An Integrated Radiotracer Approach For The Laboratory Evaluation of Scale Inhibitors Performance in Geological Environments

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An integrated radiotracer approach for the laboratory evaluation of scale

inhibitors performance in geological environments

Article  in  Chemical Engineering Science · November 2006

DOI: 10.1016/j.ces.2006.07.034


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7 authors, including:

Emmanuel Stamatakis Jiri Muller

National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos Institute for Energy Technology


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Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067

An integrated radiotracer approach for the laboratory evaluation of scale

inhibitors performance in geological environments
E. Stamatakis a,b,c,∗ , C. Chatzichristos c , J. Sagen c , A.K. Stubos b , I. Palyvos a ,
J. Muller c , J.-A. Stokkan d
a School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece
b National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD), 15310 Agia Paraskevi, Attica, Greece
c Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), P.O. Box 40, NO-2027 Kjeller, Norway
d M-I Production Chemicals, Spelhaugen 18, Fyllingsdalen, Bergen, Norway

Received 28 December 2005; received in revised form 14 July 2006; accepted 14 July 2006
Available online 25 July 2006

The applicability of a newly developed radiotracer technique as a reliable laboratory procedure for the evaluation of scale inhibitors
performance to prevent mineral precipitation is demonstrated. The performance of two new environmentally friendly inhibitors to prevent
calcite and barite scale was evaluated experimentally in connection with a standard phosphonate-type scale inhibitor using the radioactive tracer
technology. The radiotracers 47 Ca and 131 Ba were employed in order to monitor at real-time calcite and barite scale formation, respectively.
The results show that the developed radiotracer technique can be established as a novel method for the determination of the minimum inhibitor
concentration (MIC) under dynamic, reservoir conditions. In addition, the radioactive tritiated water (HTO) was used as a reference water
tracer to identify the inhibitors’ properties, such as adsorption/desorption characteristics, in sandpack-flooding tests. Further issues regarding
the implementation of the radiotracer technology for the laboratory evaluation of scale inhibitors performance are also discussed.
䉷 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Adsorption; Desorption; Inhibition; Porous media; Precipitation; Radiotracer

1. Introduction chemical inhibition is the preferred method of maintaining well

productivity. Inhibition techniques can range from basic dilu-
Scale formation can be defined as the unwanted deposition of tion methods, to the most advanced and cost-effective methods
a solid layer of salts on a surface. This surface can be anything of threshold scale inhibitors. There are literally thousands of
like a heat-transfer surface, the walls of pipelines or vessels, scale inhibitors for diverse applications ranging from heating
the pore surfaces in rock formations or membranes. In particu- boilers to oil wells. Most of these chemicals block the growth
lar, the formation of mineral scales from produced water/brines of the scale particles by “poisoning” the growth of scale nu-
in oil/gas wells, pipelines and the near wellbore formation is clei. Threshold scale inhibitors interact chemically with crystal
called oilfield scale. The direct cost of removing oilfield scale nucleation sites and substantially reduce crystal growth rates.
from one well can be as high as $2.5M, and the cost of deferred Threshold scale inhibitors effectively inhibit formation of min-
production even higher (Wigg and Fletcher, 1995). Just as pre- eral scales at concentrations on the order of 1000 times less
vention is better than cure in medical practice, keeping pro- than a balanced stoichiometric ratio (Rosenstein, 1936). This
ducing oil wells healthy is ultimately the most efficient way to considerably reduces the treatment cost. Inhibitors commonly
produce hydrocarbons. In most cases, scale prevention through used in the oil industry include phosphates and polyphosphates,
phosphate esters, organic phosphonates, polyacrylates, and var-
∗ Corresponding author. National Centre for Scientific Research Demokri- ious other polymers and copolymers of phosphonates, carboxy-
tos (NCSRD), 15310 Agia Paraskevi, Attica, Greece. Tel.: +302106503408. lates, and sulfonates (Ralston, 1972; Matty and Tomson, 1988).
E-mail address: (E. Stamatakis). The choice of inhibitors depends on the particular solution
0009-2509/$ - see front matter 䉷 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
7058 E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067

composition, compatibility, stability, and temperature. Al- and presence of scale inhibitors. A semi-empirical model for
though the inhibition method was invented in 1936 by scale control, based on our experimental data, is presented. In
Rosenstein (1936), the detailed mechanism of inhibition is addition, HTO (tritiated water molecule; formed when a tritium
still not fully understood. In addition, there is no appropriate atom, 3 H, substitutes a hydrogen atom in the water molecule)
theory or model available for the use of inhibitors in the con- was used as a radioactive tracer to identify the inhibitors’
trol of scale deposits (Vetter, 1976). The suitable inhibitor to properties, such as adsorption/desorption characteristics, in
use and its effective concentration still remain empirical often sandpack-flooding tests. Further possible implementations of
requiring extensive testing for each individual case. the radiotracer technology for the laboratory evaluation of scale
In general, inhibition treatments are carried out by squeezing inhibitors performance to prevent scaling are also considered.
(injecting) an aqueous solution of the inhibitor several meters
into the formation where the inhibitor is retained within the 2. Experimental procedures and tests
rock. The subsequent release of inhibitor into the produced
water provides protection against scaling; the treatments are Recently, a need for the so-called “green inhibitors” to
repeated when the concentration of inhibitor in the produced control mineral scale formation has emerged. In that respect,
water falls below the threshold level for effective inhibition. two newly developed scale inhibitors with good environmen-
The two inhibitor squeeze technologies currently used by tal characteristics were selected for this study; polymaleic
the industry are identified by the mechanisms by which the acid (PMA) and sulfonated polyphosphinocarboxylic acid
inhibitor is retained within the formation. In the adsorption (S-PPCA) are classified, environmentally acceptable sub-
squeeze, the inhibitor is retained by adsorption onto the reser- stances (>20% biodegradable), showing good adsorption and
voir rock and is released by desorption. In the precipitation inhibition properties. S-PPCA is a product especially developed
squeeze the inhibitor is retained within the formation as a (solid for high-temperature/high-pressure/high-salinity (HP/HT/HS)
or liquid) precipitated phase and is released by re-dissolution reservoirs and gives longer squeeze life than standard in-
(Rabaioli and Lockhart, 1996a). In both treatments, a dilute hibitors, while PMA can easily be used up to about 140 ◦ C. In
aqueous solution of the inhibitor is pre-flushed in order to cool addition, the commonly used phosphonate-type scale inhibitor
the formation in the near wellbore area and then a concentrated amino (methylene phosphonic acid) disodium salt (Na2 AMP)
inhibitor slug (10–15%) is positioned several meters from the is used as reference during the tests, since its properties are
wellbore by means of brine post-flush. The well is shut-in for a well known. All inhibitor products have been provided by M-I
period of time (6–48 h) to allow the inhibitor to react with the Production Chemicals. Table 1 summarizes the properties of all
rock. Finally, the well is put back on production and the scale scale inhibitors employed in this work together with their anal-
inhibitor returns to the wellbore at a concentration above its ysis methods. The influence of the presence of PMA, S-PPCA,
threshold level. The success of a squeeze treatment is judged and NA2 AMPon the scale formation of calcium carbonate and
by its effective lifetime (Stokkan, 1999). barium sulfate in aqueous supersaturated solutions has been
This paper describes a new approach to the laboratory investigated in the present study at 100 ◦ C. The experimental
evaluation of scale inhibitors performance to prevent mineral system used in this study is illustrated in Fig. 1 and is similar
precipitation. A large number of radiotracer experiments have to the one described in our previous investigation (Stamatakis
been carried out to study the kinetics of crystallization of var- et al., 2005a).
ious compounds in the presence or absence of scale inhibitors The nuclides 47 Ca and 131 Ba were employed as tracers in
(Choppin and Rydberg, 1980; Reddy and Nancollas, 1971). order to monitor CaCO3 and BaSO4 precipitation, respectively,
However, there is a lack of literature regarding the dynamic in the absence and presence of scale inhibitors. Both nuclides
study of scaling mechanisms in porous media using radiotrac- emit gamma radiation, which can be measured online when
ers. McElhiney and co-researchers, in their study on the in the tracer is inside the sandpack. These measurements do not
situ determination of BaSO4 precipitation, were aware of this distinguish between aqueous and solid-phase concentrations.
shortage and they pointed out the need of the use of radiotrac- A scintillation -detector (noted as detector 1 in Fig. 1) mea-
ers to monitor SO−2 4 (McElhiney et al., 2001). In our previous sures the radiotracer (47 Ca or 131 Ba) accumulation at the inlet
work, we presented the advantages of the radioactive tracer due to scale precipitation. A scintillation detector consists of a
technology for laboratory experimental investigations of the scintillator optically coupled to a photomultiplier tube which
scaling phenomena involved in geological systems under flow produces a pulse of electric current when light is transmitted
conditions (Stamatakis et al., 2005a). Here, we suggest that the to the tube from the scintillator. For -rays, sodium iodide with
developed radiotracer technique could be established as a novel small amount of thallium impurity, NaI(Tl), is the most com-
method for the determination of the minimum inhibitor concen- mon scintillator. A gamma scanner was also used to measure
tration, MIC, necessary to avoid scale formation. In that respect, the scale distribution along the sandpack. The gamma scanner
the performance of two new environmental friendly inhibitors consists of a collimated NaI(Tl) detector that can move along
to prevent calcite and barite scale is evaluated experimentally the sandpack. The collimator is made of lead and ensures that
in connection with the performance of a standard phosphonate- the detector can only detect gamma radiation from a small slice
type scale inhibitor using the radioactive tracer technology. The of the sandpack defined by the collimator opening. Thus, by
nuclides 47 Ca and 131 Ba are used as tracers in order to monitor moving the detector and collimator along the sandpack, the
calcite and barite scale formation, respectively, in the absence spatial radiotracer distribution can be measured.
E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067 7059

Table 1
Scale inhibitor properties

Inhibitor Type/content Analysis Scale properties

PMA Co-polymer Polymer method (fluorescence or hyamine) Scale squeeze and topside application. Can eas-
ily be used up to about 140 ◦ C. Can be used
as non-aqueous SI. Suitable for sulfate and car-
bonate scale.
S-PPCA Polyacrylate ICP for high level detection (>100 ppm). HP/HT/HS scale inhibitor. Suitable for carbon-
Polymer (fluorescence or hyamine) for lower ate and sulfate scale and as topside/squeeze
concentrations (under testing) product. Can be used in a solvent package as
non-aqueous product
Na2 AMP Amino(methylene phosphonic ICP, molybdenum blue Scale inhibitor, suitable for both
acid) disodium salt carbonate and sulfate scales

data log

pressure gauge
anionic solution transmitter
(NaHCO3 or Na2SO4) pH electrod

glycol bath
detector 1

valves regulator (BPR)

heating tube filter

balance pump
piston sample collector
cylinders labeled cationic
H 2O solution
(47CaCl2 or 131BaCl2)  - scanner

balance pump

Fig. 1. Experimental setup illustration.

Uncharged silicate sand was used as a packing material in given active concentration. To prepare further solutions with
order to avoid nuclide accumulation due to sorption. Table 2 pre-defined active inhibitor concentrations for use in this work
presents the test matrix with all the laboratory experiments the initially provided water solutions were properly diluted.
performed. Three kinds of tests were carried out. Slug tests Thus, it is important to note here that all inhibitor concentrations
(see Section 3.1), where the studied inhibitors were co-injected in this study refer to their active concentrations by volume, i.e.,
in the sandpack along with tritiated water (HTO) in order to the volume of the original active inhibitor solutions in the bulk
obtain the adsorption/desorption properties of the chemicals on volume of the final solution.
the porous solid. Continuous injection tests (see Section 3.2),
where supersaturated solutions with the presence of a specific 3. Results and discussion
inhibitor pass through the sandpack and the scaling induction
time is measured for different saturation ratios and inhibitor The concentrations of the inhibitors did not decrease to any
concentrations. Finally, squeeze tests (see Section 3.3), where significant extent the solution supersaturation with respect to
a “squeeze treatment” is effectively simulated in the sandpack calcite or barite. This fact suggests that the inhibition action of
and the related sorption/diffusion properties of the inhibitors are these compounds is caused by preferential adsorption at the ac-
evaluated. The inhibitors were provided by the manufacturer tive growth sites of the new nuclei or/and the seed crystals and
in the form of liquid solution of the substance in water with not by any kind of chelating process (Klepetsanis et al., 2000).
7060 E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067

Table 2
List of the laboratory experiments

RUN Test Concentration (g/l) SRa T (◦ C) P (bar) Q (ml/min) tind (min) Inhibitor
47 CaCl NaHCO3

1 Slug 100 10 0.2 – 200 ppm of each product

2 Calcite scale 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.2 62 –
3 Calcite scale 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.2 210 20 ppm S-PPCA
4 Calcite scale 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.2 130 10 ppm S-PPCA
5 Calcite scale 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.2 295 25 ppm S-PPCA
6 Calcite scale 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.2 – 40 ppm S-PPCA
7 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 179 –
8 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 323 1 ppm S-PPCA
9 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 967 5 ppm S-PPCA
10 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 – 10 ppm S-PPCA
11 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 705 1 ppm PMA
12 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 1993 2 ppm PMA
13 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 – 5 ppm PMA
14 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 396 1 ppm Na2 AMP
15 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 1011 2 ppm Na2 AMP
16 Calcite scale 0.55 0.42 15 100 10 0.2 – 5 ppm Na2 AMP
17 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 150 –
18 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 200 30 ppm PMA
19 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 – 40 ppm PMA
20 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 165 30 ppm S-PPCA
21 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 175 40 ppm S-PPCA
22 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 190 50 ppm S-PPCA
23 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 – 100 ppm S-PPCA
24 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 170 30 ppm Na2 AMP
25 Barite scale 0.22b 2.58c ∼3900 100 10 0.2 – 60 ppm Na2 AMP
26 Squeeze 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.2 – 10% S-PPCA
27 Squeeze 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.2 – 10% Na2 AMP
28 Squeeze 1.39 1.05 50 100 10 0.05 – 10% Na2 AMP
a SRs were calculated using the computer program multiSCALE (version 5.1), assuming mixing 1:1 of the two solutions at the experimental temperature

and pressure (

b Concentration (g/l) for 131 BaCl .
c Concentration (g/l) for Na SO .
2 4

Chelating inhibitors tie up the reactants ions (e.g., Ba2+ , Ca2+ ) 3.1. Slug test
in a soluble form reducing the solution saturation ratio. How-
ever, as chelating agents consume scale ions in stoichiometric A slug test has been performed using the silicate sandpack
ratios, their efficiency and cost-effectiveness as scale inhibitors with the aim of estimating the inhibitors’ sorption character-
are relatively poor (Crabtree et al., 1999). istics. A given amount of the S-PPCA and PMA scale in-
An additional comment regarding the possibility of forming hibitors (200 ppm, 500 l each) was injected in the sandpack
Ca–inhibitor or Ba–inhibitor precipitates should be made here. along with tritiated water (HTO) which is a reference ideal wa-
In our case, no such precipitates have been observed in the XRD ter tracer. Pure water was used in the experiment at a flowrate
and SEM images that were taken for runs 4, 19. Moreover, the of 0.2 ml/min. The back pressure in the sandpack was approx-
studies reported in the literature show that polymeric inhibitor imately 10 bar and the experiment was performed at 100 ◦ C.
precipitation as Ca–inhibitor complex is regulated by temper- Sample fractions were collected every 2.5 min (0.5 ml) and ana-
ature, Ca2+ and inhibitor concentration and pH. In particular, lyzed for their content of inhibitor and HTO. Note that tritiated
it has been found that for low Ca2+ conc. (<500 ppm) the in- water is an ideal water tracer, since selective absorption and ad-
hibitor solution is homogeneous (one single phase) to high pH sorption effects within the reservoir can be excluded, and there
values (>10). For higher Ca2+ conc. a phase separation may are no precipitation or dissipation problems that other chemi-
occur at lower pH values depending on the temperature and in- cal compounds may exhibit. HTO concentration at the outlet
hibitor concentration (Rabaioli and Lockhart, 1996b; Lawless of the sandpack should in principle always peak after the injec-
et al., 1993). Similar results have been found for the inhibi- tion of one pore volume. Similar behavior of other substances
tion of barium sulfate precipitation where Ba–inhibitor com- indicates no sorption on the porous medium. On the contrary,
plexes are no likely for pH 8 (Jones et al., 2003). In our study a delay in the occurrence of the peak in outlet concentration
the system pH was kept between 6 and 7, while [Ca2+ ] was provides quantitative information on the sorption properties of
500 ppm and [Ba2+ ] was 150 ppm. the injected chemicals on the porous solid. HTO was analyzed
E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067 7061

1.2 the Langmuir isotherm was also used for the simulations of the
HTO simulation slug and squeeze tests with the following coefficients:
HTO experimental data
1.0 S-PPCA simulation
S-PPCA experimental data • for S-PPCA:
0.8 PMA simulation
Relative con

PMA experimental data

 = 0.865 ml/g, b = 2.03;
• for PMA:
 = 2.98 ml/g, b = 8.76.

0.0 3.2. Continuous injection

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Pore volumes To keep scaling cations and scaling anions separate, compos-
ite brines were prepared, such that mixing them in a 1:1 ratio
Fig. 2. Production curves of the tested scale inhibitors (PMA, S-PPCA) and
the reference water tracer HTO compared with the simulation curves (run 1). would result in the desired brine composition. The combined
supersaturated solution passes through the porous medium and
scale crystals nucleate and grow in the pore space.
Table 3 The induction time, tind , of scale precipitation was then de-
Recoveries of S-PPCA and PMA scale inhibitors in a sug test (run 1)
termined at various saturation ratios (SR column in Table 2)
Inhibitor S-PPCA PMA HTO and inhibitor concentrations, Cinh . The results are summarized
in Table 2. Note that the measured induction times using the ra-
% Recovery 98.7 99.1 > 99.9
diotracer technique were reproducible within 10% throughout
this study.
The saturation ratio, SR, is defined as
using a liquid scintillation counter and measured in cpm units
(counts per minute). mCa2+ mCO2−
SR = 3
As shown in Fig. 2, the two scale inhibitors tested are reach- KSP
ing the outlet of the sandpack with a time lag compared to
HTO. Given the fact that HTO does not interact (adsorb) on where mi is the a molality of ion i and Ksp is the stoichiometric
the solid, this time lag virtually means that the inhibitors have solubility product. When SR > 1, the solution is oversaturated,
been adsorbed onto the porous medium. Their final recoveries, while at SR = 1 the solution is at equilibrium with the solid
however, were measured higher than 98%, indicating no strong phase.
interactions with the porous medium or any kind of degradation For the radiotracer method, the induction time is defined
and are summarized in Table 3. as the time which elapses between the first addition of the
The delay in the occurrence of the peak of the outlet inhibitor anionic solution into the sandpack and the moment when the
concentration can be fitted by 1-D convection/dispersion sim- counting rate R significantly exceeds the statistical fluctuations
ulator that solves the mass and momentum conservation equa- of the initial (or background) counting rate of the implemented
tions in the porous domain in order to provide the adsorption radiotracer (Stamatakis et al., 2005b).
characteristics of the two inhibitors (Sagen et al., 2004). Fig. 2 In the present work this is defined as
compares the experimental data with the produced simulation 
curves assuming that adsorption on the porous domain takes R R0 + |10|. (2 )
place instantaneously so that the concentration in the liquid
This marks the onset of a significant change in our system, as
and on the rock is in equilibrium at all times. The equilibrium
explained above. In Eq. (2 )  is the standard deviation of the
condition in the simulator is given by the Langmuir type of
initial (or background) counting rate defined by

c n
(c) = , (1) i=1 (R0i − R0 )
1 + bc = , (3)
which provides the adsorbed amount of the inhibitor compo-
nent. (c) is defined as adsorbed inhibitor quantity per unit where R0i is the count-rate of tracer’s background for the ith
mass of rock material. A Langmuir type of isotherm was cho- measurement, R0 is the average of all R0i measurements, indi-
sen after a series of static (equilibrium) sorption experiments cating the initial tracer background, and n is the number of the
performed in this study and aiming to identify the characteris- measurements.
tic sorption isotherms of the various inhibitor solution samples To obtain the initial tracer background, the sandpacks were
on crushed sandstone at elevated temperatures. It was found initially saturated with 50% labeled cationic solution and 50%
that the Langmuir isotherm fits better the data for both PMA H2 O. Then, using detector 1, several count-rates R0i were mea-
and S-PPCA inhibitors than the Freundlich fit. Consequently, sured.
7062 E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067

50 Table 5
no inhibitor The inhibition index (InhI) of S-PPCA at 100 ◦ C for calcite precipitation

20ppm RUN SR SI (log SR) t0 (min) tinh Cinh (ppm) InhI log(tinh /t0 )
40 25ppm
2 50 1.7 62 0 0
3 50 1.7 210 20 0.53
count-rate (cps)

4 50 1.7 130 10 0.32

30 5 50 1.7 295 25 0.68
7 15 1.18 179 0 0
8 15 1.18 323 1 0.26
130 min
20 9 15 1.18 967 5 0.73
210 min
10 15 1.18 – 10 –
62 min
295 min


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 0.8
Time (hour)

InhI [log (tinh /t0)]

Fig. 3. 47 Ca count-rate as a function of time in the absence and in the 0.6
presence of S-PPCA (runs 2–6).

Table 4
Induction times for calcite precipitation at SR = 15 and 100 ◦ C for the SR = 50
inhibitors tested SR = 15
y = 0.027x (R2 =0.99)
RUN SR Induction time (min) Scale inhibitor (ppm)
y = 0.15x (R2 =0.97)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
7 15 179 0 0 0
Cinh (mg/l)
8 15 323 – 1 –
9 15 967 – 5 –
10 15 – – 10 – Fig. 4. Inhibition index of S-PPCA for CaCO3 precipitation as a function of
11 15 705 1 – – inhibitor concentration at 100 ◦ C.
12 15 1993 2 – –
13 15 – 5 – –
14 15 396 – – 1 that observed in the absence of inhibitors (t0 ). A dimensionless
15 15 1011 – – 2 parameter, called inhibition index, InhI, is defined as
16 15 – – – 5
InhI = log(tinh /t0 ). (4)

3.3. CaCO3 scale formation It has been determined experimentally for S-PPCA at two dif-
ferent values of saturation ratio. The results are summarized in
A series of dynamic scaling experiments in sandpacks were Table 5.
performed using different concentrations of S-PPCA at SR=50 InhI has been reported to be directly proportional to the in-
and T = 100 ◦ C. The results show a definite dependence of hibitor concentration, Cinh (He et al., 1999):
calcite’s induction time, tind , on the inhibitor concentration, InhI = log(tinh /t0 ) = binh Cinh , (5)
Cinh . For 40 ppm active inhibitor concentration (run 6) no scale
was observed after one day, while for Cinh = 10 ppm (run 4) where binh (in l/mg or l/mmol) is called the inhibitor efficiency
the induction time was 130 min, for Cinh = 20 ppm (run 3) and is a constant for a given set of chemical and physical pa-
the induction time was 210 min, for Cinh = 25 ppm (run 5) the rameters, such as saturation ratio, temperature and molar ratio
induction time was 295 min and finally we measured 62 min of [Ca2+ /[HCO− 3 ]. An example of the linear relationship be-
induction time with no inhibitor presence (run 2) (see Fig. 3). tween InhI and Cinh is illustrated in Fig. 4 for S-PPCA at two
Similar tests were also performed for all three scale inhibitors different degrees of supersaturation (SR=50 and 15) at 100 ◦ C.
at SR = 15 and T = 100 ◦ C. The results are summarized in It is shown that (as expected) for higher degrees of solution
Table 4. As indicated there, the MIC, for PMA and NA2 AMP supersaturation, more additive chemical (inhibitor) is needed
is between 2 and 5 ppm, while MIC is between 5 and 10 ppm to inhibit calcite scale formation.
for S-PPCA under the same conditions. As mentioned previously, similar tests were also performed
As expected, the induction time for CaCO3 precipitation in for all three scale inhibitors at SR = 15 and T = 100 ◦ C. Fig. 5
the presence of scale inhibitors (tinh ) is delayed compared to compares the inhibitor efficiencies, which have been obtained
E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067 7063

1.2 no inhibitor 30 < MIC < 40 ppm
30 ppm PMA
(binh = 0.538 l/mg)
400 40 ppm PMA

count-rate (cps)
InhI [log (tinh/t0)]

0.8 Na2AMP
(binh = 0.370 l/mg)

0.4 (binh = 0.150 l/mg)

0.2 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 Fig. 6. 131 Ba count-rate as a function of time in the absence and in the
Cinh (mg/l) presence of PMA (runs 18, 19).

Fig. 5. Inhibitor efficiency, binh , for all three products for CaCO3 precipitation
at SR = 15 and 100 ◦ C. 500
no inhibitor 50 < MIC < 100
30 ppm S-PPCA
at these conditions. Thereupon, the additives may be arranged 400 40 ppm S-PPCA
in the following order with respect to their inhibition efficiency, 50 ppm S-PPCA
binh , for calcite precipitation at SR = 15 and 100 ◦ C: 100 ppm S-PPCA
count-rate (cps)

From Eq. (5) one can predict the MIC as follows:
∗ /t )
∗ 0
MIC = Cinh = , (6)
∗ must be set equal to the time period during which the
where tinh
system should be protected from scaling. The time t0 (induction
time without presence of inhibitor) can be estimated using the 0
following correlation (Stamatakis et al., 2005b): 0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Time (min)
3.0 959.8 1849.9
log t0 = 3.2 − − + , (7) Fig. 7. 131 Ba count-rate as a function of time in the absence and in the
presence of S-PPCA (runs 20–23).
where T is the absolute temperature in K, and SI is the saturation
index (SI = log SR).
Finally, we should note that the parameter binh has been found e.g., nonlinear regression analysis from the available experi-
to be a function of saturation index, SI, temperature, T (◦ K), mental data.
and the molar ratio of [Ca2+ ] to [HCO− 3 ], MR (He et al., 1999):

log binh = 1 + 2 SI + 3 /T + 4 log MR, (8) 3.4. BaSO4 scale formation

where 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 are constants, characteristic for each in- Similar to the CaCO3 case, the performance of the new in-
hibitor product. hibitors (PMA and S-PPCA) to prevent barite scale was checked
Eq. (8) and the experimental data from the work of He experimentally in connection with the performance of a com-
et al. (1999) are consistent with observations that higher in- monly used phosphonate-type scale inhibitor (Na2 AMP) (see
hibitor concentrations are needed for higher degrees of super- Figs. 6–8).
saturation or higher temperatures because of faster nucleation The influence of the inhibitor concentration on the induc-
rates. The MR dependence of binh comes from the fact that at tion time of barite precipitation was found to be stronger for
a given SI, T and Cinh , the inhibition efficiency increases as PMA than for S-PPCA and Na2AMP. It can be deduced from
the ratio of lattice cations in the nucleating crystals (Ca2+ in Figs. 6–8 that S-PPCA presents a higher threshold concen-
CaCO3 ) to the lattice anion (CO2− 3 ) increases. These coeffi- tration necessary to avoid barite scale than the other two
cients (1 to 4 ) are dimensionless and can be obtained from scale inhibitors. In particular, the products seem to follow the
7064 E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067

500 Table 6
no inhibitor 30 < MIC < 60 ppm Typical MICs measured from offshore scale rig tests and from our work

30 ppm Na2AMP Offshore scale rig tests Our work

400 60 ppm Na2AMP

T ( C)
count-rate (cps)

107 98 100
300 SRcalcite 15–75 5–21 15–50
SRbarite 500–2000 2500–3500 ∼ 3900

Typical MIC Na2 AMP 4–50 ppm 4–50 ppm 2–100 ppm
200 (for both calcite & S-PPCA 5–40 ppm 5–40 ppm 5–50 ppm
barite scale) PMA 4–30 ppm 4–30 ppm 2–40 ppm

FW A: formation water A; FW B: formation water B; SW: seawater.


Finally, a note should be made at this point regarding the

0 availability of independent experimental information on the
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
scale inhibitor efficiencies (binh ) and MIC values. There are no
Time (min)
scale inhibitor efficiencies available for the chemicals tested in
Fig. 8. 31 Ba count-rate as a function of time in the absence and in the this work, so no comparison can be made for binh . However,
presence of NA2 AMP (runs 24, 25). the manufacturer of those chemicals has determined the MIC
in an offshore scale rig under real conditions. Table 6 summa-
rizes the properties of the various systems and compares them
with our results. The MIC ranges given in the table regarding
the offshore scale rig tests refer to mixtures of FW (formation
water) to SW (seawater) in percentage ranging from 90:10 to
190 60:40. For our study, MIC ranges refer to our measurements
induction time (min)

no inhibitor
over the different SR values used during our experimental pro-
cedures for both calcite and barite scale formation.
3.5. Squeeze tests

150 A particular aim of the present testing program is to deter-

mine the physical properties that are crucial for the behavior of
the inhibitor component in a squeeze process, such as diffusion
130 and adsorption/desorption. Diffusion leads to spreading of the
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 concentration profile during the shut-in period of the well, after
Inhibitor concentration (ppm) the inhibitor has been injected and over-flushed. The adsorp-
Fig. 9. Induction times as a function of concentration for each inhibitor for
tion/desorption properties affect the time period for which the
the precipitation of barium sulfate. back-produced concentration stays above the MIC value. These
properties are required for the efficient design of a field squeeze
treatment (inhibitor selection, threshold concentration, etc.).
following order with regard to MIC under the tested conditions: The operational procedure for the determination of the dy-
MICPMA < MICNa2 AMP < MICS-PPCA . namic adsorption/desorption characteristics of the inhibitor
products is presented in detail below and summarized in
Further investigation has to be carried out to verify the above Table 7:
order of efficiency under various conditions of SRs and tem-
1. Squeeze the sand-pack with the inhibitor solution at 60 ◦ C
peratures. In any case though, the radiotracer technique seems
and shut-in for 20 h allowing some inhibitor to adsorb on
to constitute a very promising and reliable method for the es-
the solid matrix.
tablishment of a new laboratory blocking test that can be used
2. Start pumping with the scaling solutions through the sand-
for the determination of the MIC, necessary to avoid scale.
pack with no gas phase present.
It should be stressed that the measured induction times were
3. Measure p and pH changes during flooding.
reproducible within 10%. Fig. 9 shows all measured induction
4. Collect samples periodically and analyze for Ca and in-
times for each inhibitor, where error bars have been added. For
hibitor concentration.
PMA and NA2 AMP, the distinction is obvious. For S-PPCA
there may be an overlap but again the trend—of increased in- Following the experimental procedure described above, a series
duction times with increasing inhibitor concentration—remains of squeeze tests were executed for S-PPCA and NA2 AMP scale
clear. inhibitors. As already mentioned, the major aim of these tests
E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067 7065

Table 7 3.5E+04
Squeeze procedure
q=0.2 ml/min
Shut-in conditions q=0.05 ml/min
Temperature 60 ◦ C

Na2AMP (mg/l)
Pressure 10 bar
Shut-in-time 20 h 2.0E+04
Flood conditions
Temperature 100 ◦ C 1.5E+04
Pressure 10 bar
Sand-pack 60 cm length × 6 mm internal diameter 1.0E+04
Packing-material silica sand 63–125 m
Porosity ∼ 42% 5.0E+03
Permeability ∼12 Darcy
Flow rates (a) 0.2 ml/min combined flow rate 0.0E+00
(50:50 mix, 0.1 ml/min per brine) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
(b) 0.05 ml/min combined flow rate
Pore volumes
(50:50 mix, 0.025 ml/min per brine)
Fig. 12. NA2 AMP return curves obtained from two different flow rates (runs
27, 28).

run 26
3.0E+04 5.0E+04

Inhibitor concentration (mg/l)

4.5E+04 simulation

2.5E+04 4.0E+04 experimental data (run 26)

S-PPCA (mg/l)

1.0E+04 1.5E+04
5.0E+03 5.0E+03
0.0E+00 0 3.75 7.50 11.25 15.00 18.75
0 5 10 15 20 25 Pore volumes
Time (hours)
Fig. 13. Calculated outlet concentration for the inhibitor S-PPCA. Open
Fig. 10. S-PPCA return mass after a squeeze test (run 26). circles indicate measured points. The injected flow rate is 0.2 ml/min.

3.5E+04 was identical for both inhibitors (q = 0.2 ml/ min) (see runs
run 27 26, 27). To check for the influence of the flow velocity on the
adsorption characteristics, a squeeze test for NA2 AMP was also
2.5E+04 carried out at q = 0.05 ml/ min (run 28) as shown in Fig. 12.
Na2AMP (mg/l)

Specific features of such return curves (peak, position of 50%

2.0E+04 recovery point, tail) offer the possibility to deduce sorption
parameters for the inhibitor (Sorbie et al., 1992).
Based on the results from the static tests (see Section 3.1),
1.0E+04 we consider that the adsorption of the tested inhibitors on
the porous medium can be described by a Langmuir type of
5.0E+03 isotherm (see Eq. (1)) and the same adsorption coefficients for
S-PPCA, as in Section 3.1, were used in the 1-D simulation
0 5 10 15 20 25 code.
Time (hours) In Fig. 13 the computed outlet active concentrations of the
inhibitor S-PPCA from the simulation are plotted versus in-
Fig. 11. NA2 AMP return mass after a squeeze test (run 27). jected water volume.
Figs. 14 and 15 show the corresponding simulation results
has been the measurement of adsorption/desorption isotherm and measured data for runs 27 and 28, respectively (NA2 AMP
data that are crucial for simulating back production of inhibitors scale inhibitor), using the Langmuir coefficients as they were
in the field. calculated again from the static experiments.
Figs. 10 and 11 present the return curves of S-PPCA and It is important to emphasize once more that the same adsorp-
NA2 AMP scale inhibitors, respectively. The squeeze procedure tion coefficients determined from the static experiments were
7066 E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067

5.0E+04 0.3
Inhibitor concentration (mg/l)

4.5E+04 simulation

4.0E+04 experimental data (run 27)


Concentration (ml/gr)
1.5E+04 0.15
5.0E+03 0.1
0 3.75 7.50 11.25 15.00 18.75
Pore volumes

Fig. 14. Calculated outlet concentration for the inhibitor Na2 AMP. Open 0
circles indicate measured points. The injected flow rate is 0.2 ml/min. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Time (hours)

5.0E+04 Fig. 16. Kinetic curve for S-PPCA equilibrium during the static adsorption
Inhibitor concentration (mg/l)

4.5E+04 simulation
4.0E+04 experimental data (run 28)

3.0E+04 However, there is a question about the desorption process
2.5E+04 which is depicted in the experimental curves of Figs. 13–15.
2.0E+04 Note that the full duration of the squeeze test (desorption) is
1.5E+04 of the order of 20–30 h.
• The fact that the adsorption isotherms were used for the
0.0E+00 desorption process as well. The process might not be fully
0 3.75 7.50 11.25 15.00 18.75 reversible.
Pore volumes

Fig. 15. Produced concentration for the inhibitor Na2 AMP. Open circles 4. Conclusions
indicate measured points. The injected flow rate is 0.05 ml/min.
We successfully evaluate the capability of two new “green”
inhibitors to prevent calcite and barite deposition under dy-
also used for simulating both the dynamic slug and the squeeze namic reservoir conditions using the radiotracer technology.
tests. It has been found that those coefficients give reasonable The developed radiotracer technique can be established as a
fits for the measured produced concentration of the inhibitors novel method for the determination of the minimum inhibitor
during the back production. There is no doubt that by tuning concentration, MIC, necessary to avoid scale under flow condi-
the simulator (by changing e.g., the isotherm Langmuir coef- tions. The radiotracer technique is sensitive to scaling, resulting
ficients) better match between simulated and measured curves generally in shorter induction times compared to other methods
could be obtained. However, in Figs. 13–15 we attempt to as demonstrated in a previous study (Stamatakis et al., 2005a).
demonstrate the performance of the isotherms obtained from The dynamic adsorption/desorption characteristics of the new
simple independent static (equilibrium) measurements on the inhibitors were studied in experimental slug and squeeze tests.
simulation of dynamic (flow) experiments. Therefore, the same The delay in the occurrence of the peak of the outlet inhibitor
adsorption coefficients as determined from the static tests were concentration from the slug test can be fitted by 1-D convec-
employed in the simulations. In that respect, the observed dis- tion /dispersion simulator to provide the adsorption character-
crepancy between the experimental-simulated curves is mainly istics of the inhibitors, assuming that adsorption on the porous
due to: domain takes place instantaneously so that the concentrations
in the liquid and on the rock are in equilibrium all the time.
• The fact that the isotherms were measured at static conditions The equilibrium condition in the simulator can be described by
while tests are dynamic. the Langmuir type of isotherm and its coefficients , b can be
• The fact that the simulator assumes instantaneous equilib- determined from simple static experiments. It has been found
rium conditions. It is obvious from the slug experimental that those coefficients give also reasonable fit for the measured
data that instantaneous equilibration may not be fully at- produced concentration of the inhibitors during the back pro-
tained during the dynamic experiments. Fig. 16 shows the duction of both slug and squeeze tests.
equilibration time (about 10 h) needed for adsorption for Further experimental work related to inhibitors evaluation
S-PPCA on crushed sandstone during the static experiments. can be carried out using radiotracer technology in order to es-
This equilibration time is satisfied during the dynamic ex- tablish correlations for the effect of the inhibitor concentration
periments because of the extended shut-in period of 20 h. on the reaction rates.
E. Stamatakis et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 61 (2006) 7057 – 7067 7067

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