime grows into an adult in 48 Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Fir)
hours. Range: 2

O range slimes are slimes influenced

by fire and heat. These slimes are
often found near sources of high heat such
Blue Slime Variant
Freezing Mist
Mp: 1
as volcanoes where magma flows, or in the Attack: 2 Damage: 3 (Ice)
chimneys of blacksmiths. These slimes are Range: 4
resistant to (Fir) and weak against (Ice) and
(Wtr) damage. Unlike green slimes, orange Any creature hit by this attack can
slimes do not duplicate when attacked and only move half their total mov for 1d6
when their hp is reduced to 0 they turn into rounds.
a small black stone. If these little stones are
heated, a new orange slime can spawn. Black Slime Variant
Lesser Shadow Dart

B lue slimes, or cubes, are slimes

that live in ice ridden environments
such as glaciers, mountain tops, and tundras
Mp: 1
Attack: 1 Damage: 6 (Drk)
of the wilds. Because of their cold nature, blue
slimes are the slowest moving slimes moving Small darts made of dark energy
only 5st per turn and can often be mistaken for zip towards the enemy causing dark
ice formations. Blue slimes utilize ice magic to damage on impact

freeze and slow their victims, giving the slime
ample time to envelope their prey. If blue
slimes take (Fir) damage, they will melt into a
shimmering pool and become inert until they
are reintroduced to a cold environment. Plague Touch: If touched by the black slime,
a creature must make an Agi AC 4 or become

B lack slimes, or puddings, are

the most dangerous of the standard
slimes. These slimes are often found in
plagued. Plagued creatures move at half speed
and suffer -1 to all attack rolls. A purple line will
appear in the infected area. This line will grow
graveyards, tombs, or any place the dead are in the direction of the creature’s heart. Once
kept. It is here that they eat the flesh from the the path reaches the heart, usually 3 days, the
corpses. Unlike other slimes, black slimes are creatures hp will be reduced to 0. Plague can be
very fast, moving at 30st per round. Puddings cured at a temple or stopped by amputation.
will attack anything that moves in the hopes it
is digestible. Because black slimes consume so
much dead flesh, they are riddled with disease
and to be touched by a black slime can mean,
at best, amputation.

The Strange
The strange are creatures that
inhabit the least understood
plane of existence simply
known as The Strange.
When these creatures
cross over to the natural
world, nature forces them
to take on a form. The strange

Grinning Horror
Medium | Evil | Strange | Mov 40ft

35 00 are so alien to the natural world that they

become grotesque nightmarish creatures
often composed of multiple eyes, mouths,

60 2
tendrils, and rows of teeth. Most of the
strange encountered have shown high degrees
of intelligence combined with little to no
MP EVA regard for life. Some strange have gathered
underlings or goblin minions whose minds
6 6 10 1 they warp with magic. No critters really
PHY AGI INT SOC understand what the strange’s motives are,
but some mages believe they are followers
Attacks of a mysterious god, XyXrl, who is trying to
devour the natural world. Scholars believe
Bite that the glowing mouths of strange creatures
Attack: 2 Damage: 15 (Prc) are actually portals and to be devoured means
Range: 1 being sent to the unimaginable horror that is
The Strange.
Miasma Belch
Attack: 1 Damage: 15 (Fir) G rinning Horrors get their
name from the glowing grin that can
be seen smiling down from the darkness.
Range: 5 AOE: 3 Diameter
Despite its terrifying appearance, the oddest
Psychic Snare thing about this creature is that its gravity is
7Mp reversed, forever falling upwards and away
Attack: 1 Damage: 10 (Fir) from the ground. Because of this grinning
Range: 15 horrors are found on the ceilings of caves
and caverns. Here they wait for underlings or
Creatures hit by this attack must roll an moles to pass underneath. These monsters are
Int AC(3) or are unable to act on their rarely found on the surface world for fear they
next turn. may not find a ceiling and fall up into infinity.

W andering Maw are strange
flying creatures composed of many eyes, Wandering Maw
mouths, several wings, and a tendril covered Medium | Evil | Strange | Mov 75ft
body. A wandering maw can move in any
direction at any time. Its multiple wings existing

36 00
at various points of time on numerous timelines,
making it one of the hardest targets to hit on the
Great Isle.

20 8

6 6 4 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 10 (Prc)
Range: 1

Toxic Belch
Attack: 2 Damage: 15 (Acd)
Range: 6 AOE: 3 Line

Time Line Strike

Attack: 6 Damage: 3 (Acd)
Range: 3

If all of the Time Line Strike attacks

miss the wandering maw can reverse
time and try again, once per round.

Underlings Kobold
Small | Evil | Underling | Mov 30st
Monsters that come from the underways, the
underground world found deep in the earth,
are known as underlings. Underlings are the
corrupted minions of Rasselbok from the first
calamity. These monsters usually attack in the
5 6
nighttime hours due to an aversion to the sun’s
light. Underlings are known to attack during

6 3
the day in areas where the sun’s light does not
reach like a thick forest or under the water.

K obolds are found in the caves and
tunnels that come to the surface. They
are too frightened of the stronger creatures in 1 3 2 2
the underways, but find the light of the surface PHY AGI INT SOC
unbearable. Kobolds will gather in the dozens
forming large raiding packs. Once they are confident Attacks
in their numbers, they will attack nearby villages
and farms under cover of night. Kobolds can also be Dagger
found as foot soldiers to stronger monsters who use Attack: 1 Damage: 2 (Prc)
them as fodder in battle. Range: 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Prc)
Pack Attack: Kobolds who raid in Range: 2
packs of 4 or greater gain +1 attack

Cowardice: Kobolds will attempt to

flee any encounter where they are

Kobolds are the smallest and weakest
of the underlings. In a battle, for what
they lack in strength, they make up
for in numbers. Kobolds ambush
their victims in packs of 3d6 and do
their best to separate their victims,
using their forks to drive back their
victims. If under the control of
stronger monster kobolds may be
compelled to fight to the death fearing
the punishment they may receive for

B ugbears are hulking ugly
monsters that live deep in the caverns of Bugbear
the underways battling against other creatures Medium | Evil | Underling | Mov 30st
for territory and treasure. Some bugbears have
been known to come to the surface in search
of treasure. Bugbears feed on kobolds, insects,
and other creatures found in the underways but 20 10
above all else, bugbears love the taste of critters HP AP
and rarely pass up the chance to kill a critter.
Bugbears are vicious fighters and will take on
any opponent. This stubborn brutality leads to
infighting among many bugbear troops. 6 2

4 2 2 2

Attack: 2 Damage: 10 (Blg)
Range: 1

Attack: 4 Damage: 6 (Prc)
Range: 1

Blood Lust: bugbears gain +1

attack after each round they
make a successful attack up to
+3. If they fail to land an attack
this resets to 0.

It’s Personal: If a critter makes

a successful attack that deals
damage greater than 15 in a
single turn the bugbear will take
it as a personal offense and focus
their attention on that character.

Weak against (Fir) damage

Large | Evil | Underling | Mov 30st

40 10

6 2

8 4 2 2 T rolls are monsters that come from deep

in the underways where they live in deep
underground rivers and lakes. On occasion, a troll
finds its way to the surface world. A troll’s presence
Attacks can foul freshwater, and they will kill and devour
any creature they come across. Trolls stay in or near
Claw water at all times due to their weakness to fire.
Attack: 4 Damage:15 (Sla)
Range: 2 Water Breath: A troll can breathe underwater.

Bite Venomous: If a character is bitten by a troll they must

Attack: 2 Damage: 12 (Prc) roll a Phy AC3 or take 4 HP damage for 2d6 rounds.
Range: 1
Regenerate: A troll can forgo its turn to regenerate
health it has lost in battle (6d6 healing).

Small | Evil | Underling | Mov 30st
T roglodytes were the first
critters to be corrupted by Rasselbok
in the first calamity. After the corruptor

36 12
was banished to the void, the troglodytes
fled to the underways deep, deep in the
ground. Here they wait for the return of
their master to once again wage war on the
surface. These monsters are also known

5 1
to inhabit dark woods and shaded valleys
where they hunt critters. Others serve trolls
and bugbears as fearsome fighters in the
MP EVA many underling wars.

6 4 1 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Sla)
Range: 1

Attack: 2 Damage: 12 (Prc)
Range: 1

Weak against (Hel) damage
Sml-Lrg | Evil | Undead | Mov 30st

5 20

5 0

1 1 1 1

Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Sla)
Range: 1

Shield Bash
Attack: 2 Damage: 8 (Blg)
Range: 1

Undead creatures are the corpses and spirits
S keletons are the reanimated bones
of a long-dead creature that have been
possessed by a spirit. Mindless skeletons can
of the dead brought back to this world through
sometimes be found roaming ancient ruins and
forces of darkness or corruption. Undead can
tombs, but skeletons that work as a team are
be found almost anywhere a creature can die,
under the control of a necromancer or cultist.
and the cause of their condition varies wildly.
When a skeleton is defeated, the bones will
Disease, dark magic, void corruption, or a tragic
burst into dust, and the bound soul will fade
death are among many of the reasons for the
undead to rise. The undead are considered
unnatural and an affront to the natural order
of life, which makes them the number one
enemy of many priests, knights, and devotees of
W raith are the souls of critters
and creatures that, for one reason or
another, have been forced to stay in the realm of
the living. They may have unfinished business,
are protecting a treasure or relic, or met a
Undead monsters are weak against healing
tragic end and have yet to realize they are dead.
damage and take double damage instead of
Beware a wraith’s touch for it can be deadly.
being healed.

Wraith Ghoul
Medium | Evil | Undead | Mov 60st Sml-Lrg | Evil | Undead | Mov 40st

-10 0 40 0

24 4 10 2

0 6 4 4 8 3 2 4

Attacks Attacks
Ghostly touch Claw
Attack: 4 Damage: 5 (Drk) Attack: 2 Damage: 6 (Drk/Sla)
Range: 1 Range: 1

Haunting Scream Chomp

Attack: 3 Damage: 6 (Prc) Attack: 2 Damage: 10 (Drk)
Range: 10 AOE: 3 Line Range: 1

Possess Leaping Pounce

MP: 10 Attack: 3 Damage: 8 (Drk/Sla)
Range: 5
A wraith succesfully touches a creature
it can spend 10 mana to possess that The ghoul leaps at its victim and
creature for 1d6 rounds. frantically slashes with its claws.

Paralizing Gaze
MP: 5

G houls are the corpses of creatures that

were corrupted by the void and are now
driven by an unending hunger for the flesh of
The ghoul locks eyes with its victim
who must make a Int AC 3 or become
the living. Ghouls are quick, deadly, and a horde paralyzed with fear for 2 rounds.
of ghouls can devour the population of a small
village in hours. Ghoul Call
MP: 10
Ghoul’s bite: If a character is bitten by a ghoul
they must make 3 rolls, Phy AC 3, if that A ghoul lets out a blood curdling
character fails all three checks they become scream that summons 2 additional
corrupted by the void and must be healed at a ghould to fight by its side
temple within 72 hours or turn into a ghoul.

Home Brew Monster Template

| | |





Treasure Caches
Treasure Caches such as secret cubbies or Using Mana Stones
chests are the most common loot. Treasure
caches primarily consist of coins, gems,
precious metals, and other valuables. On Fire Brand Mana Stone Longsword
occasion a cache may contain an uncommon
or rare magical item such as mana stones,
artifacts, potions, or accessories.

Wild Lands is meant to be a medium to high

magic setting, however, GMs are welcome to
adjust this to better fit their campaign or play

Everyone agrees that food, especially
delicious food can bestow magical effects on
those who eat it. Occasionally critters may
find some delightful foods tucked away in
treasure. These magical foods never spoil and
contain magical properties.

Before the first calamity, magical technology
had advanced far beyond today’s current
understanding. When Rasselbok was
banished to the void, Orsa changed the rules
of magic to hide away her secrets once more.
However, many magical accessories of the
first and second age, known as artifacts,
survived and are hidden away in the dark
corners of the isle or deep in old ruins.
Artifacts have no base value but have been
known to fetch a handsome amount at

Mana Stones
Mana stones are obsidian stones adorned
with magical runes. When a character places Fire Brand Sword
the stone to a weapon, they will magically
combine. When combined the power of the
stone is fused with the weapon which can
change the weapons physical appearance, A mana stone (Fire Brand) combined with a longsword
grant additional abilities, or add additional creates a Fire Brand Sword
attacks. Each weapon can only have one
mana stone active. If a character is replacing
a Mana Stone, the original stone is destroyed.

Food Effect
Sweet Roll 1 use, restores +18 hp
Candied Berry 1 use, restores +15 Mp
Cherry Jam 2 use, restores +10 mp, +10Hp

Savory Jerky 1 use, Restores +5 HP

Sweet Tart 1 use, +1 dice on the characters next Int Ability Check

Nut Cake 2 uses, restores 3d6 HP

Honey Doughnut 1 use, restores 5 hp and 10 mp
Roasted Salt Fish 1 use, restores 4d6 hp and 4d6 mp
Nectar Water 1 use, Refreshes characters as if they have rested for 8 hours
Berry Juice 1 use, +1 dice on the characters next Soc Ability Check
Nutty Ale 1 use, +1 dice on the characters next Phy Ability Check
Berry Ale 1 use, +1 dice on the characters next Agi Ability Check
Spring Water 1 use, Restore +3 HP, +3MP
Salt -

Artifacts Effect
Maddie’s Pouch Maddie’s Pouch can hold up to 15 items of large or smaller size

Marbles of Mishap AOE Diamter 5: any thing that start its turn in the AOE suffer -1 to all rolls

Bag of Ever Bread Once per day the bag produces a small bun that heals for +5hp

Exploding Stone When tossed the stone explodes dealing 5 dmg in AOE 3 Diameter
Heaven Bell Wards an area with a diameter of 30 from demons
Ever Light A torch that can never go out, illuminates diameter of 20
Magic Rope 20 stalk rope that can magically stand and be climbed at any time
Anklet of Speed +15 movement
Tala’s Magic Key A magical key that can unlock any non magical door
Mind Stone +2 intellect
Contract Quill Agreements signed with this quill must be fulfilled or suffer a curse
Portal Chalk 10 uses, Any closed shape drawn by this chalk turns into a doorway
Arcane Hood +2 arcane damage to all arcane attacks
Magic Hat +10 MP

Star Cap +2 damage to all attacks when also using Tome of Stars and Moon

Artifact Effect
Mage Cap +2 to one roll when casting a spell
Archer Hat +2 to one attack roll when using a bow
Ring of Cleaning Ring keeps its wearer magically clean at all times

Ring of Reading Ring allows the character to comprehend ancient and magical text
Magic Ring Store 5mp in the ring once per day, up to 20mp, call on stored MP any time
Prismatic Ring 5mp, Rng 10, attack 5, dmg 10(Lit): Send rays of light at up to 5 enemies

Ring of the Phoenix If HP reaches 0 become magically healed for 20hp, the ring is destroyed after

Ring of Soothing 5mp: add +2 to a Soc ability check roll when trying to calm someone

Ring of Divine Light 10mp AOE adjacent: Summon a light that prevents demons from entering

Ring of Protection +10 AP

Ring of Wrath 6mp: After Evading an attack make a counter attack
Quick Step Boots +1 evasion
Boots of Climbing +1 dice to all ability checks involving climbing
Boots of Hop Wearer can hop up to 9 stalks into the air
Boots of Travel +5 Fields per day
Gloves of Sparking +2 to all electric damage dealt by the wearer

Gloves of Arcana +2 to all arcane damage dealt by the wearer

Gloves of Taur +2 Phy

Star Gloves 2mp, Rng 5, Atk 2, Dmg 6: Shoot a barrage of stars at the enemy
Bee Earrings Summon 2 bee companions for up to an hour a day
Void Stone Earring Absorbs up to 10 Dark damage per day
Earring of Ever Ice 10MP: water freezes at your touch and doesn’t melt for 2 days
Star Stone Earring Cannot get lost while under the light of the stars
Sun Stone Earring When exposed to sunlight the wearer heals 10hp per hour.
Pearlecent Earring Allows the wearer to stay under water for 1 hour.
Shadow Earring 2mp: Turn into a shadow and teleport instantly up to your move distance

Coral Earring Can never be lost while out to sea

Dragon Earring +3 to Phy
Necklace of Truth Wearer is compelled to tell the truth no matter what

Shield Pendant 5mp: Summon a magical shield that grants +20 AP

Artifact Effect
Polymorph Pendant 15mp: Transform into any shape for up to an hour
Summer Charm +2 damage to all melee attacks during the Time of Astria
Pendant of Dispel 20mp: Dispell any magical effect the pendant touches
Necklace of Detection 10mp: Necklace points in the direction of any magical energies
Thunder Pendant +2 electric damage when using electric attacks

Time Stone 50mp: move backwards and forwards in time to skip or redo a turn

Cloak of Hiding +1 to all ability checks when attempting to hide

Cloak of Shadows Instantly travel between shadows within your move distance

Cloak of Web Wearer can walk along walls and on water as if they were a spider

Cloak of Invisibility 10mp: Wearer becomes invisible until they attack or take damage

Mana Stones Effect
Flame Wind Can be applied to Ranged weapons to create Flame Wind Bows

Astria’s Fire (fir) (lvl 3)

Mp: 6 Rng:20 AOE:3 diameter Attack: 2 Damage: 12
Your arrow charges with magical fire energy. When fired your arrow splits into three,
fiery, missiles that explode on impact damaging any creature caught in the blast area.
This attack deals double damage to inanimate objects such as doors, walls, pillars.

Line of Fire (fir) (lvl 5)

Mp: 15 Rng:20 Attack: 3 Damage: 10
Your arrows leave behind a line of flame that lasts 3 rounds. Any creature caught
in that line suffers 12 damage. Any creature that starts its turn in the line of flame
suffers an additional 10 fire damage.

Fire Brand Can be applied to any weapon

Flame Strike (fir) (lvl 3)

Mp: 5
As a quick action the character can spend 5mp to wreath their weapons in flame
granting +3 fire damage to all attacks. To keep the weapon aflame the character must
spend an additional 5mp per round.

Frost Brand Can be applied to any weapon

Frost Strike (ice) (lvl 3)

Mp: 5
As a quick action the character can spend 5mp to wreath their weapons in biting
cold granting +3 ice damage to all attacks. To keep the weapon chilled the character
must spend an additional 5mp per round.

Void Can be applied to any weapon

Corrupted Frenzy (lvl5)

Sacrifice 20 Hp
The character becomes twisted with the fury of the void dealing +5 dark damage
with every successful attack, If a character dies while in a corrupted frenzy they
will be consumed by the void and turn into a ghoul.

Diamond Can be applied to any edged weapon

Passive: the weapon’s edge becomes as strong and as sharp as a diamond granting
+1 damage to all attacks.

Ghostly Grasp Grasp Can be applied to any non-arcane weapon

Passive: The weapon takes on a ghostly appearance granting +1 ice damage to all
attacks, +3 against undead.

Lightning Brand Can be applied to any edged weapon

Lightning Strike (elc) (lvl 3) 10 bry

Mp: 5
As a quick action the character can spend 5mp to wreath their weapon in crackling
electricity granting +3 electric damage to all attacks.

Dragon Fire Can be Combined with any polearm

Dragons Breath (fir) (lvl 5)

Mp: 8 Rng:3 AOE: 3 Cone Attack: 3 Damage: 15
Your attack is so fast and powerful that it ignites the air around your polearm
causing a jet of flame to shoot forward dealing damage to all those caught in its

Razor Ice Can be applied to any weapon

Passive: Your weapon emits a chilling vapor that grants +1 Ice damage to all

Grounding Can be applied to any weapon

Passive: Your weapon channels any electrical attacks away from you absorbing up
to 15 points of damage per round.

Vampiric Can be applied to any edged weapon

Life Drain
5 Mp
As a quick action a character can activate their weapons vampiric powers causing
the weapon to turn a deep crimson, any damage dealt by the weapon this turn
heals you for the same amount.

Soul Drain (lvl 5)

If a drain attack fells an enemy a character can spend an additional 8 mp to drain
that enemies soul. For every soul drained by the weapon gain +1 attack dice to all
attacks until the end of combat.

Blessed Can be applied to any weapon

Passive Ability: Your weapon becomes blessed with the power of the heavens
granting +1 damage to all attacks made against demons and undead.

Restoring Can be applied to any arcane weapon

Mp 5
The Character weaves a spell that restores objects to their former glory. When
applied to armor this spell restores up to 20 AP.

Life Can be applied to any arcane weapon

Passive: Undead fear your weapon and will stay 60 stalks away from you at all times.

Resurrection (lvl 3)
20mp, Range 2
The character weaves a magical spell that can resurrect any creature that has died in
the last 3 days as long as the corpse is intact. If this spell is cast on undead creatures
roll 2 attack dice, if they are hit then they disintegrate instantly.

Star Light Can be applied to any bludgeoning weapon

Star Strike (Lit) (lvl 3)

Mp: 5
As a quick action the character can spend 5mp to wreath their weapons in Holy
Light granting +3 light damage to all attacks.

Comet (Lit) (lvl 5)

Mp: 10 AOE: All Adjacent, Attack 3, damage 10
Your weapon glows with celestial light as you swing with devastating effect.

Shadow Can be applied to any arcane weapon

Shadow: (lvl 3)
Mp: 15
Summon a darkling to fight by your side for up to 4 rounds before it vanishes back
into the void. If the Summoner dies before the shadowling vanishes it will begin to
attack any creature near it including allies.

Shadow Spike:(lvl 5)
Mp:12 Range 15, Attack 4, Damage 12
Summon spikes of pure shadow to impale your target.

Vorpal Can be applied to any non-arcane weapon

Passive: +5 damage against any creature from the strange.

Oro’s Light Can be applied to any Tome

Beam (lvl3) Rage 5, Attack 3, Damage 12

Send a beam of light that slams against the target, any enemy caught in the path of
the beam suffers 5 damage, any ally caught in the beam is healed for 5 damage.

Pillar of Light (lvl 5)

Mp 8. Range 10, AOE 5 diameter
Summon a pillar of light, any evil creatures who start their turn in this pillar
suffer -10hp, can only move half their speed, and -1 to all rolls.

Venom Can be applied to any non-arcane weapon

Passive: Whenever this weapon deals damage the target becomes poisoned
suffering -5 damage every round until cured with an antidote or herb.

Might Can be applied to any weapon

Passive: Grants +1 damage to all attacks.

Roc Eye Can be applied to any Bow

Passive: Grants +1 to up to 2 attack rolls per round.

Swiftness Can be applied to any weapon

Passive: If you succesfully evade an attack you may roll 1 additional evasion dice
to avoid any additional attacks. expires at the end of the round.

Warding Can be applied to any weapon

Passive: Character is psychically warned if their worst fear is within 1 field of

them. Player must identify their character’s worst fear.

Illusion Can be applied to any weapon

Passive: when making attacks the wielder takes on a blurred ethereal look making
their movements hard to predict. Twice per round If a target evades an attack the
wielder can reroll that attack.

Random Loot

Small Meduim Large

1 Roll 2 Rolls 3 Rolls

Weapon (d100)
Start Here (d100) 01-25 Bludgeon 61-75 Scimitar
1-40 Coins 26-50 Edge 76-90 Short Sword
41-50 Weapon 51-65 Polearm 90-00 Great Sword
51-65 Armor 66-80 Ranged
66-70 Accessory 81-90 Book Polearms (d100)
71-90 Item 91-00 Rod 01-15 Glaive
81-90 Food 16-30 Halberd
91-97 Artifact Bludgeon(d100) 31-45 Battle Spade
98-00 Mana Stone 01-12 Flail 46-60 Spear
13-24 Spiked Mace 61-75 Battle Staff
25-36 Studded Mace 76-90 Lance
38-48 Hammer 90-00 Tridant
Coins (d100) 49-50 Throw. Hammer
1-10 Grain (1d6) 51-62 Battle Hammer Ranged (d100)
11-20 Grain (2d6) 63-75 Maul 01-25 Short Bow
21-25 Grain (3d6) 76-00 Club 26-50 Long Bow
26-35 Berry (2d6x2) 51-60 Battle Bow
36-45 Berry (2d6x4) Edge (d100) 61-70 War Bow
46-50 Berry (2d6x5) 1-15 Axe 71-80 Hand Crossbow
50-55 Nuts (3d6x2) 16-30 Battle Axe 81-90 Crossbow
56-75 Nuts (3d6x3) 31-45 Dagger 91-00 War Crossbow
75-00 Nuts (3d6x4) 46-60 Long Sword

Trove Dragon’s Hoard

5 Rolls 8 Rolls

Tome (d100) Accessories(d100) 46-50 Rope

01-25 Moon and Star 01-03 Silver Earing 51-52 Grappling Hook
26-50 Oak 04-08 Power Bangle 53-55 Pack
51-75 Golden Jay 9-12 Pearl Pendant 56 Tent
76-00 Arcane 13-20 Red S Scarf 57-58 Bedroll
20-25 Lily Pendant 59-62 Lantern
Rod(d100) 25-30 Oak Ring 63-80 Oil
01-25 Pearl 31-35 Ash Ring 81-83 Candle
26-50 Star 36-40 Silver Circlet 84 Blessed Candle
51-75 Crystal 41-45 Blue S Gloves 85 Sacred Oil
75-00 Oak 46-60 Buckler 86-90 Cedar Incense
61-80 Round Shield 91-94 Net
Armor (d100) 81-95 Kite Shield 95-96 Water Leaf
01-15 Padded Tunic 96-00 Mage Shield 97-00 Horn
16-30 Quilted Robes
31-40 Leather L Vest Items (d100) Potions (d100)
41-50 Studded Coat 01-05 Potion 1-30 Healing
51-60 Chain Mail 06-12 Anridote 31-59 Mending
61-70 Scale Mail 13-20 Berry Jam 60-69 Arcane
71-85 Breast Plate 21-27 Apple Butter 70-79 Iron Fur
85-90 Half Plate 28-36 Candied Nut 80-90 True Sight
91-96 Full Plate 37-42 Tea 90-95 Inner Fire
97-00 Mole Steel Plate 43-45 Herbs 96-00 Inner Spark

Food (d100) 41-50 Prismatic Ring 05-06 Dragons Fire
01-25 Sweet Roll 51-60 Ring of the Phoenix 13-18 Frost Brand
26-50 Candied Berry 61-70 Ring of Soothing 19-24 Ice Bite
51-55 Cherry Jam 71-80 Ring of Divine Light 25-28 Lightning Brand
56-60 Savory Jerky 81-90 Ring of Protection 29-32 Grounding
61-65 Sweet Tart 91-00 Ring of Wrath 32-36 Vampiric
66-70 Nut Cake 37-38 Blessed
71-72 H. Doughnut Boots (d100) 39-40 Restoring
73-78 R. S. Fish 01-25 Boots Quickstep 41-42 Life
79-80 Nectar Water 26-50 Boots of Climbing 44-48 Star Light
81-82 Berry Juice 51-75 Boots of Hop 49 Shadow
83-84 Nutty Ale 76-00 Boots of Travel 53-56 Vorpal
85-86 Berry Ale 57-60 Oro’s Light
87-95 Spring Water Gloves(d100) 61-64 Void
96-00 Salt 01-25 Gloves of Sparking 65-68 Diamond Edge
26-50 Gloves of Arcana 69-82 Ghostly Grasp
Artifacts (d100) 51-75 Gloves of Taur 83-86 Venom
00-03 Maddie’s Pouch 76-00 Star Gloves 87 Instinct
04-06 Marbles of Mis. 88-93 Might
08-11 Bag: Ever Bread Earrings (d100) 93-94 Roc Eye
12-14 Exploding Stones 01-12 Bee Earrings 94-98 Swiftness
16-19 Heaven Bell 13-24 Void Stone Earring 99 Warding
20-24 Ever Light 25-38 Earring of Ever Ice 00 Illusion
25-29 Magic Rope 39-50 Star Stone Earring
30-34 Anklet of Speed 51-62 Sun Stone Earring
35-37 Tala’s Magic Key 63-74 Pearlecent Earring
38-39 Mind Stone 75-84 Shadow Earring
40-41 Contract Quill 86-96 Coral Earring
42-44 Portal Chalk 97-00 Dragon Earring
45-49 Head Wear*
50-54 Gloves* Necklace (d100)
55-59 Boots* 01-12 Necklace of Truth
60-69 Rings* 13-24 Shield Pendant
70-79 Earring* 26-38 Polymorph Pendant
80-89 Necklace* 39-50 Summer Charm
90-00 Cloak* 51-62 Pendant of Dispel
*see additional roll charts 63-74 Necklace of Detection
75-88 Thunder Pendant
Headware (d100) 89-00 Time Stone
1-20 Arcane Hood
21-40 Magic Hat Cloak (d100)
41-60 Star Cap 01-25 Cloak of Concealment
61-80 Mage’s Cap 26-50 Cloak of Shadows
81-00 Archers Cap 51-75 Cloak of Web
76-00 Cloak of Invisibility
Rings (d100)
1-20 Ring of Clean Mana Stones (d100)
21-30 Ring of Reading 01-02 Flame Wind
31-40 Magic Ring 03-04 Fire Brand

Thank You for Playing

Phy Agi Int Soc



Name Critter Level

Weapon Type
Skill Ability SP

Attack Attack
Skill Ability SP
Mp Rng AOE Mp Rng AOE

Atk Dmg Type Atk Dmg Type

Skill Ability SP

Attack Attack

Skill Ability SP
Mp Rng AOE Mp Rng AOE

Atk Dmg Type Atk Dmg Type

Armor AP Max Eva

Nuts Berries



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