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Is it on now?

Is it streaming?

V app.

It's not still on.

Oh, it started.


Hi, I'm Lee Soo-hyuk.

Nice to meet you.

As it felt so awkward
when I rehearsed,

I asked to show reactions.

One more time?

Thank you.

I've been attention to V app

when it was created.

In the beginning,
I thought

an actor needs to talk

to fans with his works

and I wanted fans to see me

through my works or characters.

As I appeared in
entertainment shows,
I found that fans loved me
when I was being myself.

So, I came to prepare time

to communicate on V app.

How is it?

Like it?

A live broadcast.

It was stopped.

A live broadcast.

When I was on V app

with Yuri,

comments were being

posted so fast.

If one of the crew

helps me

to see questions
fast and clearly,

if the crew asks questions,

I would sincerely answer

the questions.


I decided to do this
at a studio because

I thought about this when I

decided to go live on V app.

What aspect of myself

do fans want to see?

In which place would I look

the most comfortable?
I thought about it.

That's why I chose a studio.

As I was a model

who turned to be an actor

playing in a TV series,

I thought it would be more

comfortable in front of lighting.

As I would feel awkward

when I broadcast,

I prepared several devices.

First, this one.

Feeling like I'm

at a photo-shoot.

This one.

Please turn on the

2nd camera.

This camera is for

a close-up shot.

At the best-selfie angle.

The camera is up high.

This is the 2nd camera.

The 3rd.

Let's go back
to the No.1.

With these three cameras

and lighting settings,
I'll show myself to you.

As you saw, the no.3

will show only shadows.

If I receive a strange question,

I'll go for no.3 camera.

It's up to me
as it's my broadcast.

How many are joining now?


Thank you.

'Looks like a photo-shoot.'

'Your favorite songs.'

I wanted to play
my favorite songs,

but it would violate

the copyright.

I would tell you later.


While questions are being

posted, I got some beforehand.

I'll answer those questions.

The 1st question...

Turn on the no.3. camera.

'Lee Soo-hyuk is a Mach?'

What's Mach?

I guess it's Macho's typo.

I've been thinking about

why I got this question.

I had an interview
about my movie.

There were questions

and I was asked to put

a simple comment in brackets.

The question was, which

character suited me more

or which type of characters

do I want to play later.

That was the questions.

I thought, anyways,
the roles that I played

were a bit dream-like,

and unrealistic.

I said, rather than such ones,

I would play more masculine

or a boy-man role.

The interview turned it

into two words.

'I'm macho.'
Misunderstanding, guys.

It was misunderstanding.


Let's get back to

the no.1 cam.

I think that's
the answer.

I'm now getting a comment

saying '12 years younger.'

I don't get it.

Rank among Model Avengers.

Model Avengers.

I'm so grateful that

Model Avengers are in the

same age group as me.

They also have a

similar dream as mine.

We help each other

and give advice.

Many foreign fans

and also Korean fans

pay attention to us
like an idol band.

Ranks among us?

I'm the leader.

This is so...

Nobody asked me to
be the leader.

I just said one day.

I saw a picture of us.

It made me feel bad

as I was not at the center.

So, I said I would be

the leader of us.

Nobody objected.

I will be the leader

for a while.

'Why did you choose a title

I'm not a scary person?'


Why did I choose this title?


I said about this briefly.

Before a camera or
in front of fans,

I tried to show
better or cooler myself.
I tried to look better.

I made efforts to be like that.

Sometimes, I got
nervous and anxious.

Well, I was afraid of

being funny

or being myself
in front of fans.

I was afraid of that.

When I was feeling that way,

I started appearing
in entertainment shows

and had fan meetings.

As I started appearing
in Neighborhood Hero,

I tried to show
myself relaxed

and try to break

my typical image.

But fans loved that.

I thought I was afraid

of being myself but

it may be seen scary

to some of the fans.

I chose this title to make

time to get closer with fans.

It doesn't hold significance.

I hope you may

smile at the title.

I didn't try being serious.

Fan meeting.

I want to have a fan

meeting in Korea.

I joined others' fan meetings

to celebrate them.

I had a fan meeting

in other nations.

I feel the same way

with V app.

I think I can be more

comfortable at a fan meeting.

My fans gather to see me

at a fan meeting.

They gather there

to see me.

Now, those who like me

are joining me to
get to know about me.

I think I can be relaxed

and behave more comfortably.
I hope to have a fan
meeting in Korea soon.

I hope to have a
good time with fans.

I'll have a
fan meeting soon.

The most attached

work or character.

Before talking about this,

I am frequently asked
when I have an interview.

As I'm a model-turned-actor,

many interviewer asks

why I changed my career

or why I stopped being a model

to become an actor.

Some asks whether I started

being a model to be an actor.

I've been asked

those questions.

First, I had a dream

when I was young.

It was just a vague dream.

Since my childhood,
when I saw a movie
or things on TV,

I thought I would be
in there one day.

I hoped to do things
related to that.

It was the
biggest motivation.

Since early childhood,

I wanted to be an actor.

It was an old dream

that I wanted to pursue.

Or a goal.

Such things.

While I was having the dream,

as I started acting as an actor,

I had many thoughts.

Compared to
what I want to achieve

and the dream that I had,

am I really prepared?

I gave my thoughts
on such things.

I thought I was
not ready yet,
and I stopped acting
for a year.

Then, I came back in

King of High School,

then in Valid Love,

Scholar Who Walks

In The Night,

and Neighborhood Hero.

The previous works,

like The Boy From Ipanema,

White Christmas,
are all precious to me.

But I thought I
needed training.

For example,

over the 1 year,

I had many thoughts.

After I found things for

improvement in my acting,

I thought about
what I should do.

What shall I do to be a
better actor to fans?

With that question

in my mind,
I gained weight.

I worked out really hard.

I received training for

better diction and acting.

I got a lot of training.

And I started acting again.

So, the most attached works

would be the latest ones.

These days, I feel

a bit more confident.

I am able to act a role

who is messed up.

I guess fans realized

I've grown up as an actor.

If I pick the most attached work,

I would say the latest one.

The 2nd episode was aired.

So-called Sad-gyu.

Choi Chan-gyu.

Fans gave that nickname

as my character is pathetic.

I have strong attachment

to Chan-gyu.
I like to being at the set.

When I act on the set,

the staff likes.

Fans love the character.

Before then, when

I play a character,

I had to make something

inside of me.

But I feel comfortable

about playing this role.

If you look at the drama,

you can see how light I am.

I joked that I would play

as a human during an interview.

You would see I do things

like a next door uncle.

Finger heart.

Fans ask me to
show a finger heart.

To which camera?

I guess they would

make a screenshot.

Roles I want to act.

These days,
I said briefly before,

I gained a lot of confidence.

I feel I grow up
as an actor.

Many fans feel the same way.

I want to play characters

in a wide spectrum.

Previously, I had a fear

when choosing a drama.

Now, I am confident.

It's fun to change

my image.

When I acted in Scholar

Who Walks In The Night,

Before I acted in that drama,

I played in modern drama, like

Valid Love, King of High School.

I was worried if I
play another vampire.

It was aired even on

a public network.

I was worried about it.

I am glad I play Chan-gyu,
a real life character.

I hope you guys

watch this a lot.

I know the viewer

ratings are fine now.

Instagram comments.

I saw a similar question.

The question I saw was

'Do you type your

name in web portals?'

I guess these are

similar questions.

Which one should I look at?

Searching my name
on the web.


I read them all.

I read anything if it
contains Lee Soo-hyuk,

I guess I read more

articles about me than fans.
I search more often
about me than fans.


I try to search
as much as possible.

The reason why?

I said half-jokingly,

but I want to look

at myself objectively.

Some comments are nice

and some are mean.

I guess even that is

the image I have.

In the past, being an

actor was an old dream.

I felt like living in a dream.

Now, I feel I'm

in the real world.

I can take a more

objective look at me.

Your comments sometimes

motivate me

and encourage me.


those comments are

a great help to me.

I want to read how

you think about me.
So I read all.

I read everything.

Think I read everything.

All articles.

Even typos.

Sometimes, I search
for other things.

It may sound silly if a celeb

says so. But I do like that.

Many viewers are asking

to call their names.


Add comments
if you want.

I heard comments are

posted 3 seconds later.

Now, comments about

searching are posted.

Kang Jiwon.

Eom Minji.

Kim Minseo.

Lee Soohyuksu.
I search with this word,
Lee Suhyuksu.

Yoo Hyun,
Cho Hyeyoung.

Lee Hain.

Kim Minseo.


They liked it a lot?

Really? How many viewers?

Thank you.

Creating an official fan cafe.

I have many
concerns about this.

I have a fan cafe

since I was a model.

Back then, I was like..

I wasn't comfortable
when facing fans.

I hoped my fans liked

me as actor Lee Soo-hyuk.

I thought they might be

disappointed by being myself.

I thought so and didn't

actively participate.
If I have an official
fan cafe or a fan club,

I think I am able to
communicate well with fans.

I would pursue it.

I have many small fan groups.

I will create one.

I'll answer one more question.

'Why did you decide

to be on V app?'

V app.


These days, I like such

things to communicate.

20,000 fans are now

joining to watch me.

I am so grateful
for such things.

I couldn't find a space

to show more about me.

I'm still afraid of being

in entertainment shows.
V app is a space

where fans gather for me.

At 8 PM.

Some viewers said they

needed to attend a class.

You better go.

Go and take a class.

Watch me later.

V app is a space where

my fans join as they like me.

I thought I could show

my own gestures freely

and say as I usually do

in a more comfortable setting.

That's why I decided

to be on V app.

I divided the broadcast

into two sections.

The reason is,

as I had to wait until

I gather enough questions

so I wanted to answer
the prepared questions first.

In the 2nd part,

I'll wear comfortable clothes

and hold an iPad

to communicate more
closely with you guys.

I need to change
to move on to the 2nd part.

It would take 3 or 4 minutes.

May I show an
empty screen?

3 minutes.

It would be quite long.

Is it better to
show an empty screen?

Will you watch highlight

scenes of my drama?

Please say you will see.

I'm twisting your arm.

As I need to change,

it will take 3 minutes.

During the break,

enjoy highlight scenes of Sad-gyu.

OCN created a good

clip of highlight scenes.

If you watch this,

I'll be back soon.

1. Uniform is the best

2. The youth who is pathetic

3. Sad-gyu who rushes

Completely transformed to
neighborhood hero Chan-gyu!

Is it back on?

The 1st and 2nd parts.

No difference.

I just changed my clothes.

I had many thoughts


My broadcast's concept
is my own talk show.

Fans are here for me.

I could do this in
more comfortable settings.

But I wanted to do this

at a studio as it's the 1st one.

I am not using the light

as I planned.

I hope the director uses

it as much as you want.
Let's start the 2nd part
with new clothes.

'What's xxx in the title?'

I've been using this

since I was young.


I use xxx in my IDs.

No reason.

Just because

x looks cool.

I've got this here.

I think this image

matches with me. No?

I appreciate our reactions

but please do it sincerely.

Shall we chant fighting?

One, two, three.

For sincere reactions.

'What's the best

Chupa Chups?'
Oh, this.

In the 2nd episode

of Neighborhood Hero,

my role Chan-gyu
following others.

He keeps following.

My script says things like

following in the morning,

watching from the wall,

caught by others
when passing,

or missing a bus.

My script is full of
such directions.

So, I wanted to
appear clumsier.

When I was waiting alone

in the drama,

I wanted to show
funny character.

I couldn't think of
a good one.

On the way to go
to the drama set,

I dropped by a kiosk
to get a soda.
I saw chewing gums
and Chupa Chups.

I thought a lollipop would

make my character interesting.

I thought it would
match well with my role.

I prepared the two things

and asked the director.

My role would keep

following others.

What if I would eat

something while following?

What about chewing gums?

Director said I would look

like a brat if I chew a gum.

So, I chose Chupa Chups.

I tasted various flavors.

What was the best?


I had a lot of
strawberry lollipops.

The reason to make

a stage name.

The reason to make

a stage name
was when I was a model,

I got phone calls myself as

I didn't have a manager.

It was before
the smart phone era.

So I marked my schedules
on a calendar.

I had lower voice

than now.

My real name is
Lee Hyuk-soo.

It needs an accent
to pronounce my name.

Lee Hyuk-soo.

I had a phone call and

the counterpart couldn't get it.

I thought I should make

a name fit for me.

As I had to work alone,

I thought about having a name

which is easy to
understand and say.

What would be the name

which is fit for an actor?

I asked my parents.

I think I should have

a stage name.
What shall I have?

My parents didn't allow it.

They liked my name

and hoped I would

use my real name.

So, I reversed
the letters only.

Lee Soo-hyuk,
easy to pronounce.

That's how I chose the

stage name, Lee Soo-hyuk.

'Please take off



It's up to me.

It's my broadcast.

They look cool

with the background color.

The background color

was changed in 3 minutes.

I saw it now.

Thank you.
'What do you think
about your voice?'

My voice.

It changed out of sudden.

Voice would change

for boys in puberty.

Mine was changed overnight.

I was surprised.

At such a deep voice.

I was surprised and

thought about this

while dreaming of an actor.

I read scripts and

acted before a camera.

I had many difficulties

in the beginning.

The deep voice could

limit my character.

For example,
such roles like Chan-gyu,

was not given to me

in early days.

Officials didn't think of me

when choosing an actor.
I myself didn't think that
I could play this character.


I thought about it when I

receive training over a year.

I should utilize my voice well

and turn it to my weapon.

My image as a model was


I like masculine things

and such characters.

If my voice was thin,

it would be strange, too.

If my voice is too high.

Nobody shows reaction.

Cool, good.

'Say you received

a message from GD.'

I had nothing.
Want me to tell a lie?

No message.
Did I have one?

Oh, did I?

I hope he watches this.

Favorite food.

I am not picky.

I eat almost everything.

When I shoot at a set

in other regions,

I try delicious food

of local cuisine.

That's one of my delight.

I am not picky
when eating.

As I work out recently,

I am eating things
good for health.

Mostly protein.

'Which do you prefer?

Letting up or down bangs?'


I styled my hair up today.

I think this is fun.

I felt this when

I was a model.

Depending on which
hair style I have,

whether or not to
show my forehead,

my image can change a lot.

When I play Chan-gyu,

I let down my bangs

and tried to appear

innocent and naive.

Chan-gyu is attractive

as he's naive and clumsy

but he sticks to rules.

He's enthusiastic but

not smart enough to do.

To express my character,
I let down my bangs.

I think that was nice.

The director liked it

and fans loved.

As I acted in Scholar
Who Walks In The Night,

some people think

I'm so cold-blooded.

Some kids say 'It's a ghost,'

when I'm passing by.
I think I can appeal to
fans with a cute character.

Through this drama.

'Why are you so cute

these days?'

The question is...

Why am I so cute
these days?

When I act,

It may be because
I'm not skillful, but I do this.

Instead of building
a character

and studying new way

of talking to act,

when I receive a script

and a scenario,

I try to understand
the character as myself.

What if I do in his shoes?

What if I do
in this situation?

So, when I shoot a drama,

I'm not bragging about being
immersed in my character,

but I think from the

viewpoint of Chan-gyu.

When I walk or
see something fun,

or read something,

I think like this.

How would Chan-gyu

think about this?

What would Chan-gyu

do about this?

As I do such things
these days,

I guess I act cute,

not intentionally.

The genre that I

want to appear.

The genre that I

want to appear..

My goal in 2016 is this.

Work hard like an ox.


I realized my limit
in the early 20s.
I was afraid of
acting in front of a camera,

and I was picky

to choose works.

I want to do everything
these days.

I am nervous as it's
a live broadcast on V app.

I'm wondering whether

fans love myself.

I will replay this later.

I'm worried and afraid

of embarrassment.

But I like being

in front of a camera.

I like chatting with fans.

On my social media,

or other spaces where

I can read fans' comments,

I like to receive
reviews about me.

So, I set this goal.

Work hard.
You can see me
in various genres.

I'll do my best.

'Give us a wink.'


My fans may know.

I can't wink.

When I was on V app

with Yuri, I skipped.

I will skip today.

I won't do.

As I have
soulless reactions.

I would wink in
the next broadcast.

'What will you do during

Lunar New Year holidays?'

I'll shoot the drama.

Over the past 2 years

until February,

I acted in four dramas.

2 series with 20 episodes,

2 series with 16 episodes.
I did without a break.

In the past, I felt nervous

on the way to a set.

After shooting,
I felt pressure

and guilty that

I didn't do a good job.

These days, I feel happy

when I'm at a set.

When I go to shoot,

I like having ideas

when reading a script.

I like talking about

that with the director.

I feel great when

monitoring after shooting.

Two episodes were

aired this week.

Many acquaintances
encouraged me.

I love hearing that.

I will work so hard.

'How many times did you

run for the bus scene?'

I wanted to answer
this question.
I was mad at the bus
scene in the 2nd episode.

Our director.

He's really nice to me.

I know he likes me.

He listens to me
about acting.

But I want to ask him

whether it was necessary

to run that much.

It was briefly seen.

I said I ran for 3 days

and 2 nights.

I think I shot the scene

for a week.

I ran every where

in the village.

I had to change
my shoes as they worn out.

I ate 20 lollipops.

I think the director

chose the best scene
and edited other scenes.

I guess that's how

drama shooting works.

If my fans love,
I'll run till the end.

'What did you have

for dinner?'

Not yet.

I am too nervous to eat.

I had a rehearsal
since 5 PM.

I set up the light.

From here, I can see

many crews are helping

for my broadcast.

I heard subtitles
will be on the show.

I can see it now.

They couldn't go home

after 6 at Naver.

High quality manpower

is utilized.

They provide subtitles.

Thank you very much.
V app officials,
OCN officials,

thank you very much.

'What if offered to appear

in Law Of the Jungle?'

I said during an interview.

Jonghyun joined it before.

I can hear from him.

I heard about the show.

He said it was nice.

That's it.

'I can't see your eyes as

light is reflected on glasses.'

I got marks?

About the New Actor Award.

The New Actor Award.

My fans may know.

When I was a model,

I said in interviews

that I want to be
a good actor,
I want to act
for a movie,

and I want to shoot

a good drama.

As far as I remember,

I was named as
a promising actor

in 2011 or

in 2010. I guess so.

In 2010, I was a rising

actor Lee Soo-hyuk.

I got the New Actor Award

in 10 years after I debuted.

I'm a new actor.

With the mindset

as a new actor

and the attitude

as a new actor.

I felt great. I was happy

on the way to the ceremony.

In fact, I love to go
to a movie festival

or an award ceremony.

I enjoy it.
I think it's my honor to
attend that as an actor.

Also, to make me
look cool in the venue,

many people help me.

Still, I can be dressed up,

looking cool,

and join the ceremony.

That's why I like

being at a ceremony.

That day, it felt

more impressive.

With the drama Scholar

Who Walks In The Night,

I was nominated and

attended the ceremony.

So, I was so happy

on the way to the venue.

I didn't expect
to receive the award.

I was so nervous and

looked emotionless.

I was so nervous.

As I received the award

in the beginning,
I couldn't prepare for
an acceptance speech.

I was frozen a bit.

But I felt great

and it was a special day.

My family loved it and

my friends, too.

My friends are cool.

But they congratulated a lot.

I felt great.

I can receive the New

Actor Award once in my life.

I will do my best to
earn other awards.

Next question.

On top.

My hand size?

My hand size is like this.

Fan club name?

What name shall I give?

What name?
xxx holds personal
significance to me.

Sounds like a curse.

Fan club name.

I'll think about it.

Please give me
some ideas.

Let's communicate
with fans again.

Let's check the questions.

'Do you read Piki Cast?'

I read whatever
says Lee Soo-hyuk.

I find everything.
I'm so great at searching.

King of searching.

I don't know the trend but

I know what's said about me.

These days, I mostly read

comments and reviews.

I am trying my best
to read the script.
I'm doing my best
to be a good actor.

Hope you like it.


Some asked me to call their

names, but it's too many.

Soyoung, Yuran,
Gwiyon, Strawberry,

Sara, Seonmin, Hyojeong,

Heejeong, Yoonjo,

I will watch this again.

I'll read your names

after I get home.

I'll read all comments.

I promise.

Even though I don't

mention your names,

I appreciate that
you're watching my show.

I'll read all comments.

How many?
Thank you.

How many viewers?

Thank you.

Today, like this,

I heard the time is almost up.

As I decided to
go live on V app,

I felt really nervous.

It's a great pressure to

broadcast what I say now.

Many crews are working

hard here to help me.

I wanted to show
something special.

With lighting devices,

I wanted to present
this with a concept.

I wanted to show
I tried my best.

As it's a live broadcast,

I may be a bit clumsy.

But I'll improve

in the next broadcast.
Let's end the broadcast
after answering questions.

'Not afraid when you play

a messed-up character?'

If I'm afraid,
I can't sleep in the bus.

It showed my double chin.

It was so fun at the set.

The 2 episodes were

aired already.

I would say to
this camera.

I can say this as the 2

episodes are already aired.

I liked when I read

the script.

I liked the scene itself,

my first appearance.

Thanks to Scholar
Who Walks In The Night,

I got much attention

and an award.

As I like a villain character,

I was happy when

acting a villain character.
But I was worried about

how I can change

my typical image.

I've played characters like

a serial killer and a ghost.

Most of my characters
were dead.

I didn't have a chance

to act like a next-door guy.

I was offered to play

as Chan-gyu.

I talked with director

Kwak Jeong-Han.

I wanted to play Chan-gyu.

The part I liked the most was

Chan-gyu was having

a dream of being a policeman

and woke up from

the daydream in the bus.

I loved the scene.

That one scene described

a lot about the character.
I'm not a job applicant

and I started working

when I was young.

Still, I could relate to Chan-gyu

when pursuing his dream,

when having a dream,

and doing his best

for the dream.

I liked such things all.

While Chan-gyu was

dozing in the bus,

I liked the scenes

and wanted to play.

I have less concerns about

playing a messed-up character.

As fans love it,

it's not that hard.

I'll try my best.

I remember a question.

Speaking of dreaming,

I had this question.

Hold on.

'What advice would you give

to high school graduates?'
As I'm shooting
Neighborhood Hero,

the director and I

talked about this a lot.

There are many

good TV series in Korea.

Pretty ones, cool ones,

some of them
are not realistic.

Some of them are realistic.

But we hoped the public

can relate to our drama.

My character Chan-gyu represents

the youth in their 20s.

Also, representing
their concerns

and challenges.

I hope young people would

relate to Chan-gyu's situation.

As I started working
as I was young,

I had a thought about

the young people.

Things got harder

compared to the past.

But I want to say

to young students

that they need to have

a precise goal and a dream.

What they want to do,

and what kind of person

they want to be.

Whether it's a role

model or a dream job,

if you have that in mind,

pursue your goal,

and make efforts

to achieve it,

it will bear a good result

later in the future.

Shall I end now?

Or some more?

It's a waste if not using this.

Right, I'll go for

some questions.

Blowing a kiss.

In a movie festival,

I was wearing a tux and

walking on the red carpet.
A reporter, I guess
it was a given mission,

asked me to blow a kiss.

I couldn't say no.

I did it once

and regretted a lot.

It feels like a
shameful history.

I would do that
in a drama.

I won't.

I will never do that again.

Playing hard to get.

This week's schedule.

Well, this week,

I have been nervous for V app

since last week.

I'll be relieved after

finishing V app.

I shot a lot of scenes

for Neighborhood Hero.

I think the drama will

be in good quality.

But I have some scenes

to shoot in the future.

I'll shoot the drama.

I have a photo-shoot.

With various contents,

I'll meet you in 2016.

You can see various

aspect about me.

Please look forward

to seeing it.

Except for blowing a kiss.

How do I feel
about V app?

As time passes,
I have nothing in my mind.

I don't know whether

I'm doing well.

I'm afraid I would

be embarrassed at home.

I'm now thinking

about these.

First, thanks for joining

me for my broadcast.
Thank you very much.

I hope you enjoyed.

I have my personal
channel on V app.

I know it's a rare


Thanks for the support.

I can meet you more

often in the future.

I can show my drama set.

When I have a photo-shoot,

I felt sorry about this.

I may have some pictures

but I can’t show my fans

the atmosphere at the studio.

Now, as I have my own

V app channel,

I think I could show

various things to fans.

Promise for viewer ratings.

Others do this, right?

What was the best

viewer rating on OCN?

Tell me.
Around 4%?

The best was 7%?

Which drama?

If the rating of
Neighborhood Hero is 7%,

I'll do everything.


I said so as I don't
think it would be 7%.

If it reaches 7%,

I can't think of
a good one now.

I may go to a crowded place.

Or I can visit a school.

Or I have an event
with my fans.

I'll have an event

to express my gratitude.
Nothing's off the
top of my head.

But I'll think about it.

Will it go over 7%?

I don't think so.

If it's over 7%,

I'll do everything.

'Please smile.'

I smiled.

I'm told to wrap this up now.

First, thank you for

watching my broadcast.

Thanks as there are

so many viewers.

I'm shooting
Neighborhood Hero.

I gained a lot of confidence.

I hope you guys find

my growth as an actor.

In the past, I had

a lot of things to improve.

I want to show better

In 2016, I will

work so hard.

Through various contents,

I would meet you.

Thanks for watching

my broadcast today.

Lee Soo-hyuk channel

has opened on V app.

I hope many fans

would enjoy my broadcast.

Thank you.

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