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Title: Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching

Mathematics in the Public Secondary Schools

Subject of the Study: MATHEMATICS TEACHERS

Part I. Background Information

Directions: Please provide the needed data asked for by filling the spaces provided and/or checking the
appropriate boxes.
A. Personal and Educational Background
Name : ________________________________________________ Age: __________
Sex : ___ Male ___ Female
Civil Status: ___ Single ___ Married ___ Widow/Widower
___ Others, pls. specify __________________
Name of School: ________________________________________________________
Highest Educational Attainment: __ Bachelor’s Degree __ MA Units __ MA Degree
__ Ph. D. Units __ Ph. D. Degree
Present Position ______________________________
Designation(s), if any __________________________________
Other subject handled, if any __________________________________
Number of years of teaching experience: Public ___Private ___
Year Level(s) currently handled: ___ First Year ___ Second Year ___ Third Year___ Fourth
Mathematics Subject(s) handled: ____________________________________________
B. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Related Activities
Own a computer: ____ Yes ____No
Number of ICT Seminars, workshops, and conferences attended that you can use in mathematics
teaching: __________________
Type of ICT training (Check all if it can be applied to mathematics teaching)
___________ No training
___________ Basic computer literacy (on/off operations, how to run programs)
___________ Computer Application
___ word processing (MS Word) ___ presentation (MS Powerpoint)
___ spreadsheets (MS Excel) ___ internet browsing (email, chat, etc.)
___________ Computer Integration (how to use computer in classroom/teaching subject areas)
How training was acquired (check all that apply)
A. Self/Personal Initiative
____ self exploration thru internet
____ with tutor at home
B. School Initiative
____ school were currently teaching
____ College/University graduated from or currently studying
____ Others (please specify) ______________________________

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