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Amity University [IN] London

MODULE: Marketing Principles

Module Code BKM104

Module Level HE4
Credit Value 20
Module Leader Ian Bathgate
Academic year 2019/2020, Sem 2; Cohort 4

Assignment Brief

1. Purpose of the Assessment

Summative assessment will focus on the ability of students to draw conclusions from all
aspects influencing and affecting marketing. The module will be assessed by a written
assignment and an individual presentation.

2. Assessment Task

2.1 Individual Presentation of maximum15 minutes (AS1), 30% weighting of the mark

You are to assume the role of marketing consultant for an organisation in a sector of your
choice (e.g. retail, automotive, leisure). You have been asked by that client to provide a
detailed presentation on the marketing activities of the company’s main competitor.
In that presentation you will be expected to use established marketing
frameworks/theories/techniques to explain those competitor marketing activities. Within the
presentation you will be expected to conduct a review of the market within which both
companies operate and to comment on relevant potential areas for collecting marketing
You will also be expected to comment on future market scenarios and refer to issues
around sustainability and any ethical concerns that will affect the market.

You will be expected to liaise with the course tutor on line via Moodle to discuss your choice
of companies and to then research each company using various sources. It is expected that
you will video your presentation using Power point and to provide a handout/ commentary of
your slides and upload respective files to Moodle.

2.2 Individual assignment (AS2), weighting 70% of the mark (LO3, LO4)

All questions carry equal marks.

You are required to read the distributed case study and answer the following questions, each
question carries marks highlighted below.

With reference to the Katherine House case study your task is to;
Research the background to Katherine House scenario. Along with the information from
the case your task is to create a marketing communications plan for the hospice for either
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the Light up a Life annual Christmas campaign or the Film Premier evening. In that plan
you would be expected to
1/ demonstrate how you intend to achieve stated objectives using a recognised planning
structure. 60 marks.
2/ You would also be expected to demonstrate how your plan would build customer
relationships and create a stronger brand equity. 20 marks
3/ Identification of any ethical issue should be incorporated in the plan with specific
strategies to overcome them. 10 marks
4/ write in an appropriate academic style. 10 marks

Your assignment should have 3000 words.

3. Sources It is expected that the Reference List will contain between five and ten sources.
As a MINIMUM the Reference List should include one refereed academic journal and three
academic books.

4. Specific Assessment Criteria

(Please note that the General Assessment Criteria will also apply.)

Individual Presentation:

First class (70% and above):

Students will provide an in-depth appraisal of the effectiveness of the marketing activities,
demonstrating excellent critical reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will
be made as to how problems/weaknesses identified may be overcome, and sustainability
improved. Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary
research sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be excellent.

Second class (50-69%):

Students will provide a comprehensive appraisal of the effectiveness of the marketing
activities, demonstrating critical reasoning skills. Justified recommendations will be made as
to how problems/weaknesses identified may be overcome, and sustainability improved.
Research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be
evident. Academic style and referencing will be good.

Third class (40-49%):

Students will provide a satisfactory appraisal of the effectiveness of the marketing activities,
demonstrating critical reasoning skills. Considered recommendations will be made as to how
problems/weaknesses identified may be overcome, and sustainability improved. Research
demonstrating use of a range of current secondary research sources will be evident.
Academic style and referencing will be fair.

Fail (39% and below): Students who do not meet the requirements of a third-class grade will
not successfully complete the assessment activity.

Individual assignment:
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First class (70% and above):

Students will provide an in-depth appraisal and presentation of the marketing communication
plan and how it will enable achievement of stated objectives, demonstrating excellent critical
reasoning skills. Focused and justified recommendations will be made to the marketing
communication strategy as to how problems/weaknesses identified may be overcome.
Extensive research demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research
sources will be evident. Academic style and referencing will be excellent.

Second class (50-69%):

Students will provide a comprehensive appraisal of the marketing communication plan and
how it will enable achievement of stated objectives, demonstrating critical reasoning skills.
Focused and justified recommendations will be made to the marketing communication
strategy as to how problems/weaknesses identified may be overcome. Research
demonstrating use of a wide range of current secondary research sources will be evident.
Academic style and referencing will be good.

Third class (40-49%):

Students will provide a satisfactory appraisal of the marketing communication plan and how
it will enable achievement of stated objectives demonstrating critical reasoning skills.
Considered recommendations will be made to the marketing communication strategy as to
how problems/weaknesses identified may be overcome, and sustainability improved.
Research demonstrating use of a range of current secondary research sources will be
evident. Academic style and referencing will be fair.

Fail (39% and below): Students who do not meet the requirements of a third-class grade will
not successfully complete the assessment activity.

5. Assessment Submission

Your written assignment must be word processed and presented in a report format with
simple sub-headings. The word count should be as specified in the assignment above±10%
(tables, diagrams and appendices are excluded from the count).

The Assignment report should have a Front Sheet showing your name, your student
number, the module name, the module number, the assignment title, the module tutor's
name, the date and the word count.

An appointment will be made for you to deliver the presentation, either in person or via
You are required to submit your presentation slides to Moodle.

All assignments will be submitted, graded and fed-back electronically via TURNITIN. Several
submissions will be permitted before the hand-in date in order to enable you to refine the
content in your report.

To submit your work, please go to the ‘Submit your work’ area of the Module Moodle site. It
is important that you submit your work to the correct module Moodle site, and that your work
is submitted on time.
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Feedback on assignments in general will be provided to the whole group when marked
assignments are returned. Feedback on assignments for everyone will be provided
electronically via TURNITIN.

A student may obtain an individual appointment to discuss feedback with the tutor.

Submission Deadlines

Assignment 1: TBC
Assignment 2: TBC

5.Assessment Guidance

The quality of your presentation and academic referencing is very important. Please, use the
Harvard Referencing System.

Within your assignment your tutor will be looking for content that addresses the key
elements of the assignment brief.

Try not to overcomplicate your answers by choosing a company that you know little about.
Keep to simple processes that you know well.

6. Academic Practice

Amity University [IN] London policy will apply in all cases of copying, plagiarism or any other
methods by which students have obtained (or attempted to obtain) an unfair advantage.

Support and guidance on assessments and academic integrity can be found from the
following resources:

Moodle / Policies and Procedures

Moodle / Student Corner

7. Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes being addressed through this assignment are:

LO 1 – Describe the underpinning and current practice of marketing and its role in
LO 2 –Discuss and explain marketing research methods and collection of data within
organisations contexts.
LO 3 – Explain key marketing theory and techniques and their application to practical
situations within organisations contexts.
LO 4 – Discuss ethical constraints facing organizations.
Amity University [IN] London

General Assessment Guidelines for Written Assessments Level HE4

% Relevance Knowledge Argument/Analysis Structure Presentation Written English Research/Referencing


85- Directly Demonstrates an Makes exceptional Coherently The An exceptionally Sources accurately
Class I

100% relevant to exceptional knowledge/ use of appropriate articulated presentational well written cited in the text. A
title. understanding of theory arguments and/or and logically style & layout is answer with wide range of
Expertly and practice for this leveltheoretical models. structured. correct for the standard contemporary and

addresses the through the identification Presents an type of spelling and relevant references
assumptions and analysis of the most analysis of the An assignment. grammar. cited in the reference
of the title important issues. material resulting appropriate Effective Style is clear, list in the correct
and/or the in clear, logical and format is inclusion of resourceful and style.
requirements original used. figures, tables, academic.
of the brief. conclusions. plates (FTP).

70- Directly Demonstrates an Makes creative use Coherently The An excellently Sources accurately
Class I

84% relevant to excellent of appropriate articulated presentational written cited in the text. A
title. knowledge/understanding arguments and/or and logically style & layout is answer with range of
Addresses the of theory and practice for theoretical models. structured. correct for the standard contemporary and

assumptions this level through the Presents an An type of spelling and relevant references
of the title identification and excellent appropriate assignment. grammar. cited in the reference
and/or the summary of the most discussion of the format is Effective Style is clear, list in the correct
requirements important issues. material resulting used. inclusion of resourceful and style.
of the brief. in clear, logical figures, tables, academic.
conclusions. plates (FTP).
Amity University [IN] London
Class II/i

Good 60- Directly Demonstrates a very good Uses sound Logically The A very well Sources are
Quality) (Very

69% relevant to knowledge/understanding arguments or constructed in presentational written answer accurately cited in the
title. of theory and practice for theoretical models. the main. style & layout is with standard text and an
Addresses this level through the Presents a clear An correct for the spelling and appropriate reference
most of the identification and and valid appropriate type of grammar. Style list in the correct style
assumptions summary of key issues. discussion of the format is assignment. is clear and is provided.
of the title material. used. Effective academic.
and/or the Clear, logical inclusion of
requirements conclusions. FTP.
of the brief.
Class II/ii


Generally Demonstrates a good Presents largely For the most The Competently Most sources

50- addresses the knowledge/understanding coherent part presentational written with accurately cited in the
59% title/brief, but of theory and practice for arguments. Some coherently style & layout is minor lapses in text and an
sometimes this level through the issues and articulated correct for the spelling and appropriate reference
considers identification and theoretical models and logically type of grammar. Style list is provided which
irrelevant summary of some key expressed in structured. An assignment. is readable and is largely in the
issues. issues. simplistic terms. acceptable Inclusion of FTP academic in the correct style.
Conclusions are format is but lacks main.
fairly clear and used. selectivity.
Class III Amity University [IN] London

40- Some degree Demonstrates an Presents basic Adequate The Generally Some relevant
49% of irrelevance adequate arguments, but attempt at presentational competently sources cited.
to the knowledge/understanding focus and articulation style & layout iswritten although
y Quality)

title/brief. of theory and practice for consistency lacking and logical largely correct intermittent Some weaknesses in
Superficial this level. An attempt is in places. Some structure. for the type of lapses in referencing
consideration made to identify key issues may lack An acceptable assignment. grammar and technique.
of the issues. issues. clarity, and/or format is Inappropriate spelling pose
theoretical models used. use of FTP or obstacles for the
expressed in not used where reader. Style
simplistic terms. clearly needed limits
Conclusions are not to aid communication
always clear or understanding. and is non-
logical. academic in a
number of

Significant Demonstrates Limited arguments, Poorly For the type of Deficiencies in Limited sources and
35- degree of weaknesses in knowledge which lack clarity in structured. assignment the spelling and weak referencing.
39% irrelevance to of theory and practice for places. presentational grammar makes
the title/brief. this level, with poor Conclusions are Lack of style &/or reading difficult.
Only the most understanding of key neither clear nor articulation. layout is Simplistic or
obvious issues issues. logical. Format lacking. repetitious style
are addressed deficient. FTP ignored in impairs clarity.
at a superficial text or not used Style is non-
level and in where clearly academic.
unchallenging needed.
Amity University [IN] London

Relevance to Demonstrates a lack of Severely limited Unstructured. For the type of Poorly written An absence of

<34% the title/brief basic knowledge of either arguments. Lack of assignment the with numerous academic sources and
is intermittent theory or practice for this Lacks clarity. articulation. presentational deficiencies in poor referencing
or missing. level, with little evidence Conclusions are Format style &/or grammar, technique.
The topic is of understanding. sparse. deficient layout is spelling and
reduced to its lacking. expression.
vaguest and FTP as above. Style is non-
least academic.

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