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Journal of

Science and
Expert View

Strategic Implications
of Current Trends in
Additive Manufacturing
Additive manufacturing (AM) has become a serious and potential game-changing method
of manufacturing over the years since the first commercial technology for “Rapid Proto-
typing” in 1988. Even though we are advanced, the current accomplishments are still far
from the level which can be expected in the future. Innovative approaches toward design
are required to capture the full potential of this technology. This paper describes the
Christiane Beyer advantages and possibilities of AM technologies, and how they can be used in various
Mem. ASME sectors (e.g., engineering, automotive, aerospace, medical, and consumer products, etc.)
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, as alternative methods for manufacturing energy efficient parts with fewer raw materials.
California State University, To take advantage of the capabilities of these technologies, new and enhanced design
Long Beach, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., methods and procedures are required. This paper addresses strategic implications of
Long Beach, CA 90840 widespread adoption of AM. It also reports how engineers need to change their thinking
e-mail: pattern to be able to use the full potential of the AM technologies. Engineers should be
aware of the capabilities of the AM technologies and the available material selections to
make the right decisions at the beginning of a design process. Also reported herein, in
addition to building very complex shapes with various material mixtures, are the capabil-
ities of fabricating lattice and hollow-core structures. Reduction of a product’s weight is
a great option for saving energy and cost, particularly for the automotive and aerospace
sectors. However, it is still important to ensure the part has the necessary strength. The
objective of the current research is to analyze and prove how certain shapes of cell struc-
tures influence the strength and flexibility of parts. Conclusion address the importance of
understanding the strategic implications on AM for government officials, educators,
researchers, and industrial leaders. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4028599]

Keywords: additive manufacturing, 3D printing, rapid prototyping, design for manufacturing,

computer-integrated manufacturing, lattice structures, hollow-core, light-weight

Introduction drilling (subtractive processes). The key concept here is the differ-
ence between “additive” and “subtractive” manufacturing. The
“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what technology and its 3-D multiplastic material printing or metal
you always got.”—Albert Einstein laser/electron beam sintering/melting1 capabilities provide the
means to develop truly industry-changing product-design and
AM, colloquially known as “Rapid Prototyping” or “3D manufacturing processes. It allows the building of parts with very
printing,” is a process of making a three-dimensional solid or complex contours, cavities, and complicated lattice structures.
hollow-core object of virtually any shape from a digital model. Integration of this technology results in a product-development
AM is achieved using an additive process, where successive process that is not only much more expeditious but which can also
layers of material are laid down in different shapes following the result in a product of far higher quality. Products can be built with
specifications in a digital computer aided design (CAD) file. AM lighter weight but still retain adequate stability and performance.
is distinct from traditional machining techniques, which mostly This weight reduction is critical not only in the aerospace and
rely on the removal of material by methods such as cutting or automotive marketplaces, but also in medical, biotechnology, and
other industries because it allows for significant energy savings
Contributed by the Manufacturing Engineering Division of ASME for publication and ease of use.
April 16, 2014; final manuscript received September 13, 2014; published online
October 24, 2014. Assoc. Editor: Joseph Beaman. Depending on the process and machine manufacturer.

Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering DECEMBER 2014, Vol. 136 / 064701-1
C 2014 by ASME
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Fig. 1 General approach to design [1]

Structured Design Process tools [8–14]. At its inception, this technology was alternately
referred to as “Layer Manufacturing” [5], “Solid Freeform Man-
The time to market, cost, and quality of a product determine its
ufacturing” [6], and “Rapid Prototyping,” [3] because its initial
success on the global market, and customer demand for higher
purpose and ability was to produce prototypes. As the technology
quality and lower prices continues to grow, along with the expec-
and its uses evolved, it would come to be referred to as “Rapid
tation for faster availability of that product. The customer also
Tooling” or “Rapid Manufacturing,” [7] and has come to be
determines the delivery time and other competitive factors such as
referred to as “Additive Manufacturing” today [10,13,14]. While
the durability of the product. At present, the trend is moving in the
this technology has dramatically evolved since its inception, its
direction of shorter product life cycles, which in turn requires
basic principle has remained the AM process.
reduced time spent on product development. With these complex
AM technologies today build polymeric, metallic, ceramic, and
market requirements and growing diversity of the products in
now organic parts [15–20] directly (without tools or pattern) and
demand, the designer faces challenging new development tasks.
automatically with the appropriate parameters (i.e., raw materials
These challenges can be summarized as follows: in reduced life-
and firmness), based on 3D CAD data, in just a few hours’ time.
cycles, a quality-assured and advantageous product has to be
The parts are built up layer-by-layer by such methods as curing
developed despite increasing complexity of design and demands
or printing liquid material, binding or melting wire or powder
for reduced labor, material, and expense. To solve these complex
material, or laying down sheet material. All of the different proc-
problems, a structured design process is highly recommended as a
esses and commercially available technologies use either thermal
development process tool. As in Ref. [1], Fig. 1 shows the general
energy or a chemical reaction to bond material together into layers
approach to design.
[21]. A classification of the various bonding mechanisms utilized
is shown in Fig. 2. However, regardless of the mechanism chosen
History of AM Technologies the preparation of the geometrical data is the same and allows
Until the late 1980s, the majority of manufacturing processes extremely complex geometries to be created.
were classified as either “subtractive,” such as machining, drilling
or grinding, or “formative,” such as casting or molding. These Prototypes as an Aid in the Product
two methods of production have literarily dominated manufactur-
ing since the Stone Age. However, with the advent and growth of Development Process
three-dimensional computer aided design software (3D CAD) has The fast availability of prototypes and parts presents a modern
come something of a silent industrial revolution [2–7], by which resource that can accelerate and push the learning and decision-
products can now be manufactured particle-by-particle, directly making processes considerably. Accordingly, by virtue of their
from computer data, without the need for jigs, fixtures, or mold immediate availability and relative low cost, these manufactured

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Fig. 2 Schematic representation of different additive layer
bonding mechanism [21] Fig. 4 Industrial Sector for AM [22]

Fig. 3 Application for AM Technologies [22]

parts facilitate such significant advantages as fitting and assem-

bling analysis of assembly groups in an early phase of the product
development. These models can be procured to examine the prod-
uct design and to plan for production, and they represent a vital
link between the product and the process supporting the informa-
tion process. The designer has the opportunity to copy the results
of the systematic developing process into one or several material-
ized prototypes. Extensive follow-up operations (e.g., manual fin-
ishing of constructive details, surface finish, etc.) require far less
effort. Additionally, these prototypes facilitate the simultaneous
engineering process, particularly during the premanufacturing
process. Ultimately an existing, materialized model conveys the Fig. 5 Industrial growth: estimated revenues (in millions of
idea of the product to the customer much more effectively than dollar) for additive manufactured products and services world-
graphics or verbal descriptions. The early availability of proto- wide [23]
types, e.g., by using AM procedures, provides an essential
resource for production planning, tool design, material flow analy-
sis and computational methods such as finite-elements-method
shown in Fig. 6. R2’s mission is to work alongside astronauts,
analysis, and represents a tremendous step forward in the delivery
taking over repetitive and dangerous tasks. Its form factor and
of successful, timely products.
dexterity are designed such that R2 can use the same space tools
According to the Wohlers Report [22], the chart in Fig. 3 shows
and work in environments suited to astronauts.
how companies are applying AM technologies. The chart in Fig. 4
One of Wyle Labs’ responsibilities under this contract was
[22] shows the industries and regions that are already benefiting
building a one-to-one scale high-fidelity mockup of R2 for use in
from AM technologies. Consumer product/electronics is the
the simulation of potential missions. The exterior of the mockup
leading industrial sector. After the motor vehicles sector, medical/
had to duplicate the geometry and appearance of the actual R2.
dental has been the third largest sector over the past years. The
The limbs of the mockup had to be easily moved into the same
chart in Fig. 5 [23] gives estimated revenues for products pro-
positions as the real robot. The mockup also had to withstand
duced with these technologies and services worldwide.
rough handling that it might receive during simulation and train-
ing. The estimated delivery time for conventional machining for
the mockup was 8 months and the cost was $180,000 [24]. Wyle
Cost and Time Savings turned to RedEye On Demand, a component manufacturer that
Obviously cost and time-savings are a large factor driving the uses the fused deposition modeling (FDM) method of AM with
rapid growth in manufacturing components and parts through ABS Plastic. As shown in Table 1 [24], once it received the CAD
additive processes rather than traditional manufacturing processes. files it took RedEye 2 weeks to make the mockup at a cost to
A real life example would better illustrate. NASA engaged Wyle Wyle of $36,000. That illustrates the value of AM and why it is
Labs’ Integrated Science and Engineering Group in Houston to such a disruptive technology [24]. The economics of Wyle’s expe-
assist in preparing the Robonaut 2 (“R2”) dexterous robot [24], as rience explain why the AM industry is growing so rapidly. AM

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Table 1 Time and cost comparison of FDM prototype versus
traditional [24]

Comparison of FDM prototype versus traditional

Method Cost Time

CNC machining $180,000 32 weeks

FDM tooling $36,000 2 weeks
Savings $144,000 30 weeks

shows demonstration parts lattice structures created with NETFABB

software [25].
As the need for energy conservation grows, the need for light-
weight manufactured parts grows proportionately [29–32]. The
benefits of weight reduction are in many applications significant.
Reducing an automobile’s weight is directly linked to improved
fuel economy and lower CO2 emissions. A statistic often seen in
the media explained that a 10% reduction in weight can result in a
6–8% reduction in fuel consumption.
Often, nature has already provided us with the solution to such
design challenges and through “biomimicry” superior design solu-
tions can be discovered [25]. Huge material savings can be
Fig. 6 NASA Robonaut 2 (“R2”), Wyle Labs’ Integrated Science
obtained by thusly placing structures according to anticipated
and Engineering Group in Houston [24] mechanical impact, and such superior placement is often dis-
played by plants as their immense strength enables them to endure
extreme weather conditions despite their low weight. By means of
AM, many structural solutions can be copied from nature. Appro-
technology is already used for both prototyping and distributed priate structures of metal or plastic can be united in lightweight
manufacturing in a variety of industries including industrial construction with high mechanical demands. By using the concept
design, engineering and construction, automotive, aerospace, con- of biomimicry in structural design, the properties of a product can
sumer products, medical and dental, and it is spreading rapidly to be tailored to meet the exact optimum characteristics in strength,
other industries as well. weight, flexibility, energy absorption, durability, etc. [25].

Weight Reduction It Is Not Dotcom

One of the potentials of AM that is still nearly untapped is the In some respects, the buzz around AM and 3D printing is remi-
possibility of fabricating hollow-core structures that still retain niscent of the early days of Internet monetization. Everyone knew
adequate stability and performance. The ability to reduce product the Internet would change everything and forward thinking people
weight or change its mechanical properties offers significant conceived of almost limitless applications for the new technology.
energy and cost savings in the aerospace, automotive and con- They created and financed new business models for virtual busi-
sumer products industries. In the area of medical applications, the nesses designed to capitalize on perceived opportunities. Unfortu-
ability to build cavities in models allows, for example, the model nately, many of these business models made little sense and the
to imitate bone structures. dotcom boom turned into the dotcom bust.
The obstacles in these fields are a lack of conceptual design As with the Internet in the 1990s, forward thinking people
methods to aid designers in defining and exploring design spaces today foresee in AM a technology that will change the way
enabled by AM. In addition, a new foundation for computer-aided many products are made and distributed. Airbus engineers
design systems is needed to overcome the limitations of existing believe whole planes will be printed by the year 2050 [33].
solid modeling in representing complex geometries. NASA foresees printing replacement parts in space and printing
The first steps in the right direction have been taken. Now on whole buildings in some future Mars settlement. A number of
the market are new software programs or modules to support the universities are printing live tissue and believe that someday
modeling of light weight products, e.g., NETFABB [25], Within replacement organs can be printed [19,20]. Auto dealers see the
[26], Materialise [27], and Simpleware [28]. Those innovative printing of after-market parts as a way to reduce parts invento-
software programs or modules provide tools for applying hollow- ries and shipping costs. Aerospace companies are beginning to
core and lattice structures to parts that were heretofore solid, print parts for rockets and planes. Both the dental and medical
thereby reducing material and weight while optimizing for AM. professions print implants [15–17]. And Victoria Secret even
Using these advanced technologies the engineers can make exist- printed lingerie that was modeled at its recent show. Indeed, it
ing parts lighter while retaining necessary functional strength, and would be reasonable to conclude from the buzz that AM, like
reduce production cost. But it also offers the ability to define and the Internet, will change everything.
implement other properties such as flexibility or capillarity. But it is here that any similarities with the dotcom boom and
Depending on the software, a repetitive structure cell can be bust end. AM will change the way many things are made and
defined by its topology (notes, bars, faces, etc.) and its size and distributed. It will change the economics of manufacturing as
resolution. In addition, different finite element method optimiza- timeframes and cost structures are altered. But in the end AM is
tion algorithm or Bio-inspired or artificial intelligence can be still manufacturing and the business model is one based on design-
implemented. When used to their fullest potential, these technolo- ing, engineering and manufacturing something tangible, selling it
gies enable the design and manufacture of parts that previously and doing it at a profit. It is a manufacturing business model
could not be made through traditional subtractive processes. whether it is a stand-alone business or a natural extension of a
Figure 7 shows within optimized lightweight parts [26]. Figure 8 design and engineering business.

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Fig. 7 Parts designed with Within software: optimized lightweight support part (top left); cranial
flap implants (top right); radical heat exchanger (bottom left); pipe manifold (bottom right) [26]

Fig. 8 Demonstration parts designed with Netfabb software [25]

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The McKinsey Institute article referred to on page 17 [34] says: dealers have no inventory risk, but they still need to manage the
“…senior executives must prepare for five disruptions that are cost of carrying the parts inventory—labor costs in the stockroom,
being or will be caused by AM,” The five disruptions are [34] rent, utilities, taxes, insurance, shrinkage, and the opportunity cost
associated with the investment in something that just sits on the
(1) Accelerated product development cycles: reducing time in
shelf. The cost of carrying $1.00 of inventory for a year can be as
product development was a key benefit of the first 3D print-
much as $0.25 [35].
ing machines, which were designed to speed the creation of
The strategic transformation would be if every General Motors
product prototypes (and in some cases helped reduce turn-
car dealership had an AM capability in the service department.
around times to a matter of hours, from days or weeks).
When the dealer needs a part it could simply download the file for
Now many industries are poised for a second wave of
the most current part design and 3D print it on demand and just in
acceleration as the line between additive and conventional
manufacturing blurs.
A dealership that implemented AM of parts on demand could
(2) New manufacturing strategies and footprints: as of 2011,
significantly reduce
only about 25% of the AM market involved the direct
manufacture of end products. With a 60% annual growth — the type and quantity of spare parts needing to be stocked
rate, however, that is the industry’s fastest-growing seg- — procurement costs for parts the dealer would typically order
ment. As costs continue to fall and the capabilities of 3D from the manufacturer or another location
printers increase, the range of parts that can be economi- — shipping costs for parts ordered as well as obsolete parts
cally manufactured using additive techniques will broaden returned
dramatically. — costs involved in recall programs for malfunctioning parts.
(3) Shifting sources of profit: AM technologies could alter
In addition, the dealer would always be assured of having parts
the way companies add value to their products and services.
that utilized the most current part design.
Indeed, reducing the reliance on hard tooling (which
facilitates the manufacture of thousands of identical items)
creates an opportunity to offer customized or bespoke Aerospace. Similar to the above scenario, aircraft and aero-
designs at lower cost—and to a far broader range of cus- space components, assemblies and subassemblies will be rede-
tomers. The combination of mass customization and new signed and optimized using AM processes and principles. The
design possibilities will up the ante for many companies purpose would be to reduce weight and improve performance in
and could prove very disruptive to traditional players in order to significantly reduce operating expenses. The ability to use
some segments. hollow core, mesh, or grid designs is foundational with AM and
(4) New capabilities: design is inherently linked to methods of tremendous opportunities exist for weight reduction and decrease
fabrication. While there is a wealth of knowledge around in fuel consumption.
design for manufacturing, much less is available on design The aerospace companies already understand this. Take for
for AM. Our conversations with executives at manufactur- example, the forthcoming LEAP (leading edge aviation propul-
ing companies suggest that many are aware of this gap and sion) jet engine produced by CFM International, a joint-venture
scrambling to catalog their design know-how. between GE and France’s Snecma. The LEAP will be the first
(5) Disruptive competitors: the direct manufacturing of end commercial jet engine to incorporate fuel nozzles “printed” by a
products greatly simplifies and reduces the work of a laser that sinters ultrathin layers of a cobalt–chromium alloy
designer who would only have to take products from the powder. Using conventional manufacturing techniques, each fuel
computer screen to commercial viability. New businesses nozzle would have been assembled with up to 20 parts welded to-
are already popping up to offer highly customized or gether. Using additive processes, the fuel nozzles will now be
collaboratively designed products. These businesses are “grown” as a single piece that is 25% lighter and five times more
gaining insights into consumer tastes and building relation- durable than its conventionally manufactured counterpart [36].
ships that established companies could struggle to match. Weight reduction is particularly important in aviation applica-
Over the longer term, however, they could transform indus- tions given that just a single kilogram reduction of an aircraft’s
tries in unexpected ways, moving the source of competitive weight can mean fuel savings of up to $3000 per year. “LEAP
advantage away from the ability to manufacture in high reduces fuel burn by 15% over its predecessor engine. That adds
volumes at low cost. up to several million dollars saved per year per plane,” says GE
Aviation spokesman Rick Kennedy [36].
Strategic Vision
Every company, every industry, and every government should Rethinking Strategy Along the Supply Chain
think strategically and globally about what this technology will
These first-order implications will cause businesses all along
mean. Progressive companies are looking past the prototyping
the supply, manufacturing, and retailing chains to rethink their
stereotypes and developing manufacturing strategies utilizing AM
strategies and operations [37]. Additionally, as AM takes hold, the
equipment, processes, and materials for high volume production.
factors that have made China the workshop of the world will lose
Thinking strategically allows these companies to imagine AM’s
much of their force.
potential to reinvent entire business processes at tremendous
China has secured outsourced-manufacturing contracts from
savings, and to essentially transform business models in a manner
every mature economy by pushing the mass-manufacturing model
similar to what has been brought about by the Internet. That is not
to its limit. It not only aggregates enough demand to create un-
to minimize the tactical benefits. Clearly there are tremendous
precedented efficiencies of scale but also minimizes a key cost:
costs, time, and competitive benefits to being able to design and
labor. Under a new model of widely distributed, highly flexible,
additive manufacture a part in two weeks versus the 90 days that
small-scale manufacturing, China’s daunting advantages become
might be required by traditional manufacturing methods. But busi-
liabilities. Workforces probably cannot be paid sufficiently little
ness owners and executives also need to understand the strategic
to overcome the competitive disadvantage of shipping across
shifts that will follow in the wake of the tactical benefits.
oceans when parts, components and even finished goods can be
made cheaply and quickly through additive processes.
Automotive. General Motors has an automatic stock- The implications of this are obvious in that all along the supply
replenishing program called RIM that allows dealers to return chain, from suppliers of raw materials to manufacturers to
parts that do not sell in 15 months, no questions asked. So, GM shippers, wholesalers, and retailers, companies will need to

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