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I. Choose the correct answer.

1. The traffic in town was very ____light______ and I arrived home earlier home than expected
(light, weak, little, few)
2. We looked everywhere but the intruder was nowhere __to be seen____ (to see, seen, to
be seen, having
3. I haven’t time to speak to him now, you’ll to put him ____off_______ (aside, away,
back, off)
4. I bought this grammar book ___so that____ I could go over all the things we have studies this
(that, so that, seeing that, so far as).
5. __It____ is a computer mystery how they ever got there in that car. (There, That, It,
6. The cut on my leg is taking a long time to ___heal_____ (heal, right, cure, remedy)
7. A __reward___ is being offered for information leading to the arrest of the bank robber.
(reward, prize,
notice, repayment).
8. His laziness at work made him ____unpopular_________with his work mates. (improper,
unpopular, unappealing)
9. A lot needs__doing________to the house before anyone can move in. (be done, to do,
done, doing)
10. This is ___by far_____ the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do. (by chance, by far,
by heart, by

11. The illness spread ___regardless____ all our attempts at keeping it in check.
(regardless, contrary, despite, against) => Despite (regardless
thuong di voi “of)

12. I’m afraid we haven’t got a spare bad. Can you __make do_____with a mattress on the floor?
(make do, make by, make over, make up).
13. ____On__ receipt of your instructions, I immediately sent a telex message to Algeria. (In,
On, By, With)
14. It’s hard to believe that anyone would purposely harm a child, _____least____ of all its own
mother. (first, least, worst, best).
15. _But for______ his advice, I would never have got the job. (Except, Apart from,
But for, As for)
16. A few hours after the injection the feeling of number in your arm will ____drop
away____(wear off, fade out, drop away, fall through) => wear off: Dịu

fade out: phai màu

drop away: thả đi
fall through: thất bại
17. A managing director cannot expect to have much time to ____devote_________ to purely
matters. (reserve, devote, concentrate, spare)
18. At first the children enjoyed the game but quite soon the novelty __wore off_____ (went
off, died off,
died down, wore off)
19. Can you _pick up____the BBC World Service on your new radio? (put on, take in,
get at, pick up)

20. For the experiment __(succeeding______, the measurements must be accurate to within
five centimeters => to succeed
(succeeding, to be succeeded, being succeeded, to succeed)

21. If you _persist______in behaving in this way you will bring yourself nothing but trouble.
continue, decide, react)
22. When we went to Egypt he knew __ virtually____ no Arabic, but within six months he
had become extremely fluent. (entirely, virtually, barely, scarcely)

23. Whenever we plan to go for a picnic, it _________ rains. (continuously,

invariably, unavoidably)
=> invariably

24. After the accident there was considerable doubt___ as to______ exactly what had
happened. (in the question of, as to, on the shape of, for)
25. The 10% discount is only applicable___to______items costing over. 100 (against, for,
on, to)
26. They are happily married although, of course, they argue _every now and then_____
(most times, from day to day, every now and then, on the occasion)
27. The best soil was __washed______ away by a torrential rainstorm. (gushed,
flowed, flooded, washed)
28. David is the captain of the school basketball team, _just like_____ his father before him.
(similar to, just like, such as, as well as)
29. ____Were___ further rioting to occur, the government would be forced to use its
emergency powers.
(Were, Did, Had, Should)
30. Don’t let that old rascal take you __ in_____ with his clever talk – none of it is true.
(along, about, in, down).
II. Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

2. I know you (not want) didn’t want to upset me but I'd sooner you (tell) had told me the whole
truth yesterday.
3. No sooner they (sit) had sat down to lunch than there (be)was a knock at the door.
=> No sooner had they sat

4. I wasn’t tired. I (be) tired, I (go) home.

(Cau nay chac phai co if =)) sai de roi, khong phai lam hihi)
Neu co if thi la had been…would have gone

5. I wish people (not drop)wouldn’t dropped litter in the street.

6. They helped me a lot. I don’t know what I (do) would have done without their help.
7. You should go and see the film. You (enjoy)will enjoy it.
(would enjoy)
8. It’s a pity you couldn’t come to the party last night. You (enjoy)would have enjoyed it.
9. You (not have) haven’t have a holiday for a long time. It’s time you (go)went on holiday.
10. It’s essential that the rent (pay) pay at once.
(subjunctive => be paid)
11. Now that you (pass)are passing your test, you can drive on your own.
(have passed)

12. She (smoke) have smoken too much recently. She should smoke less.
=> She has been smoking…
13. Somebody (smoke) smoked all my cigarettes. The packet is empty.
=> has smoked

III. Combine the sentences using relative pronouns.

1. You told me about a hotel. What’s its name?
=> What is the hotel which you told me name?
=> What is the name of the hotel which…
2. I had some money. I gave her all.
=> I gave her all money which I had
3. We were invited to a wedding. We couldn’t go to it.
=> We couldn’t go to a wedding which we were invited
4. Some people were arrested. They have now been released.
=> The people who were arrested have now been released.

5. This morning I met Susan. I hadn’t seen her for ages.

=> I hadn’t seen Susan, who I met this morning, for ages
=>This moring I met Susan, who I hadn’t…
6. Margaret showed me a photo of Jim. He is a policeman.
Margaret showed me a photo of Jim, who is a police (phai co , sau ten rieng nhe)
7. My office is on the second floor. It is very small.
My office where on the second floor is very small (which, chu ngu khong dc dung where)
8. The new Olympic stadium will be open next year. It can hold 90,000 people.
The new Olympic stadium which can hold 90000 people will be open next year
The new Olympic stadium, which can hold 90000 people, will be open next year

9. I was looking for a book this morning. I’ve found it now.

I have found a book which I was looking for this morning
=>… the…
10. The strike at the car factory lasted ten days. It is now over.
=>The strike at the car factory, which lasted ten days, is now over.

IV. Fill each blank with one suitable word.

China said today that there was heavy loss of …1life…in the earthquake …2which… struck
Tangshan city yesterday. Survivors said that Tangshan, an industrial city of one million people
160 km east of Beijing, was completely…3…destroyed Observers living in Beijing said …4…it
appeared that only a small part of the one million inhabitants escaped …5…death or injury.
Many of the men of Tangshan were working in the …6…mines deep under the …7earth…
surface when the …8earthquake… occurred. Unfortunately, few of these miners have …
9surveied… A lot of people were …10…also working in the city’s …11…officer (offices)
regrettably, most were …12killed… under falling concrete when the buildings.
The Chinese authorities have not yet given any information about the actual …14number… of
casualties, but it is thought that tens of thousands of people have been killed. Hardly a … 15…
building has been left standing.

V. Rewrite the following sentences.

1. It was so hot that I nearly fainted.
 the heat was so intense that I nearly
fainted... ...............................................................................................................
2. I thought it would be better than that.
 It’s i thought it would be better than that
3. She and I had never been there before.
 Neither ....she nor I have been there
4. He was too far away to hear me.
 He was such .far that he couldn’t hear me...........such=>
5. He borrowed my book, but he forgot to return it.
 I.lent him my book but he forget to return
6. It’s the cheapest watch but it’s the nicest.
 Not only .the watch is the cheapest but it’s also the nicest
Not only is the watch the cheapest but also the nicest. (dao ngu)
7. It’s impossible to cross the road because of the traffic.
 The traffic makes it impossible to cross the
8. The only thing that prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minister.
 If I (99% de
9. She wore a hearing – aid, even though she could hear the phone ring.
 She wasn’t so.. hard of hearing that she couln’t hear the
10. It was his incompetence that led to their capture.
 But for.his incompetence, .they would not have been
VI. For each of the sentences below, write a new sentence as similar
as possible in meaning to the
original sentence, but using the word given. This word must not be
altered in any way.

1. He wasn’t to blame for the accident. FAULT

=> The accident wasn’t his fault
2. You shouldn’t take his help for granted. ASSUME
You shouldn't assume he will help you.
3. You must allowances for his inexperience. ACCOUNT
You should take his inexperience into account
4. His last letter to me was written three years ago. HEARD
.I haven't heard from him for 3 years

5. An open air can’t be compared to central heating. COMPARISON

There is no comparison between an open air and central heating

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