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Bueno aquí te va:

Isadora: Hi Cecilia!

Cecilia: Hi Isadora is nice to see you again!!

Isadora:I know, is nice to see you too! How you've been?

Cecilia: Really good! How about your self?

Isadora: I'm doing great. I haven't seen you in forever.

Cecilia: I know. So what's new girl?

Isadora: Well, I got married this past month, February 3rd to be exact!!

Cecilia: Really? That is awesome!! I'm really happy for you!

Isadora:Thank you!. By the way, I would like to introduce you to my sister in law Lupita.
Lupita this is my friend Cecilia from high school and Cecilia this is my lovely sister in law

Lupita: Hi Cecilia nice to meet you.

Cecilia:Is nice to meet you too Lupita. So what are you ladies doing today?

Lupita: We are going to the art museum. Would you like to come with us?

Cecilia: I wish I can go but I have to work this afternoon. I'm trying to make extra money so I can go

to Italy this comming winter.

Lupita: Sounds like fun! I always wanted to go to Italy. Two years ago I went to Germany and it was


Cecilia: Wow cool!. I know Europe is amazing, I coudn't go last year because I was broke but I'm
definitely going this one.
Well I have to let you go girls because is getting late and I have to be at my job at 1:00 pm.

Isadora: Ok Cecilia! But hold on, before you go let me give you my phone number, here:
(704) 523 15 54. Call me so maybe we can all hang out this coming friday.
Cecilia: Yes, sound good! Well, have fun at the museum ,ok!

Lupita: We will for sure. Bye Cecilia and again, was nice meeting you.

Cecilia: Bye girls. Take care.

Lupita: You too.

Isadora: You too take care Cecilia and keep in touch ok! Bye!!

La traduccion:

Isadora: Hola Cecilia!

Cecilia: Hola Isadora! que gusto volverte a ver.

Isadora: Ya se, me da gusto verte también. Como has estado?

Cecilia: Muy bien y tu?

Isadora: Me va de maravilla. No te había visto en mucho tiempo.

Cecilia: Ya se. Y que me cuentas de nuevo?

Isadora: Me case el mes pasado, el 3 de febrero para ser exacta.

Cecilia: De verdad? Que suave! Estoy muy feliz por ti.

Isadora: Gracias. Por cierto, me gustaría presentarte a mi cunada Lupita.

Lupita esta es mi amiga Cecilia, de la prepa y Cecilia esta es mi cunada Lupita.

Lupita: Hola Cecilia, mucho gusto.

Cecilia: Mucho gusto Lupita. Y que planes tienen hoy?

Lupita: Vamos a ir al Museo de arte. Quieres venir con nosotras?

Cecilia: Me gustaría ir pero tengo que trabajar esta tarde. Estoy tratando de hacer un dinero extra
para poder ir de vacaciones a Italia este invierno.

Lupita: Suena divertido. Siempre quise ir a Italia. Hace dos años fui a Alemania y fue genial!.
Cecilia: Wow que bien! Yo se, Europa es asombrosa, no pude ir el año pasado porque no tenia
dinero pero este definitivamente si voy.
Bueno chicas las tengo que dejar ir porque se hace tarde y tengo que estar en mi trabajo a
la 1:00 pm.

Isadora: Ok Cecilia, pero espera, antes de que te vayas déjame darte mi numero de teléfono
704 523 1554. Llámame a ver si podemos salir todas juntas este viernes que viene.

Cecilia: Si, suena bien. Bueno, que se diviertan en el museo!

Lupita: Seguro que nos divertiremos. Adios Cecilia y otra vez, fue un placer conocerte.

Cecilia: Adios chicas! Se cuidan.

Lupita: Tu tambien.

Isadora: Tu tambien te cuidas Cecilia y mantente en contacto ok?! Adios!

Bueno espero que esto te sirva para tu tarea. La verdad para eso de los dialogos no tengo mucha
imaginacion jejeje.
Cualquier duda la puedes poner aqui en yahoo answers y te ayudo con gusto.

"The Power's Out"
A: (talking to herself)
Great. I was already having a bad hair day, and now the power's out. Crap! I didn't save the
document I was working on. Now I'll have to start all over. I think I'll call Marsha. My cell phone's
probably the only thing that works in the whole house.
B: Hello?
A: Hey, my power just went out. I'm a little worried. The power hardly ever goes out over here.
B: Mine is out too.

A: Really? Why aren't you freaking out?

B: I guess I'm just cool as a cucumber.

A: That's so corny. I was in the middle of writing a paper when we lost power. I hadn't saved it
yet. So I think I lost everything I was working on.

B: That sucks. Well, lucky for me, I wasn't working on anything important. I was just reading the
news. Apparently someone fell asleep at the wheel last night near my house and killed the other
A: Were they under the influence? Sometimes alcohol makes you sleepy.

B: I don't know. I hadn't finished the article yet.

A: So what happened at your last job?

B: Oh, it just didn't work out. Me and the boss were always at each other's throats. I quit about a
week ago. I was thinking about taking classes, but I don't know. I'm not sure what I want to do.
I've been thinking about it all week, but have no clue. I'm at my wit's end.
A: Your job before this last one was an office job too, right?

B: Yeah, I've had back to back office jobs. I might want something different now. I'm kind of tired
of sitting at a desk all day. I'd be nice to have a job where I could move around some. I was
getting in bad shape from just sitting around all the time. But then again, I've been off for a
whole week and have done nothing but hang around the house. I haven't gone out, exercised, or

A: Yeah, I know what you mean. So you were reading the news... What else is going on, besides a
possible drunk driver?
B: Well, you know... the usual. Criminals at large, businesses going under, people getting put
behind bars, people arguing about politics. I don't usually keep up with the news. The news is
almost always negative. So I don't usually keep up with it. But I thought it was about time that I
get caught up on current events.
A: Yeah, the news does always seem negative. Amen! The power came back on.

B: Mine too. I'll let you go. Good luck on your paper.

¡Mejora tu inglés más rápido con el curso completo! Baja todo el curso
de una vez,
¿Quieres practicar tu inglés? Hay maestros de EEUU en esta página que
están listos para ayudarte a mejorar tu inglés online.

Traducción y Comentario
A: (talking to herself)
Great. I was already having a bad hair day, and now the power's out. Crap! I didn't save the
document I was working on. Now I'll have to start all over. I think I'll call Marsha. My cell phone's
probably the only thing that works in the whole house.
(hablando consigo misma)
Que bueno (sarcasmo). Ya estaba teniendo un mal día y ahora la luz se cortó.
¡Maldita sea! No guardé el documento que estaba haciendo. Y ahora tengo que empezar de
nuevo. Creo que llamaré a Marsha. Mi celular es probablemente la única cosa que funcione en
toda la casa.
B: Hello?
A: Hey, my power just went out. I'm a little worried. The power hardly ever goes out over here.
Hola, la luz se cortó. Estoy un poco preocupada. Aquí sólo se corta muy rara vez.
B: Mine is out too.
Aquí tampoco funciona.

A: Really? Why aren't you freaking out?

¿De veras? ¿Por qué no estás volviéndote loca?

B: I guess I'm just cool as a cucumber.

Supongo que soy bien tranquila.

A: That's so corny. I was in the middle of writing a paper when we lost power. I hadn't saved it
yet. So I think I lost everything I was working on.
Eso es tan cursi. Yo estaba en la mitad de un ensayo cuando se cortó la luz. Todavía no lo había
guardado. Y creo que perdí todo lo que estaba haciendo.

B: That sucks. Well, lucky for me, I wasn't working on anything important. I was just reading the
news. Apparently someone fell asleep at the wheel last night near my house and killed the other
Que mal. Pues, afortunadamente para mí, no estaba trabajando en nada importante. Sólo estaba
leyendo las noticias. Por lo visto, alguien se quedó dormido mientras conducía anoche cerca de
mi casa y mató al otro conductor.
A: Were they under the influence? Sometimes alcohol makes you sleepy.
¿Habían bebido? A veces el alcohol te da sueño.

B: I don't know. I hadn't finished the article yet.

No lo sé. Todavía no había terminado de leer el artículo.
A: So what happened at your last job?
¿Entonces que pasó con tu último trabajo?

B: Oh, it just didn't work out. Me and the boss were always at each other's throats. I quit about a
week ago. I was thinking about taking classes, but I don't know. I'm not sure what I want to do.
I've been thinking about it all week, but have no clue. I'm at my wit's end.
Oh, nada, no resultó. El jefe y yo siempre estábamos peleando. Renuncié desde hace una semana
más o menos. Estaba pensando en tomar clases, pero no sé. No estoy segura de lo que quiero
hacer. He estado pensando en eso toda la semana, pero no tengo idea. Estoy volviéndome loca.
A: Your job before this last one was an office job too, right?
Tu trabajo anterior era un trabajo de oficina, ¿verdad?

B: Yeah, I've had back to back office jobs. I might want something different now. I'm kind of tired
of sitting at a desk all day. I'd be nice to have a job where I could move around some. I was
getting in bad shape from just sitting around all the time. But then again, I've been off for a
whole week and have done nothing but hang around the house. I haven't gone out, exercised, or
Sí, he tenido un trabajo de oficina tras otro. Tal vez quiero algo diferente ahora. Estoy un poco
cansada de sentarme en un escritorio todo el día. Sería bueno tener un trabajo en donde
moverme un poco. Me estaba convirtiendo en mala forma por estar sentada todo el tiempo. Pero
por otro lado, he estado libre por una semana entera y no he hecho nada salvo quedarme en
casa. No he salido, ni hecho ejercicio, ni nada.

A: Yeah, I know what you mean. So you were reading the news... What else is going on, besides a
possible drunk driver?
Sí, sé lo que quieres decir. ¿Entonces estabas leyendo las noticias? ¿Qué más está pasando,
además de un posible conductor borracho?
B: Well, you know... the usual. Criminals at large, businesses going under, people getting put
behind bars, people arguing about politics. I don't usually keep up with the news. The news is
almost always negative. So I don't usually keep up with it. But I thought it was about time that I
get caught up on current events.
Bueno, tú sabes.... lo usual. Criminales prófugos, negocios que cierran definitivamente, personas
en la cárcel, o discutiendo sobre política. Normalmente no estoy al día con las noticias. Son casi
siempre negativas. Así que normalmente no me pongo al día con ellas. Pero pensé que ya era
hora de ponerme al día con los eventos actuales.
A: Yeah, the news does always seem negative. Amen! The power came back on.
Sí, las noticias siempre parecen negativas. ¡Gracias a Dios! Volvió la luz.

B: Mine too. I'll let you go. Good luck on your paper.
Aquí también. Te dejo ir. Suerte con tu ensayo.

Expresiones idiomáticas de inglés en la conversación:

a bad hair day - Puede ser dos cosas: tu pelo está horrible o que tienes un mal día.
to start over - empezar de nuevo
hardly ever - casi nunca o muy rara vez
go out - La luz, electricidad, el fuego, etc pueden "apagar" o “cortar” También de otro contexto,
"go out" significa "salir."
to freak out - volverse loco
cool as a cucumber - estar muy tranquilo
corny - cursi
that sucks - ¡qué mal!
lucky for me - afortunadamente para mí
at the wheel - se refiere al conductor... el conductor está "at the wheel"
to be under the influence - estar borracho mientras se conduce
to work out - en este contexto, se refiere a una situación. "La situación x no estaba saliendo bien"
o “no funcionaba.”
En otro contexto, "to work out" quiere decir "hacer ejercicio."
to be at someone's throat - estar peleando o discutiendo mucho
to be at your wit's end - estás para volverte loco porque no sabes la solución o respuesta
back to back - si hay dos cosas siguientes, están "back to back"
to move around - moverse, levantarse de una silla para caminar un poco
bad shape - mala forma
to sit around - sentarse o estar en el mismo lugar sin hacer nada
to be off - estar libre de trabajo o sin clases
to hang around - quedarse en un lugar, a veces no haciendo nada
at large - si un criminal está "at large" quiere decir que se escapó de la cárcel y hay que tener
to go under - cuando se refiere a un negocio, quiere decir que cerró para siempre por falta de
ventas, etc.
keep/catch up - ponerse al día
to be about time - ser la hora. Normalmente se dice después de una demora cuando ya estás listo
por esperar mucho tiempo
to come back - volver, regresar


"Nervous About An Interview"

A: Thanks for meeting me for lunch on such short notice.

B: No worries. I was already in the area. So what's up?

A: Nothin'. Well, actually there is. It's just a habit to say "nothing." I was kind of nervous so I
thought it'd be good to talk to you. You always seem to brighten my day.
B: Oh, thanks! So what's going on?
A: Well, you know how I've been studying Japanese and business, right?
B: Yeah...
A: Well, I've finally finished my business degree...
B: Hey, that's awesome. Congrats.
A: Thanks. Anyway, I have 4 interviews this week with companies that predominately do business
with Japan.
B: Whoa, that's a lot of interviews for one week. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
A: That's just the tip of the iceberg. All my interviews will be in Japanese!
B: What? That's gotta be tough. But you've been studying Japanese for a while, so you should do
A: That's true, but I haven't had many opportunities to practice it with native Japanese speakers.
So I'm nervous.
B: Don't worry about it. The interviewers know it's not your native language. They won't expect
you to speak it perfectly. I'm sure they know your Japanese will get way better after you get
hired and are practicing it all the time at work.
A: You're right. Plus, I bet most of the other candidates learned Japanese as their second
language too. So we're all in the same boat.
B: That's true. You've been studying a lot of idiomatic expressions too, right?

A: Yeah.
B: Maybe you could score some brownie points by using some of them in the interview. Just make
sure the expressions are appropriate though. You don't want to cuss or anything in the interview.
A: Hmm... good idea. I've been studying the expressions a lot lately.
B: Is your resumé in English or Japanese?
A: They didn't specify which language, so I made one of both. Better safe than sorry.
B: Good idea. Also, remember you made good grades in school. They care about that too, not just
your level of Japanese. Any company would be luck to have you. You bring a lot to the table.

A: Thanks for your support. I feel a lot better now. Well, I need to get going.
B: Yeah, me too. Feel free to call me anytime and bounce some ideas off me if you want.
A: Ok. Maybe I will.

¡Mejora tu inglés más rápido con el curso completo! Baja todo el curso
de una vez,

¿Quieres practicar tu inglés? Hay maestros de EEUU en esta página que

están listos para ayudarte a mejorar tu inglés online.

Traducción y Comentario
A: Thanks for meeting me for lunch on such short notice.
Gracias por venir a almorzar sin haberte avisado antes.
B: No worries. I was already in the area. So what's up?
No hay problema. Estaba en la zona. ¿Qué pasó?
A: Nothin'. Well, actually there is. It's just a habit to say "nothing." I was kind of nervous so I
thought it'd be good to talk to you. You always seem to brighten my day.
Nada. Bueno, en realidad sí. Sólo es un costumbre decir "nada." Estaba un poco nerviosa entonces
pensé que sería bueno hablar contigo. Parece que siempre me mejoras el día.
B: Oh, thanks! So what's going on?
Oh, ¡gracias! ¿Qué está pasando?
A: Well, you know how I've been studying Japanese and business, right?
Bueno, sabes cómo he estado estudiando japonés y negocios, verdad?
B: Yeah...
A: Well, I've finally finished my business degree...
Bueno, finalmente he terminado mi título de Negocios...
B: Hey, that's awesome. Congrats.
Oye, eso es fantástico. Felicitaciones.
A: Thanks. Anyway, I have 4 interviews this week with companies that predominately do business
with Japan.
Gracias. De todas maneras, tengo 4 entrevistas esta semana con compañías que principalmente
hacen negocios con Japón.
B: Whoa, that's a lot of interviews for one week. Don't bite off more than you can chew.
Wow, son muchas entrevistas para una semana. No muerdas más que lo que puedes masticar.
A: That's just the tip of the iceberg. All my interviews will be in Japanese!
Eso es sólo la punta del iceberg. ¡Todas mis entrevistas estarán en japonés!
B: What? That's gotta be tough. But you've been studying Japanese for a while, so you should do
¿Qué? Eso debe ser difícil. Pero has estado estudiando japonés por un tiempo, de modo que
debería irte bien.
A: That's true, but I haven't had many opportunities to practice it with native Japanese speakers.
So I'm nervous.
Es verdad, pero no he tenido muchas oportunidades de practicarlo con hablantes nativos de
japonés. Así es que estoy nerviosa.
B: Don't worry about it. The interviewers know it's not your native language. They won't expect
you to speak it perfectly. I'm sure they know your Japanese will get way better after you get
hired and are practicing it all the time at work.
No te preocupes. Las entrevistadores saben que no es tu lengua madre. No van a esperar que lo
hables perfectamente. Estoy segura que saben que su japonés mejorará después de que te
contraten y estés practicándolo todo el tiempo en el trabajo.
A: You're right. Plus, I bet most of the other candidates learned Japanese as their second
language too. So we're all in the same boat.
Tienes razón. Además, apuesto que la mayor parte de los candidatos aprendieron japonés como
su segunda lengua también. Entonces todos estamos en la misma situación.
B: That's true. You've been studying a lot of idiomatic expressions too, right?
Eso es cierto. Has estado estudiando muchas expresiones idiomáticas también, ¿verdad?

A: Yeah.
B: Maybe you could score some brownie points by using some of them in the interview. Just make
sure the expressions are appropriate though. You don't want to cuss or anything in the interview.
Tal vez podrías tener puntos ganados por usar unas de esas en la entrevista. Sólo asegúrate que
las expresiones son apropiadas. No querrás decir unas palabrotas o algo en la entrevista.
A: Hmm... good idea. I've been studying the expressions a lot lately.
Hmm... buena idea. He estado estudiando las expresiones mucho últimamente.
B: Is your resumé in English or Japanese?
¿Tu currículum está en inglés o japonés?
A: They didn't specify which language, so I made one of both. Better safe than sorry.
No especificaron cual idioma, entonces hice uno de cada uno. Mejor estar seguros y no
B: Good idea. Also, remember you made good grades in school. They care about that too, not just
your level of Japanese. Any company would be luck to have you. You bring a lot to the table.
Buena idea. También, acuérdate que obtuviste buenas calificaciones en la universidad. También
eso les importa, no sólo tu nivel de japonés. Cualquier compañía tendría suerte de tenerte. Eres
capaz de ayudar con muchas cosas .

A: Thanks for your support. I feel a lot better now. Well, I need to get going.
Gracias por tu apoyo. Ya me siento mucho mejor. Bueno, necesito irme.
B: Yeah, me too. Feel free to call me anytime and bounce some ideas off me if you want.
Sí, yo también. Siéntete libre de llamarme en cualquier momento y contarme cosas si quieres.
A: Ok. Maybe I will.
Ok. A lo mejor lo haré.

"Watching Sports"
A: Whoa, did you see that play? Ryan got so lucky.

B: Tell me about it... He's not even that good. It just seems like everything goes his way.
A: Yeah, I guess you're right. But he does have some talent though.
B: Of course he has some talent. He's in the pros. I think their best player is Jones. He seems to
always step up and make a play when they need it.
A: They're undefeated so far this season, but they're losing now and there's only a couple minutes
left. Do you think they'll pull it off?
B: There's no telling.

A: Look, they're in position to score. They better not blow it...

B: Score! Way to go, Jones! When push comes to shove, he always comes through.

¡Mejora tu inglés más rápido con el curso completo! Baja todo el curso
de una vez,
¿Quieres practicar tu inglés? Hay maestros de EEUU en esta página que
están listos para ayudarte a mejorar tu inglés online.

Traducción y Comentario
A: Whoa, did you see that play? Ryan got so lucky.
Wow, ¿viste esa jugada? Ryan tuvo tanto suerte.
B: Tell me about it... He's not even that good. It just seems like everything goes his way.
A mí me lo vas a decir... Ni siquiera es tan bueno. Sólo parece que todo le sale muy bien.
A: Yeah, I guess you're right. But he does have some talent though.
Sí, supongo que tienes razón. Pero él tiene un poco de talento.
B: Of course he has some talent. He's in the pros. I think their best player is Jones. He seems to
always step up and make a play when they need it.
Claro que tiene un poco de talento. Es profesional. Creo que el mejor jugador es Jones. Parece
que siempre toma el control y hace una jugada cuando lo necesitan.
A: They're undefeated so far this season, but they're losing now and there's only a couple minutes
left. Do you think they'll pull it off?
Están invictos por ahora esta temporada pero están perdiendo ahorita y solo quedan un par de
minutos. ¿Te parece que van a lograrlo?
B: There's no telling.
Quién sabe.

A: Look, they're in position to score. They better not blow it...

Mira, están por anotar. Qué no fallen...

B: Score! Way to go, Jones! When push comes to shove, he always comes through.
¡Puntuación! Bien hecho, Jones. cuando se llega al momento de definir, él siempre hace lo es

"A Good Band"
A: Hey, have you heard of Blindside?

B: Hmm... no. It doesn't ring a bell.

A: It's a band from Sweden, but they've been living and playing in the states for a while. So they
sing in English.

B: That's interesting. Do you have any of their cds on hand for me to listen to?

A: Yeah. Here you go.

B: Wow, I can't even notice a Swedish accent. I would've never guessed that they were Swedish. I
guess that just goes to show that there's more than meets the eye.
A: I know. They've picked up English really well. I might go see them in concert this year. Do you
wanna go with me?

B: That'd be fun. I've never been to a concert before.

A: You seriously have never been to a concert? Now you have to go. Hold on. I'm going to look at
their tour dates. Oh my gosh.
B: What?
A: They're not going to be in the area all this year.

B: Go figure.
A: They're coming to New York in a few months, but that's out of the question.
B: Yeah. That's way too far away.

¡Mejora tu inglés más rápido con el curso completo! Baja todo el curso
de una vez,

¿Quieres practicar tu inglés? Hay maestros de EEUU en esta página que

están listos para ayudarte a mejorar tu inglés online.

Traducción y Comentario

A: Hey, have you heard of Blindside?

Oye, ¿has escuchado de Blindside?
B: Hmm... no. It doesn't ring a bell.
Hmm... no. No me suena.

A: It's a band from Sweden, but they've been living and playing in the states for a while. So they
sing in English.
Es un grupo de Suecia, pero han estado viviendo y tocando en los Estados Unidos por un tiempo.
Así es que cantan en inglés.

B: That's interesting. Do you have any of their cds on hand for me to listen to?
Eso es interesante. ¿Tienes algunos de sus cds contigo para escuchar?

A: Yeah. Here you go.

Sí. Ten.
B: Wow, I can't even notice a Swedish accent. I would've never guessed that they were Swedish. I
guess that just goes to show that there's more than meets the eye.
Wow, ni se nota el acento sueco. Nunca hubiera adivinado que eran suecos. Supongo que eso
muestra que las apariencias engañan.
A: I know. They've picked up English really well. I might go see them in concert this year. Do you
wanna go with me?
Yo sé. Han aprendido inglés muy bien. Tal vez voy a ir a verlos en concierto este año. ¿Quieres ir

B: That'd be fun. I've never been to a concert before.

Sería divertido. Nunca he ido a un concierto antes.

A: You seriously have never been to a concert? Now you have to go. Hold on. I'm going to look at
their tour dates. Oh my gosh.
¿En serio nunca has ido a un concierto? Entonces tienes que ir. Espera. Voy a mirar sus fechas de
conciertos. Dios mío.
B: What?
A: They're not going to be in the area all this year.
No van a estar en la zona todo este año.

B: Go figure.
A: They're coming to New York in a few months, but that's out of the question.
Vienen a Nueva York en unos meses, pero eso no es una posibilidad.
B: Yeah. That's way too far away.
Sí. Eso es demasiado lejos.

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