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individual english assignments


NIM : B1F119031


The Importance of Orderly Traffic

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Dear English teacher

And don't forget the friends that I care about

          First of all, let us pray and praise and praise be to Allah

SWT. Who has bestowed his blessings and guidance on all of us,
so that we can gather in this good place and time with a healthy
and healthy condition. Sholawat and greetings remain poured out
to our lord Prophet Muhammad. Who always pray for his people
to the path of goodness and salvation.

         Friends - how grateful we are to live in modern times like

today, where when we want to go to the place we are going to we
can easily use public transportation, motorbikes, cars, rickshaws,
etc. that can make it easier for us to quickly get to the destination.
But have we ever been aware of the existence of facilities that
can make it easier for us to actually be detrimental to ourselves if
we do not carry out with discipline? Discipline friends are
beautiful. But have we instilled a spirit of discipline in ourselves?
There are still many violations of discipline, especially in terms of
traffic discipline. According to information that I know, there are
three factors that can cause high numbers of traffic accidents,

The first and most cause factor is the driver or ourselves. Many
cases of accidents due to reckless drivers on the road, there are
also motorists who drive in drowsy conditions, are less fit, and so
forth. As public road users, we are obliged to be good riders
wherever we drive. Do not drive recklessly or sleepy. Then we
have to wear SNI helmets.

The second is the road factor, in some areas there are still many
roads that are damaged, potholes, uneven, or too narrow, so that
the road has a high risk of accidents.

         The third is the vehicle factor. The rearview mirror is not

installed completely, even though the rearview mirror was made
to make it easier for us to see the vehicle that is behind us. Then
the muffler that is replaced is not standard will make other
motorists noisy.

so let us as citizens who still have a high form of awareness to

always obey traffic rules.

         Friends, orderly traffic is a noble act of events - events that
already exist, of course we as educated people can already draw
their own conclusions that the rules were made also for the sake
of our own safety. For this reason, we must obey the existing
traffic rules, so that the non-discipline that we do harms ourselves
and those around us.

          That's all I can say, hopefully it will benefit us all. If there is

a mistake said I apologize.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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