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If you cannot afford paid courses, but still want to learn web development, I came across a

wonderful youtube channel - Traversy Media. Brad Traversy makes amazing tutorials to learn full
web development. Traversy Media is one of the highest recommended channels in subs related to
learning to code. Personally this channel has helped me a lot to learn, grow and become a better

I am no way related to this guy. I am not his shill. None of these links are paid or referral links.

Brad makes a lot of tutorials, there are more than 200 of them. So I thought I will sort them as per
the content just to help you guys who are new and learning to code.

Ok, so here it goes.

Learn Basic HTML, CSS

Front End – HTML Crash Course

Front End – CSS Crash Course

CSS rem & em units

CSS3 Animations + Transitions Crash Course

CSS Variables

CSS Flexbox

CSS Grid Crash Course

Emmet for Faster HTML + CSS

Learn Javascript (Front End)

JS Fundamental for Beginners

JS ES6 Introduction

JS DOM Crash Course

JS Higher Order Functions & Arrays

JS Cardio Part-1 and Part-2

JS OOP Crash Course – ES5 + ES6

Ajax Crash Course

Learn Fetch API

JS Mini Projects

JS Project – Star Rating with JS & Font Awesome

JS Project – Reddit Search App – JS + Fetch + Parcel

Modern Image Gallery using ES6 Vanilla Javascript

Zipcode APP – Fetch + Bulma

Number Facts – Vanilla JS + Ajax + Fetch

Filterable List using JS

Google Maps Api

Google Geocode API

Facebook Login + GraphAPI

HTML, CSS, JS Projects

Fancy Form UI – HTML + CSS (with SASS) + JS

Responsive Mobile First Website Theme – HTML + CSS

Drag & Drop using vanilla JS

CSS Spinners

Responsive Coming Soon Landing Page

Social Media Accordion with CSS 3 Transitions

Image Filter App with CamanJS

Travel Agency Theme with Materialize CSS

Front End Project – Responsive Grid CSS Website Layout

Webcam Filter & Picture App – WebRTC + Canvas

Split Landing Page

Create a Sortable & Responsive Grid with Muuri

Grid CSS Responsive Website Layout

Full Screen Image Slider

Full Screen Video Background – HTML + CSS

Split Screen Slider using JS

Modal using HTML, CSS & JS

Bootstrap 4 Theme (using beta version)

Full Screen Landing Page

Responsive Contact Form

Basic Parralax Website

Responsive Side Menu

Front End Project – HTML + CSS Theme using FlexboxGrid

Project – Bootstrap Scroll Animation

UI Frameworks / Libraries

Skeleton CSS Crash Course

Anime.js – JS Animation Engine


Foundation Crash Course


Materialize CSS

UI – Semantic UI
Package Manager

NPM Crash Course

Yam Package Manager Crash Course

Workflow Management

Gulp Js Crash Course

Sass Workflow + Dev Server using Gulp

Practical Gulp Tasks


React + Webpack 4

Babel + Webpack

Webpack Crash Course

Webpack + Babel

Parcel Application Bundler

Other Front End Frameworks

Aurelia JS – Front End JS Framework

Vue.js + Firestore

Vue.js Firebase Authentication


React Authentication App with Okta

ReactJS Crash Course

React + Express Starter Pack

Learn React (2 years old)

Next.js Crash Course - Server Side React

Flux + React

Redux (State Management)

Redux Crash Course with React

React + Redux Freestyle

React Projects

React Project – Facebook Login in React

React & Material UI Project using Pixabay API


Full Stack React + LoopBack


Chart.js + React

Project – ReactJS Text Generator App


Gatsby JS Crash Course

Back End JS using NodeJS

NodeJS for Absolute Beginners

RESTful API From Scratch Using Node, Express and MongoDB

Node Authentication using JWT

Node.js Projects

Build a Slackbot

Push Notifications using Node.js & Service Worker

Uploading Files to MongoDb with GridFS

Nodejs + Pusher

Send SMS Text using Node.js

Node + Adonis.js

CLI App with Node.js + MongoDB

Node.js + Paypal REST SDK

Node.js Image Uploading using Multer

Node.js + Stripe API

reCaptcha implementation using Node.js

Nodemailer – Send Emails using Node.js App

Create a Fake REST API using JSON Server

Project – Chat App with MongoDB +

Node.js Login System Chat App using Websockets

Back End JS Frameworks

Node.js + Express from Scratch

Express Crash Course

Hapi.js Crash Course

MongoDB Course

Node.js + MySQL

Node.js + PostgresSQL

Building a GraphQL Server


Jest Crash Course – Unit Testing in JS

JS Unit Testing

Static Typing

TypeScript Crash Course

Static Type Checking in JS with Flow


Caching using Redis

Nodejs + Redis

Caching - Memcache

Vagrant Crash Course

Linux Command Line

Command Line Basics

Shell Scripting


Git and Github Course

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