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LEARNER: _____________________GRADE: VI DIV: _________ DATE: ____________

SUBJECT: English Topic: Revision

1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate modal auxiliary verbs.

a) We ____________ make the first move. (prohibition)

i. must not ii. will not iii. cannot

b) __________ You mind if I borrowed your car? (permission)

i. will ii. would iii. should

c) It is snowing outside, so I ______________stay at home. (intention)

i. . may ii. will iii. Can

d) I ………………… rather read a novel than watch that stupid movie.

i. will ii. would iii. should

2. Choose the correct word in each sentence below. (affect /effect)

a) The _______________ of the speech was visible on the faces of the sleeping

b) Your answer will not _______________ your grade on the test.

c) The politician wanted to ____________ a change in the system.

d) Your opinion will not ______________my decision.

e) The managers needed to _____________ change in the manufacturing system.

f) What kind of _______________ can this quiz have on your dinner tonight?

g) To ____________the quality of the day, that is the highest of arts.

h) But it seems that it is intended to ______________ me personally.

3. Sentences are given in the direct speech. Change them into the indirect speech

a) "I don't speak Italian," she said.


b) "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.


c) "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.


d) I said to the child, ‘Do not look down into the well.’


e) The officer said to the clerk, ‘Do it immediately.’


f) "You should revise your lessons," he said.


4. Match each of the phrasal verbs below with their meaning.

a. Hang on i. move quickly

b. Hit on ii not show emotion

c. Sweep through iii. hold tightly

d. Hold back iv. have an idea

e. Brush off v. disturb or upset greatly

f. Tear apart vi. Ignore or pay little attention

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

a) Turn right _________the traffic lights.

b) Do not open the tin __________ a knife!

c) This laptop belongs _________our teacher.

d) We've been here ________ four days now.

e) I haven’t been to the countryside ___________ December.

f) This material is different __________ that.

6. Do as Instructed.

Verb Present Participle Past Participle


7. Fill in the blanks with correct determiners

a) They were bored because there was __________ to do.

b) The teacher gave ________ of the students a piece of paper.

c) Sally didn't take ________ photos when she went on holiday.

d) I like many of her songs, but not ________ of them are good.

e) Could you please bring me ___________ books, I left in the garden.

f) I've got to solve ________ math problems before I go to sleep.

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