High-Strain-Rate Compressive Behavior of A Rigid Polyurethane Foam With Various Densities

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High-strain-rate Compressive Behavior of a Rigid

Polyurethane Foam with Various Densities

by W. Chen, F. Lu, and N. Winfree

ABSTRACT--The dynamic compressivestress-strain behav- tigate the dynamic response of elastomeric polymer foams
ior of a rigid polyurethane foam with four values of density (78, and found their stress-strain behavior to be rate dependent.
154, 299, and 445 kg/m 3) has been determined in the strain- Polyimide foams also have found applications in aerospace
rate range of 1000-5000 s -1. A pulse shaping technique was vehicles. 3
used with a split Hopkinson pressure bar to ensure homo- When polymeric foams are used in aircraft and automo-
geneous deformation in the foam specimens under dynamic tive components or in shock-absorbing packaging elements,
compression. Dynamic stress equilibrium in the specimen it is necessary to understand the dynamic foam properties
was monitored during each experiment using piezoelectric under impact loading conditions. However, experimental
force transducers mounted close to the specimen end-faces.
Quasi-static experiments were also performed to demonstrate
data on the mechanical responses of low-density foams are
rate effects. Experimental results show that both the quasi- far less available under high-strain-rate loading conditions
static and the dynamic stress-strain curves of the foam exhibit than under quasi-static conditions. In particular, reliable
linear elasticity at small strains until a peak is reached. After experimental techniques need to be developed to obtain
the peak, the stress-strain curves have a plateau region fol- accurate dynamic material properties. Dynamic tests have
lowed by a densification region. The peak stress is strain-rate been conducted in industry to characterize the impact energy
sensitive and depends on the square of the foam density. absorption behavior of rigid polymer foams using a drop-
KEY WORDS--Polymeric foam, high strain rate, stress-strain weight tower or a tup 12 or simulated head-impact using a
behavior, Hopkinson bar dynamic impact sled. 9 Constitutive relations have also been
extracted from test data obtained from constant-velocity (up
to 6.71 m/s) impact using an MTS machine, which showed
that the stress-strain behavior of polyurethane foams under
Introducing gas bubbles into a liquid monomer or hot poly- the test conditions were dependent on density, temperature,
mer before solidification creates engineered polymer foams and loading rate. 13 Due to the lack of material properties un-
that have much lower densities than solid polymers. These der impact loading conditions, it is highly desirable to obtain
lightweight and cost-effective materials have been used in a dynamic stress-strain curves at higher strain rates directly
wide range of applications, from disposable coffee cups to from carefully controlled experiments. Such data are es-
shock mitigation devices. 1-3 Mankind has used natural and sential for conducting realistic numerical simulations for the
engineered foams for a long period of time. Consequently, safety design of structures.
the mechanical behavior and other properties associated with In this paper, we present a modified split Hopkinson bar
foams have been investigated for a variety of applications. technique that conducts valid dynamic compressive experi-
In the second edition of their popular book, Gibson and ments on low-strength and low-mechanical-impedance mate-
Ashby 4 provide an extensive survey of the research results rials such as polymeric foams. To ensure that stress and strain
on cellular solids with applications from packaging cush- data were obtained from a specimen under homogeneous de-
ions to lightweight structures. Recently, the investigation formation and dynamic stress equilibrium, axial force histo-
of the mechanical behavior of foams has been extended to ries on the specimen ends were monitored during each exper-
micromechanical scales. 5 The impact response of polymer iment Using piezoelectric force transducers mounted on the
foams has been studied using a pneumatically driven ICI im- bars very close to the specimen. Constant strain rate in the
pact machine 6 and under high-speed impact conditions] In specimen was achieved using a pulse-shaping technique and
particular, polyurethane foams have found wide applications was monitored using the reflected pulse in the incident bar.
in new automobile bumper designs, 8 in occupant protection Experiments were conducted on a rigid polyurethane foam
under impact, 9 and in shock-isolating encapsulation.l~ Lank- with four values of density. The following sections describe
ford and Dannemann 11 used a drop-weight tower to inves- the experiments and present the results for the polyurethane

W. Chen (SEM Member) is an Associate Professor, and E Lu was a Post-

Experimental Set-up and Specimen Preparation
Doctoral Research Associate, Department of Aerospace and Mechanical
Engineering, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721-0119. N. Win- Specimens
free is Principal Engineer, Dominca, Albuquerque, NM 87111-1343.
The polyurethane foams were manufactured at four dif-
Original manuscript submitted: September 25, 2000. ferent mass densities: 445, 299, 154, and 78 kg/m 3. An
Final manuscript received: September 10, 2001.

Experimental Mechanics 9 65
examination of the microstructure (Fig. 1) indicates that the two 0.254 mm thick circular piezoelectric force transducers
foam has a typical closed-cell structure. Applied Research (X-cut quartz crystal disks of the same diameter as the bars)
Associates, Albuquerque, NM, provided the foam with the were mounted close to the specimen end faces on the inci-
highest density. Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, dent and transmitter bars, respectively (Fig. 2), so that axial
CA, provided the materials with the other three densities. load histories on the front and back surfaces of the speci-
Specimens used in the experiments were in the shape of fight men could be recorded. The mechanical impedance of the
circular cylinders, with a diameter of 12.7 mm. Cylinders of self-generating quartz transducer is very close to the mechan-
16 mm diameter were core-drilled from 50 mm thick foam ical impedance of the aluminum bars, which ensures that
plates. The cylinders were then turned to the final diameter the introduction of the quartz disks does not affect the one-
on a lathe. The thickness of the cylindrical specimens was dimensional wave propagation in the bars) 5 Quartz-crystal
small, as compared to typical quasi-static test specimens, to force transducers have been used by previous investigators
facilitate dynamic stress equilibrium during the early stages to measure dynamic force profiles) 6-18 In order to prevent
of the experiment. After trial experiments monitored the the large lateral expansion of the soft specimen during ax-
dynamic equilibrium process, the specimen thickness for dy- ial compression from damaging the brittle quartz crystal, a
namic experiments was determined to be 3 mm, except for thin aluminum disk the same diameter as the quartz disk was
the lightest foam whose thickness was 1.7 mm. placed between the quartz and the specimen (Fig. 2). The alu-
minum disk also serves as an electrode to collect charges from
Dynamic Experimental Set-up the quartz. For installation of the piezoelectric transducers,
A modified split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) was the bar end-surfaces were faced and lapped to be flat to within
used to conduct the dynamic compressive experiments. A 0.01 mm and perpendicular to the bar axis to within 0.01 mm.
schematic of the modified SHPB facility is shown in Fig. 2. A Valpey-Fisher X-cut quartz crystal of 19.0504-0.025 mm
The lengths of the 7075-T651 aluminum alloy bars used for in diameter and 0.254-4-0.025 mm in thickness was attached
the experiments were 1830, 762, and 305 mm for the incident, to the surfaces using a conductive epoxy (TRA-DUCT 2902).
transmitter, and striker bars, respectively, with a common di- The thin, lapped aluminum disks were then attached to the
ameter of 19 mm. The strain signals from the incident and other flat surfaces of the quartz crystals using the same con-
transmitter bars were recorded with a Tektronix TDS 420A ductive epoxy. The specimen-contact surfaces of the alu-
digital storage oscilloscope through ADA400A differential minum disks were lubricated by a thin layer of Vaseline to
amplifiers. Two strain gages were attached to the opposite minimize the friction effects during a dynamic compressive
sides of the bar diameter at each axial gage location. The experiment. The piezoelectric constant of the quartz crys-
use of this aluminum-bar and double-gage configuration ef- tal is 2.3 x 10 -12 C/N, as given by the manufacturer. 19 The
fectively increased the amplitude of the weak pulse trans- quartz gage remains very linear up to pressures where dielec-
mitted from the low-strength foam specimen, as compared tric breakdown occurs (at a stress level much higher than the
to a conventional steel SHPB which is not capable of testing yield strength of the aluminum bar material). The piezoelec-
such soft materials. 14,15 To ensure that a dynamic equilibrium tric constant is also not very sensitive to normal variations
stress state was reached in the specimen during testing before in environmental temperature. The electric poles were con-
failure occurred at any part of the specimen, a sharp-rising nected to two charge amplifiers (Kistler 5010B 1), whose out-
loading pulse as typically seen in a SHPB experiment was puts were recorded using the same high-speed digital storage
avoided. Instead, a pulse shaper (a copper disk or a stack oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS 420A) used for data process-
ing. To demonstrate strain-rate effects over a wide range,
of plastically deformable disks) was placed on the impact
end of the incident bar to control the shape of the loading quasi-static experiments were conducted using a hydrauli-
pulse. To monitor the dynamic stress equilibrium process, cally driven Materials Test System (MTS 810).

Experiments and Results

Pulses Recorded in SHPB Experiments
A typical oscilloscope record for a SHPB experiment is
shown in Fig. 3. The dashed line is the transmitted pulse,
which records the stress history in the specimen. The first
pulse in the solid line is the incident pulse; whereas the sec-
ond is the reflected pulse. If the mechanical impedance of
the specimen is less than that of the bar, the two pulses are
always opposite in sign, as shown in Fig. 3. The shape of the
incident pulse is very different from that obtained from a con-
ventional SHPB experiment. This is a result of the employ-
ment of a carefully selected pulse shaper to ensure a dynamic
equilibrium stress state and a homogeneous deformation at a
constant strain rate in the foam specimen. Trial experiments
were performed using various pulse-shaper configurations to
reach such a state in the specimen at a desired strain rate.
The nearly flat plateau on the reflected pulse shown in Fig. 3
Fig. 1--Typical microstructure of the polyurethane foam with indicates that the specimen deformed at a nearly constant
a density of 78 kg/m 3. strain rate. The stress-equilibrium process, which will be

66 9 Vol. 42, No. 1, March 2002

Quartz Alumirlum

St[ker Incident b a r trarcduo~r'-'~ F Disk Transmissionbar

I '/
Pulse shaper
Strain gauge
re[ E, and &- --: Specimen ~F]]
/ Strain gauge

Wheat~ene L ChaNe Charge Wheatstone
Bridge AmPlifier Amplifier Bridge

I )
J Pre-amplifier
Pre-amplifier I Pre'amplifier I

I Oscilloscope~ l

Fig. 2--A schematic of the modified aluminum split Hopkinson pressure bar set-up.

0,03 specimen. The strain rate in the experiment was determined

- - [ncidentrecord by the average magnitude of the plateau in the reflected pulse
..... Transmittedrecord " 0.009
002 (Fig. 3). As will be discussed later in this paper, the dynamic
Reflectedpulse - 0.oo6 >~ behavior of the polyurethane foams was not found to be very
-o.oo~ ~g sensitive to small variations in strain rates in the dynamic
testing range. Also, the Poisson's ratio of the foam was very
0 -0
low; i.e., there will be little inertia confining in the lateral
-0003 ~ directions during axial impact. Therefore, in the trial experi-
ments to determine a proper pulse-shaper, effort was focused
- -0.006
\ l Transmittedpulse on stress equilibrium, and the constant strain-rate condition
- -0,009 was satisfied only approximately (Fig. 3).
-0.03 i I i I i i I Dynamic Stress Equilibrium Process
-0.0008 -0.0006 -0 0004 -0.0002 0
Time (s)
In SHPB experiments, dynamic stress equilibrium in the
Fig. 3--Typical oscilloscope records of an SHPB experiment specimen is a fundamental requirement for valid data pro-
on polyurethane foam. cessing because equilibrium is one of the basic assumptions
upon which the SHPB theory was built. When dynamic equi-
librium is impossible to reach, the constitutive behavior may
still be found using a hybrid approach assisted by computer
presented in the next section, was recorded by the quartz simulation if the form of the stress-strain relation is known.
crystal gages. A variety of pulse-shaping techniques have However, in most cases, the dynamic stress-strain relations
been used in split Hopkinson bar experiments. For example, are to be determined by the SHPB experiments, especially
Duffy et al. 2~ used a pulse-shaper in the form of a concen- when the specimen is a soft material. Dynamic equilibrium
tric tube to smooth pulses generated by explosive loading in must be achieved such that the volume average of the stress-
a torsional Hopkinson bar. Ravichandran and Chen 2] and strain behavior over the entire specimen may be used as the
Nemat-Nasser, et al. 22 used copper pulse-shapers to achieve point-wise material response at a certain strain rate. It is
constant strain rates in ceramic testing using a SHPB. Togami therefore critical to ensure that the equilibrium conditions are
et al. ]8 used a pulse-shaper in a modified SHPB to control satisfied in order to obtain valid experimental results. In our
the shape of the loading pulse for accelerometer calibration experiments, a piezoelectric X-cut quartz transducer method
and to filter out high-frequency components associated with was used to directly monitor the dynamic force (and, there-
the pulse. fore, stress) equilibrium process at the front and back faces
In the present research, the pulse-shaper needed to control of the specimen, as described earlier. The stress equilibrium
the strain rate in the specimen at a desired and constant level can also be checked by comparing the transmitted signal (1=
was difficult to determine since the foam behavior was highly wave) with the difference between the incident and reflected
non-linear, which is much more complicated than the linear signals (2-wave). 25-27 This idealized method involves un-
stress-strain behavior of ceramics. Furthermore, much less certainties in dispersion corrections 28-32 and the distortion
is known about the dynamic stress-strain behavior of foams. to the incident wave when reflected from a bar/specimen in-
Therefore, trial experiments were necessary in the selection terface. The quartz-crystal method provides a direct experi-
of proper pulse-shapers. The reflected and the transmitted mental measurement of the end forces on the specimen.
pulses were used to calculate the strain-rate history and dy- One set of the two force histories, which was recorded
namic stress history in the foam specimen, respectively, ac- by the piezoelectric transducers during an experiment on a
cording to the conventional SHPB data reduction scheme polyurethane foam specimen with a density of 299 kg/m 3,
based on 1-D wave propagation theory. 23,24 Time integra- is presented in Fig. 4. An inspection indicates that the axial
tion of the strain rate gave the dynamic strain history in the force history at the front face of the specimen, marked as Q 1,

Experimental Mechanics 9 67
2000 ing the early stages of an experiment. After t r i a l experiments,
the specimen thickness for the polyurethane foams was de-
0 I ....... f2: I termined to be 1.7 mm for the foam with the lowest density
and 3 mm for the other three densities. During an experi-
-2000 ment, it is increasingly difficult to maintain dynamic stress
equilibrium in the foam specimen as the mass density of the
-4000 --
foam decreases. It takes longer for the signal indicating a
load change to pass through the foam material with a lower
density. Care also needs to be taken to ensure that the stress
-6000 -
equilibrium has been reached before the cell walls of the foam
start to collapse. If stress equilibrium is not reached, the pro-
-8000 -

cess of wall collapse will be in the form of a failure wave

propagating through the specimen, resulting in an inhomo-
' I ' I ' I ' geneous deformation and an invalid test. It was found in the
loo 200 300 400 trial experiments that, only when the specimen thickness was
Time (us)
reduced to 1.7 mm for the polyurethane specimen with the
Fig. 4 - - A x i a l force history m e a s u r e s at the front and back lowest density, which is significantly larger than the average
faces of a f o a m s p e c i m e n . cell size of ~0.3 mm (Fig. 1), was it possible to achieve dy-
namic stress equilibrium and a constant strain rate by using
a pulse-shaper.
is approximately the same as the back face force history, Q2, Dynamic Compressive Stress-strain Curves
over the majority of the duration of the experiment. The most
significant differences between the two force histories occur Figure 5 summarizes the dynamic compressive stress-
when there are steep changes in the slopes of the force histo- strain curves at strain rates from 1000/s to about 4500/s for
ries. The first significant mismatch occurs at the first turning a polyurethane foam with a mass density of 299 kg/m 3. For
points on the curves where the collapse of cell walls causes clarity, the stress-strain curves are grouped by strain rates.
the stress in the specimen to saturate at a plateau (more discus- Figure 5(a) shows the stress-strain curves obtained at strain
sion on this is available later when addressing stress-strain rates between 1000 and 3000/s. Figure 5(b) contains the
behavior). The slope thus changes from a steep loading phase curves obtained at strain rates near 4500/s. The stress-strain
to zero, where the curves become nearly flat. The second de- curves are plotted in measures of engineering stress and en-
viation occurs when the specimen experiences densification gineering strain instead of true stress and true strain, even
after most cell walls have collapsed, causing the compressive though the deformation is large. This is because the vol-
stress in the specimen to rise again (a non-zero slope). The ume of the porous foam specimen is not conserved during
front-face and back-face quartz gage measurements do not compression. In Fig. 5, the symbols on and around lines rep-
match during unloading. It is concluded from these observa- resent experimental data points, whereas the lines are curve-
tions that significant variations between force histories occur fitted from the data. All the dynamic compressive stress-
during a slope change in the force history. This is because of strain curves show very similar characteristics. There ex-
the low wave velocities in foam specimens that create a time ists a nearly lineal" region where the axial strain is less than
delay before the back-face transducer detects a sharp change 5%. When the compressive strain is ~8%, the stress-strain
on the front face of the specimen. The front- and back-face curve reaches a peak, followed by a short unstable range
force transducers may detect similar force histories in shape, where the stress decreases with increasing strain until the
but they do not overlap over time. If severe fluctuations exist strain reaches a value of ~13%. Then the stress stays nearly
in the loading pulse, such as the incident pulse observed in constant with increasing strain until the strain reaches ~30%,
a typical conventional SHPB experiment, it is impossible to where the slope of the stress-strain curve becomes positive
achieve and maintain a dynamic stress equilibrium state in the again. The stress-strain curve then rises monotonically un-
foam specimen. Such a conventional SHPB incident pulse til unloading. The dynamic compressive stress-strain curves
contains a very sharp rise, a sharp decay, and radial inertia- shown in Fig. 5 are very similar to typical curves obtained
induced oscillations superposed on the plateau, which must under quasi-static loading conditions, ~ where the initial lin-
be avoided in testing a low-impedance material. The shape ear stress-strain response was considered to be controlled by
of the loading pulse should be carefully controlled in order to the elastic cell-wall bending. The plateau on a compressive
maintain dynamic stress equilibrium in the specimen over the stress-strain curve is associated with the collapse of the cells.
majority of the experiment's duration (i.e., to conduct a valid After most of the cells have collapsed and the opposite cell
SHPB experiment). This was effectively achieved by the walls have touched each other, further strain compresses the
proper use of pulse-shapers in our experiments. We system- solid polyurethane itself, resulting in a rapid rising in the
atically tried a series of pulse-shapers in order to minimize stress-strain curve. The dynamic experiments reported in
the differences between the front- and back-face force histo- this paper were conducted under carefully controlled condi-
ries while maintaining a nearly constant strain rate. Another tions under which the specimens were at a dynamic stress
parameter that significantly influences the dynamic equilib- equilibrium. The strain rate was also controlled to be as con-
rium is the specimen thickness. The thicker the specimen, stant as necessary, such that the inertia effects associated with
the longer it takes to reach equilibrium. Due to the low wave axial compression could be neglected. Therefore, the only
speeds in the foam specimens (estimated to be ~50-300 rrds difference between the dynamic experiments reported in this
depending on the density), it is necessary to use a thin speci- paper and the conventional quasi-static compressive experi-
men in order to facilitate the dynamic stress equilibrium dur- ments, such as those summarized by Gibson and Ashby, 4 is

68 9 Vol. 42, No. 1, March2002


o at4300/s / ~ ~o~
-- 4-- at44OO/s ~' I}
-- .e- - - at 4500/s ~ /4~. I
I -- -- ~ -- - at 4450/s ./" ! ~ I{

I "~'~'~ -- ~ ~ "~ "~ 15 ~_]2/ ,+'
v v

1Hi I. . . . t1600/~
t~t [ z at 2650/s

i __ .... t+o~
9 I ' I ' I ' I I ' I ' I
0.1 0.2 0.3 0,4 0,2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Strain Strain

(a) (b)

Fig. 5--Dynamic compressive stress-strain curves for polyurethane foam with a density of 299 kg/m3: (a) strain rates of 1000
to 3000/s; (b) strain rates near 4500/s.

the strain rate. Similar deformation mechanisms associated similar to the stress-strain curves shown in Fig. 5, except
with various stages of a quasi-static stress-strain curve are for the stress levels. Figure 6 (again grouped into (a) and (b)
expected to be applicable to dynamic curves such as the ones for clarity) presents the dynamic compressive stress-strain
shown in Fig. 5. curves of the polyurethane foam with a density of 154 kg/m 3
At the first peak on the dynamic compressive stress-strain as a function of strain rate. The strain-rate range was from
curves for the 299 kg/m 3 density polyurethane foam, the 1050 to 4600/s. The first peak of the curves occurs at a strain
stress is approximately 13.5 MPa. Within the dynamic strain of ~6%, with a corresponding peak stress of approximately
rate range achieved in the SHPB experiments (1000-4500/s), 3.8 MPa. Then, the curves gradually enter a nearly flat region
all the stress-strain curves nearly pass the same peak point after the strain reaches a value of 10%. The flat region ex-
(8% strain and 13.5 MPa stress). Furthermore, all the dy- tends to a strain of 435%, when a densification stage begins.
namic stress-strain curves also nearly overlap each other until Before the densification stage, all the stress-strain curves
the strain exceeds ~30%, when the foam has been compacted nearly overlap each other regardless of strain rates, which
considerably. This indicates that the dynamic compressive again indicates that the mechanical response of the foam ma-
response of the polyurethane foam at this density is not sen- terial at a density of 154 kg/m 3 is insensitive to strain rates
sitive to strain rates in the dynamic range when the axial in the strain-rate range of 1050-4600/s. Similar to the re-
compressive strain is less than ~30%. sponse of the polyurethane foam at a density of 299 kg/m 3,
The stress-strain curves exhibit densification behavior the stress-strain response in the densification stage of the
when the strain exceeds ~30%. When the strain rate is below foam at 154 kg/m 3 is less consistent.
3000/s, this densification behavior is difficult to distinguish Figure 7 summarizes the dynamic compressive stress-
from the curves shown in Fig. 5(a) because the foam speci- strain curves for the polyurethane foam at a density of
mens deform only slightly beyond 30% of strain. During the 78 kg/m 3 at strain rates from 3200 to 4800/s. Figure 7
SHPB experiments at lower strain rates, the striking velocity again shows similar stress-strain curves for the lower density
of the striker bar was lowered to achieve a lower strain rate foam, only at even lower stress levels. The first peak of the
in the specimen, resulting in smaller input energy to deform curves occurs at a strain of ~ 10%, with a peak stress of about
the specimen and, consequently, a smaller strain. Unlike the 0.75 MPa. Then, the curves gradually enter a nearly flat re-
overlapping first peak and cell-wall collapse region in the dy- gion, until the densification stage begins at a strain of ~40%.
namic stress-strain curves, the densification behavior is less Again, the stress level at the first peak does not clearly depend
consistent. This is consistent with the statistical distribution on the strain rate in the dynamic range, and the densification
of the cells and the stress-strain behavior of solid polymeric behavior is less consistent.
materials, where stress depends on a number of parameters When the foam density is increased to above a certain
including strain and strain rate. When densification occurs, level, the strain-rate independence of the first peak on the
the constitutive behavior of the specimen is closer to that of dynamic stress-strain curve is not true anymore. Figure 8
the solid polyurethane with statistically distributed defeats presents the dynamic compressive stress-strain curves of the
resulted from random cell collapse rather than a much more foam with a density of 445 kg/m 3 as a function of strain rate.
porous foam. The strain-rate range was in a similar range as before, from
Dynamic compressive experiments on the polyurethane 950 to 5300/s. Unlike the cases with lower density foams,
foam of lower densities show constitutive behaviors very the stress level at the first peak of a stress-strain curve now

Experimental Mechanics 9 69

9 at 4 6 0 0 / s

N,%. & A

r162 II
j i"
o_ D_

4 , , / !
at t 1 0 0 / s
at 1 7 0 0 / s
at 3 2 5 0 / s
at 3 1 0 0 / s

' I ' I ' ' I ' I ' 1 '

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Strain Strain

(a) (b)

Fig. 6--Dynamic compressive stress-strain curves for polyurethane foam with a density of 154 kg/m3: (a) strain rates of 1000
to 3300/s; (b) strain rates near 4500/s.


---- ~-- -- at 9 5 0 / s
4 at 4 4 0 0 / s ,~, ,
• at 2 3 0 0 / s
at 4 8 0 0 / s
-'~ -- at 3 6 0 0 / s
120 -o - - a15300/s

~" 3
/, !
v /
2 o3
o/ ol
4O ,.~

0 ,v I I 0 I I I I I I i I
0.2 0,4 0.6 0.8
0,2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Fig. 7--Dynamic compressive stress-strain curves for Fig. 8--Dynamic compressive stress-strain curves for
polyurethane foam with a density of 78 kg/m 3 at strain rates polyurethane foam with a density of 445 kg/m 3 at strain rates
of 3200 to 4800/s. of 950 to 5300/s.

Effects of Density on the Response of the Polyurethane

clearly depends on the strain rate at which the curve is ob- Foam
tained, which varies from 23.4 MPa at 950/s to 30.0 MPa
at 5300/s. The corresponding axial strain at which the peak Figure 9 summarizes the effects of mass density on the
stress is achieved also varies from 6.7% to 10%, respectively. stress-strain behavior of the polyurethane foam at a strain rate
The peak spans over a much larger strain range as compared to of ~3000/s. As described previously, the dynamic stress-
the foams with lower densities. Densification occurs as early strain curves for the polyurethane foams with four different
as 25% of axial strain in this high-density foam. As pointed densities possess similar characteristics. For each stress-
out by Gibson and Ashby, 4 when the relative density of a strain curve, there is an initial linear stage leading to the first
cellular material is above 0.3, it cannot be treated as a foam peak. There is a nearly flat region after the peak where the
anymore. The density of the solid polyurethane material is cell walls collapse under dynamic compression, which results
approximately 4 1.2 kg/m 3 , which gives the relative density of in permanent damage to the material. Then, densification
the445 kg/m 3 foamtobe0.37. Therefore, thehighest density occurs at large strains where new and denser structures are
foam we tested was not exactly a foam, but was closer to a being formed in the specimen. The first peaks on the curves
porous solid. shown in Fig. 9 are at stress levels of ~ 0 . 7 5 MPa for the

70 9 Vol. 42, No. 1, March 2002

.t 0.45 g/ccm, at 3600/s ,/ ~
160 I o 0.45 g/ccm, at 5300/s
k/ ~
-- ~ - - 0.30 g/ccm, at 2650/s // J~ /

i ..~- 0.154 g/ocm, at 3250 /s #/ I / - 4 - - ~ 1 7 6 . . . . . 14500/, I I

45 /. . . . 01540~. . . . . t4600 is ]" ]
~2o ~---'*--
- -~ - 1 -7 6 i

co 03

15 ..&

~2 ~ , ~ _ . . ' ~ ~ _~-z~ - ~ _ ~ ,-.,,,

0 i I ' I ' 1 o ....... I ' I ' I ' I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Strain Strain

Fig. 9 - - E f f e c t s of m a s s d e n s i t y on t h e d y n a m i c compressive Fig. 10--Effects of mass density on the dynamic compressive

s t r e s s - s t r a i n b e h a v i o r of t h e p o l y u r e t h a n e f o a m at a strain s t r e s s - s t r a i n b e h a v i o r of t h e p o l y u r e t h a n e f o a m at a strain
rates of ~ 3 0 0 0 / s . rates of ~5000/s.

78-kg/m3-density foam (can be seen much more clearly of Arizona. The compressive stress-strain curves shown in
in Fig. 6), ~3.8 MPa for the 154-kg/m3-density foam, Fig. 11 possess very similar characteristics to the dynamic
~13.5 MPa for the 299-kg/m3-density foam, and ~ 2 3 - curves in Figs. 9 and 10. However, the stress level is much
30 MPa for the 445-kg/m3-density foam. Figure 10 shows lower under quasi-static loading conditions. The first peaks
similar curves at a higher strain rate (~5000/s). The dy- on the curves shown in Fig. 11 are at stress levels of ~0.2 MPa
namic peak strengths are independent of the strain rate within for the 78-kg/m 3-density foam, ~ 1.6 MPa for the 154-kg/m 3-
the Hopkinson bar testing range except for the case with the density foam, ~6.4 MPa for the 299-kg/m 3-density foam, and
445-kg/m3-density foam. ~14 MPa for the 445-kg/m3-density foam. Although they
The dynamic foam strength at the first peak is found to be nearly obey the square-of-density-ratio rule, these strength
approximately proportional to the square of the density ratios. values are only ~50% of the corresponding dynamic values.
This is consistent with the prediction based on the elastic This rate dependence of the foam comes from two sources4
collapse induced by the cell-wall buckling under quasi-static although the quantitative measures of the contributions from
compression. 4 Arbitrarily taking the case of the 299-kg/m 3- the sources cannot be precisely determined. Firstly, the foam
density foam as a reference, the dynamic strength at the first inherits the strain-rate dependence of the solid polyurethane
peak, crd, of the foam with other densities can be predicted of the cell walls. Chen and Z h o u 33 have found that the dy-
approximately as namic compressive strength of a solid epoxy depended on the
strain rate as the rate was increased from quasi-static range to
Gel ---- 13.5 (2@9) 2 MPa, (1) SHPB range, but saturated within the SHPB range. This phe-
nomenon is very similar to the rate dependence of the foam
presented in this paper. The second contribution to the rate
where 9 is the mass density (in units of kg/m 3) of the dependence is from the compressibility of the air trapped
polyurethane foam whose elastic collapse strength (the first in the closed cells. To illustrate the rate dependence more
peak) needs to be predicted. A comparison of the predictions clearly, Fig. 12 presents the compressive stress strain curves
from this simple equation and the results from our experi- of the foam with 299-kg/m 3 density at quasi-static (10-4/s)
ments is shown in Table 1, which indicates a close agree-
and dynamic (4.3 x 103/s) strain rates.
ment between the predictions and the experimental results.
It should be noted that, even though Eq (1) is for predict-
ing the dynamic elastic collapse strength of the polyurethane Conclusions
foam, the strain rate does not enter into this equation as a pa-
A split Hopkinson pressure bar has been modified to per-
rameter. Therefore, this equation canbe only used in a certain
form dynamic compressive experiments on low-impedance
strain-rate range where the peak strength is not sensitive to
materials such as polymeric foams. To ensure valid experi-
strain rate.
mental results, piezoelectric force transducers were mounted
Effects of Strain Rate on the Response of the near the specimen end faces, which measured and compared
Polyurethane Foam the axial force histories at both ends of the foam specimen.
Pulse-shapers were used to facilitate the dynamic force equi-
Figure 11 summarizes the quasi-static compressive stress- librium and to maintain a constant strain rate during an ex-
strain curves obtained from MTS tests at a strain rate of periment. This modified technique was used to determine the
10-4/s. The stress-strain curve of the highest density foam dynamic compressive behavior of a rigid polyurethane foam
was obtained at the Sandia National Laboratories, Albu- of four different densities. The dynamic stress-strain curves
querque. The rest of the curves are from The University for the foams of all densities show very similar shapes, which

Experimental Mechanics 9 71
Density (g/cm 3) 0.078 0.154 0.299* 0.445
ael predicted by Eq (1), MPa 0.92 3.58 13.5" 29.9
CSel measured, MPa 0.75 3.8 13.5" 30.0**
* Reference state.
**Strain-rate dependent.

2o o p o-o ~g,~/
I ~1=t54 Kg/m~
p =ZBKg/~~
l This work was supported by Applied Research Associates,
Albuquerque, NM, and Sandia National Laboratories. Sandia
is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation,
a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Depart-
~" 12
ment of Energy under Contract DE-ACO4-94AL8500.

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