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Ashleie Rouse

April 26, 2020

Education 201

Philosophy of Education

I’m still going to continuing to get my degree in Elementary Education. My mother

Stephanie Hillyard inspired me to become a teacher. My entire life I have been around kids, due

to my mom being a teacher herself, to a director of a school and so on, within the education

system. I would have to say that my personal knowledge is still growing to become a teacher. I

believe that even teachers who have been teaching for years and still finding themselves learning

new teaching ways every day. That’s what makes a good teacher, whiling to continue to learn

and not set in your ways. At the end of the day, you want what’s best for your students and if that

means you need to adjust then so be it. I believe that I personally have an advantage in becoming

a teacher, because not only have I been around teachers, but I currently am a nanny. I have been

a nanny for about 9 years, with having a variety of ages I have worked with. Being a nanny to me

is the next step into becoming a teacher because I’m teaching the children. Some complexities of

the school system that I’m choosing to enter would be different levels of education, ethic

backgrounds, and language barriers with students and parents.

My educational philosophy orientation would be existentialism which is: in the face of an

indifferent universe, students should acquire an education that will enable them to assign

meaning to their lives. My psychological orientation would be humanism which is: children are

innately good, and education should focus on individual needs, personal freedom, and self-

actualization. Personally, I think that the education system is still lacking in their goals on what

children should be learning. I believe that common core doesn’t achieve the goals of teaching

children everything they need to know when they become an adult. They don’t teach enough
about how to get a job, pay tax, how to properly vote, what laws there are for the country they

live in, and most importantly human rights, etc. I believe that instead of teaching students about

the old random history that I know that the school systems aren’t the greatest but can always

have time for improvement, just like teachers.

I want my classroom to be a fun and exciting place to be. I don’t want my students to

have that feeling of hatred for being in my class. I want to have a lot of hands on in my

classroom, as well as activities that are individual and as a group. I personally believe that when

you make a classroom fun and exciting your students will soak up the knowledge in a fun way

and retain it all too. In my classroom I want student diversity, and how I want to explain it to my

class would be with a mini project on themselves and bring in something that in to show the rest

if the class that being different is a good thing. I want all my students to feel welcomed and a

sense of comfort. I will have a set of classroom rules that will be posted on the wall, as well as

each student will have a handout of the rules to bring home to their parents and also a one

handout per student table.

I personally believe that you need to possess dedication, passion, patience and

understanding to move forward to become a teacher. I plan on continuing to volunteer at my

assigned elementary school from this class. I personally have talked to the principle and teacher,

to let me future my knowledge and understanding of the classroom, by volunteering until my

degree is complete. I’m going to be taking my Praxis within the next couple months, so that I

will be able to take advance classes as well as earning my role as part time teacher. I plan on

receiving my degree in elementary education, so I can become a Kindergarten teacher at the

school I’m currently volunteering at.

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