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Work Flexibility simply is the way to motivate employees by providing certain freedom or
managing them to provide manner and behavior to manage their activities in the work place. This
will help them to get the organization goals and individual goals. If employees are supported
with the flexible working environment, they will be able to give more productive and more
engagement in their work. Not only the time factor, the physical and mental health can be
essentials of managing the workplace flexibility.
Balancing work life and flexibility while doing the work will properly have managed. Flexibility
does not mean getting lots of free time and further mark up the work place as amusement center.
It means that getting some breaks and refreshment so that people will be able to enhance their
productivity and efficiency of their business. The employees will be able to generate the greater
job satisfaction and will also develop the greater loyalty, trust and respect towards employers.
Flexibility and space in the workplace will be determined by the working nature of the
workplace and the structure that the organization has defined. Flexibility does not means giving
lots of holidays or leisure time. It means managing the employees to feel free and relaxed. That
may be managing them some personal time, provide certain refreshments fortnightly. This kind
of activities can be the graces that will obviously be able to manage the employees to motivate
themselves to the work and give their concentration and commitment to their work.
In the current scenario, people are becoming workaholic. They want to be best of best within
their employees. They want to show themselves dedicated and focused in their work and
moreover want to gain the certain positions and promotions in their work in comparison to their
colleagues. The sense of being in the race of the work, they all forget their personal life and
situations. Their personal life becomes mixed up and will not give them the opportunity to
compete with the world.
Flexibility in work will aid the value and morale of the employees. For example, making a
refreshment together will build the emotional connection and the reduction on the stress level of
work for the employees. This will never be the wastage of the time rather this will create the
enhancement in the efficiency and work progress of the employees. Because of this scene,
employees will be able to enjoy the full work schedule and they will find the better working
condition and will get a greater work/life balance.

21st April, 2020 Tuesday

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