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Nama Weni Epita Sari

Nim 1814201150
UTS bahasa Inggris
S1 keperawatan

1. A. She was Pneumonia
B. ciko were stomach ache
C. she was lacks bodily fluids
D. riko was experiencing
symptoms maag

2. A. Anita always drink a medicine

in the morning
B. The go to dental in the
C. Anita and Yuni works in the
3. When I was in the practice service at
Arifin Ahmad Hospital yesterday I had a lot of
experience, that working as a nurse is a noble
thing, discipline at 7:30 in the morning,
returning at 14.00, treating patients with a
sincere heart, sometimes even when we are
tired we must be prepared to treat patients, can
meet with many people and know various
types of drugs, there is a sense of happiness to
see the patients we treat are cured, and there is
a feeling of sadness to see them patients lying
sick and even critical, being a nurse is a noble
thing, I'm happy to be able to help a lot
people, especially for my family

4. The first reason is breakfast can improve

children's concentration while studying at school.

5. the importance of parents'

attention to the breakfast
children eat
6. because the breakfast can
make them concentrate on
learning and more active in
participating in learning
activities at school.
7. Stand up!
E. Sit down!
F. Come in!
G. Talk to me!
H. Tell me
Go with me

8. Probihition
o Don't be careless!
o Do not be jealous!
o Don’t be late !
o Don’t sleep here !
9. someone who comes to the hospital and talks to
the doctor for his complaints, and the doctor gives
orders and prohibitions to the patient

10. In general, there are 3 general symptoms that

can indicate someone is infected with the Corona virus,

Fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius)


Hard to breathe

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