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References: Steel Design 5th Edition by William Segui (Chapter 3)

National Structural Code of the Philippines 2015 7 th Edition Volume I
ASEP Handbook of Structural Steel Shapes and Sections


a. Length of purlins
L = 37.4 m
b. Slope of roof
θ = tan-1 (2.5/5.6) = 24°
c. Inclined Length of Roof
Inclined length = √2.52 + 5.62 = 6.13 m
d. Purlin Spacing

S=0.6 m

No. of purlins=6.13/0.6=10.22=11pcs

Assuming 22 purlins will be used

S = 6.13/11 = 0.55 m
e. No of Lines of Sag Rod = 11
f. Roof Slope = (2.5/5.6)(100) = 44.64 %
g. Tributary Area of Purlin = 0.55(2.25) = 1.24 m2
h. Spacing of Each Truss = 2.25 m


ASEP Handbook
𝑘𝑔 𝑚
Metal Deck = 9.171 𝑚2 × 9.81 𝑠2 = 𝟎. 𝟎𝟗 𝒌𝑷𝒂 Part 5: Metal Deck
*SD 950 X 1.00 is used

Roof Live Load = 1.0 𝑘𝑃𝑎 Section 205.4, NSCP 2015

Roof Dead Load = 0.05 𝑘𝑃𝑎 Table 204-2, NSCP 2015

Wind Pressure = −3.35𝑠𝑖𝑛18.4 = −1.06 𝑘𝑃𝑎

𝑘𝑔 𝑚 𝒌𝑵
Purlin Dead Load: C8x18.75 = 28.0 × 9.81 = 𝟎. 𝟐𝟕𝟓
𝑚 𝑠2 𝒎
Calculation of Loads:
Tributary width for each sag rod = 2.25/2= 1.125 m

Tributary area for deck and built-up roof = 1.125(6.13)=6.9 𝑚2

Tributary area for liveload = 1.125(6.13)=6.9 𝑚2

Deadload (Deck and Roof)= (0.09+0.05)(6.9)=0.966kN

Liveload = 1.0(6.13)=6.13kN

Total Purlin Weight = 1.125(0.275)(11)= 3.4 kN

Total Dead load=0.966+3.4=4.36kN

Tributary area for windload = 1.125(4.5)=5.06 𝑚2

Total Wind load = 5.06(1.06)=5.36 kN

Combination 3: 1.2D+1.6Lr+0.5W Section 203.3.1 NSCP 205

Combination 203-3

Total load =1.2(0.966)+1.6(6.13)+0.5(5.36)=13.65kN

T=13.65( )=5.57kN
𝑇 5.57
Required Ab = ot (0.75) Fu = (0.75) (0.75) (450) = 21.99𝑚𝑚2

4(21.99) 1
D=[ 3.1414 ]2 = 5.29 𝑚𝑚

Therefore use 12.7mm-diameter threaded rod (Ab= 126.68𝒎𝒎𝟐 )

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