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Definition of Computer:-

A computer is a programmable machine that receives input, stores and

manipulates data, and provides output in a useful format.

A Computer is a multi purpose, electronic tool which can receive data (Input),
process data, and show it (Output).
[This means you can give data to your computer from an input device such as
a keyboard, game pad etc. The computer will then process it using the Central
Processing Unit and Memory available, and then output it in the form of soft copy
( Screen), hard copy (printing, speakers etc.)]

full form of computer-

C= computer
O= operate
M= machine
P= print, printer
U= use for
T= technical
E= edit
R= research, restart

History of computer Since civilizations began, many of the advances made by science and
technology have depended upon the ability to process large amounts of data and perform
complex mathematical calculations. For thousands of years, mathematicians, scientists and
businessmen have searched for computing machines that could perform calculations and
analyze data quickly and efficiently. One such device was the abacus.

The abacus was an important counting machine in ancient Babylon, China, and throughout
Europe where it was used until the late middle ages. It was followed by a series of
improvements in mechanical counting machines that led up to the development of accurate
mechanical adding machines in the 1930’s. These machines used a complicated assortment
of gears and levers to perform the calculations but they were far to slow to be of much use to
scientists. Also, a machine capable of making simple decisions such as which number is
larger was needed. A machine capable of making decisions is called a computer.

First generation Computers (1946-1954)

The first generation computers are started in the year 1946. These computers are
called as ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer). The first
generation computers use the vacuum tubes. Some of them say the first generation
computers are started in 1946 with the introduction of EDSAC. The EDSAC is the
first stored program counter. Actually ENIAC was the first generation computers it’s
developed on 1946 because in that year they build stored program counters. The
transistors and the general adoption of ferrite core memories are introduced in the
year 1958. 2500 first generation computers are installed worldwide in the year end
of 1958. The first generation computers are the base for development of all
computers. Now we reached the many latest generation computers.

Second Generation Computers (1956-1963)

The invention of Transistors marked the start of the second generation. These
transistors took place of the vacuum tubes used in the first generation computers.
First large scale machines were made using these technologies to meet the
requirements of atomic energy laboratories. One of the other benefits to the
programming group was that the second generation replaced Machine language with
the assembly language. Even though complex in itself Assemly language was much
easier than the binary code.

Third Generation - 1964-1971: Integrated Circuits

The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of
computers. Transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips, called
semiconductors, which drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers.

The 1950s and 1960s are the second generation computers year. The second
generation computers are the use of the transistors. These are invented by the Bell
Telephone laboratories. The second generation computers had the operating systems,
printers, stored programs etc. the second generation computers are the sort of the
memory. These generation computers designs are solid and more reliable also. The
first successful programming language is the FORTAIN. It was developed in the year
1957. These FORTAIN is the very easy language to learn in that time, it used the
binary machine codes for programming. The default FORTRAN includes the
Assignment statements, Do loops, PAUSE, STOP and CONTINUE etc. these are most
successful language in that time it dominates many other Languages.
Fourth Generation - 1971-Present: Microprocessors

The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of

integrated circuits we rebuilt onto a single silicon chip. A silicon chip that contains a
CPU. In the world of personal computers,the terms microprocessor and CPU are
used interchangeably. At the heart of all personal computers and most workstations
sits a microprocessor. Microprocessors also control the logic of almost all digital
devices, from clock radios to fuel-injection systems for automobiles.

Fifth Generation - Present and Beyond: Artificial Intelligence:-

Fifth generation computing devices, based on artificial intelligence, are still in

development,though there are some applications, such as voice recognition, that are
being used today. Artificial Intelligence is the branch of computer science concerned
with making computers behave like humans. The term was coined in 1956 by John
McCarthy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Artificial intelligence

Latest Technologies
Intel core i family processor
Graphics Card
3-D Vision “google earth”
Transparent Touch Screen

• Games Playing: programming computers to play games such as chess and


 Expert Systems: programming computers to make decisions in real-life situations

(for example, some expert systems help doctors diagnose diseases based on
 Natural Language: programming computers to understand natural human
 Neural Networks: Systems that simulate intelligence by attempting to reproduce
the types of physical connections that occur in animal brains
 Robotics: programming computers to see and hear and react to other sensory


Sony introduced the VAIO UX Micro PC, placing full-size computer

performance in a pocket-sized package Weighing just over a pound,
the new PC has a Microsoft XP Professional operating system and
an Intel Core Solo Ultra Low Voltage CPU for fast processing and
long battery life. The UX model also features a 4.5-inch wide SVGA
screen with XBRITE technology for viewing that slides up to expose an integrated keyboard. This
allows you to access familiar applications easily in the same way you would on a full-sized computer
Designing your artwork is carried out on a friendly one to
one basis using the latest computer technology. Simply
provide us with the text on disk or by email, along with any
pictures or photos you want to include.

The Compal is your latest computer pal. This

portable computer system was seen in the
Computex. Running on a Windows CE 5.0
platform , the computer buddy can do amazing
things. Let’s take a look at it’s features.

Don’t underestimate the power of this little guy. The Compal is powered by a 532MHz
Freescale i.MX31 processor. The Compal also features a touchscreen Along with a fast

processor, the Compal offers the following to it’s users:

* 256MB of SDRAM

* 512MB of Flash memory

* Wireless system

* Bluetooth

It even comes with a 1.3 Megapixel camer.I think this is a great deal for a
pocket PC - almost too good to be true.
The iROX PRO-X weather station is a professional weather station that combines the
latest environmental measuring technology with computer technology enabling you to
store, record and review weather data.

Type of computer =
 Analog computer
 Digital computer (mini and micro computer)
 Hybrid computer (super computer)

Analog computer -
The analog computer is an electronic or hydraulic device that is designed to handle
input in terms of, for example, voltage levels or hydraulic pressures, rather than
numerical data. The simplest analog calculating device is the slide rule, which
employs lengths of specially calibrated scales to facilitate multiplication, division,
and other functions. In a typical electronic analog computer, the inputs are converted
into voltages that may be added or multiplied using specially designed circuit

Digital computer
Everything that a digital computer does is based on one operation: the ability to
determine if a switch, or "gate," is open or closed. That is, the computer can
recognize only two states in any of its microscopic circuits: on or off, high voltage or
low voltage, or-in the case of numbers-0 or 1. The speed at which the computer
performs this simple act, however, is what makes it a marvel of modern technology.
Computer speeds are measured in megaHertz, or millions of cycles per second.

 Technically, depending on how the terms "digital" and "computers" are defined,
such devices as calculators, cameras, smart phones or any accessory with a micro
processing chip could be considered a type of digital computer. However, today
digital computers are most commonly referred to as personal computers, also known
as desktops and laptops. Dell, Hewlett-Packard and IBM are only a few of many
companies manufacturing personal computers.
Hybrid computer -
Hybrid computers are computers that exhibit features of analog computers and
digital computers. The digital component normally serves as the controller and
provides logical operations, while the analog component normally serves as a solver
of differential equations.

A hybrid computer is a computer system containing both analog and digital devices
so that the properties or each can be used to the greatest advantage. For instance, a
digital and an analog computer can be interconnected so that data can be transferred
between them

use of computer
• media electronic
• pint media
• army
• in factories
• telephone department
• games
• banking
• railway
Input Devices
A computer would be useless without some way for you to interact with it because the
machine must be able to receive your instructions and deliver the results of these
instructions to you. Input devices accept instructions and data from you the user.
Some popular input devices are listed below.


Output Devices

 Monitor
 Speakers
 Printer

printer type
 Dot Matrix
 Ink Jet
 Laser
Advantage of computer-
• fast calculation
• accuracy
• reliable
• diligence
• no feeling
• speed
• Consideration revise
• familiar
• beneficial
• employee
• store
• purpose

disadvantage of computer
 no intelligence of its own
 it's totally depend of human
 task unemployment
 purpose
 frequent
 prolong
 strain


A personal computer must have a means of storing information (data) and instructions so
that it can perform processing tasks on the data. Personal computers have two types of
memory. These are discussed below.

Read Only Memory (ROM)

ROM is a small area of permanent memory that provides startup instructions
when the computer is turned on. You can not store any data in ROM. The
instructions in ROM are set by the manufacturer and cannot be changed by
the user. The last instruction in ROM directs the computer to load the
operating system.

Every computer needs an operating system. This is a special computer

program that must be loaded into memory as soon as the computer is turned
on. Its purpose is to translate your instructions in English into Binary so that
the computer can understand your instructions. The operating system also
translates the results generated by your computer into English when it is
finished so that we can understand and use the results. The operating system
comes with a computer.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

This is the area of memory where data and program instructions are stored
while the computer is in operation. This is temporary memory. NOTE: The
data stored in RAM is lost forever when the power is turned off. For this
reason it is very important that you save your work before turning off your
computer. This is why we have peripheral storage devices like your
computer’s hard disk and floppy diskettes.

Permanent Memory (Auxiliary Storage)

Your files are stored in permanent memory only when saved to your disk in a:
drive or saved to your computer's hard disk,
Drive c: In the Floyd College labs, you can also save your work to a network
drive. We will discuss this in class.
To better understand how a computer handles information and to also understand why
information is lost if the power goes off, let’s take a closer look at how a computer handles
information. Your computer is made of millions of tiny electric circuits. For every circuit in
a computer chip, there are two possibilities:

1. an electric circuit flows through the circuit or

2. An electric circuit does not flow through the circuit.

When an electric current flows through a circuit, the circuit is on. When no electricity flows,
the circuit is off. An “on” circuit is represented by the number one (1) and an off circuit is
represented by the number zero (0). The two numbers 1 and 0 are called bits. The word bit
comes from “binary digit”. Each time a computer reads an instruction, it translates that
instruction into a series of bits, 1’s and 0’s. On most computers every character from the
keyboard is translated into eight bits, a combination of eight 1’s and 0’s. Each group of
eight bits is called a byte.

Byte – The amount of space in memory or on a disk needed to store one character. 8 bits = 1

Since computers can handle such large numbers of characters at one time, metric prefixes
are combined with the word byte to give some common multiples you will encounter in
computer literature.
Kilo means 1000 Kilobyte (KB) = 1000 Bytes
Mega means 1,000,000 Megabyte (MB) = 1,000,000 Bytes
Giga Means 1,000,000,000 Gigabyte (GB) = 1,000,000,000 Bytes

At this point it would be good to point out why information stored in RAM is lost if the power
goes off. Consider the way the following characters are translated into binary code for use
by the computer.
A 01000001
B 01000010
C 01000011
X 01011000
Z 01011010
1 00110001
2 00110010

Consider the column at the right, which represents how the computer stores information.
Each of the 1’s in the second column represents a circuit that is “on”. If the power goes off,
these circuits can NOT be “on” any more because the electricity has been turned off and any
data represented by these circuits is lost. This is why we can not overemphasize the
importance of saving your work often.

Central Processing Unit (CPU)

The central processing unit is one of the two most important components of your
microcomputer. It is the electronic brain of your computer. In addition to processing data,
it controls the function of all the other components. The most popular microprocessors in
IBM compatible computers are made by Intel. The generations of microprocessors are listed

1981 8088
1984 80286
1987 80386
1990 80486
1993 Pentium
1996 P-6
1998 Pentium III
2000 Pentium IV
2 April 08 Intel atom
Core duo
Core 2 duo
Core 2 quad
Core i3
Core i5
Core i7
Memory space - The memory space is depends bytes and are depends on bit
Bit- bit is a smallest unit of the computer. Bits are found in form zero's and
one's. Which is
Called binary number. Computers always understand the binary language.

4 bit = 1 nibble
8bits = I bytes
1024 bytes = 1kb
1024 kb = 1mb
1024 = 1

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