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Science may be defined as the system of knowledge of  It was eventually accepted by the people in a

natural world gained through the scientific method. period which was called the birth of modern
• Thus, the first scientists were called astronomy. This era began what was known as
“philosophers of nature“. the scientific revolution which resulted in the
• They sought to discover the truth behind transformation of society’s thoughts and
material things and natural things. beliefs.
• It was the task of the philosophers of nature to DARWINIAN REVOLUTION
observe the world and beyond, and to discover • He stated that the organisms have the ability to
• Meanwhile, the term technology comes from adapt to their environment and would gradually
Greek words tekhne meaning “art or craft” and change into something that would be more
–logia, meaning a “subject or interest”. competitive to survive, a process known as
There have also been instances when advancements in FREUDIAN REVOLUTION
science and technology changed people’s perceptions • In the past, the field of psychology was always
and beliefs. Much of these events happened in a period classified under philosophy. Psychology was
now known as the Intellectual Revolution. considered more of an art rather than a science.
 The developments during the Intellectual In the late 19th century, Sigmund Freud was
Revolution showed how society was able to change the people’s perception of
transformed by science and technology. psychology with his revolutionary theory of
 This chapter aims to establish the interaction psychoanalysis.
between science and technology and society, • Psychoanalysis is the study that explains human
cementing further the relationship as behavior.
introduced in the first chapter. • In his theory, Freud explained that there are
COPERNICAN REVOLUTION many conscious and unconscious factors that
 In the early times, people questioned what can influence behavior and emotions. He also
created days and stars, moons and planets are. argued that personality is a product of three
 The invention of the telescope allowed the conflicting elements: id, ego and superego.
people to take a peek at the outer space, but • Science hardliners brushed off the legitimacy of
more importantly, it also intrigued them to psychoanalysis as a science since its concepts
known what was actually out there. were more philosophical and supernatural.
 Many Greek philosophers and intellectuals Many believed that Freud’s theory had no
wrote about planets in an attempt to explain scientific basis as no empirical experimental
the movements of heavenly bodies and their data could support it.
effects on the world as they knew it. • According to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic
 Planets moved around in circular motion, and theory of personality, the id is the personality
that these movements created days and nights, component made up of unconscious psychic
among others. energy that works to satisfy basic urges, needs,
 A famous philosopher and astronomer, and desires. The id operates based on the
Claudius Ptolemy, stated that the planets, as pleasure principle, which demands immediate
well as the sun and moon’s revolution explained gratification of needs.
the existence of days and nights. He believed • The ego operates according to the reality
that the Earth was at the center – a concept principle, working out realistic ways of satisfying
known as geocentrism. the id’s demands, often compromising or
 Ptolemy’s geocentric model was widely postponing satisfaction to avoid negative
accepted by the people and was one of the consequences of society. The ego considers
greatest discoveries of that time. social realities and norms, etiquette and rules in
 In the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus, a deciding how to behave.
Polish mathematician and astronomer, • Like the id, the ego seeks pleasure (i.e., tension
challenged the Ptolemaic model. reduction) and avoids pain, but unlike the id,
 He introduced a new concept known as the ego is concerned with devising a realistic
heliocentrism, which suggested that the center strategy to obtain pleasure. The ego has no
of the Solar was not the Earth but actually the concept of right or wrong; something is good
simply if it achieves its end of satisfying without • Each leadership had its own science and
causing harm to itself or the id. technology agenda.
• Freud made the analogy of the id being a horse • However, it is important to note that some
while the ego is the rider. The ego is ‘like a man Philippine presidents posted more
on horseback, who has to hold in check the developments in the field than others.
superior strength of the horse.’ • One of the presidents who ushered in
advancements in science and technology was
PRE-COLONIAL PERIOD former president and dictator Ferdinand
• Scientific and technological development in the Marcos.
Philippines began in the pre-colonial period. • Under his term, many agencies in science and
• Even before the Spaniards came to the technology were established and strengthened,
Philippine islands, early Filipino settlers were including:
already using certain plants and herbs as • the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and
medicines. Astronomical Services Administration
• Systems of farming and animal-raising were also (PAGASA) in place of the abolished Weather
implemented. Bureau;
• Moreover, early Filipinos had also developed • the National Academy of Science and
different modes of transportation, whether Technology;
terrestrial or maritime. • and the reconstituted National Science and
• A complicated engineering fear was achieved by Technology Authority (originally established in
the natives of the Cordilleras when they built 1958 as the National Science and Development
rice terraces by hand. Board and now the Department of Science and
• Through these terraces, the people were able to Technology)
cultivate crops on the mountainsides in cold • Marcos saw that the key to nation-building is
temperatures. the continued development of science and
• They incorporated an irrigation system that technology. The progress in science and
uses water from the forests and mountain tops technology continued even after his dictatorial
to achieve an elaborate farming system. The rule and the presidents after him left their own
rice terraces of the Cordilleras, which are still legacies in the field.
functional, show the innovative and ingenious
way of natives to survive in an otherwise
unfriendly environment.
• Colonization by the Spaniards provided the
Philippines with modern means of construction.
• Walls, roads, bridges, and other large
infrastructures were built using some of the
engineering skills and tools brought by the
• In addition, the Spanish government developed
health and education systems that were
enjoyed by the principalia class.
• The American occupation modernized almost all
aspects of life in the Philippines.
• They established a government agency, the
Bureau of Science, for the sole purpose of
nurturing development in the field of science
and technology.
• After achieving independence from the
colonizers, the Philippines, under different
administration, continued to pursue programs
in science and technology.

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