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University of Lampung
August 2015 – January 2020
 Faculty of Agriculture, Agricultural Product Technology
Department (GPA 3.90 out of scale 4.00)
 Best Graduate 1st in Faculty and Major on Period 2019/2020
 Thesis Publication on

Lingkar Inspirasi Bangsa & Teneo Educational Organizer

October 2019
 Delegation of International Scholarship Workshop Batch 2 in
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Male | Bandar Lampung Area | 22 Y.O  Intensive Training of IELTS and Scholarship Essay Writing


PT. Great Giant Foods [Student Internship]
July 2018 – August 2018
Focus on Production Process of Pineapple Juice Concentrate
Bachelor of Agricultural (PJC) in Juice Concentrate Department
Technology (S.T.P.) Forum Ilmiah Mahasiswa [Tutor]
2016 – 2017
PROFILE Teaching Division in Agricultural Product Technology
I’m a fresh graduate with a strong food Department, Agricultural Faculty, University of Lampung
processing and technology
Agricultural Product Technology Department [Lecturer and Lab
background, seeking an opportunities
in entry-level position of QC/QA/R&D
 2017 – 2018
Staff. During my degree, I have good
Course of Experimental Design and Physical Chemistry
knowledge about food safety
 2018 – 2019
management system as well as ISO
Course of Analysis of Agricultural Product
22000, HACCP, GMP, and SSOP.
BEM U KBM University of Lampung [Staff]
SOFTWARE 2016 – 2017
Ministry of Advocacy and Student Welfare

UKM U Sains and Technology University of Lampung [Staff]

2017 – 2018
Department of Secretariat and Household

 English (TOEFL Score 460)
 Collaborative Teamwork Peningkatan Bioenergi dalam Upaya Pembangunan Bangsa
24 September 2017
 Time Management
Pekan Ilmiah Nasional (PIN) UKM Penelitian, Universitas
 Communication Lampung
 Analytical Thinking
Penerapan Sistem Jaminan Mutu Pangan untuk Meningkatkan
CONTACT Daya Saing Produk Lokal di Pasar Global
Phone 12 March 2017
0877-4756-7089 Seminar Daerah Jaminan Mutu Pangan, Himpunan Mahasiswa
Jurusan Teknologi Hasil Pertanian, Fakultas Pertanian,
Linkedin Universitas Lampung
Peran Generasi Muda dala Mewujudkan Swasembada Pangan
Email dan Pertanian Indonesia yang Berkelanjutan 23 October 2018
Seminar Nasional BEM Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung

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