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COMPLICATIONS OF LABOR occipitoposterior position, no

rotation -- C/S

 Occipitoposterior Position Nursing care:
a. Occiput is directed diagonally &  emotional support to prevent panic
posteriorly e.g. ROP or LOP  fear , things are not going “by the book”
b. Common in women with  frequent reassurance that labor is w/in
android, anthropoid or safe, controlled limits
contracted pelvis  forceps may be used - - lacerations,
hemorrhage & infection pp

 Fetal life assumes breech pres but by
38th wk rotate to cephalic
 Complete breech take up more space
 97% of fetuses rotate so buttocks
are in the fundus
 Meconium may be present but not a
sign of fetal distress - but may lead to
meconium aspiration if infant inhales
amniotic fluid

Hazards of Breech Pres:

 anoxia from prolapsed cord
 intracranial hemorrhage
 fracture or paralysis of the arm or spine
 dysfunctional labor
 early PROM due to CPD

Assess Breech Pres:

 Dysfunctional labor pattern e.g 2. Leopolds Manuever
prolonged active phase 3. Vaginal exam
 > cord prolapsed since head does not fit 4. Sonography
snugly the cervix
 Intense pressure & pain in lower back Nursing Care
due to sacral nerve compression.  Monitor FHR & uterine contraction – det
fetal distress due to cord prolapse
Nursing Care  Vital signs
 sacral counterpressure e.g. Back rub,  Watch for Signs of infections
change position  Birth technique
 heat or cold application o push only after full dilatation
 side lying opposite fetal back o support w/ sterile towel as
 maintain hands & knees position – help breech spontaneously emerge
fetus rotate
 voids q 2 hours – full bladder impedes Breech Presentation
fetal descent  deliver gradually & spontaneously to
 may need IVF glucose sol to replace prevent intracranial injury & hypoxia
glucose stores for energy  Aid delivery of head w/ the fetal trunk
 Maternal exhaustion -Ineffective straddled over the physician’s right
uterine contractions - uterine forearm, two fingers at infants mouth.
dysfunction - transverse arrest of Head my be aided by piper forceps to
fetal head -- persistent control flexion & rate of descent.
 inform parents of progress
 frank breech, infants legs extended at occipitomental dm presents  C/S for
level of face from 2-3 days, footling safe delivery
breech may tend to keep legs extended
in footling position in few days.


 Infant have extreme ecchymotic bruises

on the face
 Reassure parents

Asynclitism – when fetal head presents at
different angle than expected.
 Face & brow presentation are rare but if
it occurs, fetal head dm is too large for
the pelvis
 Fetal back is concave – FHT is forward
thrust where feet & arms are palpated
 Face pres is confirmed by vaginal exam,
may occur due to:
o placenta previa
o multipara due to relaxed uterus
o fetal compl e.g. prematurity,
hydramnious, fetal malformation Causes:
 Any abnormal conditions  Common in women w/ pendulous
 If chin is posterior w/ prolong posterior to abdomen
anterior rotation - uterine dysfunction  Uterine masses e.g. fibroid tumors 
or transverse arrest C/S obstruct lower uterine segment
 Contracted pelvic brim
Nursing Care:
 Cong uterine abnormality
 babies born - facial edema purple from
 Hydramnios
ecchymotic bruising
 Hydrocephalic Infant – prevents head
 observe for patent airway
from engaging
 severe lip edema unable to suck 
 Prematurity has room for free
gavage feedings
 ICU care for 24 hrs
 Multiple gestation in 2nd twin
 reassure parents that edema is transient
 Short umbilical cord


 Rarest presentation 1. Inspection
 Common in multipara due to relaxed 2. Leopolds Manuever
abdl muscles obstructed labor, 3. Sonogram
head is jammed in pelvic brim as
May deliver vaginally but if w/ PROM , no firm widen pelvic outlet & deliver anterior
pres part  cord prolapsed & shoulder may shoulder
obstruct cervix - C/S  apply suprapubic pressure - help
shoulder escape from beneath the
OVERSIZED FETUS symphysis pubis & be delivered.
 Fetus weighs more than 4,000 to 4,500
 Common in DM, multiparity may lead  fetal presenting part does not engage
to: well as in hydrocephalus or
o uterine dysfunction anencephaly
o overstretching of endometrium
o fetal pelvic disproportion due PROBLEMS WITH PASSAGE
wide shoulder
 Dystocia due to contracted or narrowing
 Uterine rupture due to obstruction of passageway at inlet, midpelvis or
 C/S to prevent: outlet  CPD  failure to progress in
o fetal cervical nerve palsy labor
o diaphragmatic nerve injury
o fractured clavicle due to
shoulder dystocia
 pp maternal risk of bleeding due  Narrowing of the anteroposterior dm to
overdistended uterus less than 11 cm or transverse dm to less
than 12cm
 Cause by rickets in early life
 If no engagement in primi suspect:
 common in DM, multipara & post date o fetal abnormality – larger than
pregnancy usual head or
 occurs with increasing ave weight of NB o pelvic abnormality – smaller
 suspected in prolonged 2nd stage of than usual pelvis
labor o w/ CPD fetus does not engage
o arrest of descent but remains “floating” 
o head is crowning but retracts malposition occurs
instead of protruding with each o if w/ PROM  cord prolapse
contraction  turtle sign increases

 narrowing of the transverse dm at the
outlet < than 11 cm, distance bet ischial
 prenatal visit to anticipate narrow dm
before labor begins.

 2nd stage of labor , fetal head is born but  trial labor may be done if woman has
shoulders are too broad to enter pelvic borderline or adequate inlet
brim  mat risk of vaginal or cervical measurement and fetal lie or position
tears, fetal risk cord compression bet are good
fetal body & pelvis
 Forced birth  fetal fractured clavicle or Nursing Care:
brachial plexus palsy  monitor FHT
 void q 2hrs
Nursing care: o assess if engage, station,
 McRobert’s Maneuver - ask mother to PROM, prolapsed cord
flex thighs sharply on her abdomen to
o if no progress of labor 12hrs  o < fetal blood supply due to poor
C/S placental perfusion
o reassure woman, support o Abruptio placenta
system  Used cautiously in women w/ multiple
o manage fear & pain gestation, hydramnios, grand parity
previous uterine tears, age > 40
Cervical ripening
 It is the turning of the fetus from breech  1st step in early labor - change in the
to cephalic position before birth. cervical consistency from firm to soft
o Done at 34 to 35 wks
o Record FHR w/ U/S Methods to ripen the cervix:
o Tocolytic agent may be adm to a. “stripping the membranes” or separating
help relax the uterus the membranes from the lower uterine
o Fetal breech & vertex grasped segment manually using a gloved finger
transabdominally on the in the cervix – easy proc done during
woman’s abdomen clinic visit.
o Gentle pressure exerted to
rotate the fetus in forward Complications include:
direction to a cephalic lie  Bleeding from undetected low lying
o May help decrease C/S birth placenta
o C.I. – multiple gest, severe  Inadvertent rupture of membranes
oligohydramnios, cord wraps  Infections
around the neck, unexplained
3rd trim bleeding b. hygroscopic suppositories – seaweed
Note: that swell on contact w/ cervical
 Women who are Rh negative should secretions.
receive Rh immunoglobulin p proc if
minimal bleeding occurs. Procedure:
 inserted gradually & gently urge
INDUCTION & AUGMENTATION OF dilatation of the cervix
LABOR  held in place w/ OS saturated w/ PVP
or antifungal cream
Induction of Labor – labor started artificially,  document number of OS inserted so
necessary because the fetus is in danger, none remains
primary reasons include:
 Preeclampsia, eclampsia c. Prostaglandin gel
 DM e.g. misoprostol 2-3 doses– commonly
 RH sensitization, prolonged PROM used to speed cervical ripening, inserted
 IUGR to the interior surface of the cervix by
 Postmaturity catheter or suppository or external
Induction may be done w/ ff conditions: surface by applying it to a diaphragm
 fetus is longitudinal lie against the cervix
 cx is ripe
 Pres part engage Nursing care:
 no CPD  bed rest on side lying position – prevent
 full term as shown in U/S, L/SW ratio leakage of medication
 monitor FHR cont 30 min after each
application (2hrs p vagl insertion)
 observe for side effects – vomiting,
 refers to assisting labor that ahs started fever, diarrhea, & HPN
spontaneously to be more effective,  Oxytocin induction may be started 6-12
necessary for hypotonic uterus. Carries hrs after the last prostaglandin dose
risk of:
o uterine rupture
 Prostaglandin must be used w/ caution AUGMENTATION BY OXYTOCIN
in women w/ asthma, renal or
cardiovascular ds.  Required if labor contractions begin
spontaneously but then become them
hypotonic that assistance is needed to
INDUCTION OF LABOR BY strengthen them.
OXYTOCIN  Precautions & nursing care is same with
e.g. Pitocin – adm IV initiates contraction of the oxytocin adm
uterus at term, stop if hyperstimulation occurs.
 Adm “piggyback” to IV sol of D5W 3 Active Management of Labor
 Use infusion pump to regulate IV so  A technique used in western countries
drops won’t change een w/ position w/c include aggressive adm of oxytocin (
changes 6mU/min max of 36 to 40mU/min rather
 Do not increase rate to more than 20 than 1 or 2mU/min) to shorten labor to
mU/min w/out instructions  cause 12 hrs w/c presumably reduces C/S birth
excessive stimulation tetanic & PP infection
contractions or tonic UC w/ fetal death  Controversial due to birth tradition
or rarely uterine rupture
 Antidote if stopping pit drip does not FORCEPS BIRTH
stop hyperstimulation  give B
adrenergic receptor drug such as Mgso4
or terbutaline sulfate (Brethine) 
decrease myometrial activity.
 Cx dilated to 4cm, amniotomy is done to
induce labor, disc pitocin drip
 Nursing care to ensure safe induction:
o VS esp PR, BP q 15 min
 monitor UC, should occur not more than
q 2min & not stronger than 50mmHg
pressure & should last no longer than 70
sec. the resting pressure bet UC should
not exceed 15mmHg by monitor.
 UC freq & longer than safe limitsfetal
distress  stop infusion
 seek help & adm O2 prn
 oxytocin has antidiuretic effect
decrease urine flow  water
intoxication, s/s headache & vomiting 
report immediately
 Adv eff of H2O intoxication seizures,
coma & death due to large shift in
interstitial tissue fluid  accurate I&O,
test sp gravity of urine to detect fluid
 reg IVF to 150ml/hr w/ rate not greater
than 2.5ml/min.
 Reassure woman that induction of labor
may be adv. Not resist UC & breathing
 Induction of labor by oxytocin may
predispose NB to hyperbilirubinemia &
jaundice  observe closely in 1st few
days of life.
 OB forceps are steel instruments w/ two
blades slipped into the vagina & fetal
head, shafts of forceps brought together
to form a handle then physician applies
pressure & manually pulls the fetus out
of birth canal
 Low forceps – used if fetal head is +2
station or more
 Mid-forceps – used if fetal head is
engaged but less than +2 station 
rarely justified assoc w/ birth trauma
both mother & fetus
 Pudendal block – to relax the pelvis &
reduce pain
 Indications of forceps birth
o unable to push w/ contractions
o cessation of descent
o abnormal position or immature
o fetal distress
 Pre forceps application
o membranes must be ruptured
o CPD must be present
o cervix fully dilated
o bladder is empty
o record FHR
 Post forceps del  Adv. – less anesthesia is used  less
o assess cervix for lacerations fetal RDS at birth
o observe & record time & amount o fewer lacerations at birth canal
of voiding to assess bladder  Disadv. Causes marked caput on the
injury NB up to 7 days, presence of tentorial
o assess NB for facial palsy, tears
subdural hematoma  Reassure mother of transient caput &
o explain to parents’ transient swelling
erythematous marks on NB  Vacuum extraction must not be used as
cheek a method of birth if fetal scalp blood
sampling was done because suction
pressure can cause severe bleeding at
the sampling site
 Done if fetus is positioned far enough  Adv to premies due to soft skull
down the birth canal
 A disk-shaped cup is pressed against
the fetal scalp over posterior fontanelle,
then pressure applied & sucked the fetal
scalp & delivers the fetus.

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