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Cl (ix) proj 2020-21 -1-

PROJECT WORK - 2020-21

Write a composition of 300-400 words for each of the following topics
Describe the best day of your life so far.
1 Your composition must not exceed 400 words. Give it a suitable title: Introduction. The
body of the composition should have evidence, explanation and comments. The
conclusion should summarise the whole idea.
2 Imagine yourself as the Prime Minister of your country for a day. Draw out you routine
and plan. Write you and your associates will do on that day .

1) Consider the poem "The Cold Within " Discuss the characters of the six people in the
Poem. Compare and contrast each of them with that of the real World. (Within 1000
2) Write a critical appreciation of the "The Merchant of Venice" in not more than 100
words. In connection to this passage reflect on the character of the playwright so far as
the Merchant of Venice is concerned. (Within 600 words)

Á”u la- 1½ Hkkjr Hkwfe dks R;kSgkjksa dh Hkwfe dgk tkrk gSA ;gk¡ euk, tkus okys R;kSgkjksa dk o.kZu djrs
gq, viuh ilUn ds R;kSgkj dk mYys[k dhft, rFkk ;g Hkh crkb, fd og R;kSagkj vkidks
D;ks ilan gS\

Á”u la- 2½ ^LkaLdkj vkSj Hkkouk* ,dkadh ds vk/kkj ij Li"V dhft, fd ftu ckrksa dk ge izk.k nsdj Hkh
fojks/k djrs gSa ,d le; vkrk gS fd ge pqipki mUgsa Lohdkj dj ysrs gaSA** lkFk gh vrqy
vkSj mek ds pfj= ij izdk'k Mkfy,A


Make a comparative study of the Harappan and the Mesopotamian Civilizations.

"The Indian Constitution protects the rights of children, women, minorities and Weaker
Sections". Elaborate it with the help of a project.


Collect information on global environmental issues and problems and communicate

yours finding, Through (poster, Handout, Essay)
Dangers development and ecological disasters, like droughts, earthquakes, volcanoes,
flood, tornado in the world.
Cl (ix) proj 2020-21 -2-

TOPIC I. Present textually and diagrammatically on heat and temperature. Discussing the concepts of
renewable and non renewable energy with an examples of our daily life.
TOPIC 2. Write about the pressure in fluids, how does it play an important role in our daily life. Explain with
the help of an examples.


Question1 Sources of pollution of water bodies in the locality. Suggest preventive steps to control
Question2 Hard water and soft water, Identification of hardness,
Simple softening- by heating the temporary hard water, using washing soda and
advantage of using detergents over soap in hard water

Topic 1. Useful role of bacteria in – Medicine, Agriculture and industry. Harmful role of bacteria
– spoilage of food, diseases in plants and animals, Bio- Weapons.
Topic 2. Structure of a bisexual flower. Functions of Various parts. Explanation of various
technical terms

Question 1) Conduct a survey of a group of students and represent it graphically - height, weight,
number of family members, pocket money, etc.
Question 2) Planning delivery routes for a milkman.



[SEQUENCE-: Name, Contents, Acknowledgement, Introduction of Project Work- Topic is to be

mentioned, Objectives of Project Work, Detailed Matter, Conclusion, Bibliography]
TOPIC-I Visit a small scale or cottage industry and write a report on the basis of the techniques
of production being used.
Students must submit following documents: -
(i) Questionnaire, (ii) Your Photograph in the organisation while conducting the survey
should be pasted inside the file (Date and time must be mentioned on it) and one
passport size photograph in school uniform should be pasted on the cover page of the
file, (iii) A file with the detailed report.
Cl (ix) proj 2020-21 -3-



[SEQUENCE-: Name, Contents, Acknowledgement, Introduction of Project Work- All the topics
to be mentioned, Objectives of Project Work, Detailed matter, Conclusion, Bibliography]

Students need to submit a file on the following topics: -

(i) Production, (ii) Purchasing & Stores, (iii) Marketing & Sales, (iv) Finance &
Accounting, (v) Human Resources, (vi) General Administration, Legal and Compliance,
(vii) Management Information System(MIS). Meaning and objectives of each of the


Write a Detailed report on the meaning, process and role of “Communication” in a

commercial organisation; different methods of communication: letter, e-mail,
conference calling (audio & video), telephonic conversation, social media- meaning of
each. Make a Power Point Presentation on it and copy the same in the “Smart Class”
for Class-IX.


Survey for understanding the functions of any commercial organisation (survey of

sugar factory, school, commercial bank, telephone exchange, rice mill, private or public
company, local firm/industry)
Students must submit following documents: -
(i) Questionnaire, (ii) Your Photograph in the organisation while conducting the survey
should be pasted inside the file (Date and time must be mentioned on it) and one
passport size photograph in school uniform should be pasted on the cover page of the
file, (iii) A file with the detailed report. Write your findings with conclusion.

Question 1) Write a program in Java to enter the radius of a circle and find its area.
Question 2) Write a program in Java to enter the temperature in Celsius and print the correspond-
ing temperature in Fahrenheit.
Question 3) Write a program in Java to enter the length and breadth of rectangle and find its area.
Question 4) Write a program in Java to enter the time in seconds and convert it into total minutes
and seconds.
Question 5) Write a program in Java to input two variables A,B and interchange their values. Print
the values before and after the change.
Question 6) Write a program in Java to enter any number and find its cube root and square root.
Question 7) Write a program in Java to input any two number and find the larger and smaller of two
Question 8) Write a program in Java to input any number and check whether the number is divisible
by 8 or not.
Question 9) Write a program in Java to input any number and check whether the number is odd or
Question 10) Write a program in Java to input any age and determine whether the age is valid or
invalid. If age is greater than or equal to 18 then it is valid otherwise invalid.
Question 11) Write a program in Java to input any number and determine whether the number is
Buzz number or not. A Buzz number is the number which is divisible by 7 and the last
digit of the number is 7.
Cl (ix) proj 2020-21 -4-

Question 12) In a library, books were given to members for two weeks. Upon late return they
charged at a rate as per the following chart
Days Late (D) Late Fine per day (in )
D<=3 4
D>3 &&D<=7 8
D>8&&D<=15 12
D>15 20
Input the number of days late. Calculate and print the amount of late fine to be paid.
Question 13) A book store was giving a special discount percent to its customers upon the purchase
of a certain number of books, the following table show the details.
Number of books purchased Discount (d) on total amount
N> = 100 50%
N<100&&N>=50 25%
N<50&&N>=10 10%
Otherwise 4%
Input the total amount (TA) and the number of books purchased (N), calculate and print
the discount applicable and the amount payable.
Question 14) Write a menu driven program to enter any number and print the name of the month.
Question 15) Write a menu driven program to enter any two number and find the addition,
subtraction, division and multiplication based on user’s choice.
Question 16) Write a menu driven program to enter any character and determine whether it is a
vowel or consonant.
Question 17) Write a program in Java to enter the number of terms and print the following series
(i) 2 5 10 17 26 37.........upto n
(ii) 2 6 12 20 30 42 56 ......... upto n
Question 18) Write a program in Java to enter the number of terms and find the sum of the following
(i) ½ + 2/3 + ¾ + 4/5 + ............. + 19/20
(ii) 1+2+4+8+16+32+............ upto n terms.
Question 19)
(i) Write a program in Java in to enter any number and determine whether the number is
perfect number or not. Perfect number is the number whose sum of its factors exclud-
ing itself is equal to the number. Example 6=1+2+3.
(ii) Write a program in Java to enter any number and determine whether the number is
spy no or not.
A number is spy number if the sum and product of its digits are same.
Ex- 1124 = 1+1+2+4=8 1*1*2*4=8

Question 20) Write a menu driven program to print the following pattern
(a) 1 (b) 1 (c) *
1 2 2 2 * *
1 2 3 3 3 3 * * *
1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 * * * *
1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 * * * * *

(d) * * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
Cl (ix) proj 2020-21 -5-

[Sequence – Name, Contents, Acknowledgement, Introduction of Project Work – All the topics to
be mentioned, Objectives of Project Work, detailed matter, Conclusion, Bibliography]

Topic 1 Demonstration of various cuts of vegetables and fruits such as slice, chop, dice, mince,
juliennes to make easy salads.

Topic 2 Identification and collection of samples of ten herbs / spices / condiments available in
the kitchen for treating common ailments. Preparation of a report on the same.

Topic 3 Collecting samples of fabrics and comparing them on the basis of cost, durability,
Appearance and suitability.

Topic 4 Identification of fibers – cotton, wool, silk and synthetics by the burning test.

Topic 5 Preparation of nutritious snacks using different methods of cooking.

Prepare a Project File on any two games under following heads:
1. Brief History
2. Rules of the games (With Diagrams and Measurements)
3. Safety Gears (With Diagrams and Measurements)
4. Fundamental skills and technique (With diagram)
5. Associated Terminology (Any 15)
6. National and International Governing bodies related with the games.
7. National Player (Any Five)
8. International Player (Any Five)
9. National and International Tournaments regarding games.
10. Bibliography.

1. File work: Write on the following topics:
(a) Health and Hygiene
(b) First Aid
(c) Toys and Doll Making
(d) Meal Planning and Food Preservation

2. Community Service:
Awareness drive on: “Growing medical plants”.
Students are required to bring different plants like Neem, Tulsi etc. and plant them in
the given area
3. Project
(a) Students are required to prepare a soft toy or a doll.
(b) Students are required to prepare first-aid box containing Dettol, bandages,
Paracetamol, Vicks, Balm, Moov, Scissors etc. (Expiry dates of the medicines
to be taken care)

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