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An assignment

submitted as mid-term assignment of


Wening Nur Habibah Alif




1.1 Background of the Topic
In introducing and promoting a product or a service to society, a company should
have an interesting advertisement. According to, an advertisement is an
announcement online, or in a newspaper, on television, or on a poster about something such
as a product, event, or job. An advertisement plays important roles in maintaining the
communication between the producer and the consumer. An advertisement has a goal to get
the consumer as much as possible.
Advertisement is not only promoting a product. Advertisement also represents certain
idea, message or attitude of certain people or company for particular proposes, which
generally stimulates to create brand identity or to increase economic benefit of the company
(Mardiyanto, 2009). It is one of the marketization strategies to introduce the product.
Advertisement is a tool to persuade people to buy the product or use the service of a product.
The language used to share advertisement should be simple, easy to understand, and
interesting. People will be convinced to buy or use something if the advertisement is
Nowadays, in social media, people can easily find any advertisement or do advertising
to promote goods and service. Kotler and Armstrong (2008:29) stated that an internet
connects all kind of people and business and informs to the whole world. An online
advertisement recognized as an eye-catching advertisement rather than a traditional
advertisement. This kind of technology is familiar to the people since everything accessible
by only a gadget on their hand.
An advertising activity will not be succeeded by using certain media only. The way
how to promote and the language that used are the factors of the advertising. According to
Terkan (2014), an advertisement should be informative and persuasive. Besides, an
advertisement should introduce or illustrate something interestingly. That is why an
advertisement needs creativity to make and share.
There are some mass media used to share information including advertisement. By
using internet, we can use the search engine easily to find webpage or website to access the
advertisement or promotion about something. One of the most popular advertisement media
is You Tube.
You Tube is a kind of online video-sharing platform which is founded fifteen years
ago in United States. It was created to facilitate people to upload and download the video
from all over the world. In every day, You Tube is accessed by over 25% of people in the
world. You Tube platform are supported by so many advertisements that are played directly
when a person accesses a You Tube channel. That advertisements played are varied; they
may promote a product, a public place, some services, etc.
Related to the education side, the marketization or promotion of educational
institutions nowadays is commonly and easily to find. Since the people are aware to use the
internet properly, especially watching You Tube platform, the use of online university
prospectus to promote the institution from internet is recognized as a great strategy to catch
the market. The university prospectus based on Wikipedia is defined as a document sent to
potential (prospective) students to attract them to apply for admissions. The school or the
university prospectus contains the information about the institution and the available courses.
The reader can also get tips or advices on how to apply the courses.
The content of the school or university prospectus is being the topic in this study. The
study purposes to find out the register utterances of the video. Every university promotes
their facilities and the course information by video that could be accessed via You Tube. This
research is aimed to examine the register utterances and the speaker’s identities of such trend
on university prospectus video of the five universities, which is an under-researched genre of
higher education discourse.

1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic

The university prospectus video is commonly used by the university to introduce and
promote the institution to attract students to apply. A promotion is on of a marketing strategy
applied by institution to get more consumers. The university prospectus video strategy is used
by the university to promote and share the prospectus university profiles through internet. All
about the university including the facilities, the courses available, and the way how to apply
to the university is provided.
Different university probably applies different style in promoting the institutions. The
speaker who speech in the video is also having different identity and background. The
researcher wants to know that sociolinguistics analysis of the five online prospectus
universities of the five selected universities will be the object of this study. They are the
University of Birmingham, The University of Melbourne, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Nanyang Technological University, and The University of Tokyo. Those
universities chosen are located in the different continent. This differentiation is taken in
order to get the variety of the speakers’ identity and backgrounds.

1.3 Research Problems

In analysing the university prospectus video, the researcher only focus on the speaker
utterances. The researcher would like to analyse the speaker register utterance, the
communicative purposes, the speaker identity, and the generic characteristics or backgrounds
of the universities. The analysis is restricted on the university prospectus video that is shared
on You Tube. The part is introducing the universities profiles such as the history, course
available, administration, facilities, etc.
In this study, the various marketing style of the five universities from the different
continents will be analysed by using the sociolinguistics theory regarding to register.
Moreover, the research questions of this study are:
1. What are the social identities that revealed from speakers of the five universities?
2. What are the function of register used by addressor and addressee in the five
university prospectus videos?
3. How the social identities and the register influence the speakers’ utterances of the
five university prospectus videos?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

This research which is talking about the university prospectus is aimed to examine the effect
of such trend on university website homepages of the five universities, which is an under-
researched genre of higher education discourse. Furthermore, this research will be done to get
these objectives:

1. Explaining the social identities of the speakers in the five universities

2. Finding and explaining function of register used by addressor and addressee in the
five universities
3. Explaining how the social identities and the register influence the speakers’ utterances
of the five university prospectus videos

The part of discussion is about the register utterances and identities of the five
universities prospectus. The five universities have already mentioned before, they are the
University of Birmingham, The University of Melbourne, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Nanyang Technological University, and The University of Tokyo. The
researcher chose these universities because they are located in the four different continents.
This differentiation is taken in order to find out how the social identities and the register
influence the speakers’ utterances.

1.5 Significance of the Study

The significances of this study contain theoretical, practical, and pedagogical significances
which are explained as follows:
a) Theoretical Significance
This study is a kind of sociolinguistics study about the online university prospectus. It is a
kind of identity and register utterances analysis. By finding the analysis result, hopefully it
will give essential information about the register analysis of the university prospectus videos
of several universities in the world.

b) Pedagogical significance
This study explains the register analysis and identities. Sociolinguistics analysis is one of the
parts of linguistics study. This study will give additional knowledge to the readers about the
application of the Sociolinguistics analysis in daily surrounding.

c) Practical Significance
By doing register and identities analysis, students are expected to be familiar with the variety
of identities used in the world. In this case, this study will be useful for the readers who are
interested in the register analysis who write advertisement texts.

1.6 Scope of the Study

This study is restricted to the linguistics form, it is about the register utterances and identities
of the five universities prospectus. The five universities have already mentioned before, they
are the University of Birmingham, The University of Melbourne, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Nanyang Technological University, and The University of Tokyo. The selected
universities are from the four different region of the world.

1.7 Definitions of Key Terminologies

1. Sociolinguistics
According to Florian Coulmas (1998: 1), “Sociolinguistics is concerned with describing
language use as a social phenomenon and, where possible, it attempts to establish causal links
between language and society, pursuing the complementary questions of what language
contributes to making community possible and how communities shape their languages by
using them”. Then according to Wardhaugh (2006: 119), “sociolinguistics is the study of
language use within or among groups of speakers”.

2. Social identities

According to Sarbin and Allen, cited by Stephen Worchel (1998: 1), “Belonging to a group or
to a given social category is the most important. Social identity is codified as the part of the
self which refers to cognitions ensuing from ecological positions”. Then according to
Trudgill (1974: 14), “For whenever we speak we cannot avoid giving our listeners clues
about our origins and the sort of person we are, our accent and our speech generally show
what part of the country we come from, and what sort of background we have, we may even
give some indication of certain of our ideas and attitudes, and all of this information can be
used by the people we are speaking with to help them formulate opinion about us”.

3. Advertisement

Based on, advertisement means a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to
persuade people to buy a product or service, or a piece of text that tells people about
something. It is purposed to persuade people through many media such as mass media or we
know it well as internet.

4. Marketization

Marketization is a restructuring process that enables state enterprises to operate as market-

oriented firms by changing the legal environment in which they operate.

5. Register

Register is a variety of language used for a particular purpose or in a particular

communicative situation. According to Cristal, cited by Biber (1994: 4), “register refers to a
variety of language defined according to its use in social situations”. Later, according to
Biber (1994: 20), “A communication situation that occurs regularly in a society (interns or
participants, setting, communicative functions and so forth) will tend over time to develop
identifying markers of language structure and language use, different from the language of
other communication situation”.

6. University prospectus video

University prospectus video means a video sent to potential students to attract them to apply
for admissions. It contains information about the institution and the available courses,
including advice on how to apply and the benefits of accepting a place.

A. Review of the Previous Studies

There are many researchers analysing the register. In this research, there will be five
previous researches given.
The first study is about the sociolinguistics analysis. The study is conducted
by Febrayadi in 2017. It is an application of sociological approach that is related with
register utterances on the movie dialogue In the Heart of the Sea. The objectives of the
study are to find social identities, situation types and function of register utterance on In
the Heart of the Sea. The researcher collected the data by process of analysing and giving
codes to the data as its identity and as categorized as classification by using Finch and
Halliday’s theories. The instrument of the research is the researcher himself and
supporting devices and equipment. The research uses descriptive qualitative method that
the process are observing certain phenomenon, gathering data, analysing data and
categorizing data. Then, researcher uses trustworthiness of the data in seeking credibility
and transferability. The result shows that from 5 functions of register utterances of
formal, consultative, casual, intimate and frozen, there are only 41 formal functions, 20
consultative functions and 8 casual data. There are field, mode and tenor on situation
types where 1 type of field found, 1 type of mode found and 45 formal tenor found along
24 informal tenor found.
The second studies is a register analysis in business page of e-Jakarta Globe.
This research was conducted by Gunawan (2017). This is a kind of an English Specific
Purposes (ESP) study which is focused on analysing the register in economic field. This
research is a qualitative research which used document as the instrument. The data were
taken from business page on e-Jakarta Globe. The researcher discovers single word
register and phrase register in this study. The researcher found that common noun is the
high percentage word found in the business page. While on the phrase analysis, the
highest frequency phrase used are noun phrase and adjective phrase. From the
Morphological analysis in register business English that the researcher founded, Root
Word has the greatest number, following with Derivational Affix, Inflectional Affix,
Compound Word and the fewest number is Acronym.
The next study is conducted by Hernawan (2014). This study is about the
register analysis in Fit and Healthy Lifestyle Forum on Kaskus. The researcher analysed
the register used by the forum members and the aspects of register that the community
used. This study uses descriptive qualitative method because the objects of this research
deal with the exploration of human problem based on language phenomenon. In this
study, the data were collected from members of internet forum on Kaskus. The result
shows that there are 17 registers used by the members of Fit and Healthy Forum on
Kaskus. Based on the analysis, situational context which contain of field, mode and tenor
was important for the background of the object analysis. Situational context is influencing
the use of word literally and specifically when registers are used by the certain groups or
society. Based on field, mode and tenor the writer can make a conclusion that registers
are important for the member to reach their purpose or the point of communication.
A register analysis in ESP is also conducted by the other researcher. The
research is aimed to apply the pedagogically oriented text-analytical instrument (POTAI)
to the corpus of biology texts (BIOCOR) which the 10th grade students in a bilingual
secondary school in Hungary. It used mixed method contains of quantitative and
qualitative to register analytical methods and through interview studies with ESL and
biology teachers instructing in the bilingual programme of the secondary school. The
findings of the research project reveal that the newly designed POTAI is a reliable tool,
which is appropriate for producing valid linguistic data applicable by ESL and ESP
The fourth previous study is conducted by Hammam (2006) has a goal to
analyse the context of situation; field, tenor and mode, of English Commercial
Advertisement. The data of this research is in the form of discourse, sentence, phrase and
words gained from English Commercial Advertisement found in the three of newspapers;
Republika, The Jakarta Post, and Kompas that published January 2000 until January
2005. Method of data collection is documentation. Technique of Data Analysis uses the
context situation analysis as formulated by Halliday and Hasan (1985:14). The
researcher has found that the field of English Commercial Advertisements tells about
vacancies, enrolment at elementary school and university, job training, and seminar. The
tenor of them indicates that the relation between the copywriter and readers is not equal.
The modes of the texts are realized in the form of clause complex, paratactic and
The last previous study in this research is a study conducted by Zhang (2017).
This study analysed the genre analysis of university website homepages in China. This
study examined the effect of such trend on university website homepages in China, which
is an under-researched genre of higher education discourse. By applying the Critical
Discourse Analysis (CDA) and genre analytical approach, this article describes the
generic characteristics of the “About Us” section in five university website homepages,
analysing the structural organization, rhetorical moves, communicative purposes as well
as the discursive strategies used in the text. Research shows that the university’s
endeavour to establish a friendly relationship with the prospective students. Furthermore,
promotional elements in terms of both contents and linguistic choices have been
employed to help construct a positive image of universities to stand out in the stiff
competition in today’s higher education market in China.
B. Review of the Literature
1. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)
ESP emphasizes learners’ needs of English in which the purposes are expressed in functional
terms. Thus, ESP is not specialized in general English, but typical English. ESP requires
English learners to specify certain reasons concerning with the learners’ studies or jobs. In
addition, it should enable the learners to learn something from their teacher and the learner
must investigate the use, on which the language putted. The students develop their knowledge
and skills in their specific purpose through English. Its means that student do the task and
materials in English to gain their specific purposes.
2. Language of Marketization and Business English
To talk about language and news media, and to examine the relation of media to our
understanding of language itself, is to consider language both in and of media. Linguistically,
this comprises attention to sound, form, and meaning, and the micro and macro aspects of
language function and structure, from the small grammatical segment to the longer stretch of
discourse, from phonetics to philosophy, variation to policy. Students can study how
language operates within the boundaries of the news profession, how language is made
unique through the constraints, exigencies, practice-rules, and ideologies of the news process.
Students can look at language resulting from specific processes and “production ways” in the
media, the operations of journalists, the participants comprising the media, and that which is
associated with, connected to, or produced by the media (Cotter, 2010:232).
According to Gunawan (2017), the pattern or languages of business are: avoid an
overabundance of numbers in one sentence or paragraph, using short sentences, always lead
with :what”, be it a company, executive or product, avoiding the use of names unless the
person is well known, and not used “funky punctuation”. By applying the pattern, a business
advertisement will be more interesting and effective for readers.
3. Marketization in Higher Education Discourse
As early as in 1993, Fairclough detected the presentation of marketization in texts for
both external and internal communication of UK universities and claimed that the discursive
practices of higher education were “in the process of being transformed through the
increasing salience within higher education of promotion as a communicative function”
(1993, p. 143). He compared the 1967-1968 entry in an undergraduate prospectus with the
1993 entry and concluded that “the 1966-1967 entry gives information about what is
provided on a take-it-or-leave-it basis. In the 1993 prospectus by contrast the promotional
function is primary; it is designed to ‘sell’ the university and its courses to potential
applicants in the context of a competitive market” (1995, p. 156). Fairclough’s pioneering
works (1993, 1995) successfully drew researchers’ attention to this field and inspired parallel
studies on various higher education genres.
4. Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics studies the language variant that occurs on this international. There are
numerous definitions telling about the language variant. Hudson (in Wardaugh, 1998:21)
defines an expansion of language as a set of linguistics objects with comparable distribution.
Alwasilah (1985:51) states that there are six phrases of language variation, particularly
fashion, slang, colloquial, jargon, argot and register.
The languages of human beings in society are different from each other. For instance,
the language that is used by the teacher and the medical doctor are different. Each of them
has its characteristics, in Sociolinguistics it is known as register. Holmes (1992:246) states
that the time period register right here describes the language of groups of humans with
common interest or jobs, or the language utilized in situational associated with such groups.
The differences of each language are related with the context of situation, which consist of
field, mode, and tenor.
5. Social identities
According to Hogg and Abrams, as cited by Stets and Burke (2000: 225), stated that “The
social categories in which individuals place themselves are parts of a structured society and
exist only in relation to other contrasting categories (for example, black vs. white); each has
more or less power, prestige, status, and so on”. Every individual needs to admit that they are
to belong into a social group to make clear their positions in the society. Different social
group may have different effect to other group and to the member that are included in the
group. For example one group may have power but the other group has a prestige that even
power cannot bother their business.
6. Register analysis
Register are set of language items associated with discrete occupational or social groups
(Gunawan, 2017). Surgeons, airline pilots, bank manager, sales clerk, jazz fans, and pimps
employ different register (Wardhaugh 2010:48). As Ferguson (1994:20) said that people
participating in recurrent communication situations tend to develop similar vocabularies,
similar features of intonation, and characteristic bits of syntax and phonology that they use in
these situations. Halliday and Edward (1994:109) define that situation is the environment in
which the text comes to life. This is well-established concept in linguistics, going back at
least to Wegener (1885).
Register utterances are used in many settings of social and speakers which give it
various contexts and situations in its usage and included into language variation. Various
applications of utterances and intention of the utterances are reasons utterances have to
analyzed clearly to avoid confusions when compared one scope to other scopes. Variations
occurs when different ways of speaking one language by different speakers. Along to argot
and jargon, register has particular characteristic which register utterances can be applied in
many scopes and fields with vary meaning of each utterance. Argot has exclusive
characteristic where argot utterances lead to confusion when it used outside certain group
which invented the utterance. Jargon also has exclusive characteristic where jargon utterances
are only used in certain scopes and fields.
Register commonly used by specific groups of professionals or experts or a group of
people who deals with a same field of expertise or knowledge in a certain range of time, in
order to communicate with their group members who involved in the conversations
accurately and efficiently. Analysing the register is analysing the field, tenor, and mode of a
text. The field, tenor, and mode are the components of the speech setting. They are
conceptual framework for representing the social context as the semiotic environment in
which people exchange meanings. Finch (2000) classifies the register into five classifications
of functions, they are:
a. Formal register
It is a register which has two characteristics, i.e. formal and discursive. It is usually used by
lecture, preaches, and judges. The features of this register are complex structure, simple
vocabulary and natural intonation (Finch. 2000: 234).
b. Consultative register
It is a kind of formal register. It is used in dialogue and conversation with a stranger and
small group in discussion moment. The language used in consultative register completes
grammatical form, major sentences, and core vocabulary items, slang, clear pronunciation,
and friendly intonation (Finch. 2000: 234).
c. Casual register
Casual register is a register that it used as an easy conversation among friends” (Finch. 2000:
235). It depends on closeness inside the relationship to make the register they are used reach
the same meaning when it is used.
d. Intimate register
The register that is used by people who know each other very well, such as a husband and his
wife. The characteristics of language used in intimate register is non-verbal communication
(shrugs, and groans) private vocabulary, reduced in range special meaning, nonsense word,
heavy use of stress and intonation, sometimes exaggerated, dialect, broader dialect (Finch.
2000: 235).
e. Frozen register
Frozen Register is usually used in literary regions, and legal work. The characteristics of
frozen register are the sentence structural often archaic, archaic vocabulary and neutral
Indonesian (Finch. 2000: 235).
The five Finch’s classifications above concluding the register function. Register can
be seen through situation when and where the utterances performed in a conversation. As we
have to be aware of the requirement of each classification to determine which classification
utterance should be concluded, such context of conversations, to whom speaker talk to,
relation among speaker and audiences and what utterance speaker should be used.
C. Theoretical Framework
In preparing to conduct the research, the researcher designed the research that will be
done. The following is the research framework:

Sociolinguistics analysis of
university prospectus video

Analysis of sociolinguistics Analysis of sociolinguistics

form: speaker identity form: register utterances

Interpretation of how the

social identities and the
register influence the
speakers’ utterances

Figure 2.1 Theoritical Framework of Sociolinguistics Analysis in University Prospectus

a. Research design
This research belongs to the descriptive qualitative research. According to Mason (2002), her
book entitled “Qualitative Researching” shows that qualitative research concerned on how
the social world is interpreted, understood, experienced, produced, or constituted; based on
methods of data generation which are both flexible and sensitive to the social context in
which the data produced; and based on methods of analysis, explanation and argument
building which involve understandings of complexity, detail and context.
b. Subject and Object of the Study

The object of the data is the use of the register utterances, speakers’ identities, and how they
influenced the speaker utterances of each university prospectus video. The subject of this
study is the five online university prospectuses video speakers. University prospectus is a
video sent to potential students to attract them to apply for admissions. It contains
information about the institution and the available courses, including advice on how to apply
and the benefits of accepting a place. The five universities are the University of Birmingham,
The University of Melbourne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nanyang
Technological University, and The University of Tokyo. Those online university
prospectuses are taken from the “About Us” part of the each university webpage. The
selected universities are from the four different region of the world. It is purposed to get data

c. Roles of the Researcher

In this study, the researcher becomes a sociolinguistics analyst of the data taken. The
instrument comes from the video, it is the video of the each university prospectuses.
d. Type of Data/Unit of Analysis
The data that will be used in this research are in form of words or descriptions since it is a
descriptive qualitative study.
e. Instrument for Collecting Data
The instrument of the data is the documentation. The documentation will be taken from the
prospectuses videos that will be transcribed first. They consists of the transcription of the
five university prospectuses video of the University of Birmingham, The University of
Melbourne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Nanyang Technological University, and
The University of Tokyo.
f. Procedures of Collecting Data
The method of data collection is documentation of a transcription. The ways are as follows:
the researcher watch the videos first, and then transcribe it into text. Those texts then will be
analysed by the researcher as planned before. The researcher read the prospectus to find out
the register utterances and the speaker identities.. The data found should be noted to be
interpreted then.
g. Procedures of Analysing Data
To analyse the collected data, the researcher takes the following steps: classifying the data
which can be categories as the register utterances, analysing the data by identifying the
linguistics form of the words and phrases, analysing the identities of the video speakers, and
identifying the social identities of the speakers. It will be analysed and described using
Halliday’s and Finch’s theory.
h. Technique of Reporting data
To report the data, the researcher will use the register analysis. The researcher will make a
table to report the analysis result of the register utterances category, analysing the data by
identifying the linguistics form of the words and phrases, analysing the identities of the video
speakers, and identifying the social identities of the speakers. Then, the researcher also
interpret how the register and the social identities influence the speaker in promoting the
university prospectus through the videos shared in You Tube.
i. Triangulation
Triangulation is used to strengthen the data validity (Sugiyono: 2012). The mixing of
methodologies, for example mixing the use of survey data with interviews, is a more
profound form of triangulation (Olsen: 2004). According to UNAIDS team on their book An
Introduction to Triangulation (2010), there are four kinds of triangulation based on Denzin’s
(1970s) identification:
a. Data triangulation is the use of variety of data sources, including time, space, and
persons in a study
b. Investigator triangulation is the use of more than one investigator, interviewer, observer,
researcher or data analyst in a study.
c. Theory triangulation is the use of multiple theories or hypotheses when examining a
situation or phenomenon. The idea is to look at a situation/phenomenon from different
perspectives, through different lenses, with different questions in mind.
d. Methodological triangulation is the use of multiple methods to study a situation or
phenomenon. The intention is to decrease the deficiencies and biases that come from any
single method.
This study will apply the data triangulation since it uses the variation university
prospectus of the four different continents (Asia, Australia, America, and Europe). This
triangulation is purposed to get the variation result and the probably discovery findings of the

Declaration of Originality
Table of Contents
List of Abbreviations (jika ada)
List of Tables (jika ada)
List of Figures (jika ada)
List of Appendices (jika ada)
1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Reasons for Choosing the Topic
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Purposes of the Study
1.5 Significance
1.6 Outline of the Report
2. Review of Related Literature
2.1 Review of Previous Studies
2.2 Review of Theoretical Background
2.3 Framework of the Present Study
3. Methodology
3.1 Research Assumptions
3.2 Object of the Study
3.3 Roles of the Researcher
3.4 Type of Data
3.5 Instrument for Collecting Data
3.6 Procedures of Collecting Data
3.7 Procedures of Analysing Data
3.8 Procedures of Reporting the Results
3.9. Triangulation
4. Results/Findings and Discussion
4.1 General Description
4.2 Results/Findings
4.3 Discussion
5. Conclusions

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