Concepts of Pollinator Performance: Is A Simple Approach Necessary To Achieve A Standardized Terminology?

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Concepts of pollinator performance: is a

simple approach necessary to achieve a

standardized terminology?

Leandro Freitas

Brazilian Journal of Botany

ISSN 0100-8404

Braz. J. Bot
DOI 10.1007/s40415-013-0005-6

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Braz. J. Bot (2013) 36(1):3–8
DOI 10.1007/s40415-013-0005-6


Concepts of pollinator performance: is a simple approach

necessary to achieve a standardized terminology?
Leandro Freitas

Received: 29 January 2012 / Accepted: 18 February 2013 / Published online: 5 April 2013
Ó Botanical Society of São Paulo 2013

Abstract Quantifying the importance of pollinators for future proposals for conceptual and methodological unifi-
reproductive success of plants is a central question in cation at larger scales.
reproductive biology. However, the literature contains a
profusion of terms and sometimes conflicting definitions. Keywords Fitness  Pollinator effectiveness 
This inconsistency is a barrier to broad comparisons and Pollinator performance  Plant reproductive success
conceptual advances in different fields. In recent decades,
some widely disseminated studies have proposed recom-
mendations to foster greater standardization. Nevertheless,
the literature continues with little uniformity, and terms Introduction
such as ‘‘efficacy,’’ ‘‘efficiency,’’ and ‘‘effectiveness’’ of
pollinators are still used inconsistently. Previous studies In recent decades, pollination biology has incorporated an
concerning conceptual and terminological uniformity pro- extensive new body of theoretical background and proce-
vided a series of particular terms related to specific metrics dures for data gathering and analysis, as well as interac-
and/or strict definitions for these widely used terms. I here tions with other disciplines, and applications to questions
propose comprehensive verbal definitions for the terms that of wide interest, such as environmental services and bio-
have historically been used by most specialists. Pollinator diversity conservation, and responses to global climatic
performance in achieving reproductive success is defined changes, habitat conversion, and biological invasions
here as its effectiveness, which is, broadly, given by the (Kearns and Inouye 1994; Dafni et al. 2005; Traveset and
product of two components: pollinator efficacy and inten- Richardson 2006; Aizen et al. 2008; Mitchell et al. 2009;
sity of visitation. In some approaches, a third component – Mayer et al. 2011). For instance, the debate on the validity
pollinator efficiency – is important for estimates of its of the concept of pollination syndromes and on special-
effectiveness. The definitions suggested here apply to dif- ization versus generalization in pollination systems has
ferent variables, parameters, and procedures for study, and remained intense since it began in the mid-1990s (Waser
may refer to either individuals or populations of a polli- et al. 1996; Fenster et al. 2004; Ollerton et al. 2007, 2009).
nator species, or to functional groups of pollinators. This In addition, the use of the interacting-webs approach has
terminology can be applied widely, as it is not constrained opened new avenues for research in the last decade, in
by the scope, approach or scale of a study. A basic ter- particular for community-based studies (Memmott 1999;
minology with simple definitions may facilitate consistent Vázquez et al. 2009). As expected in such a lively scenario,
use of these terms by specialists, particularly among concepts in pollination biology have been refined or
younger investigators, thus surmounting the first barrier to expanded, new terms have been formulated, and the old
ones are employed in new ways (Inouye et al. 1994).
However, these innovations are spread over many articles,
L. Freitas (&)
and the inconsistent and ambiguous use of terms among
Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro, R. Pacheco Leão 915, Rio de
Janeiro, RJ 22460-030, Brazil them inhibits the development of a common terminological
e-mail: and conceptual framework.

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4 L. Freitas

Although, strictly, pollination proceeds from the release the robustness and visibility of these proposals, the litera-
of pollen from the anthers to its deposition on a conspecific ture on the topic seems to have remained as unstandardized
stigma (Faegri and van der Pijl 1979; Inouye et al. 1994), as before.
for a more comprehensive understanding of pollination it is In this contribution, I provide verbal definitions for the
necessary to evaluate its effects on subsequent (‘‘post- concept of pollinator performance, based on the division of
pollination’’) processes (Herrera 2000), such as pollen two components: pollinator efficacy and intensity of visi-
germination and pollen-tube growth, ovule fertilization, tation. Pollinator performance results from both of these
fruit and seed set, and seeds sired on other plants. Also, components in a simple conceptual model, and expresses
pollination encompasses a wide diversity of traits of both the pollinator’s effectiveness in contributing to the male
flowers and pollinators (Endress 1994). The completion of and female components of plant reproductive success.
the process (i.e., the contribution to male and female Although some quotations are provided as examples, the
reproductive success) is also affected by the architecture intention is to provide a basic terminology and general
and size, and the population structure and dynamics of the definitions for broad application, rather than to exhaus-
plant species (Karron and Marshall 1990; Murcia and tively present a compilation of past studies. Analyses and
Feinsinger 1996; Ollerton and Lack 1998; Kato and Hiura descriptions of specific procedures and metrics are avail-
1999), as well as by the abiotic component of the envi- able in the syntheses of Kearns and Inouye (1994), Inouye
ronment and the composition and structure of the flora and et al. (1994), Dafni et al. (2005), and Ne’eman et al. (2010).
fauna (Herrera 1988; Pellmyr and Thompson 1996; Kearns
et al. 1998; Thompson and Cunningham 2002; Ollerton
et al. 2007; Mitchell et al. 2009; Mayer et al. 2011). Terminology and definition of concepts
Most angiosperm species are pollinated by animals
(Ollerton et al. 2011), and in the great majority of cases, Floral visitors and pollinators
pollination is carried out by different species belonging to
one or more taxonomic groups (Waser et al. 1996; Kearns Every floral visitor is not necessarily a pollinator. Although
et al. 1998; Freitas and Sazima 2006) that differ in their this idea is conceptually simple, the categorization of a
pollination ability (Faegri and van der Pijl 1979; Fenster floral visitor as a pollinator is not straightforward in many
et al. 2004). Thus, the contribution of pollinators to plant cases. The identification of pollinators may be mistaken, in
reproductive success is an increasingly important topic for particular when it is based on the expected pollinator that
studies on floral evolution and the ecology of mutualistic fits on a certain floral phenotype (i.e., ‘‘pollination syn-
interactions (Mitchell et al. 2009), and also important drome approach’’) (Hingston and McQuillan 2000; Oller-
because of emerging needs for risk assessment in conser- ton et al. 2009). False positives are generated due to low
vation and sustainable agriculture that require multi-year accuracy of naturalistic observations or field experiments,
and multi-site comparisons across studies (Ne’eman et al. as well as insufficient knowledge of the study system, for
2010). However, this topic is a fair example of the con- example, when visiting time is decoupled from the stig-
sequence of application of many different procedures and matic receptivity (Kishore et al. 2012) or when visitors
inconsistent use of terminology. forage on a single plant of self-incompatible species, as
This latter question has attracted the attention of some some pollen-collecting insects do in massive-flowering
authors, in particular those who were engaged in writing trees (Kevan and Baker 1983). False negatives are mainly
about methods in pollination biology. For instance, the due to insufficient sampling (see Case and Bradford 2009).
question was highlighted in the two most important text- Furthermore, the categorization of a certain species as a
books on the topic: Kearns and Inouye (1994), who pollinator of a plant species may not be discrete. Pairwise
reproduced the proposals by Inouye et al. (1994), and Dafni interactions are dynamic and may fluctuate at environ-
et al. (2005) in chapters by Caroline L. Gross, Peter mental, temporal, and spatial scales (e.g., Fishbein and
Bernhardt, Judith Slaa and Koos Biesmeijer. These two Venable 1996; Wilcock and Neiland 2002; Herrera 2005;
books are fundamental sources for novice fieldworkers in Aizen et al. 2008; Brunet 2009; Irwin et al. 2010; Gowda
pollination biology, and are well regarded among experi- and Kress 2013), ranging from intensive use of floral
enced pollination biologists. More recently, Ne’eman et al. resources and no contribution to reproductive success, to
(2010) presented an extensive and updated review on highly effective and efficient pollination. There are also
metrics and use of terms for pollinator performance, in tradeoffs on the pollinator contribution to male and female
addition to proposing equations and terminology within a success (e.g., Campbell 1989; Stanton et al. 1991).
modular system. The aim of this latter study was to provide The terms described below and summarized in Table 1
standard field protocols, metrics, and definitions to facili- are applied only to those floral visitors that transfer pollen
tate broad comparisons of pollinator performance. Despite with potential effects on plant reproductive success (i.e.,

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Pollinator performance 5

pollinators), so they exclude visitors involved in floral (see Engel and Irwin 2003). Last, the intensity of visitation
larceny (sensu Inouye 1980; but see Irwin et al. 2010). is also subject to many influences, which are difficult to
control in field studies, for example, the spatiotemporal
Pollinator efficacy pattern of resource availability, local assemblage of floral
visitors, plant density, and existence of competing flowers
Efficacy is the capacity of pollinators to effect the transfer (Kearns and Inouye 1994).
of pollen from the stamen to the target stigma, so that this
can result in seed production. Its operational definition is Pollinator efficiency
the contribution that each pollinator provides to the plant
reproductive success after a pollination event, i.e., after a The common-sense idea of efficiency, as well as its tech-
single visit to the flower, inflorescence or plant, or to nical definitions, are based on performing a task as cheaply
another unit of measurement in the analysis. as possible, i.e., this idea takes into account the energy cost
Efficacy may be estimated by measuring different to generate the desired effect. Pollinator efficiency is clo-
variables such as the amount of pollen removed from the sely linked to pollinator foraging strategies, and there is a
anthers or deposited on the stigma, and the number of clear dichotomy between animal and plant expectations
fertilized ovules; and by parameters such as fruit and seed (e.g., Borrell 2007; Fishbein and Venable 1996, respec-
set (e.g., Levin and Berube 1972; Motten 1986; Sahli and tively). Thus, from the perspective of the contribution to
Conner 2007; Avila and Freitas 2011; Kishore et al. 2012). plant reproductive success, pollinator efficiency can be
It can be presented in proportions, for example, in relation defined as the pollinator efficacy in relation to floral
to the number of ovules or the maximum capacity of seed resource consumption and pollen wastage. Similarly to the
set. The measurement of efficacy is independent of polli- other parameters, pollinator efficiency is influenced by
nator efficiency and intensity of visitation (Herrera 1987, many factors and may be measured in several ways
1989). However, although it may seem to be a phenomenon (e.g., Galen and Stanton 1989; Harder and Thomson 1989;
that is intrinsic to an individual, a species or a group of Young and Stanton 1990; Arroyo and Dafni 1995; Conner
pollinators in relation to a certain plant species, actually et al. 1995; Pellmyr and Thompson 1996; Sahli and Conner
pollinator efficacy is highly dependent on characteristics of 2007).
the sampled plant population (e.g., density, size and Accurate measurements of pollinator efficiency are hard
aggregation of individuals, and flowering dynamics) and to obtain in the field, and this difficulty may preclude its
interactions among floral visitor species (e.g., reduced inclusion as a parameter in mechanistic models of polli-
efficacy due to depletion of pollen by other visitors or by nator effectiveness (but see Keys et al. 1995; Canto-
agonistic interactions) (e.g., Murcia and Feinsinger 1996; Aguilar and Parra-Tabla 2000). Finally, it is common in the
Kato and Hiura 1999; Wilcock and Neiland 2002; Gómez literature (e.g., Hargreaves et al. 2012) to use the term
et al. 2009; Mitchell et al. 2009; Maruyama et al. 2012). efficiency in relation to another concept, in general coined
as ‘‘pollination efficiency,’’ which deals broadly with the
Intensity of visitation probability that any given unfertilized ovule will be fer-
tilized, in relation to the total production of pollen and/or
From the perspective of contribution to reproductive suc- ovules. This latter concept is strictly plant based—although
cess, the intensity of visitation expresses the number of it may be measured in relation to particular pollinators—
independent pollination events provided by a certain pol- and should not be confounded with the concept of
linator. In practice, it is measured by the number of visits pollinator efficiency as treated above.
per time unit (i.e., visitation rate). As with pollinator effi-
cacy, visitation rates may be estimated in different ways, Pollinator effectiveness
using a flower, inflorescence or branch, the whole plant, or
a plant patch as the unit of observation and/or measurement Pollinator effectiveness is given by the total contribution to
(e.g., Herrera 1989; Sahli and Conner 2007; Avila and plant reproductive success, and thus, it reflects pollinator
Freitas 2011). Intensity may also be transformed to pro- efficacy and intensity of visitation in a simple conceptual
portions, for example by the relative frequency of different model. It may refer to the contribution of an individual or
pollinators. Intensity of visitation is theoretically indepen- population of a species of pollinator or a functional group
dent of the efficiency and local abundance of the pollinator of pollinators (e.g., Arroyo and Dafni 1995; Fishbein and
(Jennersten 1984), although they may be correlated. Venable 1996; Avila and Freitas 2011). Different proce-
Visitation rates can be measured indirectly (Parker and dures, operational variables, and equations can be applied
Haubensak 2002); however, this may be biased if an to measure pollinator effectiveness as proposed here
efficacy component is embedded in these measurements (see Inouye et al. 1994), but it primarily reflects the product

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6 L. Freitas

Table 1 Terms, verbal definitions, and the most common variables/metrics for some general concepts of pollinator performance
Terms Definitions Common variables/metrics

Pollinators Floral visitors that transfer pollen from the anthers to Individuals or population of an animal species
a conspecific Functional groups
stigma, with potential effects on the plant reproductive
Pollinator efficacy Contribution of each pollinator to the plant reproductive success after The quantity of pollen removed from the
a pollination event. In practice, it is measured after a single visit of anthers or deposited on the stigma
a pollinator to the flower, inflorescence or plant, or to another The number of fertilized ovules
unit of measure in the analysis
Fruit and seed set
Intensity of visitation The number of independent pollination events provided by a certain The number of visits to a flower, inflorescence
pollinator. In practice, it is measured by the visitation rate or plant (or other unit of measure) per unit
Relative frequency of visits
Pollinator efficiency Pollinator contribution to reproductive success in relation to floral Rate of deposited pollen or seed set/pollen
resource consumption and pollen wastage removed
Rate of nectar consumption
Pollinator Total contribution by a certain pollinator to male and female The product of pollinator efficacy and its
effectiveness components intensity of visitation
of reproductive success Pollen deposited on stigma, pollen tubes or
A pollinator may be efficacious but not effective. This happens seed set after treatments with differen
if its efficiency and intensity of visitation are low. Similarly, exposure times of flowers
less efficacious pollinators may be among most effective due to
a high frequency of visits to flowers

of these two components (efficacy and visitation). It can be Conclusions

estimated directly from the seed set (female component) or
from the proportion of seeds sired on other plants (male Numerous expressed or implied definitions, in part con-
component); or indirectly, for example, by measuring flicting, have been provided for the most common terms for
pollen deposition on stigma or pollen removal from anthers pollinator performance in thousands of standard papers
(reviewed by Ne’eman et al. 2010), which are usually concerning specific study systems. This situation motivated
proxies for female and male fitness (Vázquez et al. 2005, studies related to standardizing the terminology and con-
but see Pellmyr and Thompson 1996). ceptual framework; at one extreme, Inouye et al. (1994)
Alternatively, effectiveness can be estimated by com- proposed that the terms effectiveness and efficacy be
bining efficacy and visitation (e.g., experiments that restrict abandoned. Despite the quality of these previous articles to
the access to flowers by some visitors, followed by some standardizing, authors continue to use these terms, and
measure of success; Young 2002). In the latter cases, none of the strict definitions has gained wider support.
researchers cannot know whether a given pollinator is more The excess of more-limited terms and concepts is a pos-
effective because it is more efficacious, or more frequent, sible reason for the low adherence to these standardization
or because of a combination of these factors. The decision proposals. In this context, simple definitions for wider con-
to estimate effectiveness by quantifying the two compo- cepts regarding pollinator performance are suggested here. I
nents separately or together depends on the specific ques- believe that these terms can be applied in any study of the
tions of a study, but their segregation is essential to propose subject, whatever the approach, scale, and procedures for
mechanistic models of selection of floral traits (e.g., Aigner data collection and analysis. The idea is that heuristic defi-
2001; Philipp et al. 2009), pollinator management for nitions for common terms reflecting a simple conceptual
agriculture (Rader et al. 2012), and effects of invasive model may encourage more-consistent use of terms in the
species of plants and flower visitors (Moragues and Tra- literature. A parallel can be drawn to the concept of floral
veset 2005; Aizen et al. 2008). Similarly, pollinator effi- larceny. In an equivalent situation of proliferation of terms
ciency is not a mandatory component for evaluating its and definitions (although on a smaller scale), the classic work
effectiveness in pollination at a coarse scale, although it of Inouye (1980) achieved great success in proposing a basic
has received less than its due attention and its estimation is terminology for visitor behavior regarding the use of floral
important for a deeper comprehension of these topics (see resources. Terms such as primary and secondary thieves and
Mitchell et al. 2009; Mayer et al. 2011). robbers (Inouye 1980) have spread consistently in the

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Pollinator performance 7

literature since then, and this has facilitated the advancement Arroyo J, Dafni A (1995) Variation in habitat, season, flower traits,
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