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1. Chemistry Record:
 Action of heat
 Identification of gases
 Acids and alkalis
 Distinction between CuO and MnO2
 Identification of cations and anions

Same experiments are there for practicals.

2. Physics Record:
 Verifying Ohm’s Law.
 Resistances in series and parallel.
 Use of Meter scale as a Lever.
 Use of Single Movable Pulley as a machine
 The Phenomena of Resonance in a Stretched String

Left hand side - unruled side:

 Diagram
 Tabulation
 Calculation shown explicitly
 Graph /A4 sheets ( If necessary)

Right hand side – ruled side:

 Aim and apparatus

 Theory with Formula
 Procedure and Observations
 Conclusion
3. Geography:

1) Waste Management

 Impact of waste accumulation

 Need for management of waste
 Methods of safe disposal of waste
 Need and method of reusing and recycling waste.

2) Transport in India

 Importance and significance of transport system.

 A brief about the different modes of transports in India, their advantages and disadvantages.
4. Biology Record:
 Stages of Mitosis in Plant cells
 Process of Diffusion
 Absorption of water by roots of a plant
 Process of Osmosis in the Laboratory
 Potato Osmoscope
 Transpiration - Bell Jar Experiment
 Comparison of rate of transpiration from the upper and lower surface of a leaf using cobalt
chloride paper.
 Ganong's Potometer
 Oxygen is evolved during Photosynthesis
 Carbon-di-oxide is necessary for Photosynthesis
 Light is necessary for Photosynthesis
 Chlorophyll is necessary for Photosynthesis
 Structure of the Human Brain
 Internal structure of the Human Heart
 Structure of the Human Urinary System
 Identification of Blood Cells from Human Blood smear
 Structure of the Human Eye
 Structure of the Human Ear

5. Sanskrit:
 Essay on Cleanliness and good health ( aarogyasya nidhaanm)

6. History and Civics:

Report on:
The report must include one or two case studies related to contributions of the UN

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