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nN eS él I }) REMARKS ON ZITTELINA, A DASYCLADALEAN CALCAREOUS ALGA e FROM UPPER APTIAN LIMESTONE DEPOSITS OF PADUREA CRAIULUI “32” (APUSENI MOUNTAINS, ROMANIA) Ioan I. Bucur’, Emanoil Sasaran’ & Bruno Granier’ aby Ba rivers Deparnerof Gen Ko “iota dee Numerous Ziel specimens were sntifedin the Upper Api Linestons coping out — ‘nthe Spins Quay (Paden Crash Apusen) Monn). The soceston he = Suaty coms Daily of tee ype of macrotis: 1, lestone With alist: 2 . fate succession respective ofthe macrofaie The Upper Aptian ao th imesone Svupportedbytheprecncea tort Mesortlng texan Mesorniling ‘bconeava ‘Analg sociton was dente at several level in the succesion 1s dominated by dascldaean laa andi consists of Aisoporlla?cctace,Cyhoporela nanove 2 eames avtacer.?Chpems sp, Distocadela sp, Rusa sp, Salpingoporela a Terquemellosp. and Tploporllasy. } “ila sa end tne lower mide pr ofthe sscesson from he quay 0 fearse bcehstc rusiano-Rousone coaains so fagmens of rads cols, falearcous sponges rare Biel Macrofacies Level thin identified frst inthe Houterivian of Spain and then recorded i the Barremin-Lower Aptian deposits othe Resa zone (South Carpathians, Romani, Bacar 2001). The spinon entied nthe per Aptian depts Pres Cras ees oiler ra Zilina Banc tiuinlyinsome dimensional params cy could repent diet new specie Different types of thin setions through Zitefina sp. “Themaindimensonsprsmetesof Zilina 9 From Padurea Cralului measured on 11 Diestom diameter) =3.85 mean=4.55) Diintenal diameter 12-34(ncan= 198) Dil=i7.31 mean—238), elena) = 1-15 oan = 1.27) hstnce between successive wots) 0.3.06 (rea ‘y(oumberofltrisper vor) 48-55 Diumeteofestcoaur (eaters) 15.019 Diamirenfeys 0.04007. Namborofetsinaeystophoe= 4-6 Conclusions lire compare thes mensions with those given by Mass ta. for Zhan, the min difeence regs he Di rat (the dame ofthe axa cavity i much salle in he Apes species and consequent lena oh laralis aes). Anathe dileonce could be the presence 15 cytsinsome espres of Zteling sp. stand constantly umber ot 2 HupancaAllineotherprametersare comparable THe question sng fot hee could ene erences support he establishing ofa new species?

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