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Ordering food in Café

(Hallgasd meg a hanganyagot, amit küldtem és aza alapján töltsd ki a feladatokat!)

1. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences!
1. For his main course, Andy chooses
a, a normal cheese burger.
b, a double cheese burger.
c, a burger with chips.
2. For dessert, Andy chooses
a, ice cream.
b, chocolate cake.
c, banana cake.
3. To drink, Andy chooses
a, apple juice.
b, fizzy water.
c, still water.

2. Put the questions in the order that you hear them. (Tedd sorba a kérdéseket, amilyen sorrendben
hallod őket!)
Would you like a drink?
Anything else?
What’s your table number?
What would you like?
A cheese burger or a double cheese burger?

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