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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction of Subject Matter

Speech is a primary mode of communication between humans and speech technology simulate
this human-to-human speech communication into human-to-machine interactions (Fei, 2003).
Speech applications are primarily to simplify and automate tasks for humans to make it easier
and assisting them in resolving certain problem domains. It is being used as Directory Assistance
Services (DAS) where human can interact with the computer to obtain certain information from
the large directory. This is also one of the most demanding speech applications (Georgila and et.
al., 2003). Further, its application is also seen in military for generating air tasking orders and
commanding unmanned aerial vehical (Williamson and et. al., 2005). Due to which, there has
been vast advancement in the field of speech technology that has vitalized the concern in the
development of speech-based application in various areas such as telecommunication,
healthcare, military, education, entertainment and others (Freitas and Kouroupetroglou, 2008).

Our mode of communication has been significantly changed from a verbal mode of speaking to a
person, being present physically, to using technology like telecommunication to send over our
voice to the person we want to speak. Telecommunication technologies have made our world
smaller. One can now talk to a friend from one part of the globe to another without being
physically present. Telephones and mobile phones have become the integral part of our social
and business life. We use telephones/mobile phones to communicate with our loved ones who
are distantly apart, wish someone in the festivals and other social activities (Taormina, 2012). If
you run a business or work as an employee, chances are good that the telephone has a large
impact on the way you conduct your business. Telephones can serve a business by making
communication quick and convenient. By using the telephone to its full potential, companies can
avoid wasting time, save money and increase revenue. One way that companies use the
telephone is to promote sales. Outgoing telemarketing phone calls seek new business. Incoming
sales agents answer calls that come in as a response to marketing campaigns and commercial
advertisements. The telephone is a powerful vehicle for increasing revenue through gaining
customers (Lanclos, 2013).

However, a person or a receiver of a telephone call may not be available all the time. One might
be busy or unnoticed that the telephone call is being received in his telephone or mobile. This is
where a Voice Mail service comes in to play. It is also a speech technology application. It is a
service where one can record his message digitally for the receiver, which can be accessed by the
receiver whenever he wanted to hear it (Crosby, 2014). With this technology, one should not
have to sit by the telephone or mobile in the fear to miss an important call. On the other hand, the
caller can still send his message to the receiver even if he is busy or failed to answer the call.
IVR (Interactive Voice Response) are also integrated in voice mail services, where a computer
invoked message is played to the user. On the basis of it, a person can perform authentication,
use services provided in voice mail and others.

The project is also about the development of the Voice Mail system for a private company.
Using this, the employee and employer can leave their voice messages for the recipient, in case
of their unavailability. This way they can secure the voice message within the company and can
even use passwords for accessing one’s voice messages.

1.1.1 Problem Domain

Though telecommunication has eased our life by providing the technology by which we can talk
to our intended people over mobile or landline phones. However, it is not always applicable in
the situations when the call receiver is busy in something or is away from the receiving device.
People might be in the situation where they are unable to receive a call from the caller or they
might not intend to receive, during night, for example.

However, using services like voice mail, people will never miss the information that is send to
them. No matter they are busy with their personal reasons, or are away from the communication
receiving device, the caller can record their message in the form of speech file, which can be
later heard by the intended person using their mobile/landline phone. This allows employee and
employer of XYZ COMPANY sending message to the intended person at any time, 24x7.

1.1.2 Aim and Objectives

The aim of the project is to develop a system model for XYZ COMPANY that allows employer
and employees to record their voice messages electronically for the receiver, which can be
accessed by the receiver whenever he wanted using mobile/land line phone.

The objective of the project is listed as follows.

i. To resolve inability of the employee of XYZ COMPANY to send the message to other
employee whenever required.
ii. To allow sending information to the intended employee even when he/she is unavailable
to receive the call.
iii. To increase the productivity of the company by efficient communication between
employees regarding work.
iv. To implement the system model in the COMPANY infrastructure and upgrade its
v. To increase the reputation of XYZ COMPANY by this “Voice Mail” service that is not
available in every other company in Nepal.

1.2 Introduction of Structure:

Below is the format that depicts how the structure of the report is organised.


The abstract section displays the summary of the overall report. It provide the essence of the
report as a whole.


This section introduces about the subject matter of the project followed by its history and
developments in that specific field. Further, it also displays the problem domain and Aim and
Objectives of the project.


This section discuss about the background and context related to project. Further it also discuss
about the technology used for the development of this project. In addition, it also illustrates the
development related to this project followed by the key difference between them.


This section shows the considerations that were made before for the development of the project
and analysis of the opted mechanisms. This also illustrates the development in the project till
now along with the screen shots of codes that were used.


This section shows the achievements that were made during the development of the project till
now. It further shows the progress in the project based on the Gantt chart.

Future work

This section calls attention the tasks that are required to do in future for the completion of this


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