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Navigation Technology

Part 1.3 – GPS Coordinates and Orbits

Lecturer: Prof. Xin Chen


1. Cartesian coordinates
- Conventional Terrestrial Reference System
(Earth-Centered Earth-Fixed Coordinate)
- Conventional Inertial Reference Systems
(Earth-Centered Inertial Coordinate)

2. Geodetic coordinates

3. Reference frame conversion

4. Satellite orbits computation

Why do we need the coordinates?
Conventional Terrestrial Reference
System (CTRS)
Conventional Inertial Reference Systems
CIRS view from space
CIRS note of caution
Ellipsoidal coordinates
World Geodetic System
WGS fundamental parameters
Coordinate conversion
Coordinate conversion
Coordinate conversion
Coordinate conversion
Local tangential coordinate
Elevation and azimuth
GPS satellite orbit
Newton’s law
Keplerian parameters
Expanded quasi-Keplerian parameters
Orbital coordinate system
Eccentric anomaly E
Mean motion n
Mean anomaly M
SV velocity
Summarize steps to
obtain SV positions
and velocity in
orbital coordinates
steps to obtain SV
positions in ECEF
The end

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