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Dual task training as a therapeutic strategy in

neurologic physical therapy: a literature review

Tassiana Mendel1, Wilames Oliveira Barbosa2, Adriana Campos Sasaki3


Objective: Discuss the possibilities of dual task in the ambit of neurological rehabilitation.
Methods: A survey was conducted in PUBMED, MEDLINE, LILACS, and PEDro, using the keywords
“dual task” associated with each of the following terms separately: treatment, physical therapy,
rehabilitation, exercise, training, divided attention, executive functions, and attentional demands.
We selected only clinical trials that used dual task training in adults with neurological disease.
Results: From the 2,024 articles found, 1,017 were excluded because they are duplicate. Among
the remaining 1,007 articles, 998 were excluded after reviewing the abstracts. Nine articles were
selected that included patients with stroke, brain injuries, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease.
Most articles used gait as the primary task, and in six studies the second task was cognitive.
The training programs ranged between a total of 9 and 48 hours of training. Conclusion: Dual
task training appears to improve gait, cognition, automation skills, and transference of learning,
suggesting that this may be a valuable strategy for neurological rehabilitation. Nevertheless, it is
still necessary to explain which tasks are more efficient and how long the learning retention lasts.

Keywords: Executive Function, Exercise Therapy, Attention, Neurology, Rehabilitation

Physiotherapist, Master’s candidate in the
Graduate Program in Health Sciences at the
Universidade Federal da Bahia - UFBA.
Physiotherapist, Resident in Adult and Elderly
Health, Hospital Universitário de Sergipe.
Physiotherapist, PhD in Health Sciences, Assistant
Professor at the Universidade do Estado da Bahia
- UNEB, and at the Escola Bahiana de Medicina e
Saúde Pública.

Mailing address:
Adriana Campos Sasaki
Rua Artur de Sá Menezes, 268
CEP 41810-480
Salvador - BH
E-mail: asasaki@uneb.br

Received on July 9, 2014.

Accepted on September 22, 2015.

DOI: 10.5935/0104-7795.20150039

Acta Fisiatr. 2015;22(4):206-211 Mendel T, Barbosa WO, Sasaki AC
Dual task training as a therapeutic strategy in neurologic physical therapy: a literature review

INTRODUCTION these individuals.17 The executive functions, Table 1 shows the general characteristics
especially the divided attention, verified by the of the articles included in this review. Among
The ability to execute two tasks at the completion of concurrent tasks, have been the the nine articles included, eight were pub-
same time is necessary and commonly used target of these professionals’ interest both in lished in the last 5 years.19-26 The composition
by human beings in the performance of var- observational studies as well as in intervention of samples ranged between 12 and 92 indi-
ious activities of daily living.1.2 This capability studies. This indicates that the performance viduals20-22 with a total of 303 subjects. The
represents an evolutionary advantage, since in dual tasking can be an important item in neurological conditions varied, with the most
it allows the individual to perform various both the evaluative approach as well as in the prevalent being stroke and brain injury, with
activities concurrently, with lower neural ac- physiotherapeutic intervention. The present 4 and 2 studies, respectively.19-21,25-27
tivation, using less than with doing the same study will approach the use of dual tasking Regarding the interventions to which the
tasks separately.3 The loss that one - or both exclusively as an intervention strategy. individuals were submitted, most authors
- suffers is called dual task interference. Its Despite the substantial growth in the used gait as the main task, and one arti-
presence creates disadvantages and may lead number of publications on the theme, few cle evaluated the control of trunk, with the
to the risk of bodily injury when one of them studies deal specifically with the use of dual patients seated.25 In six studies at least one
requires close postural control or screening tasking as a therapeutic resource and there is cognitive activity was applied as a second-
of environmental risks.4-6 still little systematization regarding this use. ary task.19-24 Only three studies used motor
Several studies have demonstrated the Knowing that it is a low-cost resource and ex- dual tasking.25-27 The time of each session
presence of dual task interference in indi- tremely rich in possibilities of application, this varied between 30 minutes23 and 1 hour
viduals with a neurological disease or injury, study is justified to encourage discussions of per day,21,23,24 and between 4 weeks27 and 4
such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Hunting- this issue. months.20 The total time of intervention var-
ton’s Disease, multiple sclerosis, traumatic ied between 925 and 48 hours of training.23
brain injury (TBI), or stroke (CVA).5-10 It can To analyze the gains from the practice
be expressed in the gait as a decrease in OBJECTIVE of dual tasking, the studies used different
the speed, in the length of the stride, and in measures. Some studies evaluated the gait
the cadence and as an increase in the time The objective of this work was to discuss parameters22,24,26,27 and five studies also eval-
of double support.5,11,12 The interference can the possibilities of using dual tasking in the re- uated executive functions.19,21-24 Other vari-
also occur in the form of a worse perfor- habilitation of neurological patients. ables evaluated were postural control,21,24,26
mance of the upper limb, a decrease in the the number of falls,24 and the performance
number of words spoken, and an increase in in tasks of everyday living.19,21 All the studies
body oscillation, among other things.13-15 METHOD presented improvement of the variables an-
Three theoretical models were developed alyzed post-training in experimental groups.
in order to explain the dual task interference. The bibliographic research was performed Only one study evaluated retention of the re-
The capacity theory - or theory of sharing in the PEDro, PubMed, LILACS, and MEDLINE sults obtained and the transference to other
resources (the capacity model), is based on databases, in the period between August and tasks not included in the intervention.22
the assumption that the attention resources September of 2012. There was no restriction
are limited, leading to loss in the execution of as to the language or date of publication. The
one or two tasks when the processing capac- term ‘dual task’ was used associated sepa- DISCUSSION
ity is exceeded. The crossed communication rately with eight other descriptors: treatment,
theory (the cross-talk model) explains that physical therapy, rehabilitation, exercise, All the articles selected pointed to the
similar tasks use the same routes, thereby training, divided attention, executive func- effectiveness of the dual task training in the
reducing the risk of dual task interference. tions, attentional demands. neurological population. Despite presenting
Finally, the bottleneck theory (the bottleneck Clinical trials were included that used dual positive effects after the interventions, there
model), in contrast to the previous theory, task training in individuals with neurological was a considerable discrepancy in the choice
says that similar tasks are competing for the disease or injury. Exclusion criteria were: ab- of measuring methods and of parameters
same processing routes, generating loss in sence of a control group, non-randomization evaluated to demonstrate these results.
performing one or both tasks.16 of the sample studied, and studies developed Of the studies analyzed, 5 underwent
Depending on the type of activities per- with pediatric populations. evaluation of some cognitive aspect.19,21-24
formed, the dual task can be motor, cognitive, Cognitive impairment is an important risk
or motor-cognitive. A rehabilitation strategy factor for falls, doubling the risk of this type
increasingly used is the dual task training, RESULTS of event occurring, mainly when the individ-
which seeks to facilitate, by means of con- uals are in multitasking situations.28 Execu-
ducting concurrent functional activities, the The electronic survey yielded 2,024 tive dysfunctions are widely documented in
allocation of attention resources, thus de- articles. Of these, 1,017 were excluded the neurological population.29,30 In studies
creasing the dual task interference.17,18 because they were duplicate. After careful conducted with individuals diagnosed with
Currently, physiotherapists have focused analysis of the abstracts, carried out by a single Alzheimer’s disease, it was observed that
their attention not only on the motor examiner, 998 articles were excluded, leaving their dual tasking performance was already
performance of neurological patients, but only 9, that presented the characteristics compromised since the early stages of the
also on the cognitive aspects and those necessary to be included and discussed in this disease. This indicates that even when the
related to the environmental context of study (Figure 1). cognitive deficit is not evident, the problems

Acta Fisiatr. 2015;22(4):206-211 Mendel T, Barbosa WO, Sasaki AC
Dual task training as a therapeutic strategy in neurologic physical therapy: a literature review

walk while performing subtractions, config-

uring it as a motor-cognitive dual task.22 To
investigate the impact of dual task training
in elderly patients with diagnosis of demen-
tia, Schwenket al.24 compared the effects of
nonspecific low intensity exercises (CG) with
that of exercises based on concurrent motor
or cognitive dual tasking (EG).
There was significant improvement in the
spatial parameters of gait such as the length
of the stride, and temporal parameters such
as the speed and cadence in all the studies
sampled in the present study.24,26,27 Plum-
mer-D’Amato et al,6 in contrast, observed no
alteration in variability in the time of step in
individuals who had suffered a stroke. These
findings are also in contrast with the results
found by You et al.41 who observed no signif-
Figure 1. Illustration of the electronic search
icant improvements in gait parameters for
elderly people. One possible explanation for
these changes in ambulation is that these
would, in fact, be a result of compensatory
generated by the dual task interference may influence of the dual task interference on mechanisms used in an attempt to alleviate
occur.31,32 In the case of acquired injuries, ambulation. It is known that in older popula- the postural instability experienced by these
deficits may persist even after the period of tions, falls tend to happen during gait, in par- individuals, thus minimizing the risk of falls
rehabilitation, as identified in the study of Le- ticular when this happens simultaneously to since higher speeds require greater control
sniak et al, in which hemiparetic individuals tasks of everyday living such as talking or car- over one’s postural balance.2 As one of the
presented with attention deficit even a year rying an object.33 Lord et al.34 reported that main objectives of physical therapy is recov-
after their stroke.33 victims of stroke have great dissatisfaction ering mobility, gait is a frequent target of
Teixeira & Alouche1 studied individuals in their ability to ambulate in a community neurological rehabilitation programs.27
with Parkinson’s and found positive results in environment, whose ideal speed would be at All the studies of the sample used at
their performance of the cognitive and mo- least 80 cm/s. least one cognitive activity as a secondary
tor tasking during gait after three repetitions. Petterson et al.31 have observed de- task. These involved mainly verbal fluency
These results indicate that, despite the injury creased gait speed in individuals with Alzhei- and arithmetic operations. In spite of recent
or neurological disease installed, this popula- mer’s disease. Similar results were found in studies suggesting that different tasks gen-
tion is still able to learn and automate motor studies conducted with individuals who have erate different interferences, there is still no
skills, thus providing favorable evidence that suffered stroke, brain injury, and Parkinson’s consensus in the literature that indicates the
long and intense intervention periods are not disease.2,8,10,35 Other alterations also expe- superiority of cognitive over motor tasks in
required for positive results to be observed. rienced by this population, due to dual task improving dual task performance.12,33,42
Imaging exams help to identify specific interference, are the increase in the time of Only two studies used motor activities as
neuronal groups activated by certain tasks. step,36 step length,37,38 step variability,38,39 gait secondary tasks.25,27 In the study by Yang et al.27
Wu & Hallett3 observed in a functional MRI, symmetry,40 and stride length and cadence.6 they used Swiss balls and basketballs, involv-
that those with Parkinson’s had more intense Yang et al.27 assessed the impact of a ing activities of gripping, handling, and throw-
cortical activation than the control group, motor dual task program in the gait parame- ing during ambulation. Lee et al.25 developed a
made up of healthy individuals, when per- ters of 25 patients after a stroke. The control treatment protocol to be carried out in three
forming dual tasks. After repetition of motor group (CG) underwent no rehabilitation pro- two-week stages with gradually increasing dif-
sequences, a reduction was observed in the gram, and the experimental group (EG) was ficulty of the dual task activities involving han-
intensity of activation to levels closer to nor- submitted to a program of exercises with mo- dling cups, throwing balls, and a game with ball
mal in the group of patients. These results in- tor dual tasking, using the gripping, passing, and paddle, all while seated. Although requiring
dicate that the recruitment of more cortical kicking, and throwing of balls. Shimet al.26 voluntary contraction of the muscle system-and
tissue happens in an attempt to decrease the also evaluated individuals who had suffered a hence being classified as motor tasks-they re-
dual task interference, generated by execu- stroke, with the CG exercising to gain range of quire constant involvement of the nervous
tive deficit. To the extent that the automation motion, functional mobility, and gait training, system to control the force, the coordination,
of movements occurs, reduced interference and with the EG performing the same training and the tracking of targets. A similar result was
also occurs without the need to request associated with the motor dual task training observed by Plummer-D’Amato et al.6 in a study
more neural processing resources.3 with ball activities. In another study with Par- with individuals who had suffered a stroke, in
Four authors used gait as their primary kinson’s patients, the CG was not submitted which it was found that spontaneous speech
task.22,24,26,27 This might be due to the strong to any intervention and the EG was guided to generated more interference in the gait than vi-

Acta Fisiatr. 2015;22(4):206-211 Mendel T, Barbosa WO, Sasaki AC
Dual task training as a therapeutic strategy in neurologic physical therapy: a literature review

Table 1. General characteristics of studies that used dual tasking as a therapeutic resource in the rehabilitation of neurological patients
Authors, Duration and frequency
Target population (n) Groups Type of intervention Measured outcomes Results
year (country) of intervention

CG: had no rehabilitation EG presented

program; improvement in all
EG: Exercise program measures of gait, except
Yang et al.27 25 individuals who CG (n = 12) 3 times/week, for 4 Gait parameters during motor dual task
based on dual task, with for temporal symmetry
2007 (Taiwan) suffered stroke EG (n = 13) weeks. (GATIRite).
the use of balls (gripping, index. There was no
passing, kicking, throwing, significant difference in
etc). the CG.

Estimated pre-morbidity intellectual

level (Spot the Word Test), attention Performance
and dual tasking (tests developed by improvement of the
CG: Continued with
2 times of 30 minutes/ the authors), additional measure of primary outcome
Evans et al. 19
19 individuals who CG (n = 10) unspecific rehabilitation
day, 5 days/week, for dual tasking capacity (Memory Span and performance
2009 (United Kingdom) suffered brain injury EG (n = 9) EG: Motor-cognitive dual
5 weeks. & Tracking Task), dual tasking test improvement in dual
(Telephone Search with Counting), tasking in activities of
reports of dual tasking in daily life (Dual- daily living.
tasking Questionnaire).

Specific measures of dual tasking

Significant effect
(Divided attention-TAP subtest; Go-no
in the dual tasking
go and digit span), executive tasks
AB: cognitive tasks that measurements and in
2 phases (AB, BA), each and working memory (Flexibility - TAP
12 individuals who have did not involve divided the divided attention
Couillet et al.21 AB group (n = 6) one with 6 weeks, 4 subtest; Trail-Making test; Stroop test;
suffered severe brain attention or working item from RSAB. Small
2010 (France) BA group (n = 6) sessions per week for 1 Brown-Peterson paradigm), divided
injury memory; effect on executive
hour each attention in tasks of daily living (Rating
BA: dual task training measures and no
Scale of Attentional Behavior) and non-
significant effect on non-
target measures (Phasic alertness” TAP
target measures.
subtest; Go-no go; digit span).

CG: Conventional
CG: 5 sessions of 1 hour/ Dual task training
exercise program (CEP),
week, for 6 weeks (CEP) associated with a
seeking flexibility gain,
28 individuals who EG: 5 sessions of 1 hour/ Control of trunk (Trunk Impairment conventional exercise
Lee et al.25 CG (n = 14) muscular resistance and
suffered stroke, in the week, for 6 weeks (CEP) Scale) and balance (Modified program has improved
2012 (Korea) EG (n = 14) strength, and training
chronic phase and 3 sessions of 30 functional reach test) sitting. the control of trunk and
of ADLs.
minutes/week, for 6 the balance of seated
EG: CEP and motor dual
weeks (MDT). patients.
task training (MDT).

Improvement was
observed in the
performance of the EG
Number of falls (questionnaire),
CG: regular practice of in relation to balance
cognitive function (MMSE), cognitive
physical exercises; Sessions of 1 hour, and executive functions.
Pedroso et al.23 21 elderly with CG (n = 10) functions (FAB), executive functions
EG: a program of 3 times/week, for 4 The practice of exercises
2012 (Brazil) Alzheimer’s disease EG (n = 11) (CDT), functional mobility and risk of
physical exercises with months. with dual tasking seems
falls (TUG), and balance in functional
cognitive tasks. to have contributed to
tasks (BBS).
the cognitive and motor
improvement of the

CG: nonspecific low

intensity exercises; The training significantly
Clinical characteristics, gait during dual
Schwenk et al. 24
CG (n = 35) EG: training exercises 2 sessions of 1 hour/ improved their
61 elderly with dementia tasking (GAITRite), cognition (additions
2010 (Germany) EG (n = 26) based on concurrent week, for 12 weeks. performance in dual
and subtractions are done correctly).
motor or cognitive dual tasking.

Immediate and short-

CG: not received term improvement of
intervention. the stride length and
Fok et al.22
12 individuals with CG (n = 6) 30 minutes - period not Gait parameters (GAITrite) and rate of
EG: motor-cognitive dual of gait speed in the EG
2011 (Australia) Parkinson’s disease EG (n = 6) specified correct arithmetic answers.
task (walking while doing in relation to the CG,
subtractions). except for the correct
arithmetic rate.

CG: Conventional
balance training;
CG presented
EG: Conventional
significantly greater
Zheng et al.20 92 individuals who EG (n = 47) cognitive dual task 40 minutes/week, 3 Static Balance (Biodex Balance
displacement toward
2012 (China) suffered a stroke CG (n = 45) balance training times/week, for 8 weeks. System).
mid-lateral direction with
(answering questions
eyes open and closed.
and doing arithmetic

CG: exercises for gaining CG: sessions of 30

range of motion, mobility minutes, 5 days/week, Significant improvement
and gait training. for 6 weeks. of temporal (speed and
EG: exercises for gaining EG: sessions of 30 cadence) and spatial
Shim et al.26
33 individuals who CG (n = 16)
range of motion, minutes, 5 days/week, Gait parameters (GAITrite) (step and stride length
2012 (Korea) suffered a stroke. EG (n = 17)
mobility, and gait training for 6 weeks and sessions parameters, support
associated with motor of 30 minutes, 3 times/ phase of the paretic
dual task training - week, for 6 weeks (dual and non-paretic limb).
activities with a ball task training)

sual-spatial and memory tasks. These data lead Only one study mentioned retaining the of motor sequences, these patients have the
to questioning the degree of motor or cognitive the resulting capacities produced with the capacity to maintain the results for a period
participation in each of the tasks employed in dual task training,22 indicating that, in addi- of time, being evaluated only 30 minutes af-
this modality of rehabilitation. tion to the learning potential and automation ter the end of the intervention. Brauer et al.42

Acta Fisiatr. 2015;22(4):206-211 Mendel T, Barbosa WO, Sasaki AC
Dual task training as a therapeutic strategy in neurologic physical therapy: a literature review

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