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The romantic genre has been called as literary genres, which are generally
distinguished by its chivalry care, which came into being in France in the middle of the 12th
century. It had precedents in many prose works of the classical antiquity (the so-called Greek
romances), but it was established as a distinctive genre in the sense of the aristocratic courts
of patrons such as Eleanor of Aquitaine. The word romance itself came from the Old French
word that called romanz that originally mean as “the speech of people” from a popular Latin
word Romanice.

Romantic genre can be defined as love tales, or heart affairs that based around desire,
sentiment, loving and affectionate presence of the central characters usually by the leading
actor or actress and how they choose their own path relationship neither through courtship or
marriage. Romance films make the central narrative subject towards the love tale, or the quest
for happiness. Lovers in television romances frequently encounter challenges.

In Southeast Asia itself the romantic genre is one of the best-selling movies even
though horror genre really makes up the market but still it is preferred among all type of
generations. Unfortunately, in Southeast Asia some of the country openness towards the
experimentation of the genre in the movie still stuck between traditions, religions and
politically. This issue occurred because of the cultural sensitivities that had been influence by
the Western movies that caused a ban in the films by its own government, most notably those
visual works that include scenes of heavy crime, sexual assault, and human trafficking, strong
political material, encouragement of unethical behavior, gender depictions, gay references
and religious offspring.

For this romantic genre, I have chosen The Sinking of Van Der Wijck movie that
originated from Indonesia. This movie is a story about the tale of passion between Zainuddin,
Hayati, and Aziz that stuck between the status judgement and life struggling, that leads to a
tragedy on a sailing with Van der Wijck that brings Zainuddin and Hayati's true loved buried
without a knot. As we know, Indonesia is one of country who has achieved several of
achievement in the film industries as their movie has entering various different cinemas in
other parts of place, their films started to boom during 1980s and 2000s with different
approachable of the movie. For my movie, it stands out about the love crossover in Islam,
social background differences, woman rights and the concept of life. This movie is one of the
biggest masterpieces in the Archipelago as this movie is an adaptation from the book that
have been written by a famous scholar Haji Abdul Malik Karim Amrullah or known as

This movie has been released in 2013 and has been direct by Sunil Soraya. Sunil
Soraya is one of the famous film-maker and producer in Indonesia. Even though the movie
are adaptation of the book but the narration and the cinematography that have been produced
by him in this movie are quite impressive even though some of people labeling that
adaptation movie or drama will not achieved the best result but for this movie it quite follows
the flow of the writer imagination. In Sunil Soraya eyes of film, he loves to play more on the
color in each of the shots, realistic on choosing the setting of place and focusing more in
building the character each of the actor and actress. Which we can see how the Indonesian
movie industry works especially in the A grades movie where the production will make the
written story become a reality. In this movie we could see how Sunil Soraya plays with the
actor and actress which he choose the best among the best actor and actress in Indonesia such
as Herjunot Ali, Pevita Pearce and Reza Rahadian in order to sustained the quality of the

Even though this movie succeeds many awards and their production works are
excellence but still these movies have their own flaws in it. In this movie the director and
actor Herjunot Ali who become Zainuddin need to watch and control his Makassar accent
despite of his effort to make it alive in some scene, as it become quite funny. In order the
color for his movie, although is nice but still have over-saturated of color indeed in several
scenes which cause the movie looks to overly bright. The lavish of the sets also could be
thought as one of the flaws as it not shown properly how the land of Java had become
succeed more further than Padang as mostly focusing on the cars not on how situations of the

In this movie, all of the storyline not only focusing towards Zainuddin and Hayati
love story but how the Indonesian community react itself during 1930s. Most of the
Indonesian in that generations are totally holding up with traditions and the woman rights
have been denied as they could do what men’s can do. The arrange marriage as an example,
is one of the suppression of rights in the community where woman or man are forcefully
getting married with someone who they did not know the background itself and this issues
would lead vengeance towards the family itself as their freedom has been denied before it
should. In this movie, there are quite few genius acts by the writer itself inserting some
symbolisms in certain actor and actress name as a messenger of the message towards the
community. There are several names that bring the message of the story is Pandekar Sutan
(Humanity), Daeng Habibah (Love), Zainuddin (gems of religion), Hayati (Life) and Aziz
(Power). All of this, is a message that can be concluded as human circle of life, which in
order to get the happiness and the enjoyed the fullest life, we must learn how to manage this
five elements and the existence of the power itself also not just stand for the lavish and being
respected but also the sense of forgiving, as forgiving is one of the hardest thing that a human
could do.

Besides that, in this movie I would like to give a big applause towards the writer itself
as the script are full with literature value and the rendition of words are quite heavy but
deeply hits each of everyone who watch this movie. Each of the dialogue has a precious
meaning, as an example:

Zainuddin: Demikianlah perempuan, ia hanya ingat kekejaman orang kepada

dirinya walau pun kecil dan ia lupa kekejamannya sendiri pada orang lain padahal begitu
besarnya. Bukankah kau yang telah berjanji ketika saya diusir oleh Ninik Mamakmu karena
saya asalnya tidak tentu, orang hina, tidak tulen Minangkabau, ketika itu kau antarkan saya
di simpang jalan, kau berjanji akan menunggu kedatanganku berapapun lamanya, tapi
kemudian kau berpaling ke yang lebih gagah kaya raya, berbangsa, beradat, berlembaga,
berketurunan, kau kawin dengan dia. Kau sendiri yang bilang padaku bahwa pernikahan itu
bukan terpaksa oleh paksaan orang lain tetapi pilihan hati kau sendiri. Hampir saya mati
menanggung cinta Hayati... 2 bulan lamanya saya tergeletak di tempat tidur, kau jenguk
saya dalam sakitku, menunjukkan bahwa tangan kau telah berinang, bahwa kau telah jadi
kepunyaan orang lain. Siapakah di antara kita yang kejam Hayati?

Based on the dialogue above, we could see how it totally hurts Zainuddin feelings and
soul after Hayati leave him with sadness and sorrow as he choose to follow his husband.
In my opinion, after watching this movie, I think the suitable hybrid genre for this
movie is Romantic Tragedy as they both suffered from the beginning until the end. The
original writer itself Hamka is known for his sadness and tragedy kind of concept in most of
his novels such as Di Bawah Lindungan Kaabah which this movie had been produced by MD
Entertainment. As most of the director, this movie genre is the one of the best genre to choose
aside from horror and comedy as it plays with emotions that related with our reality life,
especially if we talk about relationship.

Despite the fact, that this movie are such a heartbreaking movie but still in this movie
had the Islamic sense of touch even though not too much but could be acceptable in order to
show the transition of how the changes of life after Zainuddin emigrate to Java until Surabaya
and same goes towards Hayati who emigrate from Padang to Surabaya in order following his
husband Aziz. The orders of the story are continuously following the changing of the
environment of the situation itself.

Last but not least, this movie I would say as one of the best movie that I have ever
watched, as for me there is no doubt or comparison could be done towards this beautiful
masterpiece from Buya Hamka as the movie itself succeed to portray the life of the society
that fight within the culture that are proud with their social status and the infringement of
rights among woman itself are still exist until now but only remain in certain-certain areas in

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