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Name : Faghi Davi Suwandi

NIM : 21030117190173

Topic : Production of Biodiesel from Fried Chicken Waste Cooking Oil

Title : The Effect Alcohol Types in Biodiesel Production from Fried

Chicken Waste Cooking Oil by Transesterification.

Introduction :

During this 21st century, transportation production in many sectors have

increased, resulting higher energy consumption. Most of the fuel are known
polluting air with carbon dioxides, carbon monoxides, sulphur dioxides, particulate
matter and other gases (Raqeeb dan Bhargavi, 2015). The environmental concern
and diminishing reserves of fossil fuels has increased the demand for the study of
biodiesel production. Biodiesel has become more attractive recently because of its
environmental benefits and the fact that it is made from renewable resources (Patel
et al., 2013). While on the other hand crude oil price is often fluctuating, due to
benefits like renewable in nature, low cost and green-house gas reduction potential,
biodiesel is nowadays incorporated all over the world especially in developed
countries like USA (Raqeeb dan Bhargavi, 2015). Gerpen (2015) stated that, Use
of cooking oil feedstocks provided a higher rate of return than refined vegetable
oils even after including the additional capital and operating costs of acid-catalyzed
pre-treatment. From this reason, fried chicken waste cooking oil is the one of most
convincing sources of biodiesel, because fast food franchise like KFC and
McDonald are distributed worldwide, make it as easy and cheap sources by cutting
transport. Fried chicken waste cooking oil also containing high level of Free Fatty
Acid (FFA) as a primary feedstock to produce biodiesel (Chhetri et al., 2008).

Obtaining biodiesel by transesterification method is pretty common among

researchers these days. Transesterification of vegetable oils with alcohol is the best
method for biodiesel production. In the production of biodiesel transesterification
process is to separate the fatty acids from the glycerol base and get free esters
(Blinova et al., 2013), these esters will be used as biodiesel. To maximize biodiesel
produced from transesterification process, suitable alcohol may be used. However,
there is a lack on Ahmia et al. (2014) research, it is stated that animal fat methyl
ester has some advantages such as high cetane number, noncorrosive, clean and
renewable properties. Animal fats tend to be low in FFAs and water (Ahmia et al.,
2014) while on the research it is not specified of sunflower WCO (Waste Cooking
Oil) is used from. It is expected the usage of suitable alcohol and resource resulting
higher biodiesel conversion.

This research main purposes are to determine the production of biodiesel

from fried chicken WCO. To determine the effect of alcohol type to the conversion
of alkyl esters. And compare the results between variables with commercial diesel
characteristics (density, flash point, viscosity, and soot). The result of this research
may lead biodiesel production processing better from alternative sources, especially
fried chicken WCO.

Objectives :

This research objectives are:

1. Determine the effect of alcohol type to the conversion of biodiesel from

fried chicken WCO.
2. Compare the results between variables with commercial diesel
characteristics (density, flash point, viscosity, and soot).

Hypothesis :

Alkyl ester(biodiesel) conversion affected by transesterification process

condition such as reaction time, temperature, molar ratio, catalyst type and catalyst
%wt ratio. The temperature at 65oC was selected based on the preliminary study
result. Oil to alcohol molar ratio 6:1. Catalyst concentration used is 1%wt KOH
(Rahadianti et al., 2018). And 20 minutes reaction time maximum yield from
Chhetri et al. research (2008).

Advantage of base-catalyzed process is it uses lower temperature and

processing temperature (normally 60ᵒC and 20 Psi). At less reaction time, it has
chance to have minimum side reaction and achieve higher conversion (98%).
However, base-catalyzed reaction require higher energy to reacted. Advantage of
acid-catalyzed process is it isn’t affected by the presence of free fatty acid in the
oil, resulting on more suitable production process. It is reported that higher alcohol
concentration will resulting on faster and greater conversion in acid-catalyzed
transesterification (Rahadianti et al., 2018).
Blinova et al. (2014) stated that many different alcohols can be used in this
reaction, including, methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol. The methanol
application is more feasible because of its low-cost and physical as well as chemical
advantages, such as being polar and having the shortest alcohol chain.

Figure 1 Transesterification reaction using Methanol

According to Fig. 1, R1, R2 and R3 are long chains of hydrocarbons and carbon
atoms called fatty acid chains. The reaction is based on one mole of triglyceride
reacting with three moles of methanol to produce three moles methyl ester
(biodiesel) and one mole glycerol. It is predicted that transesterification with
methanol will produced highest biodiesel conversion among other alcohol which
commonly used.

Method :

Fried chicken WCO is obtained from McDonald and KFC franchise at

Banyumanik, Semarang city, Central Java Province, Indonesia. Alcohols will be
tested are methanol, ethanol, propanol, and butanol. The Fried chicken WCO was
used to fry chicken for the preparation of waste cooking oil. The waste cooking oil
then transferred into a clean plastic bottle. Later, the waste cooking oil is filtered to
remove bits of food residues. The filtered clean cooking oil was then collected in a
clean conical flask and used for experiments. Filtered clean cooking oil was heated
up to a temperature of 60°C. It is important not to make overheat the oil above 65
°C, because at that temperature alcohol would boil away easily. The heated oil of
500 ml was measured and transfer into clean flask. Then we added an excess
amount of alcohol (220 ml per litres of oil) to produced process (transesterification).
For improves the transesterification reaction we added KOH as catalyst (1 wt%).
The reaction considered starting at this moment, since heated oil assists the reaction
to occur. The reaction mixture mixed with magnetic stirrer for 20 minutes. The
product will settle down overnight. Two distinct liquid phases: crude ester phase at
the top and glycerol phase at the bottom would be produced in a successful
transesterification reaction. There are a few methods to separate these 2 layers,
including using the separating funnel and removing the biodiesel using pipette. The
top ester phase (biodiesel) is separated from the bottom glycerol phase by
transferring to a clean 1000 ml conical flask. The biodiesel was then purified by
washing with hot distilled water to remove all the residual by-products like excess
alcohol, excess catalysts, soap and glycerine. The volume of distilled water added
was approximately 15 % of the biodiesel volume. This step was divided into two
parts in order to verify the importance purification of raw biodiesel by water. In
both washing step we added the same volume of water. The flask was shaken gently
for 1 minute and placed on the table to allow separation of biodiesel and water
layers. After separation, the biodiesel was transferred to a clean conical flask.
Analyze each treatment conversion by measuring volume of product and initial.
Measure density with picnometer, flash point by burning it measured with electric
thermometer, viscosity with viscosimeter, and soot by burning of basis 50 ml and
measure soots left behind.

A. Density
1. Use 25 ml picnometer and do calibration with aquadest to get the
volume of picnometer.
2. Take out the aquadest and replace it with biodiesel product and scale it,
and calculate its density with volume calculated before.
𝜌= 𝑉

𝜌 = Density (g/cm3)
𝑚0 = Empty picnometer mass (gram)
𝑚 = Filled picnometer mass (gram)
B. Flash-Point
1. Prepare electric heater, gas torch, electric thermometer, tin can with cap
around 500ml, and 200 ml of biodiesel.
2. Put biodiesel into tin can on the electric heater, check the temperature.
3. Turn on the torch and swing it back and forth to barely contact with the
surface of biodiesel for 3 times.
4. Slowly increase the temperature 50C. And repeat step 3-4 until it catches
fire and write the flash point temperature.
5. Put out flame with its cap.

C. Viscosity
1. Specify sample and comparator liquid density.
2. Specify upper mark as “s1” and bottom mark as “s2”.
3. Filled viscosimeter Ostwald with 15 ml comparator fluid (aquadest).
4. Do suctioning with ball pipette until slightly above “s1” mark and
release the fluid.
5. Start the stopwatch when fluid surface hits “s1” mark and stop when it
hits “s2” mark, note the time.
6. Repeat step 3-5 with biodiesel samples.
7. Calculate viscosity with formula:

D. Soot
1. Prepare 100ml evaporating porcelain dish, 50 ml of biodiesel, electric
scale and matches.
2. Scale filled evaporating dish.
3. Burn the biodiesel until flame out by itself.
4. Calculate the final weight.
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑜𝑜𝑡 (𝑔) = 𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 − 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠
Method Diagram :

Preparation of Fried Chicken WCO

Have Fried Chicken WCO and remove of food residues

Biodiesel preparation
Heat WCO to 65oC of 500 ml of it, 6:1 molar ratio
alcohol: oil, KOH 1%wt, and mix it well with magnetic
stirrer for 20 minutes

Separation of biodiesel from side products

Let it settle down overnight until there are 2 layers of
water and oil. Separate it with funnel, pipette, or both

Purification of biodiesel by washing

Wash the product with around 15%wt of hot distilled
water, shake gently for 1 minute and separate it with
conical flask

Analyze and compare results with commercial diesel

References :

Ahmia, A.C., F. Danane, R. Bessah and I.Boumesbah. 2014. Raw material for
biodiesel production. Valorization of used edible oil. Algiers: Centre de
Développement des Energies Renouvelables and Université des Sciences et
de la Technologie Houari Boumediene, Revue des Energies Renouvelables
Vol. 17 N°2 (2014) 335 – 343.

Blinova, Lenka, Josef Fiala and Karol Balog. 2014. Biodiesel production from
waste cooking oil in laboratory scale. Trans Tech Publications, Applied
Mechanics and Materials Vols. 448-453 (2014) pp 1656-1659.

Chhetri, Arjun B., K. Chris Watts and M. Rafiqul Islam. 2008. Waste Cooking Oil
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1, 3-18; DOI: 10.3390/en1010003.

Gerpen, Jon Van. 2005. Biodiesel processing and production. Elsevier journal of
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Knothe, Gerhard, Jon Van Gerpen and Jurgen Krahl. 2005. The Biodiesel
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