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Services marketing

Roll No company Roll company

1 Challenges faced by service industry 61 How does a bank keep its
product/services from governing into the
decline stage
2 Seven P’s of Hospital services 62 Go to the website.
Familiarize yourself with the way it
works. Comment on the pricing
mechanisms at
3 Seven P’s of audit companies-2 63 Compare the different media options
for a service marketer.

5 Seven P’s of legal companies-2 64 One way of increasing revenue is hrough

up selling. Give examples from services
industry of when upselling can result in
a more satisfied customer
7 Seven P’s of any 2 business schools 65 Identify the potential problems with
8 How does the communication 66 Seven P’s of dental services
gap relate to success in e-

9 What factors contribute to the 67 Seven P’s of eye care services

size of the knowledge gap?

10 Seven P’s SBI,canara bank 69 What are the underlying themes of

service quality? Suggest illustrations of
each theme?
13 Seven P’s of IDBI,HDFC 70 If you were the manager of a service
organization and wanted to apply the
gaps model to improve service, which
gap would you start wish? Why? In
what order would you proceed to
close the gaps?

14 Seven P’s of ICICI, indusind bank 73 hourly pricing, project-based pricing, and
value-based pricing you would
recommend to which services and
explain why other service models are not

15 What Marketing Tricks Should A Services 74 competitive pricing, cost-plus pricing,

Provider Focus On? demand pricing, and hourly pricing you
would recommend to which services and
explain why other service models are not

16 Service Encounter examples for 3 75 Explain the process of positioning a

companies service in the competitive marketi
19 How customers respond to Service 76 What are the examples of services where
Failure? With examples brand switching is difficult for
22 Service scape of british air lines and 78 Explain special problems in Demand-
compare it with other airline did based pricing for services.
you find any gaps
26 Service scape of American air lines 80 Mention the ways in which an insurance
and compare it with other airline company can improve its marketing
did you find any gaps through the use of physical evidence
27 Service scape of south west air lines 82 Explain the underlying pattern of
and compare it with other airline demand fluctuations likely to occur at
did you find any gaps the theatre and the challenges it would
present to you as a manager. Is the
pattern of demand predictable or
28 Service scape of jet air lines and 83 Explain demand-oriented and capacity-
compare it with other airline did oriented strategies you would undertake
you find any gaps to smoother the peak and valleys of
30 Service scape four season hotel 84 Outline a vivid ad copy for promotion of
Mumbai and compare it with other courier services
hotels did you find any gaps
31 Service scape of Leela palace 85 What are the strategic responses to the
Udaipur and compare it with other inseparability of Service performances?
palace did you find any gaps
32 Service scape of Lonawala resort 87 Examine how the services provided by
Mumbai and compare it with other Zomoto can be equally utilized by
resort did you find any gaps customers and restaurants
33 Service scape of Taj group of hotels 89 Suggest the strategies for zomoto’s
and compare I with other group of future services to enhance service
hotels . did you find any gaps performance
34 Service scape of saravana bhavan 91 What is service gap? Explain four service
Chennai and compare it with other gaps and its strategies to fill the gaps
restaurents, did you find any gap with appropriate examples
37 Service scape of KIIT business 92 Recent trends in health care sector with
school. Compare it with other examples
business schools did you find any
38 Service scape of Harvard University 93 Examine how would you set a process
for customer defined service standards
39 Service scape of VIT vellor 95 Critically evaluate the significance of
non monetary cost in pricing decision of
41 SERVEQUAL dimensions of COX 96 Differentiate services strategies of
AND KINGS TRAVEL COMAPANY amazon vs flipchart
43 SERVEQUAL dimensions of SOTC 97 Analysis of the Marketing
TRAVEL COMPANY Communications Campaign of your
favourite athletic shoe brand
46 SERVEQUAL dimensions of THOMOS 98 Depict the service marketing triangle
48 SERVEQUAL dimensions of 99 cost-plus pricing, premium pricing, and
YATRA.COM value-based pricing
you would recommend to which services and
explain why other service models are not

49 SERVEQUAL dimensions of MAKE A0 What is the changing logistics of the

MY TRIP distribution of products or services in
connection with the development of Internet
50 SERVEQUAL dimensions of IRCTC A1 Differentiate service strategies of
different banks take at least four
51 SERVEQUAL dimensions of redbus A2 Compare the two hospital services in
madanapalli, According to to you which
one is best and why
52 SERVEQUAL dimensions of A4 Suggest strategies for matching capcity
Mc.Donald when the demand is hihg
54 Use a product from the hospitality A6 competition-based pricing, dynamic
services industry to explain the pricing, and value-based pricing you
following would recommend to which services and
Facilitating product, supporting explain why other service models are not
product,Augumented product applicable?

55 Apply the concept of

product life cycle to a bank

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